• Member Since 14th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 28th, 2018


two telepaths having a conversation. halcyon 25 they/their

Some Music


okay I gotta talk about capsule silence xxiv (album? review) · 7:57am Apr 13th, 2016

let me preface this with saying that what capsule silence xxiv actually is. technically, it's a game made by (or for, idk) anamanaguchi. anamaguchi "leaked" an unfinished prototype of the game. apparently though this was a PR stunt to release...an album? Maybe? (think boc and tomorrow's harvest promotional thing or aphex twin with syro). word on the street is that the music released as capsule silence xxiv is a bunch of b-sides for their yet-to-be released album "USA" but as far as I know that

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yep, just watched it...definately the best


You bet it has. And (not exactly a spoiler) the Yuasa episode is the best one yet.


Oh shoot...has seasonn2 already started! Holy hell yeah Yuasa episode! Nice!


I liked what I heard of the previews, so it should be good indeed. Also, on the subject of news, the next Space Dandy episode was written directed by Masaaki Yuasa, the creator of Kaiba. I'm pretty hyped for that too.


Yeah! I saw he posted some previews on soundcloud but I haven't listened to them all yet. Haha actually I was thinking about telling you but I haven't been on here in awhile. But I'm pretty hyped about it!!!!!!!

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