• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 57: It's Healing Time


Well everyone, I see that you all loved the last chapter, so I hope you'll like this one as well and so I want to see comments about this chapter in the comments.

End A/N

Aceiro's POV

"So today is the day?" Fe inquired as she stood outside of my station at the Iron Heart.

"Today's the day," I contently announced as I placed the hammer and tongs next to the forge, with the fire slowly dying inside its belly, done with today's quota. "Today is the day when my dad gets released from the hospital and you finally meeting him as well," I added as I walked out of my station and was greeted with a kiss from her.

Fe and I broke the kiss and I noticed that our action had drawn in a crowd of ponies, "alright everypony, shows over," Fe called out to them, causing the crowd to return back to their businesses. "So…" Fe started as she looked back at me, "… should we get going now?" she asked me.

"Yes, let's go." I answered her. As Fe and I made our way to the prep area to drop off our protective clothing, we passed familiar ponies that are our friends; Subtle Rampage, Thunder Cloud, and Iron Wing, but we also passed our un-friendly associates; Garble and his friends, but I noticed that that Garble is wearing a collar that is giving off a faint golden glow and was giving me a look of resentment.

I remembered what Star told me about what happened to him after he gave me such a thoughtful… gift, I guess Celestia and his parents must have come up a punishment for him. I saw him try to breathe fire, but all that came out was just a puff of smoke, of which he gave distasteful at it and looked at me with the same look, but I just wave back at him with a cheeky smile as we passed him. Fe and I arrived at the prep station that was setup a little way away from the entrance and started taking off our protective gear. I opened the locker that has my cutie mark and there at the bottom of the locker sat my saddlebag, which holds some items that are going to help my dad with his life. I took the saddlebag out of the locker and set them aside and started to take off the gloves of my hooves, revealing the black and white of the Element markings and put them into the locker.

I unzipped the heavy material coat and shrugged it off, feeling the air make contact with my air deprived fur and making the metallic feathers in my wings to strike each other, creating a sound like wind chimes. I then hear Fe giving a sigh of contentment behind me, "you know Aceiro, even though you can't fly with those wings of yours now, they're still gorgeous," Fe commented about my wings and then I hear her unzipping her protection gear as well.

I smiled and put the heavy coat into my locker and closed it and saw my cutie mark emblem on it, and then I realized something; I have never properly seen Fe's cutie mark, wow, I must've been dense not to notice her cutie mark after all of this time, I thought as I mentally whacked myself for not noticing one of her key features, well it never hurts to have a look. I looked over to Fe just as she is putting her coat into her locker, and there on her flank is fire shaped into the alchemy symbol of iron against her light brown coat.

"Like what you see?" Fe suddenly asked me, causing me to look up to her amused face and understood that she had seen me observing her cutie mark, which is on her flank and hence the misunderstanding.

"Oops, sorry," I quickly faced forwards at my locker, feeling the rising heat of the blush to my face.

"Aw, it's ok," Fe responded to my embarrassment and increased as she hugged me from behind and kissed me, "you know, you are kind of cute when you are embarrassed," she added somehow making me more embarrassed.

I cleared my throat, "should we get going?" I quickly suggested trying to change the subject, "Because I don't want my dad to get out of the hospital and find himself in an unfamiliar place."

"Why?" she asked as she broke off the hug and went over her locker and shut it.

"Well…" thinking what to say to that wasn't "my dad wasn't a pony before and came from a different dimension", after a quick thought I answered, "…he hasn't been here before his accident and moved here, and is not familiar with the city and its magnitude."

"Oh that's understandable," Fe understood as she walked back up to me, "when my family and I moved here, we were overwhelmed by the magnitude of this city," and then she locked her locker and made her way out of the prep station, "so are we going or not?" she asked as she looked back at me with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I replied back to her as locked up my locker, grabbed the saddlebag and exited the prep station and up towards her, "let's introduce you to my dad," I added as we made our way outside of the Iron Heart and towards Canterlot.

Thirty Minutes Later

Fe and I walked through Canterlot and arrived at the hospital, but along the way I was getting odd looks from the regal unicorns of Canterlot and an occasionally misplaced Pegasus, even though I have been here for a long time. I let out a sigh of discontent as we entered the foyer of the hospital, "what's wrong?" Fe asked me as she apparently heard the sigh I made.

