• Published 14th Jan 2013
  • 12,470 Views, 686 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Equestrian Wanderings - ed2481

Ethan Smith, aka the Lone Wanderer, aka That Crazy Son of a Bitch, goes to the Equestrian Wasteland. Hilarity and violence ensue as he fights for survival in an attempt to get back home to the Capital Wasteland.

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Chapter 2

Edited by TacoTown

Chapter 2

The dead don’t shuffle, they RUN!

“So Eddie, what exactly are you?” Ethan asked slowly.

“I’m Eddie; well, actually it should technically be pronounced E-D-D-I-E. That stands for Empathetic-Diagram-Developer-Intelligence-Executer, but I prefer Eddie.” The cheerful voice inside Ethan’s Pip-Boy said enthusiastically.

“So you’re an AI…” Ethan said with a frown.

“You betcha!” Eddie agreed, and Ethan’s Pip-Boy screen filled up with a large smiling face.

“You’re not planning genocide, are you?” Ethan asked cautiously.

“What?” Eddie asked in confusion. “Why would anyone want to do that? Genocide means that there would be no one to talk to and I’ve already gone through that for two hundred and eighty years! I mean, do you know how boring it is for an AI to play tic-tac-toe against itself for that long?” Eddie asked Ethan with a frown.

“No, I can’t say that I do.” Ethan said sympathetically.

“Oh, well, question was rhetorical, but thanks for answering it.” Eddie said and Ethan’s Pip-Boy screen was suddenly taken up by another large smile.

“Argh, I think I fainted.” Holly groaned as her eyes opened.

“Hiya, I’m Eddie!” Eddie said with a large smile. Holly’s eyes widened in surprise and she turned to Ethan.

“Did your Pip-Buck just talk to me?” She asked.

“Sure did, apparently his name is Eddie.” Ethan answered with a shrug.

“He?” Holly asked.

“Well technically I’m gender neutral, but I like being thought of as a male.” Eddie said enthusiastically. “My female voice is weird.” Eddie said in a very seductive female voice. “So I don’t use it much.” He finished while switching back to his normal peppy voice.

“Yeah, I can see why.” Ethan said with a chuckle.

“So what’s happened in the last two hundred years? I mean, I know that the world ended. I knew it was going to.” Eddie said with a note of melancholy entering his voice. “But I’m sure that things have at least recovered and Equestria is back on its hooves again, right?” Eddie continued while his voice recovered its usual chipper tone.

“I just got here, so I can’t really be called an expert on modern Equestria, or the past Equestria for that matter, but from what I’ve seen so far the answer is no.” Ethan told the AI.

“Yeah, it’s not called the Equestrian Wasteland for nothing.” Holly agreed with a scowl as she began rummaging through some of the cabinets that Ethan hadn’t seen earlier.

“Equestrian Wasteland” Eddie repeated in a low despondent voice. Before he could say anything else Ethan heard a sound that he was really hoping that he wouldn’t hear for at least another twenty minutes. It was the sound of propellers, lots, and lots, of propellers.

“Oh fuck a duck, I thought we had more time.” Ethan cursed.

“What is it?” Holly asked.

“Propellers.” Ethan answered simply as he strode for the door of the vault. “Come on Holly, we need to go now. If we don’t then there are going to be so many Enclave bastards here that you won’t be able to take a piss without rusting their armor.”

“I thought you weren’t afraid of the Enclave.” Holly said as she followed him out of the room at a quick pace.

“I’m not, to a point.” Ethan replied as he ran through the hallway covered in robot parts.

“Then what’s the problem?” Holly asked.

“I’m not wearing my set of T51b for starters, my tesla cannon is sitting on its shelf in my house, and my Xuanlong rifle is still sitting in its cabinet, waiting for its next oiling.” Ethan said. “I may be hard to kill, but I’m not immortal.”

“Wait, are these Enclave the same Enclave that I’m thinking of?” Eddie asked.

“Asshole pegasus.” Holly replied without looking.

“They’re still around?!” Eddie asked loudly.

“Yep, and they’re after you.” Ethan replied as he kicked the doors to the stairs open and began take them three at a time, much to Holly’s frustration as she struggled to keep up with her shorter legs.

“That’s not good, my predictions said that if they were still around then they would become even more militaristic and close-minded, I don’t think that they’d like me.” Eddie said thoughtfully.

“I kind of doubt that, they’d probably just use you to try and take over the wasteland or commit genocide, take your pick.” Ethan replied as they got to the doorway that led to the second story of the building.

