• Member Since 16th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I miiiiiight be just a teensy bit too obsessed with Twilight >:3


IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I SWEAR (um +spoilers?) · 9:50am Sep 21st, 2021

For everyone who got an email or something about the new MEF chapter, BLAME MY FAT THUMBS!

It is almost done though, probably will be published on Friday/Saturday at the latest? Thanks for your patience! :3

You can have a few spoilers for the trouble though: C4,P2 features Fluttershy-Iris and (Past)Cadence-Twilight.


She found herself frozen.

Because when she stared into the creature’s unnatural glowing eyes, strange as they were...

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For Whom the Twilight Falls · 10:20pm Sep 12th, 2021

It’s out!

Go check it out! Sinner and I had a lot of fun writing it~!

EFor Whom the Twilight Falls
Luna is the personal student of Princess Sunset, alongside her sister, Celestia. When there are reports of sources of knowledge being forcibly taken or stolen, Luna fears an old mare's tale may be true...
iAmSiNnEr · 49k words  ·  315  15 · 4.3k views

(Tagged TYP cause I can’t tag the actual story)

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~Collaboration~ · 2:56am Sep 4th, 2021

Hello, I hope everyone’s having a nice day/night wherever you are!

My friend iAmSiNnEr and I have been, as you can probably tell from the title, planning a collaboration together. To put it simply, it’s a Roleswap with Celestia, Luna, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek and Discord as the main protagonists of the AU, Sunset as the canon Celestia, and her estranged lover, Twilight, in Luna’s place.

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Report Meowofy · 487 views · #Collab

Support. · 5:28am Aug 18th, 2021

Hey guys.

A lot of us are going through really tough times because of the pandemic - some people have lost homes and money, others have lost lives, and every single one of us have been impacted.

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Side-story ideas · 1:21am Jul 1st, 2021


Based on the positive responses for the thought of side stories in the Mistress AU, I’ve gotten started putting some of my own ideas to paper (to a google docs page, actually) with the help of a friend of mine, Madison. However, these ideas of mine are spaced out in terms of the timeline, and there are too few of them. I need chapters in between.

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Sidestories? · 5:59am Jun 27th, 2021

So. I was thinking the other day.

I have a bunch of mini scene ideas for the Mistress of the Everfree universe, but most of them can’t fit into the main story. I can fit in flashbacks and all that, but, well, some of these ‘ideas’ are just pointless fluff. That, or something to help world build but, again, it would just be awkward in the main story.

I propose a new ‘sidestory’ - an anthology of one-shots showcasing scenes left out from Mistress of the Everfree.

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MEF Rewrite Beginning! · 9:00pm Mar 27th, 2021

It’s here!

Despite the majority wanting me to finish all the chapters first before posting, it was taking a lot of time and I wasn’t really using all of my time as effectively as I could have been. Some readers were getting impatient (I understand, of course) and so I followed my editor’s advice and decided to just go for it.

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Needing Help · 1:59am Jan 25th, 2021

This should be simple to explain: I. Am. Writing. Zecora. :twilightangry2:


This is the single most infuriating character to write - EVER! Look, Zecora, I love you and all, but damn your stupid rhyming speech thingy and that calm-little-smile-which-always-looks-smug-whenever-I-see-it-now!

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MEF - Plan, going ahead · 10:59am Jan 12th, 2021

Okay! I’ve finished Chapter 8, finally, and I’ve also rewritten Chapter 1 to fit with the idea and the universe I’ve written out in Ch.8. But because I’ve read over this in comparison to my published chapters before, it definitely won’t make sense if I just release Ch.8 right now.

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Progress Report - MEF · 1:38am Jan 5th, 2021

I’ve - understandably - gotten a lot of inquiries regarding my stories and updates, and I can safely say I’ll update MEF next.

Chapter 8 is at present titled ‘Musings of a Mistress’.

I’ve spent a lot of time charting and planning out how I want the story to go, with more than a few wasted weeks trashing drafts, and now, at last, I have an idea of how Alicorns, Nightmare Moon and the Elements are gonna work in my universe!

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Report Meowofy · 513 views · #FINALLY