• Published 20th Jan 2012
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A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 9: Funnybones

Chapter 9

"Oh buck, I am going to be late for my first job, I can't believe I slept in "I said panicking as I flew towards Sweet Apple Acres.

I was too much in a hurry to get to the apple farm, I failed to noticed a gray blur is going to be intercepted by me.

I hit something gray and fell down towards the ground, luckily me and whatever I hit into wasn't far up into the sky, and crashed landed into a cart of hay, wow of all the luck this cart has to be here, and now who did I hit, I thought as I got out of the pile of hay.

I looked back and saw a familiar gray and blonde pegasus with slightly out of focused eyes and has a mailbag.

Oh Celestia, please don't tell me that I flew into Ditzy Doo.

Ditzy got out of the cart of hay and stood there looking… well dizzy.

"I am so sorry Ditzy, I wasn't looking where I was going, "I apologized to the derpy eyed pegasus.

"It's ok, um…"she said looking confused (but that might be because of her eyes).

"Star, my name is Star Streak, "I said as I introduced myself to her.

"Well it's ok Star Streak, "she said.

As I was about to take off she quickly said, "wait I have a letter for you, "and with that she pulled out a letter and gave it to me.

On the envelope it only said my name, I opened it and it said;

Oh yes you did flew into Ditzy Doo.

In the corner of the letter is sun, but before I can get a closer look on it, the letter burst into flames and the ashes flew off with what seems a cued breeze.

Did I just got trolled by Trollestia? I looked back at Ditzy and saw that she had disappeared, man, what is up with these ponies disappearing like that, I thought what just happened to me now.

I heard bells going off and looked towards the clock tower and saw that it was nearing eight' o' clock.

"Crap I'm late, "and I quickly took off and flew towards the farm.

After I made it to the farm and explained why I am late (leaving out the letter).

Applejack said, "heck as long you made it, it is alright, now let's get to work, "she led us to the apple tree orchards.

When we got there she asked, "now, you know how to apple buck, right?"

"Ya, "and I explained how they apple buck.

"Very good, but it takes good timing, aim, and practice, now give this tree a kick and we'll see to go from there, "she said pointing to a nearby tree.

Alright I can do this, I thought as I walked up to the tree, I turned around till my hind legs were facing the tree.

I lifted my legs up and pushed with my forelegs, but my hind legs were not close together so I felt burning pain as the tree went up in the inside of my hind legs, but the pain didn't stop there, no for I was still going, so the tree hit me right in the male sensitive parts.

"oooo, even in this body, they still hurt when they get hit, "I mumbled in pain as I was on the ground curling into a fetal position on the ground, and to insult to my pride, a apple fell off and hit me in the head.

Applejack was just laughing her head off at my failed attempt to knock the apples off the tree, after she calmed down. She said as she helped me up from the ground, "are you ok there sugar cube?"

I nodded and said in a higher pitch, "just my pride."

"Ya'll suppose to keep your hind legs together when you are about to hit the tree, so you won't get hurt in your apples, "Applejack explained, "now after you get better let get back to work ok?"

After a while I felt better and got back to work, after a few more mishaps, like the apples landing on me instead in the baskets, and me missing the tree completely causing me to go into one of the baskets, and causing the CMC to fall from a tree and land on me (don't know why they were there in the first place).

After hours of apple bucking, Applejack told me that she had never laughed that hard like she did today for a long time, but since I like making people, um ponies happy, I didn't care if I got hurt (though my body disagrees with me).

As I made my way back to Ponyville with a small bag of bits, a growl was heard, I looked around thinking that it was an animal, I stood there alert for any danger, after a while the growl was heard again and then there was pain in my stomach.

Oh, I guess I'm hungry, I did miss breakfast after all, I made my way into Ponyville and something delicious smelling caught my nose and my stomach let out another growl.

I remember that I have bits now, I guess I can get something to eat, I followed the smell, which led me to Sugarcube Corner.

I entered the shop and saw that there were a few ponies here and there, I walked towards the counter and I didn't have to wait long for Mrs. Cake came out of the kitchen and saw me there waiting.

"What can I get you dear? "Mrs. Cake asked.

"What is good right now? "

"Well, we just made fresh cinnamon rolls, would you like that? "Mrs. Cake suggested.

I smell the cinnamon rolls coming from the kitchen and my stomach rumbled, "I'll take one please and I'll take one to go for a friend of mine, "I said with a grin.

She smiled and said, "of course dear."

She went into the kitchen and came back out with a cinnamon roll on plate and one in a bag, she placed them on the counter and said, "that will be eight bits please."

I took out the right amount and said thank you, I took my food to a nearby table, and sat down.

"Hiya, "said a voice next me.

I jumped up in fright and looked at who said that, and saw Pinkie and Dash there sitting there smiling with a cup of something colorful in it.