“Well we can’t let that happen!” Eddie said righteously.

“Exactly, which is why I need to know if there are any ways out of this building that aren’t visible from the air. You know, tunnels, subways, caverns…” Ethan said as he got to the bottom of the stairs and kicked the door back to the main part of the building open.

“Yes, there’s a hidden subway station in the basement, which can be accessed from the door on the left.” Eddie said quickly. Ethan turned to the door on the left of the lobby and with a powerful kick knocked it open.

“Do. You. Really. Have. To. Do. That. With. Every. Door?!” Holly asked in annoyance.

“Yep, lookie there.” Ethan replied with a nod towards a corpse lying at the bottom of the stairs that led to the subway, which was still separated by another.

“What are you-” Holly began to say before the corpse got to its hooves and let out a howl.

“Fucking ghouls.” Ethan told her simply as he took out his magnum and in a swift motion blew the ghoul’s brains out.

“Was that a pony?” Eddie asked in shock.

“No, that was a ghoul. They’re not ponies.” Holly said as they walked by the corpse. “At least not once they go feral anyways.” She added as an afterthought.

“I didn’t think that the balefire radiation would have that effect on ponies, I only factored in sickness and death. That’s awful.” Eddie said softly.

“Yeah, but the ghouls I know got over it a long time ago for the most part and are some of the best people I’ve ever met.” Ethan said offering the AI a little solace as he kicked the last door that led to the basement open with a loud clang.

The basement looked exactly like every other basement that Ethan had seen. Grey, dimly lit, and full of skeletons of ponies who had died two hundred years ago huddled up in pitiful balls. Eddie let out a sad sigh as Ethan began to look around for the hidden switch.

“Yeah I know the feeling.” Ethan said. “So where’s the switch?” He added.

“In the top drawer of that desk over to the right.” Eddie replied despondently. Ethan quickly located the button. The floor let out a loud tortured shriek as a section of the basement floor pulled back and revealed a thin set of stairs that led down into complete blackness.

“We have to go down there?” Holly asked hesitantly.

“What, afraid of the dark?” Ethan asked with a smirk.

“No, I’m afraid of the things that LIVE in the dark.” She replied hotly. The sound of metal on concrete above them put an end to the argument as Ethan grabbed Holly by the top of her armor and hauled her down the stairs before she had a chance to say another word.

“There’s a closing button on the left.” Eddie told Ethan, whose fist shot out to the side and smashed the button. The door above them closed with another ominous screech, plunging them into complete darkness.

“Good, that should slow them down a bit.” Ethan said before he flipped on his Pip-Boy light which cast a dull glow that illuminated about two meters in front of them. “You know it’s at times like this that I enjoy a bit of music, Eddie can you find any good stations down here?” Ethan asked the AI.

“Hmm… DJ-PON3, I remember that mare, she was crazy.” The AI replied enthusiastically. “I wonder how she’s still alive…” Eddie mused.

“She? DJ-PON3’s a stallion.” Holly interjected quickly as Ethan began to walk into the darkness, shock sword at the ready. Instead of replying Eddie simply turned on the raidio.

Hello Equestrian Wasteland, this is DJ-PON3 bringing you some news! As always I’m transmitting from Tenpony tower in the middle of down town Manehatten… A stallion’s voice began.

“Well this is going to be nostalgic.” Ethan said with a smirk for some reason.

-yone’s favorite mare the Stable Dweller just got back from-

“Stable Dweller, heh, this should be good.” Ethan said once again interrupting the broadcast much to the annoyance of Holly.

“Hey, don’t fucking mock the Stable Dweller! She’s done more good for this place in a few weeks then anypony else has in years!” Holly said in defense of the wasteland’s savior.

“I’m sure she has, I’m just saying that she needs a better title.” Ethan replied. “I mean The Stable Dweller is passable but it just doesn’t roll off the lounge like ‘The Lone Wanderer’, or ‘That Crazy Son of a Bitch’.” Ethan told her.

And that about wraps up the day’s news so far. Oh, and as a side note there’s been some sightings of an unusual creature running around the old Ministry of Wartime Technology Hub near the outskirts of Manehatten. So keep a look out for strange things, and remember kiddies. Don’t shoot it unless it shoots you first. Now here’s Velvet…

“Well now. It seems that I’m already gaining popularity.” Ethan said with a chuckle.

“But-but how is that even possible? I’m the first pony that you’ve met so far, right?” Holly asked as they left the hallway and entered the metro tunnels themselves. Ethan was slightly disappointed that the tunnels themselves seemed to look exactly the same to him here as they had back in the Capital Wasteland.

