• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,564 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 43: Perks


Well here is the next chapter and also I would like to say Happy Birthday to Subtle Rampage, I hope you have or had (depending when this gets updated) a great day. Now thank you all for being great readers, and remember, please leave your thoughts in the comments and reviews, I want to know what you all think, and also fair warning, there are some inappropriate use of language.

End A/N

Aceiro's POV

Princess Luna just gave me a job, I thought as I heard the job proposal from Luna with a slack jaw, Luna just giggle and said, "I suggest you close your mouth Aceiro, for you don't want something flying into it, now do you?" I shut my mouth and waited for her to speak again, "now let me explain this job to you, The Iron Heart is where ponies, like you, or any other creature has the talent for metal working, works here doing metal working, not just for here in Canterlot, but throughout Equestria, for this is the place where we get supplies and do repairs on Royal guard armors and their equipment," Luna explained.

"So what exactly is my job here?" I asked, wanting to clarify at what I am going to be doing in the place like this.

"Well, you are going to be repairing equipment and related things, sometimes make something for somepony else," Luna explained my job, "there are some, oh gosh what is the word that ponies uses these days, um… perks I think, yes perks, well with this job there are some perks with it, you see you are supplied with materials to invent things that can help Equestria, you are also supplied with living arrangements, and of course payment."

When Luna said the good things I though, I can finally help my dad, but wait a minute, "is there a down side here?" I asked her, "Because usually every good thing comes with a downside."

I saw Luna sigh and replied, "Yes there is a slight side effect from working here, since there is so much metal working here, the very air is full of iron, so ponies and other creatures tend to get sick here and there from metal poisoning."

"Then it is perfect, I will take it," I announced surprising Luna a bit.

"Wait you are happy that the very air can poison you, why?"

"Well you see princess every time my abilities goes off, it takes the iron from my body and uses it, but the downside is that it appears that it doesn't or can't put it back in my body, so I am always tired and as if I am about to faint," I explained my little problem with my abilities, "so if the air is filled with iron and my abilities kick in again, my body won't be drained of it."

"Excellent then," Luna happily said, "and as for the living arrangements you can stay in the castle, and as for you father, I will send for him to be transferred to the Canterlot hospital, after all the city's medical equipment here is a little advanced then Ponyville's after all."

"Oh thank you princess," I thanked the princess of the night, "can you send a letter to Star and Arcana that I got a job here?"

"You are very welcome," Luna accepted my thanks, "and of course I will send a letter to them, now I best be going, sister dear will want to know what happened to our rude little nephew and to the table," and with that she left the station, my station and exited The Iron Heart and the doors closed shut. I looked back at my station and started to examine it, and saw that there is a tube, for its' purpose is that to receive orders and send messages. All of a sudden my station lights up from a pair of stones, that I had somehow missed, that are set into the ceiling, giving off a warm feeling light, what are they sunstones? I looked towards the forge and the thought came to mind, now how do I start this thing?

Few days later

After a whole day learning the ropes and meeting new ponies, especially one who's name is Subtle Rampage, a white coated unicorn, with shocking yellow mane and tail, which I find that his name is really fitting for him, for I saw him a couple of times working metal with his bare hooves I mean he must be tough to do that, a little cocky, but fun to be around, but I had a tough time making friends with him, for he usually keeps to himself and for his cutie mark I can't tell for it is hidden under protective gear that we all were assigned.

I am pushing a cart full of scrap metal to a pile of metal that is placed in the middle of the warehouse, after I had finish with my latest assignment of fixing large dents in a Royal Guard armor, geez, what did this pony do? Got into a bar fight? I walked by another pony I meet yesterday, a guard pony that makes sure that nothing gets out of hand, and goes by the name Thunder Cloud, a tall white pegasus with yellow stripes running across his face and legs, and I think he has canine teeth, though I am not sure, "hay Thunder how are ya?"

He looked at me and replied with a wave of a hoof, "lorem Aceiro, ego denique, gratias petens," oh ya I forgot that he speaks Latin, I thought to myself as I gave myself a mental face hoof. I made my way back to my station after I had dumped the scrap metal into the scrap heap, but as I was making my way back to my station, I heard a whimpering voice cry out, "please leave me alone."

"Oh and what are you going to do about it huh?" a punk like voice answered.

