• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 12: Trouble in the Skies PT1


Hello everypony I'm sorry about the late update, it has been a crazy weekend of studying (guess which pony said that) even though I don't do a lot of studying, enjoy this chapter.

End A/N

Chapter 12

I stood in front of Rainbow Dash's front door, wondering if I should do this.

Ya I have to, for the sake for my health, I knock on her door and waited.

The door opened and there stood Dash with a tired look in her eyes, "oh, hello Star, ah what are doing here this early?"

"Hi Dash, well I was wondering if I can stay with you for a while?"

"Why and what's wrong with Twilight's place?"

"Well I need a new place to get some sleep, and Arcana and Twilight are trying to get to her wings off, so there are constant noises."

"Ya, how is that going that going anyway? And that will explain the tried look in your face, is it really that bad?"

"Well Arcana asked Spike to eat the wings, which he drooled when he was asked, but after Spike took a bite out of one of her wings, Spike got sick and the wing grew back, but don't worry Spike is ok now, in fact you can you can hear them going at it right now."

And true to my word, muffled sounds of explosions can be heard coming from the direction of the library.

"Sure, you can stay here as long as you want, but why me?"

"Well Rarity wants me to model for her, and Fluttershy's pet Angel keeps giving me the stink eye, and I need peace and quiet so I won't get any of that at Sweet Apple Acres, and Pinkie Pie, well you know how she is, and so you are my last option."

"Well sure, you can sleep here for a while."

"Thanks Dash, "I said as she let me in her house.

"Make yourself at home."

I walked in and asked, "do you mind if I sleep on the couch right now, because I am so tired right and I didn't get any sleep for a while?"

"Sure go right ahead."

"Once again, thanks."

I walked into the living room and lay on the sofa and slept.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but I woke up to the sound of a little girl scream and something being pushed into my face.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh."

"What is it? And what is this on my face?"

"Have a look at it, "she said excited.

I took the flier from my face and read, "The Best Young Flier Competition isn't that the flying contest in Cloudsdale? "

"Is sure is, and now I am so excited for this year, hay why don't you enter, maybe you can do that warped move you did with the hydra?"

"Well I don't know how I did it in the first place, though."

"Hay don't worry about it, that's also what happened to me, because I didn't know how to do the Sonic Rainboom, and now I do."

"Well I always wanted to go Cloudsdale and I never got the chance to go there so ya, I'll enter ."

"Alright, let's get training."


"Because the competition is in three days."

Uh oh, I have a feeling this is going to hurt.

It has been two days and today is the last day until the competition and Dash and I were up in the sky once again practicing for the competition.

"Oh come on Star you can do it, "Dash encouraged.

"Come on Dash I tried to do it for two days and I am still sore from my last crash."

"Oh come on, that tree came out of nowhere."

"Says you 'sigh' fine I will give it one more try."

"Alright you can do it."

I took a deep breath and started to speed up trying to copy the event with the hydra.

I closed my eyes trying to think what I did to warp again, what did I do in the first place?

"Hay Star look out, "Dash cried out.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was about to crash into a cloud.

I was surrounded in white fluff as the upper half of my body struck the cloud.

I tried to get out with my hind legs pushing against the cloud, but I couldn't get enough force on the cloud.

I heard a muffled BWMAHAHAHA coming from the outside.

"What the hay was that? "I heard below me.

"Oh, hi Arcana Star was trying to go warp, and now he stuck in the clouds, "Dash answered.

Then I heard laughing and heard, "talk about get your head out of the clouds."

"Good one Arcana, but why are you red?"

"Ha ha, good one now can somepony get me out?"

"Hehe, sorry Star, "and I felt my tail being pulled, and with a pop I came out of the cloud.

"Thanks Dash, "I said as I shook my head clearing my senses.

I looked down and saw that I had crashed above the library and there I saw Arcana and her coat was red, "ah Arcana, why are you red?"

"Just a little reaction from a spell, but don't worry this is only temporary, see, "Sure enough on her legs her original color is slowly making its way up to her head. "Now why are trying to go warp?"

"Well it's for The Best Young Flier Competition."

"Awesome, when is it?"


"So soon, hay Dash can we all come too?"

"Sure, I will need a cheering squad to help with my performance, oh and Star's."

"Great I'll tell everypony then, "Arcana walked off.

"Now let's get back to practice."

Oh boy.

After the whole day of practicing barrel rolls and loops de loops, I walked in Dash's house all dizzy and tripped over Dash's pet tortoise Tank.

"Umph, hi Tank, "I said with my face in the floor made of cloud.

"Tank, what did I say about sleeping in the front of the front door?"

Tank's answer was just to whirl away with its helicopter blades to upstairs.

"Alright let's get some sleep, because tomorrow is going to a busy day."

I flopped myself onto the couch falling asleep thinking, what did I get myself into?

"Hay Star wake up, we are going to be late. "said a voice in my ear, I waved it off.

"Come get up."

"Five more minutes, "I mumbled, drifting back to dream world.

"That's it, get up."

I felt the couch beneath me being bucked, causing me to be fling into the air and landing on my rear, which by then I was already awake.

