• Member Since 5th Nov, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday


When writing, grammar is flexible. As long as you understand the rules, you can break whatever rules you feel you need to in order to communicate the story.

Blog Posts

  • 210 weeks
    The Back-Burner

    Hi everyone,

    I've decided to put The Silence of the Time Traveler on the back burner for now. A combination of stress from the whole Pandemic situation, plus demotivation from the last chapter that I had to force out, topped off by low user engagement/feedback, has destroyed what motivation I had to write it. But most of all, the story doesn't resonate with me to the same degree it used to.

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    0 comments · 137 views
  • 223 weeks
    I'm fine...

    I'm fine.

    I'm totally fine.

    I'm not at all weighed down by the fact that I haven't updated a chapter in a few weeks. Nor am I going insane from being stuck inside all the time.

    I'm totally not stuck on this new chapter. Not an I having to write this story without a laptop because it broke right after quarantine started.

    I'm totally fine.


    0 comments · 155 views
  • 226 weeks
    Writer's block...

    Hi everyone,

    So... I'm stuck

    I've never had a clear plan for how to do the next chapter. Just about every chapter after I have planned out for the most part, but I don't even know where to start with this one.

    The problem is that I need to create a lot of insignificance. I'm not good at just writing filler, but that's exactly what this chapter needs. While nothing of major significance happens, it is very important in avoiding a jarring cut.

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    0 comments · 162 views
  • 231 weeks
    I finally posted my story.

    It took me a really long time.

    I had expected it to come out mid-late summer 2019. But then everything went to crap.

    Thankfully, I got a co-writer to help. Seras Novilious, while he doesn't log in much, helped a ton with almost everything. We mostly interact with each other offline; working through google docs.

    So give it a read if you are interested, and leave a comment I guess.

    0 comments · 174 views
  • 251 weeks
    I've always failed

    I lost my job recently.

    I used to have a handle on depression. I used to be able to get by day to day without feeling like I was worthless.

    I can't even remember why I was let go. My termination letter is on my bedstand, but I have no motivation to reach over it.

    Without that income, I've been unable to pay rent. Thankfully, my landlord was very understanding and allowed me to terminate my lease early at no charge. I've had to move back in with my family.

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    1 comments · 230 views

The Back-Burner · 4:52am Jul 15th, 2020

Hi everyone,

I've decided to put The Silence of the Time Traveler on the back burner for now. A combination of stress from the whole Pandemic situation, plus demotivation from the last chapter that I had to force out, topped off by low user engagement/feedback, has destroyed what motivation I had to write it. But most of all, the story doesn't resonate with me to the same degree it used to.

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Report Nolamancy · 137 views · Story: Temporally Anomalous: RedLine ·
Comments ( 6 )
  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6

Thanks for adding Cards Against the Princesses to your library!

I can feel the problem with writing a chapter sometimes :eeyup:

Also thanks for the interest in my stories:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the follow, welcome to the Legion.

Thanks for the favourite on Cards Against Starlight!


Thank you for the watch. Have a follow in return! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6
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