I left the cart and followed where the voices are coming from, when I turned around a corner there I saw three dragons that somehow seems to familiar to me, like I saw them before, one was red, another purple and the last one being an ugly brown, were huddling around a shaking mare, when the red one drew closer to her, I saw her try to move away, but she is stuck between a wall and the dragon, "why are you doing this? I never did anything to you," the mare asked.

"Well the reason I am doing this is because I think it is fun to scare little ponies, like you, and the reason I am doing this is because it is thanks to you ponies that I am here in the first place," the red dragon answered, "if I ever find those ponies and that twerp of a baby dragon, I am going to make them pay."

"Yeah, the ponies ratted on us about disturbing a phoenix nest," the brown said, sounding that he was a hard time concentrating, when the dragon said that I now remember where I saw theses three before, it's Garble and his gang, from the Great Dragon Migration episode.

"Now our parents sent us here to work for the damaged we did to stupid family of birds, "the purple one said angry

Garble took another step forward and I saw the mare starting to cry and started to plead, "Please leave me along, I cannot be touched."

"Oh a special pony," Garble said to his cohorts, "I wonder what will happen if I make contact with her," he then took another step towards the now crying mare.

When I saw her starting to cry, I made my way closer to them, picking up a crowbar along the way thinking, I don't know what her case here, but I will not let these three be mean to her anymore, I quickly and quietly stepped up to the brown one, with his back still face me. I stood up on my hind legs so that I was at least equal in height with them, and then I tapped the brown dragon's shoulder casing him to look back at me with look of surprise, "yo, what's up?" I said to him as I swung my makeshift bat at his head, his head made the crowbar ring and vibrate, dang this one is thick headed.

With my outburst, the others were quickly alerted of my presence, "what the-, who are you?" Garble questioned as he saw me.

"I'm Aceiro and I believe the lady here said that she doesn't like to be make contact," I announced as swung the bar over my shoulders, "so I would suggest that you leave her alone."

"Make me," Garble replied and then he mentions to the purple one, "Well, what are you standing there for? Get him," he ordered, the purple dragon then rushed at me, wildly and randomly swinging his arms around, but I just brought up my crowbar and smacked it straight down on the center of his head making him fall to the ground, moaning in pain, while holding his head in his claws.

"You will pay for messing with my fun," Garble promised as he took off into the air and flew right at me, I just ducked and he ran himself in a pillar that was standing behind me, huh that's convenient, I thought as I dropped the crowbar and dropped back down to all fours, slowly making my way to the mare. This up close I saw that she is just a light brown Earth pony with golden mane and tail, and her eyes are vibrant blue.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I put a hoof to help her up from the ground, but she eyed my outstretched hoof with horror, "oh sorry," I quickly brought back my hoof away from her, "you don't touch, so what is your name?"

"It's Fe," she answered as she got up from the ground, "and thank you," she thanked me with a smile, I felt my heart tug when I saw that smile, causing me to smile as well, and then I saw her gaze shift to look at what's behind me, and then her smile shifted to the look of horror. I whirled around and saw that Garble was up and now had the crowbar, which was being swung down towards us.

I brought up my forelegs, in the position to intercept the blow and to protect Fe, even though I just meet this mare, I will protect her no matter what, but then something strange happened, when I should be feeling scared and worried, I instead felt at ease. My Element marking started to shined and all of a sudden my arms started to tingle and I saw black material come out of my arms, and then they quickly formed into two armored bracers, blocking his strike, but causing me to be forced onto my knees.

"What are you?" Garble asked as he saw that I just had grown metal grow from my body, and then we both hear moaning and shuffling as something on the floor; the other dragons are waking up, "forget about it, I am going to keep my promise and make you pay for ruining my fun," by now the other two were now fully awake," you two, swarm him now," Garble ordered them, but before they can make a move, there was a white streak and it tackled the purple one, "what the- what was that?"

The white streak revealed itself, and I saw that it was Thunder Cloud and he didn't look happy at all, "Scitis, non stare punks sicut te lecturum in inermes equa, ita ego ad cecidi moribus in illis crassitudine capitibus vestra," he just stayed there on top of the purple dragon.

"What did you say? Because I can't understand you," Garble demanded as he lessens the pressure on the crowbar, I fell to the ground all worn out from that strike I defended from Garble. I saw that my left armored bracer had turned to dust just like always and I am feeling tired, damn I didn't get enough iron in my body yet. Garble, for some reason, drops the crowbar and gets into a stance as if expecting a fight.