"What the hay Dash?"

"Come on we are going to be late for the competition."

"Ah shoot, let's get going now, wait what about the others?"

"They are already on their way to Cloudsdale in the hot air balloon, now let's get going, "Dash explained.

After a quick breakfast, we left Dash's house and headed north towards Cloudsdale.

We quickly flew and in about ten minutes Cloudsdale came into view and let me tell you it looked like one of those ancient Greek cities with a mix of modern looks in it.

I looked around and saw that other pegasi flying into the city.

"Wow it looks like this year is going to big, "Dash stated out as we landed in the city.

"Ya Rainbow Crash, this year you might not win this year, "said a dark brown pegasus with white mane and tail, his cutie mark being a dumb bell.

"Hi Dumb-Bell, "Dash said with an annoyed look, "and it's Dash."

"Who's your friend Rainbow Crash, "said a gray pegasus with black mane and tail and three footballs.

"It's Star Streak and I appreciate if you would please stop calling my friend that, and who are you?"

"Well Star Freak it's Score, "he said proudly.

"Really, did you just called me Star Freak? "I questioned.

"He sure did Star Freak, "and a brown coated and dark brown mane and tail landed next to the first two, I noticed that his cutie mark is three basketballs.

"Hoops didn't I show you and your friends last year?"

"You did, but it just too much fun making fun of you and your new friend, "Hoops said.

"Sigh, let's go Star, we are going to be late, "Dash said walking away.

I followed her and I heard them calling, "see you later Rainbow Crash and Star Freak."

After a lot distance was made between them and us I asked, "Dash, why does three give you such a hard time?"

"Well it started at junior flight camp I was always good at flying even when I was a filly. Ever since I beat them at that race they gave me much a harder time, doesn't it bother you that those three make fun of you?"

"Well it use to, but I realized something."

"What is that?"

"Bullies thrive on misfortune of others, so if you don't let them bother you and ignore them, the bullies taunts and jeers will become useless, "I said with a smile.

"Thanks Star, I will keep that in mind, and here we are, "she said stopping in front of a cloud building.

"And here is where?"

"The registration center, now let's hurry."

After we registered and got our performance written down and got our numbers, mine being 19 and Dash's 20, we made ourselves backstage, where we both received a surprise from a forgotten character.

"Gilda is that you? "Dash asked a griffin with the number 12 on her.

"Well well well, if it isn't my old friend Rainbow Dash and who is this? "Gilda said with she saw us.

"I'm Star, please to meet you, "I said politely and with a hoof out for a shake.

She grabbed my hoof and squeezed it a little hard, "please to meet you too, are you Dash's coltfriend?

"No I'm not, just a friend and I see that you are in the competition too, "I said as she let my hoof go and I was shaking it to get feeling back into it, "and have a nice grip there."


"Why are you here Gilda and where have you been? "Dash asked skeptical.

"Why, I'm here to have fun Dash and I have been back at home in the griffin kingdom in the mountains and I am sorry the way I acted like a jerk all that time ago, I realized that wasn't right for me to act and I want to be friends again, "she said with a apolitical face, "will you forgive me."

"Hay it's ok now so I forgive you now we can be friends again."

Gilda smiled at the friendship she received and said, "thank you Dash for forgiving me, now let's have fun in this competition."

We all agreed and got ready for the competition and as I was getting myself to calm down I got another surprised and it came with slightly out of focused eyes and a number 15 tag.

"Hi Ditzy I see that you are in this contest again."

"Ya I am, but how did you know that? "she asked with I think is a questioning look in her eyes

Ah shoot, "ah my friend Rainbow Dash said that you were in this contest last time."

"Oh that's right, "she said happily, whew that was close

"I wish I was able to bring Dinky along with me, but she is a unicorn, "she sadly.

After a few seconds of awkward silence I decided to break the ice.

"Hay Ditzy I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"How come you were seen several times in the last competition?"

"Promise that you won't tell, "I promised with the pinkie swear, she looked around making sure that nopony was within hearing distance, "well I had some time with the TARDIS and I loved it when I saw the sonic rainboom, so I came back several times to see it again, oh I just hope that I don't get in much trouble with the Doctor."

"Don't worry I won't tell anypony, "and then we heard horns blaring, "well, have fun Ditzy and see you later."

"You too, "and with that we went to get to our places.

I stood in front of Dash waiting for my turn, as I was waiting I smelled something in the air.

I sniffed it and it smelled like vanilla and something else, "hay Dash what is that smell?"

"Oh that's the hooflotion you're smelling, everypony got one, it's suppose to help you relax, though it tingled when I applied it, but it doesn't anymore."

"Well, I hope this competition goes smoothly and without any problems, "I said worried

"What could possible go wrong? "Dash asked.

I cringed at what she said.


"You should have never said that."


"Because that saying is usually in invite for the universe to answer back."

"You sound like Pinkie Pie."

"You'll see."


Hello everypony, I wasn't fully done with this chapter, and it was getting ridiculous long, so made this chapter into two parts, but don't worry the second part will be up soon.

End A/N

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