• Member Since 18th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen June 23rd

Anonymous Potato

When I was twelve, my Dad and I had 'the Talk.' "Dad," I began, "When a boy and a dictionary love each other very much..."


Miner Derpy Hooves is sent deep into the crust of the planet Hockses to kill bugs, defeat interloping rival corporations, poach alien technology, drill for precious resources, and mine like her life depends on it (which it does).

All in a day's work on Deep Pony Galactic's payroll.

Crossover with Deep Rock Galactic. Prior knowledge of the game not required.

Entry to the 2024 Science Fiction Contest. Because why not.

Chapters (1)

In a town where speaking is illegal, ponies go about their day in fear of having anything they say come true.


"Be careful what you wish; it may come true. Be careful what you say; your words may be taken from you." - Autumn Blaze, Kirin provocateur, moments before her Silencing.

Chapters (1)

Trotalgar. That insignificant, weed-infested hilltop where one of History’s most important battles was won, once had an ill-famed square named after it in the old City of Everfree. That’s where Princess Celestia fought an opponent even she couldn’t win.

A potted plant.


“History may be written by the victor, but urban legends can never be vanquished.” - Shih Tzu, Diamond Dog General of the Fido Dynasty.

N.B. Any actual fighting involved is going to be of the internal kind.

Chapters (1)

Old Equish tales of the founders of each pony race.

Written by Polka Dots several hundred years before the Unification. Translated by Ph.D Cyrillic Letter, with help from assistant undergraduate Parsley Tongue.

Chapters (1)

The first meeting of a remorseful former villain with a remorseful filly.

Takes place during the season 5 finale, at the very end.

Chapters (1)

“Dear friends and family, we have gathered here today to mourn the passing of Night Light: a beloved husband and a numbskull second only to booger-breath BBBFF.”[1]

[1] According to academics of Canterlot. Survey conducted by H.R.H. Ph.D. Twilight Sparkle.


A collection of vignettes about the life and times of the dadliest of pones.

Chapters (1)

If I’d known into what abomination Starlight would turn my old spell, I would have buried my research a millennium ago. Now I shudder to think, where on Equestria does that portal of hers lead?

And what are those things that walk on two legs?


Takes place soon after season 7 ending. Loosely inspired by the works of H.P.Lovecraft.

Chapters (1)

After her failed invasion of Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis tried several times to take the city by force. This was one of the more notorious attempts.

It’s the one Celestia herself thwarted without even trying.

Chapters (1)

When ponies think back on the day of Discord's return, they tend to think about the Elements of Harmony and the heroism of the six mares. Few stop to consider what happened to ordinary townsponies, living out their everyday lives.

They had far more pressing concerns.

Chapters (1)