• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 11,745 Views, 990 Comments

Friendship is SHOWTIME!! - MangaKamen

A Kamen Rider Crossover Magic – a mysterious force in this world, and each creature possess magic within itself. A gift to many, but to a few, it is nothing but a curse. And when Twilight sees a new form of magic, she'll learn that life is

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Spell 31 - Running A Head

Spell 31

Running A Head


“Are you sure you wanna go through with this?”

Somepony had to clean up the equipment that was used in the Iron Equestrian Games, as such, the four competitors were hard at work making sure that the materials were put away properly. With Dash and Kosuke at one side of the competition grounds, while Haru and AJ were pushing the barrels into the barn.

AJ stopped with her barrel and gave the red dragon a look, pushing her hat up to give the full effect, “Mistah Souma, Ah’m getting tired of hearing that question. Yes, somepony has to teach that cheater a lesson! And Ah’m just the mare to do it!”

Haru sighed under his breath, if there was one thing that Haru was sure about AJ – It was her stubbornness. Pushing the barrel to the side, the red dragon stretched his arms up over his head. “Yeah, but are you sure it’s wise to do it? I mean…”

“Mistah Souma, it’s just a race,” Applejack countered with a smile. “What’s the worst that could happen? Sides, Mistah Nitoh said that he’d be able to watch the entire race with that Griffon Familiar of his… Somehow. He wasn’t clear on that… But it’s just some friendly competition. Nothing to worry about.”

“Whenever somepony says that, the worst usually happens,” Haru muttered out loud as he rubbed the back of his scaly head.

The southern mare sighed and shook her head, “Ah git it, competition brings out the worst outta everypony – But it can also bring out the best in anypony too. Sides, it’s not gonna be too bad, Ah can handle a simple race on mah own.”

Once more, Haru sighed.

On the other side of the farm, Kouske was taking down the large scoreboard, with Dash holding a rope up in the air so the scoreboard wouldn’t fall down and crush the griffon. “Can you believe that she’d accuse me of cheating?! Me!”

“Dash, you’ve been repeating the same argument for the last half hour,” Kosuke yawned, trying to keep himself awake so he wouldn’t get crushed. “I know you got a bit of a bruised ego, but I’d rather have your ego bruised than get a bruise on my head.”

“Whatever,” Dash replied before the scoreboard was successfully lowered to the ground. That’s when a thought struck Dash’s head. “Hey, you didn’t use your wings at all, why didn’t you?”

Kosuke froze slightly and slowly craned his head towards the blue pegasus who slowly floated down in front of him. The griffon brought his talon to his beak and coughed a few times, “Well… Dashie, you see I didn’t want to come off as cheap or a cheater…”

“Yeah, not buying it,” Dash replied as she tapped her hoof against Kosuke’s chest a few times. “This coming from the griffon who used to take head starts at each race, who took every shortcut he could find, and who literally had a book of every little dirty trick under his pillow.

“Besides, you’re a bad liar – just as bad as Applejack. You might as well cough it up!”

Now the griffon was sweating bullets, the glare of those rose colored eyes was enough to make anypony or griffon falter, and from what Dash had told him, Fluttershy’s glare was enough to make dragons and even Phantoms quiver in fear. Well, this mare’s stare could possibly be on par with it.

Kosuke gulped loudly. ‘Plop, plop, PLOP! Something! Anything! Give me a distraction! I’d even take a Phantom attacking! Anything!’

Unfortunately, nothing came, and with Dash now leaning in at the griffon, Kosuke could feel the pressure. “C’mon Kosuke! You’re not the kind of griffon who wouldn’t think twice about pulling a fast one, and you’re pulling a fast one right here!”

“What? Me? No!” Kosuke chuckled with his talons lifted up defensively. “I would never think about pulling a fast one on you – After all, you’re Dash! I could never hide anything from you. Your keen eyes and indomitable spirit are enough to make anypony or griffon croak out the truth.”

“Now you’re just stalling,” Dash growled, her face even closer to Kosuke’s – Which made the griffon a little uncomfortable.

“Well… Yes! Yes I am!” Kosuke admitted with a loud laugh. “I’m stalling of course, but for what, I don’t know! Even now I’m just hoping for… Oh, I don’t know, maybe a second musical number?”

