• Published 22nd Feb 2013
  • 2,334 Views, 197 Comments

Just Winging It - arcum42

When it comes to flying, Scootaloo isn't inclined to take 'no' as an answer.

  • ...

Practice Makes Perfect

As Scootaloo's heart began to race, looking at her wingless back, Twilight cleared her throat. Turning in her direction, Scootaloo found a large mirror floating directly in front of her. Scootaloo looked at her reflection in wonder.

It was clearly her. But it clearly wasn't. Seeing an orange unicorn filly in her place was perhaps one of the oddest things she'd ever had happen to her. Besides being strapped to a metal table in Twilight's basement, that was. This was high up on the list, though.

Scootaloo moved her head experimentally, and the head in the mirror mimicked her motion. No wonder her head felt heavy. If she wasn't careful, she could poke somepony's eye out with this thing.

"Huh," she finally said. "So that spell took away my wings and made me all horny?"

At this, Octavia looked over at her and started snickering.

Twilight turned to look at her, setting down the mirror. "I believe you mean 'the spell gave you a horn'. 'The spell made me horny' means something quite different. Also, that isn't exactly right."

She brought back over the spellbook she had found earlier. "As you can see here, with this spell nothing actually gets created or destroyed. Technically, your wings were absorbed into your body, then reformed on your head as your horn."

"So my wings are actually my horn?" She touched her horn in wonder. "That's weird. Can I do magic with it now?"

Twilight shook her head. "Not yet. But once you learn how, you can. I'll teach you a few simple magic exercises for beginners. You can practice them for the duration of this spell, and you should be on your way to building up your magic core."

At this, Sweetie Belle bit her lip, and looked at Twilight with big eyes. "Um, Twilight? Can you teach me those exercises too?"

Twilight looked back at her in surprise. "These are going to be pretty basic. Hasn't anypony taught you anything about magic yet? Maybe Rarity?"

"I'm so sorry, Sweetie Belle. I just can't tonight," Sweetie Belle said, mimicking Rarity's voice. "I absolutely must finish these dresses by Saturday. Maybe some other time?"

Sweetie Belle dropped her imitation. "My sister never has enough time for me. And my parents barely ever know I'm there."

"Well, I have time right now, and having two students may actually be easier than one, since you can help each other out," Twilight told her. "If both of you and, um, Spike will come down to the basement with me, we'll get started."

"Well, with that, I should get going," Octavia said, finishing checking out her rather large stack of books. "Scootaloo, I'll leave you in Spike's hands from here. Just make sure you aren't out too late."

"Sure," Scootaloo said. "Later, Octy."

Octavia opened the door, then looked back at her. "Oh, and Scoots, try not to let Twilight strap you to anything this time, alright?"

She closed the door without waiting for a reply.

Wait, what? When did Octy find out about that?

Scootaloo stood there for a moment, then got moving when she realised everypony else (and one dragon) was already headed downstairs.

By the time she caught up with the others, she was out of breath. Maybe she did need some sort of endurance training. This time they seemed to be headed in a different direction than her last trip, thankfully.

Pretty soon they got to a wide open area with a bunch of bullseye targets and various different sizes of rocks and pebbles in a pile. Spike dragged out a bunch of cushions and arranged them in a circle facing a blackboard and raised desk.

Twilight grabbed a cushion and placed it in front of the desk, prompting a raised eyebrow from Spike. She climbed on it, and sat down with her hind legs crossed. She waved at Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to do the same. Trying to imitate Twilight, Scootaloo couldn't help but feel her hindquarters were going to fall asleep.

"First we need to clear our minds, and then locate our magical cores," Twilight began in a practiced cadance. Sweetie Belle waved around one foreleg. "Yes, Sweetie?"

"How do we clear our minds?" she asked.

"That is actually the first thing I plan to cover," Twilight answered. "Normally your mind is full of thoughts and distractions. Deadlines, paperwork, whether the books on the shelf behind you are organised properly..."

Scootaloo tapped one hoof impatiently, and Twilight moved on. "Magic takes form based on whatever you may be focused on at the time you use it. As such, a clear mind is vital. One idle thought in your mind or distraction at a critical moment, and your father's a cactus."

As both fillies turned to look at her, Twilight backtracked. "Or something of the sort, anyways. There are a number of ways to clear your mind, but today we'll just do a simple breathing exercise. Once you have that down, we'll go over and practice casting magic."

