• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 2nd, 2015


Warhammer nerdNot really sure what i'm doing with my life so i'll do what makes me happy. Writting a fanfic started as a way to improve grammar, speed and eloquence, kinda enjoying it now.


looking at the end · 11:26pm Mar 6th, 2015

Honestly i've been out of this for going on a year and aren't looking to get back into it. Leaving this as on hiatus but really don't expect that i'll get this done. looking at another 30,000 words to finish, that's almost half a novel and i've moved on tbh. If anyone wants to pick it up let me know and i'll forward my plans and what i had written. Sorry guys, there's too much going on for me to put days of my life into this work

Report Lancer · 332 views ·

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Comments ( 3 )
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thanks man, nice to see it up there after so long.

congrats on the feature.

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