• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2015
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Harms Way

Admirer of Sunset Shimmer and Adagio Dazzle

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After their loss at the Battle of the Bands, and a month's worth of detention as a result, the Dazzlings decide to look for a fresh start somewhere else rather than deal with the scorn of their classmates at CHS. But the opportunity that they crave soon makes itself known, but at a cost that none of them will be aware of until it's too late to turn back.

A special thank you goes out to Ta-Na for allowing me to use this picture for the cover art.

Chapters (3)

After a rather weird, yet awkward moment in the cafeteria of Canterlot High, you find yourself having a series of strange encounters with the same group of three girls who've taken a somewhat obsessive interest in you.

Chapters marked "Original" will remain up, but are no longer considered canon to the series.

This story was inspired by "Going Somewhere...?", a very well-written and just plain awesome story written by trevordark. If you haven't read it yet, take a look.

Chapters (6)