I give up · 9:37pm Apr 14th, 2014
Alright, so im having extreme writers inspiration destruction. I cant write atm, and doing my art is difficult enough as it is. So, ive decided to "shutdown" my account. Not completely, but i will not be providing updates here anymore. Eventually, this account will be gone, but that will be after a long time. So, for now, enjoy the stories ive favorited, and until we meet again, goodbye.
I love you all. ^^
OMG you have no idea how much i love the concept of the story! its like....idunno its just so awesome!
Thank you for the favorite on My Little Villains. They are all very happy now!
no prob!
I enjoy a LOT of your stories.
Thanks for the watch, mate!
Does anypony even visit this place anymore?