There was a moment of solitude between the two, however, that didn’t last long as Kosuke shrugged his shoulders. Too bad he didn't know that the author didn't care to have another musical number after the last chapter's, “Well plop that didn’t work.”

“Enough!” Dash commanded as she now had a hoof planted firmly in Kosuke’s chest. “I wanna know right now!”

A few times Kosuke’s beak opened, but then closed, trying to keep himself from speaking. Slowly his tail brushed up against his right side over his hoodie, and the griffon gulped loudly…

“Well, well, this is a picture perfect scene,” A rather coy voice sounded out.

Both Dash and Kosuke turned to see Haru leaned up against one of the remaining barrels that needed to be put away only a few feet away. Dash pushed away from Kosuke and sighed, “Hey Wizard, what’s up?”

“Me and Kosuke are gonna finish up around here,” Haru explained with a shrug. “Since you and AJ have a race in the morning, I thought it’d be good for you two to get some rest so you two can give it your all.”

Dash leered at the dragon before she sighed, “Yeah, yeah, but this isn’t over, Neato. The moment the race is over with, you’re gonna spill your guts on this.”

Kosuke gulped loudly as he watched the mare trot off. When he was positive that she was gone, Kosuke sighed loudly and turned towards Wizard with a large smirk on his face, “Uh, thanks… So what do I owe ya?”

“Nothing much,” Haru replied, shrugging his shoulders. “You do know that you’re not gonna be able to hide that…”

“You think I don’t know that?” Kosuke muttered as he rubbed the back of his head. “Not like you’ve got any skeletons in your closet…”

“Yeah, I’ve got a few,” Haru admitted, his head lowered slightly. “But even I’ll have to tell everypony about them someday.”

“Yeah, not easy is it?” Kosuke chuckled before he gestured towards the scoreboard to get Haru to help him with it. “Tartarus, there are more ponies that know about my little… Well, you know.”

“Doesn’t seem to stop you though,” Haru answered back, couching down to grab the scoreboard.

“That’s cause I’m badass,” Kosuke chuckled.

“That’s not an appropriate reason,” Haru countered.

“Oh, and ‘a Wizard did it’ is?” Kosuke retorted.

“Shut up.”


With the moon high in the sky over White Tail Woods, Drag Curl trotted through the woods with a number of Ghouls behind him. Unlike the Everfree Forest, the White Tail Woods was the picturesque form of a peaceful timberland that was governed by the hooves of ponies, with its red, yellow, and orange color patterned leaves sprouted from the many trees within its confines.

It was easy to tell that fall was coming, the cold breeze that blew through his slick black mane, Drag Curl sighed and watched as he saw a little bit of his breath. He then gestured with his head to the nearby bushes and the Ghouls all began to dash off in different directions. After the Ghouls had disappeared from sight, blue flames began to cover Drag Curl’s body.

After the flames completely engulfed him, in his place was his Phantom form – The bulky, humanoid, blue, knight armor. As the Phantom lifted his hands up, he looked towards the large bulky shackles that were around his wrists, and with every movement he took, black smoke billowed from the spaces between his armor.

If one could see it, on his chest was an emblem that had a horse head on it while his helmet had a Mohawk mane atop of the silver armor. After he lifted his metallic hands, he clenched his fists and the black smoke began to transform. “That day… Almost a year ago, Drag Curl was slain. And here I stand…

“Stronger, faster, with a brand new body…”

The smoke flew about and immediately solidified into a large stick with a black, curved blade in its end. Taking a moment, the Phantom drew an armored finger across the blade, “I wonder if this is how unicorns feel – To have so much power at their hooves. A shame that I had to die in order to experience this thrill.”

“I didn’t think you talked to yourself… You have this habit since you were a regular pony?”

The Phantom turned around to see none other than Phoenix walk through the forest, small fiery sparks around his body. The transformed Phantom bowed slightly, “I see you can finally walk, Master Phoenix.”

“That doesn’t answer the question,” Phoenix chuckled as he continued to walk towards the Phantom. “But forget about it – I doubt you’d answer the question anyway.”

