• Member Since 16th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I miiiiiight be just a teensy bit too obsessed with Twilight >:3

  • EEmpty Nest Syndrome
    Princess Celestia watches over a sleeping Twilight, thinking about her decision to allow one so precious to remain in a village so very far away from home; wondering if it were truly the right choice, and hoping it wasn’t.
    Meowofy · 4.3k words  ·  182  1 · 3.9k views
  • EOut Sick
    Princess Celestia spends time taking care of a familiar sick little filly, and along the way, learns a lesson mothers - blood or not - all one day learn.
    Meowofy · 4k words  ·  272  0 · 5.8k views
  • EHearts Warming
    Sunset Shimmer is ridden with doubts on Christmas Day, intending to spend the night alone... Intending, being a keyword.
    Meowofy · 8.7k words  ·  89  2 · 1.9k views
  • ENot just another Hearth's Warming
    Filly Twilight wants to stay with Princess Celestia at Heartswarming Eve instead of spending the holiday with her family, when she asks her why, the filly's answer leaves Celestia's mind reeling.
    Meowofy · 2.2k words  ·  430  2 · 6.6k views