"So how do we practice breathing?" Scootaloo scratched her head. "Breathe in and out a whole bunch?"

"Well, maybe not a whole bunch. I wouldn't want you to hyperventilate." Twilight smiled. "Just breathe the way you normally do, but concentrate all of your attention on it. You will start to breathe deeper after a while, but don't try to take deep breaths. Just let anything else in your mind drift out and focus as you inhale and exhale. Once you've been able to keep your mind clear for a few minutes, raise one hoof, and we'll continue."

Well, this should be easy enough, Scootaloo thought. Just don't think of Rainbow Dash or flying or anything besides breathing in and out. Easy peasy. She closed her eyes.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Breathe in. This is boring. Breathe out.

The mare in the back said everypone attack and- No. No music. Breathe.

Air going in. Air coming out, racing past me as I soar through the sky. No, focus, Scootaloo. Don't think of anything but breathing in and out.

Breathe in. Don't think of anything but breathing. Breathing out, and no other thoughts.

Oh, ponyfeathers, now I'm thinking about not thinking about things. Stop it, Scootaloo. No thinking about thinking. Or thinking about thinking about thinking. Breathe.

A loud snore interrupted her thoughts. Scootaloo opened her eyes a crack to see Spike lightly shaking Sweetie Belle to wake her up. She closed them again.

Well, I suppose I could be doing worse. Breathe in. Breathe out. In. Out.

A little while later, she raised one foreleg, and was soon joined by a sleepy Sweetie Belle.

Twilight resumed her lecture. "Alright, now that both of you know how to clear your mind, I should tell you that it's mostly vital at your stage of magical ability. Once you've had some practice, you'll find your focus narrowing automatically when you start casting, and while you may want to clear your mind before a difficult spell, you won't need to. Early on, you can mess up badly without it."

"So, later on, we can skip it?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Twilight sighed. "Eventually you can. I'll still want you both to practice clearing your mind on your own. It can also help you with relaxing, meditating, if you need a good nights sleep, or when you really need to focus on something, such as studying, so it's a good skill to have."

Figures. It's just like Twilight to teach us something school-related. Still, maybe I'll try that next time a test comes around.

Twilight got up from her cushion, and waved them over to where the targets were. Scootaloo unfolded her hind legs awkwardly, nearly toppling over. Sure enough, her legs were all pins and needles, making getting up and walking difficult, but she managed to head over to where Twilight had indicated.

She joined Sweetie Belle a short distance from the targets. As Twilight headed over herself, Scootaloo shook her back legs and hindquarters, trying to get them to wake up. Sweetie Belle had no such problem, though she seemed barely awake herself.

"First, let me give a quick demonstration." Walking next to them, Twilight's horn glowed briefly and a lavender beam shot out, hitting one of the targets right in the center. The number ninety-five floated briefly over the target, then vanished.

She walked in front of them, between targets. "That is what you are going to be doing next. Don't worry about the number, as yours will be much smaller initially. The first step is to clear your mind again, then find your magical core."

"Your magical core should be found near the center of your body." She pointed towards the middle of her barrel. "Just close your eyes and picture a glowing warm reservoir of energy, then draw magic from it up to your horn. It may tingle as energy flows through your body."

Twilight paced back and forth. "Once your magic is in your horn, open your eyes, keep your mind clear, and release it from your horn at one of the targets. Right now we're just worried about being able to access your magic, and then your aim."

Scootaloo closed her eyes, and sort of mentally concentrated, looking for anything like what Twilight had described. She was able to find a warm tingly orange glow inside her fairly easily, to her surprise. It did feel all prickly and tingly, much like her hind legs still did, but it somehow felt vibrant, powerful, and full of life. It was hard to describe, really.

She pulled some of it up into her horn, or wings, or whatever they were, then opened her eyes. Her horn was glowing orange, with a few sparks coming out of it, as was Sweetie Belle's, though hers appeared to be light green.

"Good," Twilight said approvingly. "Now, release your magic, concentrating on a stream of magic flowing out in a line in front of you. It may take some effort at first, but keep trying."

Sure enough, it felt like there was some sort of barrier or something keeping her magic where it was. She kept pushing until it finally gave way, and a pulse of magic zapped out of her horn. Sweetie Belle shot a green magical bolt out of her horn at about the same time. Twilight yelped, and quickly threw herself to the floor as they both went right where she had been standing a moment ago, and then fizzled out on a wall.