“I have no idea, but let’s not dwell on it right now.” Ethan told her with a shrug.

“Umm guys? I hate to interrupt, but there are hostile targets moving in, so you should get ready.” Eddie said, breaking up the conversation.

“I see them Eddie.” Ethan replied as he readied his sword; several red dots were already visible near the bottom right side of his vision.

Four pony ghouls suddenly burst from the darkness with wild, feral howls. Holly’s pistol rang out twice and one of the ghouls dropped to the ground, a large hole missing from its chest. The other three charged onward, heedless of their companion’s loss. Ethan stepped forward to meet the charge head on when one jumped at him, but he quickly decapitated it with a swift chop. Dirty blood spattered all over his chest as the headless body fell to the floor and Ethan turned to meet the next one. Holly’s pistol barked twice more, and the ghoul that Ethan was about to stab suddenly had very bad headache.

“Kill steal.” Ethan muttered. The final ghoul used the shift in Ethan’s attention to send him stumbling several feet backwards with a strong, right-hoofed punch to the gut. “Fuck; that actually hurt.” Ethan growled as he drew his magnum and fired point blank into the ghoul’s head, sending a shower of brains flying in the opposite direction.

Ethan’s eyes scanned the dead ghouls for a second just to make sure that all four were really dead before he turned to glance at Holly who was calmly reloading her 12.7mm pistol. Her blue mane had a streak of blood in it, but she hadn’t seemed to notice it yet. Ethan chuckled quietly to himself; she actually seemed to be holding up pretty well, which was a change from his normal companions. Normally the only ones who could keep up with him were Dogmeat and Fawkes, but the green coated unicorn was doing very well for herself.

“Nice shooting back there Holly.” Ethan told her with a grin as he wiped his blade off on the nearest ghoul’s side.

“Thanks, I’ve been killing ghouls for years.” She said casually.

“This is-this is bad, far worse than I ever thought possible. My simulations didn’t take this kind of thing into account, why it’s no wonder that things are as bad as they are if things like that are still walking around.” Eddie said in a low voice.

“Why are you making a big deal of this? We killed one back there and you were fine with it.” Ethan asked with a puzzled frown.

“My mind hadn’t thought through the complications that such creatures would present to the overall situation, now that it has...” The AI continued quietly before trailing off. Suddenly there was a chorus of loud rasps from off to the side and Ethan turned to see that there were at least two hundred ghouls charging at them from the other tunnel.

“Okay, I don’t have anywhere near that much ammo on me, so we’re going to be running now. Any complaints?” Ethan asked Holly before he turned to find that she was already several feet ahead of him. “Well that’s not very polite.” Ethan complained before taking off after the mare.

A ghoul closed with Ethan and tried to bite his leg, but Ethan’s sword slashed out as he ran and slashed at the former pony’s neck, biting deep and sending it tumbling backwards where it was trampled by the rest of the rotting hoard that was following them. Holly looked over her shoulder mid run and fired off a few shots from her pistol. She didn’t have to worry about missing, with as many ghouls as there were chasing them it was all but impossible to miss.

“Hey Holly, do you have any ideas about how to shake these assholes?” Ethan shouted as he ran slightly behind the pony, somehow no matter how fast he pumped his legs they just couldn’t keep up with the pony’s gallop.

“Keep running and hope they give up!” She called back.

“Well as fun as this is, I can’t say that I’m enjoying it so far.” Ethan replied snarkily.

“There appear to be more of these… ghouls coming from a passage to the right.” Eddie said loudly; he sounded distracted for some reason.

“Thanks Eddie.” Ethan replied quickly as his sword slashed out behind him in time to stab a ghoul in the stomach, the smell of cooked rotting flesh assaulted his nostrils but he put it out of his mind.

As they ran passed the tunnel that Eddie had mentioned a river of ghouls flowed out and slammed into them. Ethan’s sword hummed and crackled as it decapitated a former unicorn and sliced the leg off of another. He did this without missing a stride, despite the ghouls who were trying to pull him down. The man grimaced as he felt thick horse teeth bite into his armor, but ignored it. To his right, Holly’s pistol went off several times and out of the corner of his eyes Ethan saw two of the ghouls being thrown off in a wave of magical force. She too did this without breaking stride for even a second, although she was visibly bleeding from several bites and she was also beginning to develop a slight limp.

