• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 21,715 Views, 1,447 Comments

A New Home - APoeticHeart

A young human child abused by his father wishes to live in a new home, and wishes for someone to love him.

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Chapter One: Finding Toby (Re-Written)

The song of the mellow larks could be heard traveling along the calm, cool morning breeze as the sun started to ascend into the sky. Although the sound was pleasant for most of the ponies of Ponyville, it was however nerve wrecking for Fluttershy’s pet bunny, Angel. The rabbit trudged out of his hut, his paws thumping against the ground and he had his ears covered.

He grunted as he looked up to see the birds happily chirping away, perched on the branches of a tree in front of Fluttershy’s home. He soon grabbed a small stone and threw it with all his might, but it barely reached up to the branch. The birds chirped with laughter at the rabbits pitiful attempt and Angel just grunted with frustration.

Angel waved a little fist in the air at the birds, chittering angrily before storming off toward the cottage for something to eat. He tried to shake away his frustration as he felt his tummy grumble, so he started to hop. Once he approached the house, he froze in his tracks as he saw the basket on the porch step. He could hear faint groaning emanating from it and cautiously took a step toward it.

As he peeked into see what was the source of the noise, he noticed a warm, wool blanket wrapped around a small object. He reached a paw into to touch the blanket, but he jumped back a bit as it moved at his touch, and the rabbit made a small squeak. His brows furrowed with curiosity as he took another step toward the basket and this time he leaned his head into it to sniff at the object.

A yawn escaped from the lips of the child, causing Angel to twitch his nose and ears. He peered in a little more into the basket until he could see the boy’s face and gasped at seeing that he had no fur at all, except for the hair on top of his head. The bunny quietly stepped around the basket to enter the house, but knew that he had to wake his caretaker and let her know that there was a strange creature outside.

Inside Fluttershy was tending to all of her animal friends by giving them their morning meals and daily vitamins “Now, now Mr. Cheeky, you know you’ve got to take your medicine so you don’t have anymore tummy aches.” She was trying to encourage one of her few chipmunks to take a small pink and white pill “Remember last time you ate too many acorns that you ended up being sick for two whole days.” She gave a pleading smile to the little critter.

The chipmunk groaned a little, but obliged and took the pill along with his drink of water. Fluttershy beamed with joy and gently patted him on the head “Thats a good boy Mr. Cheeky. Now you finish your breakfast, and then you can go outside to enjoy the day.” She smiled warmly as she turned to see all the other animals enjoying their breakfast.

Angel slipped through the bottom half of the front door when he saw his caretaker feeding the other animals. He grunted, crossed his arms, and tapped his paw against the floor in frustration that she already started giving out food. Fluttershy turned around with a warm smile when she spotted the bunny “Oh hi Angel sweetheart!” She smiled and trotted over to her pet bunny.

She reached a hoof to pat at his head, but he smacked it away, causing her to gasp “Now Angel, what was that for?” She looked down at the rabbit and gasped “Oh, you think I forgot about your breakfast, don’t you?” Angel nodded his head and Fluttershy giggled “Now you should know better than that baby, I could never forget about my precious Angel Bunny!” She scooped him up from under his arms and nuzzled her cheek against his.

Suddenly he remembered the creature in the basket outside and wiggled free from Fluttershy’s embrace. He landed on the floor and started chittering frantically “Angel sweetie, what’s the matter?” She looked a bit confused at his behavior until he pointed towards the door with a finger “Oh, is there something out there?” Frustrated, Angle smacked his forehead with a paw and nodded.

Fluttershy gazed at the door and back at Angel “Well you go into the kitchen to get your salad Angel. I made your special salad this morning, but don’t get used to it, because I’ll only make it once in a while.” She gave him a kiss between his ears as he beamed and hopped into the kitchen. Fluttershy gave a small giggle as she trotted toward the door and opened it “Now I wonder what is…. Oh my!” She squeaked as she saw the basket on the porch step and could see a glimpse of the boy wrapped up in the blanket.

She trotted closer to it and looked down to see the child’s hairless face Oh, poor dear, it looks like a small colt, but he has no fur.
She bit her lower lip and looked around in search of a note or anything Well there isn’t a note, but who could have left such a small one here on my doorstep. She reached down with a hoof to gently touch at the boy and immediately pulled back when he moved a little Oh my, I better get him inside. Quietly and carefully, she grasped the handle of the basket, and picked up to carry it inside.

She trotted through the living room with the animals looking curiously at the basket while they ate. She trotted up stairs to her room and placed the basket down beside her bed. She looked down at the sleeping child with a warm smile I don’t know what you are little one, but I promise I will take good care of you until I can find out where you came from and find a way to get you back home. She leaned her head down to give the boy a small kiss on the forehead before turning around to trot back downstairs.

I wonder what kind of creature he is, but most importantly I wonder who would leave such a young one alone like that.

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