"Good. A little more effort in aiming at the target and not me, but good," Twilight said weakly. "Why don't I move out of the way so you can keep practicing?"

She scrambled well out of range, and they continued. Eventually they even hit the targets, and it got easier and easier to cast. She wasn't sure a three was a great number to get, especially since Sweetie Belle was getting higher numbers, but then she wasn't really a unicorn. And that was her first hit on a target anyways.

Of course, Scootaloo did manage to paint the walls rainbow colored on one of her attempts when she got distracted. Fortunately, there really wasn't that much to damage in this area. It really looked like this area was intended for what they were doing, practicing spells.

After they'd both gotten the hang of aiming and zapping targets with their magic, Twilight looked up from skimming through a book, and called a halt to the exercise.

"We'll resume that exercise another time, as it helps gauge accuracy and how much magic you can use. Keep in mind that how much you can use at once and how much you have are completely separate things. For now, let's try something more practical."

Twilight tossed a handful of pebbles by each of them.

"This is a bit more difficult, but is really one of the quintessential unicorn skills to learn," Twilight said.

"Um, quintess-" Sweetie Belle attempted.

"Basic," Twilight said. "The thing to keep in mind is that magic doesn't have to travel in straight lines. This time, what you'll do is once your magic is concentrated in your horn, imagine it wrapping around the pebble without traveling there from your horn. Then visualise the pebble rising into the air. It may be difficult at first, but eventually, you'll be able to do it without thinking about it."

Hmmm... Sounds tricky.

Scootaloo tentatively nudged one of the pebbles in front of her with a hoof. She sighed, and began clearing her mind yet again. That was starting to get pretty easy. She drew her magic back into her horn, and pushed through the barrier. And then accidentally let her magic blast out unto a wall and fizzle out.

Hoofclippings. Let's try that again.

Clear her mind. Draw up her magic. Get through the barrier, which wasn't taking as long as it used to. And she sort of flicked her magic at the pebble, which went up, all right. Straight up into the ceiling, where it stuck.

"That was a good first effort, Scootaloo," Twilight said, coming around. "Next time, make sure to keep hold of the pebble, though, rather than just sending it in a direction. Though there are times that's all you'll need to do."

"Um, Twilight? Any idea why the pebble isn't moving?" Sweetie Belle's voice drifted over to them.

Scootaloo looked over at her, and had to fight not to laugh. Her mane was standing up on end.

"Was your mane getting in the way of your eyes earlier?" Scootaloo asked innocently.

"Yeah, kinda," she answered. "Why?"

"I think you levitated it instead of the pebble," Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Belle's mane suddenly dropped right in front of her eyes. Spike quickly came over with a brush. She gratefully accepted it, and brushed her mane back where it wouldn't interfere with her spellcasting..

Scootaloo grabbed another pebble, and started trying moving it with her magic again. After a bit of practice, she was able to hold one up for a few minutes before dropping it.

"Here, why don't you try with a heavier pebble?" Twilight asked. "Part of why I'm using pebbles is so that you can change out the weight as you get better at it. Otherwise, we'd traditionally use feathers."

"Feathers," Scootaloo said contemplatively. "Would I be able to levitate my wings?"

"Well, there'd be two issues with that, actually," Twilight replied. "First, one of the limitations of levitation is that you can't move parts of your own body, though you can levitate other ponies."

"Oh." Scootaloo looked down.

"Second, you don't have wings at the moment," Twilight said.

"Right." How could she have forgotten that? "What if I made some fake wings and levitated those?"

"The trouble there would be moving several objects up and down fast enough," Twilight said thoughtfully. "I could probably manage it, but it'll be awhile before you'd be able to. And you are only a unicorn for a few hours, so it'd be dangerous. It is an interesting idea."

"Yeah, guess it wouldn't work," Scootaloo shook her head. "Where are the heavier pebbles, anyways?"

Twilight sent over a few more pebbles from another one of the piles. She started rapidly making some notes, while muttering something about Pinkie Pie, for whatever reason. Whatever.

She practiced with the heavier pebbles for a while. Sweetie Belle seemed to be on even heavier ones then she was at this point, but she was getting the hang of this.

