• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2015
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Harms Way

Admirer of Sunset Shimmer and Adagio Dazzle


Five... Years... Later... · 5:07am Aug 19th, 2022

Hey everyone,

So I figured I'd let you guys know that the newest chapter for EQG:LFD is now published. After almost five years since the last time. I'm so sorry for making you all wait that long. I know what's written here and the chapter itself probably won't make up for it. I spent so long just staring at the screen while writing it when I realized how long it's been since the last update.

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Report Harms Way · 780 views ·

Y'all are Amazing · 8:01am Feb 13th, 2022

What's up y'all?

I just want to say thank you to everyone who gave A Glorious Day a like and a fave. I know I sound like a broken record each time I do this. But I don't care. You guys are awesome. I'm lucky to have each and every one of you here. And I am glad that you all enjoy these ideas of mine that eventually make their way from my mind to the keyboard.

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Report Harms Way · 512 views ·

Voting's Done · 3:15pm Aug 10th, 2021

What's up y'all,

So I've decided to end the voting since it seems we have a clear and decisive winner.

Getting the next "Erotica Girls" story will be none other than...

The Great and Powerful Trixie!

I've already got an idea for her story. So I'll hopefully get started working on that down the road. Thank you to those who participated in the vote.

Full steam ahead!
- Harms Way

Report Harms Way · 370 views ·

Thank you! · 3:12pm Aug 7th, 2021

What's up y'all.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who gave my latest story a fave. It truly means a lot to me after such a long period of time of nothing happening. I've already been having ideas about who will get the next 'Erotica Girls' story. But I couldn't decide between the final two. So now I'm going to leave it to y'all to vote.

It'll be between the following two:

Trixie Lulamoon


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Report Harms Way · 1,023 views ·

Explanation · 4:10am Jul 26th, 2021

Howdy y'all,

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Update (March 2020) · 10:06pm Mar 7th, 2020

What's up everyone?

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Report Harms Way · 1,198 views ·

Update Time · 3:12am Nov 9th, 2018

Hello everyone,

I seriously owe you guys an apology for being inactive since the last story I posted. I've gotten so many messages from you all about story updates and stuff. But I've just had next to zero will for writing. Walmart and family crap have drained me to where I'm exhausted each time I get home. And on my days off, I just lay around and play games to relieve stress from the previous day.

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Report Harms Way · 990 views ·

I'm Back! · 5:03pm Mar 12th, 2018

What's up everyone?

It's been a while since the last time I posted a story. And I'm extremely thankful to you all for sticking around. For a long time, I lost the creative drive to write stories due to things that are going on in my life. Things that I won't go into. But the fact that you guys are still here after all this time makes a smile come to me each time I think about it.

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Report Harms Way · 906 views ·

25th Birthday! · 6:57pm Dec 16th, 2017

What's up everypony?

Today's my 25th birthday. And once again, I have to work on it. But looking back, it's better to be earning money than getting no money at all. Wouldn't really do much celebrating aside from playing games and eating my favorite pizza. Something I do constantly.

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Report Harms Way · 690 views ·

Surprise Update! · 5:02pm Nov 12th, 2017

What's up everyone?

Just thought I'd let you guys know that the latest chapter of Equestria Girls: Left For Dead has been released. Hope you guys enjoy it. However, a few things that I said that would happen in this one has either been scrapped or will be pushed into the next chapter.

Full steam ahead, my fellow bronies and pegasisters.
- Harms Way

Report Harms Way · 469 views ·