• Member Since 10th Jun, 2014
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It's called garbage can, not garbage can't.


Hap Reviews: Contest Entries 3 · 12:08pm Nov 14th, 2019

Howdy hoo. Today I'm going to wrap up the entries for the 'Peace' category with Fit for a King, and then move onto a story which struck me as a promising competitor story, The Seneschal. Both I thought were pretty good, and both for different reasons!

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Hap Reviews: Contest Entries 2 · 1:10pm Nov 13th, 2019

Hello again. Trying to get back into the swing of regular reading and stuff, since I'm out of practice. Last time I had finished two short stories, both okay and worth a look if they were of the sort that tickles your fancy. Today we have two more, also hopefully good. First up is the highest rated story in the Peace category of the contest, so that's pretty exciting, and then a story about Luna, and everybody likes Luna.

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Hap Reviews: Contest Entries 1 · 7:03pm Nov 12th, 2019

Hello again. As I frequently try to do for stuff contest related (especially stuff I participate in), I like to read stories by other entrants, and since I read them, I may as well review them to shine a bit of a spotlight on the contest and hopefully convince some folks to give them a try if they sound like their cup of tea.

I like contests, and competitions in general, even when I don't win, so this is usually pretty good fun.

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Pony Peace is Dragon War is Out · 12:55am Nov 10th, 2019

Howdy howdy.

I recently finished an entry to FoME's Imposing Sovereign's II contest. It was pretty fun to write, since I got to play with two characters I've never actually written before; Ember and Thorax, both of whom are adorable in my opinion, and very fascinating as both of them are monstrous rulers trying to play nice with the pastel ponies of Equestria, each in their own suitably awkward way.

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Writing Stream? · 4:27pm Sep 20th, 2019

Howdy folks.

Recently I've been tempted to try streaming a writing session for some original story stuff, mainly first-drafting, particularly after a recent-ish thread on TWG where the general consensus was that it was an iffy idea (if there's one thing that makes me excited about trying something it's when a lot of people think it's a bad idea).

Thing is I'm pretty much a complete beginner to streaming, and was wondering if folks had any general pointers or suggestions.

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The 'Write an Episode' Challenge Story Written · 10:51pm Jun 20th, 2019

Hey guys.

I wrote a new story recently. It was for the informal challenge I posted about not too long ago. I managed to write one up in about three weeks that meets the criteria, and it was actually quite informative.

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Informal Challenge to those interested! · 9:20pm May 26th, 2019

Hey guys.

Recently I've been thinking a lot about a topic that, personally, interests me an awful lot, so I decided to make a sort of game about it. To organise the whole thing I made a group for it, but frankly it's more about people trying it out than being a part of a group or contest.

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New non-MLP project coming up this new years · 3:33pm Dec 19th, 2018

Hey gents. I've been kept pretty busy over the past year by lots and lots of science-y stuff, which has been epic, but pretty time and mind-consuming. At least I get a swish title at the end of it though! And money. Money is nice. I've discovered I quite like being able to spend more cash on booze and coffee.

I'm back in Scotland, and looks like I'll be there for the foreseeable future as well.

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Hap Reviews: Aliens Abduct an Orange Yokel, by Crimmar · 5:28pm May 5th, 2018

Hello gents. Since I have a few days before my next test, I've decided to spend most of this week-end relaxing and reading a fanfic or two, something I've not done in a while (my uni has been slaughtering me). Since I'd quite like to spotlight some of the ones I found fun, I've decided to do quick reviews/shout-outs in case any of you guys who haven't read them might be interested in checking them out. Since I've not finished the one I'm currently reading, I wanted to chat about a story I read

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Reading of Snake Party · 10:10pm Jan 11th, 2018

Evening, gents.

So, I wrote a story for a contest not too long ago. Not Titanium Jack. It was called Snake Party, and it sort of won, so I got a reading of the story by Robipony.

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