Then Scootaloo felt an odd sensation. Her horn shivered, and then sunk right back into her head. She felt something flowing to her sides that almost felt the way her magic had, and then her wings suddenly sprouted out on either side.

Scootaloo spread her wings out for a minute, admiring them, and even kissed them before she caught herself. She gave them a few experimental flaps. They still worked as good as ever. Which could be better, of course.

Beside her, Twilight jotted down the time, and pulled a few pieces of chocolate out of her saddle bag.

"Well, this seems like a good time to wrap things up," she said. "Both of you are actually doing really well. Most beginners take far longer to get the hang of using their magic."

She gave one piece of chocolate to Sweetie Belle, who started munching on it happily. "Sweetie Belle, you are making great progress. I'd like you to avoid using your magic without supervision from me or another unicorn for now, though."

Then she passed another piece to Scootaloo, who just looked at it. "I'm actually fairly impressed with how well you are doing, especially with you not being a unicorn. Your power levels could be better, but you seem to have the idea down well, and the exercises should help."

"Thanks," she said. "Um, what's with the chocolate?"

"You've both just used a lot of magic, and your magical cores are likely to be slightly low. Chocolate helps recover from magical depletion. Now, how do Mondays and Fridays sound for practice? You both still have a few things to learn and a lot of practice ahead."

Scootaloo frowned. "I can do that, but what about the rest of my week?"

"Don't worry, I've got some ideas for that," she said, making Scootaloo wonder how much of her schedule was going to be taken up by Twilight. "First, though, how about you, Sweetie Belle?"

"No way am I missing out on this!" she said. "I'll be there!"

"Perfect. Of course, make sure to check with your parents first." Sweetie Belle frowned at this.

"So what else did you have in mind for my week?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well, we need to work on your wing muscles, so for that, I thought we could get Rainbow's help, and Applejack might have some ideas for your endurance and stamina." Twilight said.

"And then maybe Discord for the sigil magic?" Sweetie Belle asked, seemingly having forgotten her earlier concerns about Discord and chaos magic.

"I'd rather not have him turn you into some scion of chaos or something," Twilight answered. "I've been looking through the book on sigil magic, and it looks like you should be able to handle it yourselves, actually. Why don't you read it over, and ask me if you have any questions?"

"Um, well, one question first," Scootaloo said. "Would I even be able to do sigil magic right now?"

"Actually, it doesn't require you to be a unicorn, though with your reserves low, I wouldn't try more than one or two today." She floated the book over to Scootaloo, who stuck it in her bag. "I'll go over the other books in the meantime, and see if I come across anything."

"Alright, we'll, um, study this, and let you know how we do, Twilight. Thanks for all your help today!" Scootaloo said.

"No, problem, Scootaloo," she said. "You are going to eat that chocolate, right?"

Under Twilight's watchful eye, she ate the whole piece. It was really good quality dark chocolate, too. Then they walked back up from Twilight's basement, which Scootaloo was starting to suspect had been magically enlarged.

Once they got back in the main section of the library, Twilight turned to them. "Well, I'll look over the other books you found. There's still a bit of time left in the day. Why don't you spend a bit of it outside, playing, while you have the chance?"

Well, I don't have to be told that twice. I'm kinda studied out, anyways.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle headed to the door.

"Later Spike!" Scootaloo called out. "Later, Twilight!"

As they left the library, Sweetie Belle turned to Scootaloo. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yeah," she replied. "Lets go see if Apple Bloom's available, head to the clubhouse, and read up on sigils. Maybe we can get sigil cutie marks."

"Cutie Mark Crusader Chaos Magicians, yay!" they said together excitedly.

Elsewhere, in Fluttershy's cottage, Discord sneezed. Idly turning Angel into a handkerchief and blowing his nose, he went back to sipping a cup of tea, ignoring the rabbit's disgruntled glares.

Author's Note:

I meant to have this out yesterday, but even after I completed the second draft, this chapter needed a lot of revising. Other trouble with this chapter is that by necessity, it had lots of lecturing. Hopefully it came out well despite that.

There's an obvious shout out to Scion of Chaos. If you haven't read it, you really ought to. At least, if you want to read about Sweetie Belle learning magic, and Discord. And it does have more than 800 likes...

Well, next to work on Cubic Zirconia. Or maybe that oneshot I've been thinking about.