I have loved learning about My Little Pony since the begining when it was first called My Pretty Pony in 1981. And then watching it. I have not written any fan stories but I enjoy reading very much.
"...as for the Why: beyond the obvious financial motivation, it's exceedingly simple... because I can."
I'll think of a good thing to put in this short bio some other day.
I am everything and nothing, insane and sane, logical and nonsensical. I am The Dankest Meme, loved and feared by all.
I felt it was time for a new bio, but don't know what to write. Maybe something philosophical? Umm...? Hmm.... Whoops! Look at that!! I seem to have run out of characters!! Remember to Stay Beautiful!
The window through which we perceive life is what defines our experience of it. We are only aware of a small fraction of what our senses pick up. We can all choose how we see the world.
i love My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. My Favorite Character is Fluttershy and i like her bunny rabbit Angel and i am a boy in real life, just to let everyone know
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