"Oh sorry Fe," I apologized, "it's just that I have been here for a long time and yet I still get odd looks from everypony else," I explained as Fe and I walked up to the front desk.

"Don't worry about that, I am sure that the other ponies will eventually get used to you," Fe assured me, which helped boost my morality and thanked her.

The sound of somepony clearing their throat in front of use quickly gained my attention, I looked forward and there I saw a very annoyed and tired unicorn setting behind the front desk, "can I help you with something?" she asked us in a very irritable tone of voice.

"Yes you can," I confirmed as I ignored the quality of her voice, "I am looking for my dad, Numeral, can you tell me where I can find him, please?" I asked politely. The unicorn reached forward and into the space beneath the counter and pulled out a big sized binder, she then opened it and started ruffling through pages while muttering my dad's pony name.

"Here we are," the receptionist announces as she found my dad's name, "your father should be in room E-one hundred fifty right about now," she supplied the room where my dad is, "to get there, you go down that hallway…" she instructed as she pointed to the hallway on her left, "…until you reach the elevator, take it and go up onto the fifth floor, when you get off the elevator turn right and continue down it and the room will be on the on your right."

We thanked her and we made our way down to the hallway, walking past doctors and nurses and closed door and an occasionally open one. We saw ponies in the healing process ranging from having a cast to full body casts on, we then soon came upon the elevator the receptionist said that we will come across. I hit the button that called the elevator, a few seconds later the double doors of the elevator opened with a ping of a bell and there we saw a normal pony standing at the control panel of the elevator, "what floor would you like to go to?" the operator asked us.

"Fifth floor please," I answered as Fe and I entered the elevator, after Fe had settled on my right and with the operator on my left, he closed the doors and pushed up the winch and I immediately felt the pounding gravity as we went up against it, then the pressure feeling lessened immediately as we neared our designated floor. With a ding of a bell as before, the doors opened into a hallway, allowing us access to into it. Fe stepped out of the elevator first soon with me following behind her, but as soon as I stepped out of the elevator, there was a small ding, indicating that the elevator is being called.

The elevator's operator closed the doors and heard it move away from our floor. We looked around and saw a sign placed in front of us, I took a closer look at it and saw what it read; E-one to E-seventy-five to the left side, with the other side reading E-seventy-six to E-one hundred fifty. It was one of those signs that tell what direction a numbered room is at, "so the receptionist said room E-one hundred fifty, right?" Fe inquired.

"Right, so we go right," I confirmed. Fe then started to go right, but as I lifted my right hoof to take a step towards the direction where my dad is, I felt my left hoof slip underneath me, causing me to plant my face into the linoleum floor and moan out of pain.

"Aceiro," Fe called out as she came back to me, "what happened?" she asked as she helped me up to my hooves.

"I don't know," I answered as I rubbed my throbbing nose with my left hoof, "all of a sudden, my left hoof was pulled out of under me," I explained. I moved my hoof around, wondering what just happened, after nothing else happen I shrugged it off and took a step towards the right, but then my left hoof was swiped out of underneath me again, causing me to kiss the floor again, "okay, seriously," I said frustrated as I got up and started to examine my left hoof, "what's going on here," and then my left hoof all of a sudden jerked towards the left, in the opposite direction I want to go in, "what the hoof?" I cried out as I felt something tugging my left arm down the left hallway, and then I got a sense of urgency from the black marking of the element on my arm, which I then realized what was happening; The Element of Entropy is taking me somewhere.

The tugging on my arm continues as the feeling of urgency once again came off the element, and then I felt myself starting to slip across the floor, "what's going on Aceiro?" Fe asked as she quickly rushed to my side, gripped me and started pull, but then vigor of the element increased just as she started pulling, heaving both of us at the same time, "what the hay is going on here?" she cried out as the element made us pass the closed doors of other patents.

"It's the Entropy Element," I explained to her and then I looked towards the black marking on my arm, "stop it," I ordered the Element, "even though you're a Reality Element, I am your bearer so listen to me." All of a sudden the tugging ceased, causing us to be flung back from the lack of opposite force and onto the floor on our backs.

"What was it doing?" Fe asked as we got up from the floor.

