• Member Since 29th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 11th, 2016



And so, many eons have passed... · 6:17pm Jul 6th, 2014

Greetings everyone.
I do not blame you if you have forgotten about me and my story.
I do not blame you if you dislike me for abandoning my story.
I do not blame you if you dislike my story altogether.

I have been gone from this site for over a year.
Please, allow me to explain my absence.
College. Above all else, I have put college ahead of my personal writing time. That being said, I had little time to put aside for the story.

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Report -------- · 556 views · Story: Without Question ·
Comments ( 9 )
  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9

1254489 Oh yea that one I thought it was coming from some obscure writer I havent heard that one in awhile

...lyrics from MGK's song "Breaking News."

"This kid...I think he...is a star...and he's one of the best live performers I've ever seen...he is also, more importantly, a movement."

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