I don't like that look they are giving me, especially that drink, "so, what are doing here and what is in the cup?"

"Silly I work here, "said Pinkie.

"And I came here to hang out with Pinkie, "Dash said with a smile.

"And in the cup? "I asked again.

"It's my new drink that I made, here have some, "Pinkie said pushing the cup towards me.

"No thanks, "I said pushing towards RD, suspicious.

"Try it, "said RD pushing it back to me.

"You drink it, "pushing it back to her.

"No you, "back to me.

It went like that for a couple more times, until…

"I'll drink it, "I said as I pushed it back to and quickly pull it to me hoping that my plan will work.

"No, I'll will, "she pulled the drink to her and downed the whole thing.

"Ha, "she said as she slammed the empty glass on the table.

"Ah, Rainbow Dash, you just drank the prank, "Pinkie said as she smiled at her.

"What? "RD asked confused, she looked at the empty cup in her hooves and then she said, "uh-oh."

What happened next was quite a sight for RD changed colors to match all the colors in the rainbow and then she yelled out, "SPICY, "and flew into the kitchen, where I heard cries fright and panic.

After I heard an ahhh coming from the kitchen, RD came back out wet and with her tongue sticking out.

She sat down at our table, dripping water on the table as I was laughing my flank off.

"How did know about our prank? "she asked after I finished laughing.

"Well, if you and Pinkie are hanging out that usually means that you both are doing a pranking spree, "I explained.

"But why me? "she asked again.

"Because Pinkie's Pinkie Sense would have gone off if I given it to her, am I correct, "I asked to Pinkie.

"That's right, "she said happily.

"Now if you both will excuse me all of this fun and laughter has got me hungrier and I will like to enjoy my meal."

"Maybe you can join us one of these day, "Pinkie said as she giggled at some ideas for pranks.

"I would like that, but not right now, I am sure that you two have pranks to play on other ponies."

RD sat up and said, "ya your right, let's go Pinks, we do have other ponies to prank, but be warned Star I will get you back for that, "she left the store with a smile.

"What does she mean by that Pink-, oh for crying out loud, "I said as I noticed that I was taking to empty space, how does she do that.

I finished the cinnamon roll (which was delicious) and left Sugarcube Corner with the bag that contains the cinnamon roll for Arcana, because she probably forgot to eat, which I bet she did.

As I got back to the library and was not surprised to see Arcana there reading books.

"Hay Arcana, how was your day?"

"It was fine till Dash and Pinkie tried to prank me with a fire lemon drop, but I trick Dash into eating it instead, she said something about you first now me, do you know what up with that?'

I explained what happened and Arcana started laughing, "that was how Dash was too when I tricked her, she got the kitchen all wet, and she said that she will get back at me, what's in the bag?"

"Food, "I said as tossed the bag to her, she caught it with her magic and opened, and the room immediately smelled like cinnamon roll.

"So I guess we need watch our step for a while, and oh Celestia this is good, "Arcana said with mouth full.


The rest of the day went by without a sight of RD or Pinkie, maybe they forgot by now, I thought as I got myself into bed and fell asleep.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN TO ME, "Arcana cried out, taking me out of my sleep and causing me to fell out of the bed taking my bed sheets with me.

I got up and ran out of my room towards Arcana's room, "Arcana what's wrong?"

"Don't come in, I'm not dressed."

"But Arcana ponies don't normally wear clothes."

"That's just it, I'm not a pony."

"What do you mean?"

"Hold on, I'm coming out, "I heard movement on the other side of the door.

The door opened and I was shocked to Arcana as a human wrapped in bed sheets.

"Arcana, what happened to you? "I asked confused and worried.

"I could say the same thing to you too, "she said smiling.


"You're human too, look."

"I looked down and saw that she was right, but with no clothes, luckily my bed sheets were wrapped around me covering my privates.

"WHAT THE HAY HAPPEN TO ME, "I yelled out in shocked.

"WHAT'S GONING ON DOWN THERE, "Twilight yelled from upstairs.

We looked at each other in panic and we both heard hoofsteps coming down the stairs.

"Wait Twilight I'm not sure that is a good idea, "Arcana tried to warn but it was too late.

Twilight stood there shocked at the sight of us, after she got over her shocked state she started asking a lot of questions, most of them we don't have an answer for.

Twilight noticed something in the folds of our blanket, her horn glowed and pulled out a flower each among the folds of our sheets.

The flower was blue and looked very familiar, "is that…"

"Yes it is, Poison Joke, "Twilight confirmed what I thought.

Arcana and looked at each other and yelled out, "RAINBOW DASH."


Hello everypony hoped you enjoyed this chapter, well read and review and I will try to get the next chapter posted up, so for now goodbye, oh for those who still don't know what the name of the chapter means, because funnybone makes you laugh in pain and it is funny to others.

End A/N

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