"It was taking me somewhere," I explained as I looked around for any reasons of why the element was acting up, "and I also got the sense of urgency, but I don't see what…" trailed off at what I was saying when I saw what was on the plaque that was set onto the door.

"What, what is it?" Fe asked as she looked towards at what I'm staring at, and then she saw what was written on the door and let out a gasp, "hay, isn't that-"

"Yes it is," I confirmed as I walked up to the door, all of a sudden the Entropy Element along with the Will Element, gave a mighty tug on my arms, which caused me to crash through the door that says that it is being occupied by the last pony I expected to see again.

I slid across the floor along with the remains of the doorframe that was broken when I went through the door and into the machine humming filled room, "will you stop doing that already?" I asked frustrated towards both of the Elements, "the door was probably unlocked."

"And it was," Fe established as she walked into room, stepping over the pieces of wood, "so, do you know why your Elements made you to break through the door?" she asked and walked past me as I was once again picked myself off of the floor.

"I don't know, these Elements are different from Star's and Arcana's, for they seem to have a mind of their own," I enlightened her about them and then I looked towards the Elements, "and once again, will you stop doing that, it is getting annoying to be dragged around," I got an apologetic feeling from the Entropy Element, "that's ok, but why did you bring me here?"

"Um Aceiro, I think I know why," I heard Fe assume. I looked to where I heard her and saw her standing at the side of the bed holding a clipboard, but my gaze went over her and to who is lying in the bed; Trixie.

She was sleeping in the bed, with various active medical equipments, which I have no clue to what some of them even do, attached to her body, "so Fe, why are we here?" I asked her as Trixie let out wheezed intake of breath from the respirator on her face.

"Well…" Fe started as she looked through Trixie's diagnostics, "… it says here that she has large traces of dark magic coursing through her body, which…" she trailed off at the last part.

"Which is what?" I encouraged her to continue as I walked up to Trixie's bed.

Fe looked at me, "which is slowly killing her," she finished sadly.

When she said dark magic was the cause of the state Trixie is in, my thoughts turn to Nightmare and how it had possessed Trixie, I guess Nightmare left a trick or two behind. I looked down at the black tattoo on my left arm, is this why you dragged me here? I questioned it and got a feeling of a definite yes in response, but why did you bring me here?

All of a sudden the Entropy Element and then Will Element manifested into their bracer form and forced my arms up and laid them on Trixie's right arm. I felt something flow up my arms and I quickly yanked them back, "will you stop doing that?" I scolded the Elements for their behavior, "I am seriously getting tired of both of you yanking me around."

"Aceiro, look at what you just did," Fe interrupted my reproach on them. I looked at her and saw that she has a look of astonishment on her face and was pointing towards Trixie.

I looked towards Trixie and saw that she was more at peace than when we entered her room, "what did I do?" I asked Fe.

"Well let's see here," Fe said as she looked over to a machine next to her and examined the diagnostics that it is producing about Trixie, "heart rate lessening, brain waves less erratic, slight increase in magic levels, I think you just removed some of the dark magic from her body," she speculated.

"What was up with all of that… medical diagnostics?" I asked her.

Fe glances back me, "when I was little I wanted to be a doctor, so I used to study a lot to be one."

I opened my mouth to say something about that being a contradiction to her culture, but she lift her hoof up, stopping at what I was going to say, "yes I know, being a doctor means risking at making contact, but it wouldn't be with all of the sterile environments," she explained, "but that changed when my family and I discovered my talent with metal," I was about to say more, but I was once again interrupted by her, "listen, what's in the past, stays in the past," she said and then she turned towards Trixie, "now I think reason she has a large amount of dark magic in her body, is because it probably has something to do with that," she said as she pointed to the black bracer, "Because you did say that Nightmare held it when it possessed her, so maybe there might be some of its magic in her, which is killing her."

"That makes sense," I agreed with her, "but what can we do about it?" I asked her and was rewarded with a soft slap in the back of the head.

"Not we, you," she said as she pointed at me, "just repeat what you did a few second ago and let the Elements do their thing, and maybe Trixie can be saved," and then she gave me a sad look that I, and pretty sure nopony else as well, couldn't say "no" to.