“You know me well, Master Phoenix,” Drag Curl’s Phantom chuckled as the scythe of shadows dissipated. “So, what do I owe this…”

Drag Curl’s Phantom lifted his left arm up just at the last second, blocking a red and yellow covered fist that was covered with flames. Right before Drag Curl’s Phantom, stood Phoenix’s Phantom form, his red and gold armor glistened in the light from the flames from his back. “Heh, do you really have to ask? Dullahan, I am grateful for you restoring my strength, so allow me to repay the favor by granting you something that I know you desire…

“A chance to duel against me!”

Dullahan laughed loudly before he smacked Phoenix’s fist away, and lifted his other hand up in order to catch Phoenix’s next fist. “BWAHAHAHAHAAA! Indeed! I do desire a fight with you, Master Phoenix! However, I have other matters to deal with – And before I can truly accept a duel with you…”

Pulling Phoenix by the arm, Dullahan drew the fellow Phantom close and delivered a counter punch to the fiery Phantom’s face, which pushed the Greater Phantom back. “I must test my mettle against those who defeated you!”

Although his jaw was sore, Phoenix laughed loudly and pointed a finger at Dullahan. “Yes, I understand, Dullahan.”

Both Phantoms were then engulfed in flames – Phoenix’s red and Dullahan’s blue – Which transformed them back into their stallion forms. Phoenix slowly walked past Dullahan, “If you survive your… Encounter, I look forward to our fight, my friend.”

Phoenix was about to continue walking away, until he felt a hoof on his side and turned back to Drag Curl, “Master Phoenix, before you go, I have a question for you.”

“No Drag Curl, for the last time,” Phoenix sighed loudly with a coy smile. “I don’t have tickets for Saturday Night Live in Canterlot – I used those three months ago.”

“Damn it,” Drag Curl cursed under his breath. “You know how hard it is to get those tickets?! You practically have to make a deal with Lord Hades to get your hooves on those!”

“How do you think I got them?” Phoenix retorted, his eyes flat and dulled slightly.

“Well, that wasn’t what I was going to ask,” Drag Curl coughed out, his hoof brought up to his muzzle. “My question to you Phoenix is this: What do you plan to do?”

“Hmm?” Phoenix mused. “What do you mean?”

“Let’s say that either of us defeat the ring mages,” Drag Curl supposed, a large smirk plastered on his face. “What do you plan on doing afterwards? Do you intend on continuing to follow the orders laid out before you from Lady Medusa and our Master? Or is there something more that you plan on doing?”

Phoenix turned his attention down towards the ground, and dug his hoof through the dirt, “Thanks for hitting me below the belt. In all honesty, Drag Curl, I don’t know – I suppose for the time being that I’ll continue being a little lap dog so long as I can get some decent fights, but even a dog grows tired of its leash.

“So, we’ll see what’ll happen if you’re actually able to defeat Wizard… No, Haruto Souma, when that day comes, then we’ll talk.”

Drag Curl smirked as he watched Phoenix walk away into the darkness of White Tail Woods. When the greater Phantom faded into the shadows, Drag Curl turned his attention towards the large full moon in the sky, ‘… This has to be done; either by my hooves or by Master Phoenix’s. If we can’t defeat these mages, then what hope do we Phantoms have?’


In contrast to its calm and lonely night, the White Tailed Woods this day bustled with several ponies lined up on the path that went through the woods. Earth ponies, pegasai and even a few unicorns were prepared for the Running of the Leaves, stretching their legs about in preparation for the big race.

“So, what’s your plan again?” Haru asked, seated against a tree with a bag filled with donuts on his lap.

Twilight sighed as she used her magic to levitate a pair of stickers that had ‘42’ labeled on them to her flanks. “You’re not the only one worried about Dash and AJ, Haru. Those two are the most competitive ponies I know, so I’m going to compete in the race to make sure nothing bad happens.”

With a donut in his mouth, Haru looked at Twilight with a dulled look in his eyes. “… Uh, sorry Twilight, but uh, aren’t you more well-read than athletic?”

“I’m just as good as the next pony to race,” Twilight countered, her brow slightly narrowed. “I’ve read a lot on the subject, and I’ve even studied the Running of the Leaves since it’s a part of Ponyville’s culture, and I’m more than certain that I’m prepared to take on this race.”

“Well, just be sure to pace yourself,” Haru suggested before he tossed the remainder of the donut into his mouth and swallowed.

“Should you really be giving tips when all I ever see you eat is donuts?” Twilight countered with a bright smile.

