• Published 20th Nov 2012
  • 6,282 Views, 758 Comments

Then Everyone was an Alicorn - CluelessBrony

A botched spell turns everypony in Equestria into Alicorns

  • ...


Then Everyone Was an Alicorn

A fanfiction by Cluelessbrony

Based on this comic by AniRichie-Art: http://anirichie-art.deviantart.com/art/COM-The-Experiment-337968684

Rainbow Dash zoomed into town, leaving a rainbow contrail in her wake. The prismatic mare dashed through the streets-

And promptly got hit by the shockwave. Her wings locked, and she fell to the ground, landing with a thud. Rainbow grunted in pain and tried to stand up. Upon lifting herself off the ground, blood rushed to her head and she started to feel woozy. The mare promptly lost consciousness and fell back to the ground.


Twilight's basement

Twilight stood up, feeling sore all over her body. She was covered in soot and dust, residue of the explosion she had caused. Her lab coat was stained black. "I can't see! I'm blind!" Twilight exclaimed. She took off her goggles and threw them to the ground. They were covered in black soot, making them impossible to see through. "Oh..."

Twilight racked her brain, trying to remember what she was doing down in the basement in the first place. The mare noticed the now soot-covered spellbook and instantly remembered.

"The spell! Did it work?!"

Twilight started to check her body. She rubbed her sides, searching for Alicorn wings. All she found was her smooth coat, no abnormal appendages. Dang, she thought, that's disappointing...

The bookish unicorn decided to pack up her stuff and try again tomorrow. Walking over to the blackened spellbook, she activated her magic and tried to lift it. Nothing.

Twilight started to panic and slowly reached her hoof up to her forehead. Closer...


Her hoof collided with her forehead. No horn.

Her horn was gone.


Applejack woke up with a groan. "What the hay happened...?" asked the orange mare. She tried to stand up, but fell over.


She tried standing again, meeting the same results. She was confused. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't seem to keep her balance. The mare glanced at her legs. Nothing seemed to be wrong. But on closer inspection...

Applejack gasped. Her legs had grown a considerable amount in length in the time she was unconscious. She lifted up her leg and examined it. It was longer, yes, but it was also considerably thinner. It reminded her of somepony, but she couldn't quite place her hoof on it.

Applejack started to hyperventilate. What had happened to her? It must be Twilight who did this!, she thought. But why?

She decided to check her body for any more changes. She ran her hooves over her body, checking for oddities.

Head- Check

Neck- Check

Wings- Check


Applejack felt her sides again. Sure enough, two feathery wings were lying flat on her sides.

No way..., she thought, Twilight turned me into a pegasus!

Applejack smiled. If Twilight could change her back later, this could be an interesting day. She had always wondered why Rainbow Dash loved flying so much, maybe now she could finally find out. Maybe Rainbow could teach her a few tricks. Rainbow would probably try to teach her her entire knowledge of pegasus history, because if there was one thing Rainbow Dash was, it was proud. She'd want to take her to Cloudsdale. She would work her flank off trying to get her to learn all of Rainbow's tricks...

Applejack started to hyperventilate. Rainbow was her friend, but there was no way she could spend that much time with her. Applejack had a farm to run, she can't spend all day goofing off in the sky! Taking deep breaths, Applejack calmed herself. She would just have to go to Twilight's library without being seen by Rainbow. Twilight would turn her back to normal, and Rainbow would never have to know. Simple!

Applejack jumped up. In her haste, she had completely forgotten about her lack of balance. She only made it a few steps before her long legs got tangled up, causing her to fall down. Her head smacked into a tree.


The orange pony rubbed her now-throbbing head. Now that she remembered her lack of mobility, her plan started to seem less and less feasible.

Applejack tried to stand up. To her surprise, she couldn't. It felt like a weight pulling down on her forehead every time she tried to get her face off the tree. She kept tugging, but to no avail. She lifted one of her hooves to see what the big deal was. Rubbing the tree, she felt what must have been a branch, coming out of the tree, and attaching to... her forehead?

Wait a second...

This ain't no branch.


Rainbow Dash slowly regained consciousness. Where am I?, she thought. She wearily got to her hooves, muttering curses under her breath. "I'm gonna' kill Twi when I get my hooves on her..."

Rainbow Dash spread her wings, intent on flying to the library. She could see the library across the street, and prepared herself. She flapped her wings, not noticing that they had grown a considerable amount. Her oversized wings launched her into the air with much more force than she intended. She crossed the distance to the library and smacked face first into the oversized tree. "Ow..."


"Mah new horn got stuck in a tree!"

"What's the deal, I can barely fly anymore!"

"All my animal friends are scared of me now..."

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie had immediately gone to see Twilight after dealing with their newly acquired parts, hoping their magically inclined friend would be able to help them. Well, all except two of them.

"Hey Twilight hey hey Twilight look at me I have wings and a horn I look like a princess wait does that mean I have magic now I could use magic to throw more parties I could have a magic party!"

Pinkie was ecstatic at her new transformation. Now she could spend time with Rainbow Dash in the sky, practice magic with Twilight, and generally have lots of fun with all her friends!

Twilight sighed as Pinkie rambled on about magic parties. She turned to Rarity. "You've been quiet," she commented, "How do you feel about all this?"

Rarity smiled at her friends. "Well," she started, "I don't see why you three are complaining. This look is simply fabulous! These wings are gorgeous! I look just like a princess!", she said, finishing with a small squee.

Applejack stepped up. "Er, Twi, I couldn't help but notice, uh..." she pointed to her horn. "Yeh seem to be missin' a little somethin'. How are yah gonna' change us back?" she asked.

Twilight looked at the ground and sighed. "I... I don't know. I think we're going to have to go to the princesses..." she said gloomily. "I'm so sorr-"

Twilight was interrupted by Pinkie Pie, who was leaning up against the window and looking outside. "Hey, girls, can we throw an Alicorn party for all the others?" she asked. When her friends looked at her with questioning faces, she clarified. "Look outside!"

The five others did just that. "Oh no...", Twilight muttered.

Outside the window, a crowd of multicoloured Alicorns had congregated outside the library, with varying looks of sadness and joy on their faces.