"Of course I will do it," but I don't know what I did last time though, I worriedly thought and then a felt a reassuring squeeze on my arms. I looked down and saw the Will Element and the Entropy Element glowing in their respective auras, "ok then," I understood what they want, "but no more pulling, dragging or yanking, got it?" I listed the restrictions to them, and then got an acceptance from them, "let's get started then." I closed my eyes and made my arms go limp, I then immediately felt the Elements take control of them as they started to move on their own. I felt my hooves move over to the bed and felt them lay themselves on Trixie's arm by the Elements' influence.

I once again felt something going up my arms as the Elements started to drain away the darkness from Trixie. A few seconds later I heard Fe gasped in bewilderment, causing me to open my eyes in alarm at what I saw and made me let out a gasp of my own, for they are coming out of Trixie's body and slithering up my arms and into my Elements, were shadowy wisps, "whoa, this feels freaky."

This went on for a few minutes, until the last of the wisps left Trixie's body and into the black bracer. As soon as the last wisp entered the black bracer I started to feel heavyhearted, "whoa," I said as swayed back and forth which caused Fe to hold me, "okay that really felt freaky," I said as I grew steady on my hooves, allowing Fe to let go of me and back to the machine.

"This is amazing," she said as read the diagnostics, "all that dark magic that was ailing her is gone now," she proclaimed and then she hugs me, "you are really amazing, you kindly help a ponies without asking for anything in return, your dad would be so proud," at the mention of my dad, I remember why we were here in the first place.

"Oh shoot, my dad is still waiting for us at us," I quickly explained to her.

"Quick then, let's go before your dad leaves on his own and gets lost in the city," Fe and I then left Trixie's room and made our way to my dad's room, and this time without the Elements directing.

"I just thought of something," Fe said as we just passed the elevator.

"What is it?"

"Does your dad know about your current accessories?" she asked as she pointed to my wings and the Element markings, which they have turned back into among all of the rushed panic.

"Oh dang."

Third POV

When Aceiro and Fe left Trixie's room, the owner of the room had started to stir awake. Trixie opened her eyes and looked around confused, "where am I? How did I get here? In fact, what happened to me?" she asked to nopony in particular with a worried tone as she saw the respirator on her face.

"Calm down young one," a voice called out of nowhere as Trixie was removing the breathing apparatus, startling Trixie from the unexpected reply.

"Who are you? Where are you?" Trixie asked more questions to the mystery voice.

"Hmm..." the voice sound as if it was contemplating about something, "I guess it couldn't hurt to reveal myself," the voice answered after a while. The air at the foot of the bed started to shimmer and a silver alicorn soon appeared out of the shimmering air, "hello Trixie, I'm Destiny, but please call me D," D greeted herself, "but I am sure that you wouldn't remember me, my name or my visit after I leave."

When Trixie saw D, she immediately felt a kind of fear, like she has met this strange alicorn before and it didn't felt it was under a good situation, "please don't hurt me," Trixie requested as she pulled up her sheets up to her chin.

"I am not going to hurt you young one," D reassuringly said to Trixie, "I am just here to see your part in all of this chaos to come to a close," she explained, which confused Trixie, "and I have to say, it went exceptionally well."

D started to make her way to the door, as D was stepping over the remains of the doorframe they started to quiver and then moved back to original place before Aceiro's entrance. When D was reaching out to the repaired door, she stops and looks back at Trixie, "I am sorry that you have to be part of all of this mess," D apologized, "now if you'll excuse me, I need to have a little chat with a certain deity of chaos," and then she disappeared into the air just as she stepped into the hallway.

Trixie sat there in the bed thinking, who was that strange pony? And then Trixie realized something, wait, who was I talking to? In fact was I having a conversation with somepony? Trixie looked around confused, "where am I? How did I get here? In fact, what happened to me?" she asked out loud to nopony in particular, and then getting a sense of déjà vu.


Alright folks, this chapter was originally going to introduce Fe to Aceiro's dad, but as you can see that didn't go as planned, but I am starting to get back into the rhythm of things. So I think I can say, expect the next chapter by the end of the week, so leave your comments, questions, and reviews behind.

Now that I have said that, I have been wondering about something for a while now, can someone please explain to me what Steampunk Equestria is and what the plot behind it?

Also, if you can, do you think you can mention my story around, because I want to see what others think about it, thank you.

End A/N

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