Another ghoul jumped at him from the left, and Ethan’s blade flashed out to slice through its chest, sending it stumbling away. Holly let out a shriek as a ghoul pounced on her from behind and pulled her legs out from under her, and Ethan changed directions and shot the ghoul off of her back before grabbing her forehoof and pulling her back to her hooves.

“Eddie, you’re the AI who’s not currently worried about dying here; please find us a way out!” Ethan shouted as he dodged a ghoul who leapt at him from behind.

“Right, a way out. Yeah, I can do that.” Eddie replied before his face left the screen.

“Holly keep going, I’m going to buy you a little time and then catch up!” Ethan shouted as he slid to a halt in a part of the tunnel that was half blocked by a train, leaving only enough room for two ponies to pass. He turned back to face the ghouls coming and fired off a shot off his magnum.

“You’ll be torn to shreds!” Holly shouted stopping as well.

“Fuck that noise. I’m Ethan Smith, the Lone Fucking Wanderer; and you primitive screw heads shall not pass!” Ethan shouted at the ghouls as he readied his sword.

“I’m not leaving you behind dammit!” Holly replied loudly as the first ghoul closed the distance and launched itself at Ethan, who coldly cut it down.

“I’ll be fine, GO!” Ethan shouted back as he sliced his way through another ghoul, splashing its blood all over both the ground and his body. His magnum roared six times and the heads of six ghouls exploded.

“I don’t leave ponies behind.” Holly told him with a note of steely determination entering into her voice as her pistol barked seven times and another seven ghouls died.

A ghoul reached Ethan and leapt at him while he was focusing on another, and bit into his shoulder blade. Its teeth squeezed the flesh between the plates of his combat armor and the man to let out a cry of rage before he threw the ghoul off of his shoulder and back into the hoard. His sword flashed out again and another ghoul fell to the floor, this one missing a sizable chunk of its forelimb. Holly’s pistol had been reloaded and fired another seven bullets with deadly accuracy into the swarm.

A pile of corpses were beginning to build up in front of them, but still the ghouls pressed forward and soon Ethan’s shock sword was nothing but a hissing blur as it sliced off limbs and sent blood flying in every direction. Beside him, Holly’s pistol flashed and her horn glowed blue as she sent wave of force after wave of force at the approaching ghouls.

“Fuck, I’m out!” She shouted in frustration.

Without turning away from his targets Ethan passed her his magnum and forty two shots before returning his focus to the ghouls who had rushed even closer without Holly’s pistol fire. A leering earth pony ghoul leapt at Ethan, and was quickly decapitated but another two latched onto his legs and dragged the man off of his feet before beginning to beat him with their hooves. They were quickly disposed of by Holly, whose magic flared and sent both of them flying into the wall with a splat.

“Alright, we’re leaving!” Holly shouted, and Ethan nodded as he got to his feet before once more taking off in the other direction of the ghouls.

“Thanks for the save back there.” Ethan told Holly with a smile “I’d say that we trimmed their numbers down by at least eighty or so.” He added between breaths as he shook a ghoul off of the back of his leg.

“Wouldn’t have happened if we’d just kept running!” Holly replied angrily.

“Guys, there are friendlies up ahead!” Eddie suddenly shouted as the two managed to pull ten feet ahead of the ghouls who were tripped up by a large equipment crate that Ethan and Holly had managed to leap over.

“Oh thank fucking god!” Ethan said. “You two have no idea what it would do to my reputation if I was killed by feral ghouls.” He added.

They rounded a corner and Ethan caught sight of several bipedal creatures composed of what appeared to be bird and cat body parts patrolling behind a group of barricades. All of them were wearing black armor, and three out of the six carried flamers while two out of the other three carried an assault rifle. The final creature, who’s head feathers were a gilded gold color, had a broadsword strapped to his back and carried a large pistol that almost made Ethan envious. Almost.

“Don’t shoot, don’t shoot, don’t shoot!” Ethan shouted as he and Holly leapt over the barricade. “Okay, now SHOOT!” The creatures looked at him in confusion for a few seconds before they caught sight of the hoard that was following close behind.

“What the FUCK did you do to get this many ghouls after you?!” The golden feathered one shouted at them as he fired his pistol.

“Fuck if I know man.” Ethan shouted back as he got back to his feet and readied his sword to meet the inevitable charge.