“I got a fast metabolism,” Haru growled, pouting slightly as he waved a donut at the unicorn. “Besides, I do eat other things, I just prefer donuts.”

“How your teeth haven’t rotted out is a mystery to me,” Twilight commented under her breath.

Before Haru was about to speak up, a small emerald and gold griffon swooped down and snatched the donut from Haru’s claws. “HEY!”

The small griffon flew about before it dropped the donut from the air and hooked around a familiar tail that caught it, “Hmm, thanks for the free breakfast!”

Kosuke reached into his hoodie and produced a familiar bottle that he used to pour mayonnaise on the confectionary treat. The small Griffon Familiar landed atop of the griffon mage’s head as Kosuke munched on the mayonnaise covered treat and gulped loudly, “Tasty!”

“Good morning, Mister Nitoh,” Twilight greeted.

“Gah, don’t use ‘Mister,’ please,” Kosuke requested as the Griffon Familiar chirped in agreement. “I’m only a few years older than you, Little Miss Magic. Mister doesn’t suit me at all, but good morning to you as well.”

The griffon turned about and smiled at the sight of all the racers – Noticing that most of them were mares. “Quite a nice turn out here, I’ve never seen so many ponies stretching: A sight that’s easy on the eyes…”

“Uh, okay,” Twilight was a little confused with Kosuke’s choice of words, and it didn’t help that he had this very creepy smile plastered on his beak. “So, why are you here… Kosuke?”

“Much better,” Kosuke chuckled as he turned back to Twilight. “To answer your question, Twi, that can be answered with this!”

Pocketing his bottle of mayo, the griffon then pulled out a rather odd looking little golden device that had a screen on it. Kosuke lifted it up towards Twilight and whistled, “This little thing allows me to see what my cute little Gryph sees.”

“Griff?” Twilight questioned before the Griffon Familiar leapt from Kosuke’s head and landed atop of her head. “Oh, your familiar. Don’t you think it’s odd that you have a griffon for a familiar?”

“Don’t you think it’s odd that your number one assistant is a dragon?” Kosuke countered as he tapped on the screen of the odd device. “Or that the Donut Dragon has a unicorn familiar?”

“If you can call me Donut Dragon,” Haru sighed before he stood up in order to look at the device that Kosuke had in his talons. “Then there’s no reason for me to not call you Mayo.”

“How about you losing a couple teeth?” Kosuke growled before he smiled brightly at Twilight. “You see Twi, I’m going to have my little Gryph following the racers overhead and I’ll be able to watch our two little competitors to make sure that they don’t pull any dirty tricks.”

“This is actually a pretty interesting device, Kosuke,” Twilight admitted, taking note that on the screen she was actually seeing through the eyes of the griffon familiar. “To be able to see through the eyes of a familiar – I’ve never seen Haru ever do this.”

“I’ll give you that,” Haru sighed loudly tapping on the glass with one of his claws. “All I can do is sense where my familiars are.”

“It’s not that hard to fashion one of these things,” Kosuke replied with a smirk as he used his tail to grab onto the box of donuts that Haru had under his arm. “I can show ya how to make one of these things. Just gotta grease the wheels for me…”

“Fine,” Haru muttered.

While the two mages were talking, Twilight slowly trotted off and looked up slightly to see a hot air balloon that hovered over the ground with Pinkie Pie and Spike in the balloon’s basket. Pinkie saw her magically talented friend and waved, “Oooh! Twilight! Twilight! Over here!”

“Hey Pinkie,” Twilight greeted back, then smiled at Spike. “Thanks for letting Spike ride along and announce.”

“Aw, he’s a natural,” Pinkie Pie replied, pushing a megaphone over to the small dragon. “Spike’s great to work off of for bits!”

“I’m just glad I can announce again,” Spike chimed in. “It was really fun!”

“But, I would’ve figured that you’d be with Sora,” Twilight commented. “You two really seemed to hit it off well yesterday.”

“Oh that’s easy,” Pinkie Pie replied with a wave of her hoof. “He’s getting the party supplies while I announce the race – We decided that we’d have the party in celebration of today’s race!”

Meanwhile, across town in Ponyville’s party store…

“My, how kind of you to give this all for me for free – Are you sure it’s okay?”

