Our job is not to give readers what they want; our job is to show them things they never imagined. --Walt Williams
Hey there i am artist, writer and do stuff and i am a giant pony aka sizeshifter and i like to rampage and stuff and collecting and you name it.
I am an argentinian Brony, and i want to make the brony fandom as bigger as i can!
A bit silly, pretty logical. More than a little crazy.
Just a reader who likes reading. Nothing profound here but a profound hope you have a lovely day!
Tally ho! The monster approaches! Onwards to victory! Slay that beast of a story!
I am a Furry that plays TF2, Hexxit, and Tekkit Classic while reading fimfiction on iphone
"U don't need a thousand metaphors to figure out you shouldn't be a d*ck" - bo
I'm glad to be here and I hope we all can be great friends
The one who does Odd Squad and MLP crossovers. And also just pone stories, too.
An opinion is like a penis, you can have one, you can be happy you have one, but people will generally be unhappy with you if you pull it out in public and cram it down people's throats