No more words were exchanged as the creatures opened fire, literally in the case of the ones armed with flamers. The stench of burning flesh flowed into Ethan’s nose, but he ignored it and sliced through a ghoul who came bounding over the barricade. The winged creatures were extremely effective with their weaponry, surprising even Ethan with their deadliness as they sprayed the oncoming ghouls for what must have been half an hour straight. Then, there was a lull in the charge until a glowing one appeared, casting a green light throughout the tunnel as it ran towards the defenders backed by a dozen others of its kind.

“Okay, you know what? FUCK THIS!” Ethan shouted, leaping over the barricade and landing sword first in the first glowing one’s chest, sending a steam of green ichor spattering over his torso.

Ethan’s blade slashed out and sliced off the head of another glowing one, but not before it released a wave of green energy that healed several of the ghouls nearby who hadn’t yet had the courtesy to die. They mobbed Ethan and despite the swiftness and power of his blade he felt his armor beginning to give out under the mounting weight of his assailants. Suddenly, he felt a claw grab him by the shoulder and pull him out of the pile as the golden feathered creature, who was now holding a rather large broadsword easily in one hand, sliced a glowing one in half.

Ethan nodded his thanks and the two stood back to back as their blades smote the ghouls, decapitating and dismembering them with ease. Another glowing one charged Ethan, and this time the man didn’t mess around. Instead, he stabbed it through the eye as it leapt forward. The creature at his back was busy dicing through half a dozen minor ghouls with his blade to notice anything else at the moment. Finally, after another ten minutes of fighting no more ghouls came forward. Ethan managed to stagger back to the area behind the barricade before collapsing into a sitting position, utterly exhausted.

“Good god, what the hell is up with the ghouls here? I’ve never run into this many in one place before.” Ethan asked no one in particular.

“This is Manehatten. It was an enormous city before the war; of course there are a lot of ghouls.” Holly replied before she took a sip from a canteen that one of the creatures had passed her. Then, the golden feathered creature walked up to Ethan; there was an extraordinarily angry look in his eagle eyes.

“I don’t know who you are or, for that matter, you are; but what in Celestia’s flaming tits were you doing back there jumping over the barricade like that?” The creature asked angrily.

“Pass me some water and I’ll talk, my throat is slightly dry from running away from four hundred ghouls for three miles.” Ethan replied with a slight cough.

The creature took one off of his belt and tossed it to Ethan, who caught it without looking and easily opened the cap with a twist of his fingers before taking a small swallow. To his surprise, the water was purified. He took another swallow before passing it back to the creature, who accepted it and took a drink.

“Alright, introductions.” Ethan said as he got back to his feet to find that he was a little shorter than the creature. “In answer to your questions, my name is Ethan Smith, aka the Lone Wanderer, aka That Crazy Son of a Bitch. I’m a human from another wasteland. And I jumped over the barricade because I forgot that I wasn’t in my power armor.” Ethan finished sourly with a sigh. “So who and what are you?” Ethan asked.

“I’m Sergeant Garma Goldfeathers Of the Talon Mercenary Company-” The Garma began; Ethan’s hands subconsciously went to where his magnum normally rested at his side; luckily, Holly was still holding it. “-something wrong with that?” Garma asked, eying Ethan.

“No; I’ve just got some bad memories of being hunted by mercenaries.” Ethan said in a low voice. “Of course, they stopped that once I stormed into their headquarters, killed eighty of their people, and then executed their leader in front of the few survivors.” Ethan continued without changing his tone of voice.

“Must not have been good mercs.” Garma said.

“Well, I had a little help from a hot blonde friend of mine, so it wasn’t just me.” Ethan admitted with a shrug. “Anyways, sorry that I made you get off topic, so what are you?” Ethan asked.

“I’m a griffin, have you never heard of us before?” Garma asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Sorry, can’t say that I have.” Ethan admitted with a shrug. “Although I’ve got to hand it to you, you certainly seem to know how to use a blade.” Ethan added with a nod towards the broadsword sheathed across the griffin’s back.

“Thanks, your skills aren’t too bad either, although you lack discipline.” Garma told him.

“I’m self-taught.” Ethan admitted.

“I’d thought as much.” Garma said with a nod before passing Ethan the canteen again. Ethan took a longer drink this time, before passing it back to the griffin who capped it and put back on his belt. “Now would you mind telling me what you and your marefriend over there were doing in those tunnels?” Garma asked, changing subjects.

“Running from the Enclave.” Ethan replied simply, several of the griffins looked up suddenly. “Honestly, if I was better armed than we wouldn’t have had to, but as it is I’m hardly equipped to take on fifty power armored bastards at the moment.”

“The Enclave has only been sending down small patrols for the last few months, what did you do to get so many after you?” Garma asked.