The clerk of the party store gulped at the curved blade that rested on her neck as she looked at the large green armored Gremlin that sat on her counter with a large cart of party favors stuffed in it. The clerk was sweating bullets, she was very nervous as the Phantom applied a little more pressure with the blade against her neck.

“Um, y-yes! Please! It’s on the house!”

Gremlin pulled back the curved blade slightly and leapt off of the counter, “How generous! I’ll be sure to come back here with my friends sometime in the future!”

Back at the race…

“I sure hope that Sora has enough bits to get the supplies,” Pinkie mused to herself out loud.

“With those bottomless saddlebags, I don’t think you’ll have to worry,” Spike pointed out.

“Indeed, the little bugger seems to enjoy breaking physics,” a deep voice sounded out.

Twilight turned back to see Drag Curl walking up, a tag on his flanks labeled with ‘13’ and a smile on his rugged muzzle. “Mister Drag Curl? You’re competing in the race?”

The large stallion laughed loudly before he slammed a hoof to his broad chest. “Indeed! I wouldn’t have suggested such a thing if I wasn’t prepared myself to do the same thing! A simple jog through the woods is good for circulation in the legs, and its for a good cause, knocking them leaves down!”

“Yeah, those leaves are really lazy,” Pinkie Pie chimed in.

Drag Curl laughed loudly at the comment, “Too true! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to do my stretches before the race starts.”

And indeed, the large stallion trotted to the side and begun to stretch his limbs. Twilight shrugged and turned back to Pinkie and Spike, but realized that they were slowly ascending into the air so the studious mare trotted over to where Dash and AJ were stretching. It was easy to see that wrapped around Dash’s torso and wings was a thick, and tightly tied rope, more than likely a precaution to make sure that Dash couldn’t use her wings.

Applejack was the first to notice that the violet unicorn was coming up towards the two, “Twilight? Odd seeing you here.”

“Not really, I’m racing too,” Twilight replied with a little pride in her voice.

Both Dash and AJ turned towards each other and then erupted into laughter that was louder than what Twilight would’ve liked. Twilight was about to speak up when all of a sudden…


Above, Pinkie and Spike were in the balloon announcing to the racers that the Running of the Leaves was about to begin, so the many ponies who were participating lined up on the path behind the white line. Right in front were Dash and AJ, both were leering at each other, a few ponies behind them stood was Drag Curl with Twilight not too far behind him.

“Get set…” Spike called out through the megaphone.

Then from out of nowhere, Pinkie lifted up a large bell with her tail and shook it wildly, which had alerted the plethora of power sprinting ponies to begin the arduous trial to agitate the leaves off from their perches.

“Hmm, looks like the author’s been hitting the dictionary again,” Pinkie Pie mused with a rather coy smile plastered on her face.

“Uh, Pinkie Pie? What are you talking about?” Spike questioned, blinking a few times at the pink mare’s words.

“Oh, don’t worry, Spike,” Pinkie replied before she turned back to the megaphone and spoke into it. “Anyway, this is the official coverage of the Running of the Leaves! It reminds me of that one event in Baleselona – Running of the… I forget, but I think it’s full of bullies.”

“Uh, right,” Spike countered, his throat cleared before he looked over the basket to watch the ponies gallop down on the path. “Well, it’s thanks to the ponies down there that the leaves can fall, their running shakes the trees and forces the leaves to fall.”

“Righty-O, Spikey-O!” Pinkie Pie chimed back before she clapped her hooves together a few times. “But this isn’t just about the weather Spike, there’s some fierce competition out on the track today!”

“That’s right!” Spike added with one of his claws lifted up. “Applejack and Rainbow Dash are in a fierce grudge match that they’re trying to settle – Whoever crosses the finish line first will prove which mare is the most athletic!”

“Yes,” Pinkie Pie gleefully added. “And ‘grudge’ rhymes with ‘fudge’.”

“Wait, what?” Spike questioned.

“It does!” Pinkie Pie chimed again. “And I love fudge! But if I eat too much fudge, I get a pudge and then I can’t budge and it leaves a big smudge on my face, and I’m lucky to be able to trudge!”

My Tsuyoshi Kida! I love alliteration!

“I don’t think that’s alliteration…” Pinkie Pie mused with her eyes closed. “It’s more akin to consonance since the repetition of the similar sounding isn’t at the beginning of the words.”