"You know, three on one, is totally an unfair advantage," a slightly angry voice called out from the shadows, "and when there's a unfair advantage, it pisses me off," and out of the shadows stepped out Subtle Rampage, but instead of his docile calm state, he had a fiery rage burning in his eyes as he stepped up to us, "and as for what Thunder here said, I think he said that he is going to beat some manners into all three of you, but I will beat the living shit out of you for messing with my friends and being complete jackasses to a mare," he yelled and with that I saw what looks like crystals going to his hooves and covering them up.

He stood up on his hind legs and got into a fighting stance, the brown dragon rushed at Subtle, but he gave the dragon a roundhouse kick, sending him into the wall a few feet away from Fe and I, and then he rushed at Garble. Subtle let loose a barrage of punches and jabs into the chest of the red dragon, but it looks like Garble is taking in the blows. Garble let loose a punch of his own, but Subtle just forced it away from him, he then spun around and gave a momentum filled punched right into Garbles jaw, causing him to be flung backwards and hit the floor, and by the way Garble is not getting up, I say that he just K.O. him, "Damn," Subtle said as he shake his hoof to get some of the soreness out of it, "you dragons are tuff bastards, are you?"

I saw that the brown dragon was once again up and silently sneaking up on Subtle, who was congratulating himself for beating up two dragons. I looked around and saw that the purple dragon had somehow gotten Thunder off of him and was giving him a hard time by delivering punches, but with Thunder dodging and weaving through the dragon's moves, occasionally delivering a punch or two, himself. Thus leaving only me to deal with the dishonorable dragon and his sneak attack, I then saw the crowbar that Garble dropped. I picked it up and unsteadily got to my hind legs, and quickly made my way to the dragon, once again unnoticed that he is being snuck up on. I tapped him on the shoulder, once again he stupidly looks back at me, "again, yo what's up?" and strikes him across the face with the crowbar, causing the brown dragon to spin in place and then fall to the ground unconscious, but the crowbar was now bent out of shape, showing that I put a lot more force into it this time.

"Damn I will say this again, dragons are sure one tuff bastards," Subtle announced as he dragged over a bruising Garble and piled him on top of the brown one.

"Ego conveniunt, haec sunt unum formidabilis fasciculum," Thunder agrees, I think, dragging a lot more purple then usual purple dragon.

"Ok I can't tell you if you just agreed with me, or saying that I need more lessons in being aware in a fight, since this one almost clubbed me in the head," Subtle disputed.

This caused Thunder to chuckle and reply, "hinc patriam loqui lingua."

"Again with that saying, just tell me what it means already," Subtle asked, turning back into the calm and docile state as before.

"Er, um, Aceiro is it?" I heard a voice behind asking, "I turned around and saw Fe there shuffling her hooves on the ground, "I would like to thank you for saving me from those brutes."

"Hay we help too you know," I heard Subtle call out, followed by something hitting sound, and then I heard Thunder scowl at Subtle in Latin, "once again I can barely understand you," more Latin was spoken, "fine let's take these three and leave this two alone," Subtle agreed with Thunder about something, and then I hear something heavy being dragged across the floor.

"Well, once again thank you for saving me," Fe said with a small smile.

"You're welcome," I replied back with a smile as well, feeling happy, "so I will see you later?"

"Sure," Fe answered and started to walk away, but after a few feet, she turns back to me and added, "Um, if you don't have any plans planned, would you like to go out to eat after work?"

"Of course," I answered happily, but I think it was a little rush, for Fe started to giggle walk away. I am filled with joy, that something good had come out of this, all of a sudden I felt a something moving on my right arm, I looked down and saw the armored bracer turned into dust, but instead of it falling off like usual, it sliding back into my arm, creating a weird sensation, but the results were that I am not tired at all anymore, and then something drawn to me, did I just got asked out? Oh Celestia I think I just did... I think I could get used to the perks here, I thought with a smile and a heart full of happiness.


Alright everyone here is another successful chapter, and I hope you all enjoyed it, now leave your comments and reviews behind so I can see what you think about this story, oh also

Subtle Rampage, is credited for the creation of Subtle Rampage

And Thunder Storm is credited for the creation of Thunder Storm

And also the next two chapters are going to be special, so I hope you will enjoy them. That is all.

End A/N

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