“It might have to with the fact that we intimidated a squad of green troops into running away so that we could get this guy.” Ethan said, tapping his Pip-Boy.

“A Pip-Buck?” Garma asked.

“No. Hey Eddie, say hello to the nice griffin.” Ethan said. Suddenly, his Pip-Boy screen lit up with Eddie’s smiling face.

“Hiya, I’m Eddie!” Eddie said with his usual overenthusiastic peppiness.

“An AI?” Garma asked.

“Yep, that’s right.” Eddie replied with a grin.

“Hmm… that would explain the interest.” Garma mused.

“Yeah, apparently they wanted him, although I’m not sure why they sent a group of green initiates to get him initially.” Ethan replied with a shrug.

“Probably politics or some other such idiocy.” The griffin said with a shrug.

“Oh, and before I forget I owe you guys for helping with those ghouls.” Ethan said suddenly.

“I was going to get to that eventually.” Garma said neutrally.

“Yeah, I’ll bet you were.” Ethan said with a friendly smirk. “Anyways, I need all of my caps, but would you take ten missiles, four hundred shots of electron charge packs, a case of 5mm minigun rounds and a few fission batteries as fair payment?” He asked as he began to pull them out of his jacket pockets and deposit them on the ground for Garma to see.

“I suppose that these are enough.” The griffin said with a shrug as he picked up the assorted ammo. “Even if we won’t use it ourselves we’ll find someone who will.” He added.

“Great, well now that that’s all settled Holly and I should be on our way.” Ethan said.

“What?” Holly asked in surprise. “Are you crazy; how can you even suggest that we keep going today? I’m about ready to crash!” She exclaimed.

“Yeah, but I want to meet this DJ-PON3, he’ll have all the information I could want about this place and I’m sure that he’ll want to talk to me.” Ethan told her with a shrug.

“Ethan, you’re covered in cuts and bruises and exhausted. I’m also covered in cuts and bruises, and as an added bonus I’m out of ammo for my pistol!” Holly told him angrily.

“Perhaps you could stay the night here with us, we have enough room for you to stay here and we’re well enough armed that your safety should be assured.” Garma suggested. “Tenpony is a four hour walk away, and no offence, but I don’t think that you’re up to it in your current state.” He added.

“I guess that’s probably smart…” Ethan said with a sigh. “So, how much is it for room and board?” Ethan asked.

“Well, I’m on a mission from Gawd to keep a watch here and I’m not supposed to be letting anyone stay longer than an hour or so. But I’d say that your contributions to our missile supply should just about even things out.” Garma said.

“You’re on a mission from God?” Ethan asked.

“No, Gawd. G A W D. She’s our leader.” Garma explained.

“Ah, alright. I was about to call you pretentious and naïve.” Ethan replied with a shrug.

“It’s a common enough question that everyone in the Company is used to it.” Garma told him.

“So, do you have anything to eat?” Ethan asked. “Meat would be nice if you’ve got any.” He added with a smile.

“Of course, have you ever had radgator?” Garma asked as he began to walk away from the barricades and towards a nearby side room built into the side of the metro.

“Nope, but it sounds delicious.” Ethan said with a wide grin as he followed the griffin. They entered the side room and Ethan found that it resembled several of the temporary lodgings that he’d stayed in over the years. It was sparely decorated with only a few beds, a table with a few chairs, and a small fridge which was still somehow working.

“Home sweet home.” Garma said sarcastically.

“I don’t know, I think it has charm.” Ethan said.

“Wake me up in two hours.” Holly said simply before she climbed up on one of the mattresses and immediately fell asleep.

“That poor girl needs to gain some endurance.” Ethan said with a chuckle, he’d already gotten his wind back and was beginning to regret having to stop and wait for her.

“Frankly, I’m surprised that you’re still alive at all.” Garma told him.

“I think you’ll find that I’m very hard to kill.” Ethan replied as the griffin got them each a plate of meat from the fridge.

“Oh, do tell.” The griffin said with a smile.

“Well this one time…”

Author's Note:

AN: One thing that I’ve noticed is that the Equestrian Wasteland is actually FAR worse off than the normal one. Mostly because of magic, but also because the population was so much bigger than it ever was in the Capital Wasteland. So I’ve decided to keep that in mind while writing this. Ethan is going to face much worse odds then he ever has before and it’s my hope to make him a bit more interesting overall. Anyways, enjoy and please comment! Oh and Thanks to Kkat for creating such an awesome universe!