Spike looked left and right, trying to figure out who the hay Pinkie was talking to and then draped over the side of the basket. “I don’t think I can make the jump back to the ground.”

“Oooh! Spike look!” Pinkie Pie announced as she pointed a distance. “Look! It appears that Dash and AJ have pulled away from the pack!”

Spike squinted his eyes, and indeed, on the path between the trees were a pair of blurs – An orange blur and a sky blue blur that had pulled away from the multitude of colors that flooded the forest. But there was a third blur that was easily able to get away from the rest of the colors, “But there’s somepony else that’s right on their tails… And it’s…”

“Mister Drag Curl!” Pinkie Pie cheered out. “A real dark horse! Even though he’s technically a dark blue so I don’t know if dark horse would work there.”

On the ground, Dash and AJ were galloping as fast as their hooves could take them, each of them trying to out race the other ones and exchanged first place back and forth every so often. Dash smirked as she took a jump past AJ, “Tell me AJ, enjoying the view?”

“Ah don’t know,” Applejack scoffed back before she took the lead. “Ya’ll tell me!”

“I think the view is wonderful,” a strong voice called out.

The two mares didn’t need to turn back to see who had spoken, since Drag Curl had galloped past the two and just stole the lead from the two. “Then again, I usually jog ten miles every morning, so it’s no surprise that it’s good back there! HAHA!”

Both AJ and Dash turned towards each other with their eyes narrowed down at each other, they couldn’t let that big galoot get ahead of them! They already had created a large gap between them and the rest of the competitors, and while they were just competing between themselves, they just couldn’t seem to bear that somepony else was ahead of them.

There was no question, they had to push themselves even more to make sure that this stallion didn’t outdo them, if he won, what was the point of proving which of them was the Iron Pony if somepony else beat them?

And thus, the two mares galloped even faster, following the same path that Drag Curl was taking which was easily labeled by the many signs that were placed along the path. And struggling to keep up behind the two was none other than Gryph, the little familiar struggling to keep up with the two fast mares.

However, when the two mares and the griffon familiar followed Drag Curl down one of the branching paths, a single Ghoul popped its head out from the bushes, made sure that he wasn’t seen and adjusted the sign so that the rest of the runners wouldn’t follow them down the wrong path.

With his job done, the Ghoul sighed, shook his head in disappointment and laid back down in the bushes just before the rest of the runners came by.


At this point, Dash and AJ had managed to make quite a distance from the original track, with no sight of the other competitors. Even Drag Curl had disappeared from their view, and where he had disappeared to was a mystery to the two mares.

“Hey, Dash, ya know where that show-off ran off to?” AJ questioned, but still kept her eyes on the path before her.

“I think you should be more worried about losing!” Dash retorted with a wild smirk on her. “So how ‘bout you…”

Before Dash could continue a loud scream echoed through the woods, and it didn’t take long for them to see what was the cause of the scream was. In a rather large clearing ahead, Drag Curl was stopped by a ton of Ghouls, each armed with a red spear that was pointed at the large stallion.

Drag Curl took one step back…


One of the Ghouls immediately brought down its spears.

And then Drag Curl’s head slid off from his neck and onto the ground right before Dash and AJ, a few seconds later, his body fell to the ground. The two mares stared at the beheaded Drag Curl for a moment before they realized that the large amount of Ghouls were inching towards them.

“Run?” AJ suggested.

“Run,” Dash agreed.

And with that, the two mares turned around and ran off, with most of the Ghouls chasing after them, save for one that stood near Drag Curl’s beheaded body.

“Are they gone?”

The single Ghoul growled and nodded, allowing a powerful blue flame to engulf Drag Curl’s decapitated body. Soon, the armored suit stood tall and stretched his arms over where his head would be. “I swear, I don’t know how Zombie deals with this all the time with his detachment abilities. Still, I can understand why he’d be willing to do this.”

Dullahan reached down and grabbed Drag Curl’s head, the moment his armored fingers brushed against the disembodied head, the stallion’s head transformed into Dullahan’s helmet. Tossing it up a few times, Dullahan slipped it atop of the head hole in his armor. “Shock value can really be good when trying to instill despair. Now, alert the Ghouls near the entrance, cut off their path.

“Today, a new Phantom shall grace Equestria!”


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