• Member Since 25th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen January 25th

Eternal Sunset

I'm a brony who likes to draw and write, My favorite Equestria girls character is Sunset Shimmer, I enjoy reading Fimfictions that deal with her seeeking redemption and anon a miss stories


With Suncrisp’s training going well, Celestia decides to go to the human and lay a visit to Applejack.

Chapters (1)

After Anon-A-Miss makes her first post Sunset is upset that Applejack's nickname was posted for the whole school to laugh at but she notices that Applebloom is upset and decides to see what's wrong. After learning that Applebloom was upset because Applejack was missing their holiday traditions because she was hanging out with Sunset instead, feeling bad about taking Applejack's time, Sunset wants to make it up to the youngest Apple. Then, during the sleepover at Rarity's, Sunset notices a very upset Sweetie Belle in her room. Deciding to check on her, Sunset learns what is bothering her and decides to help her like she did Applebloom. Sunset felt good about helping Applebloom and Sweetie Belle but in doing so she started to question whether the Sleepovers were a good idea.

Chapters (15)

After fleeing to Equestria, Suncrisp Apple meets with her Grandmother Celestia in the hopes of finding out more about her mother Sunset Shimmer and learn about her Equestrian heritage.

Chapters (1)

The CMC is happy to be enjoying their time with their sisters without Sunset getting in their way, but despite that, they couldn't help but feel guilty about what they had done. When they see Sunset running out of the school they quietly follow and witness Sunset confronting what looks like Principal Celestia, it's not long before things start to turn sour as Celestia blames Sunset for Anon-A-Mis. Princess Twilight soon appears and also accuses Sunset of being Anon-A-Miss, and right before the CMC and a horrified Sunset, Celestia turns Sunset into stone. After leaving Sunset in a special spot, the two Princess return home but not before Twilight gives Sunset's journal to Applebloom to give to Applejack. The CMC now must live with the horrifying fact that they not only ruined Sunset's life but doomed her to an eternal prison in stone.

Chapters (3)

The Mane five have been having these awful dreams where they abandon this strange creature and leave her crying, their cutie marks start glowing and they visit Twilight to ask what is going on, they find her in the library preparing to leave on a trip. She explains to them what is going on and they noticed similarities between Anon-A-Miss and what happened at Cadance's wedding, as Twilight prepares to leave, a very sick Spike stumbles in, and Twilight immediately goes to him and diagnosed him with a unicorn illness. With her being the only one to treat it it is up to her friends to help Sunset and save the Rainbooms friendship.

Chapters (8)

Sunset has once again become a pariah, the students of CHS have turned against her, and even her own friends have abandoned her. At her lowest point and without her friends, Sunset is left vulnerable as the students voice their frustration at her being Anon-A-Miss. But she still had one friend who believed in her and that was Twilight Sparkle, with her words of encouragement, Sunset is reminded of who she is. With her confidence back, Sunset begins to take back control of the school and hunt down Anon-A-Miss.

Chapters (22)

After the slumber party at Rarity's, the humane 5 are shocked to discover that the pictures that were taken during the slumber party have been posted on Anon-A-Miss's page for the whole school to see. pictures that were taken using Sunset's phone.

Naturally the girls assumed that Sunset was Anon-A-Miss and when she didn't show up at School it further proved her guilt. But when they visited her apartment using the spare key Sunset gave Rainbow Dash in case of an emergency, they discover a very ill Sunset resting on her bed.

Pushing their anger aside to aid their sick friend the girls soon discover that Sunset is not Anon-A-Miss as whoever it is made a post while they were watching Sunset.

Now as they figure out who Anon-A-Miss could be, Sunset's fever continues to get worse and when her body starts flashing red, they realize that whatever Sunset has is beyond their world's ability to treat.

Chapters (22)