• Published 1st Jan 2012
  • 1,328 Views, 26 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Distant Lands - Crawver

Deadsets' adventure through the unforgiving wasteland

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Distant Lands Plan

Since I have given up on writing the series itself, I feel no pain in revealing my cards on the table now, revealing all the main points I had planned. The base story arc was already decided, as well as a few “filler” chapters, which would divert slightly from the main plot, but are ultimately amusing in their own right, which does keep to the theme of fallout itself.

Firstly I should talk about the plot, what was actually going to happen. Deadset and Redsun pair off, and he follows her to Neighas, since she needs to return to her caravan company to restart, and he has no real objective as of the moment. They intend to part ways once they arrive there. He finds a statuette of rainbow dash, which he assumes is a relic of the gods, and so takes on a personal role as a preacher, but most ponies on the way really don’t have time for his ramblings, and even Redsun is only putting up with his company because he saved her life, leading up to a rather major clash between the two characters. Along the way, they run into a zebra patrol, that attacks them, and they only survive by hiding. Once they have eluded their attackers, they come across another zebra, who has been strapped to a crucifix, had the black lines along his body cut, and left to die. Unsure at first, they agree to release him, but are unwilling to accompany him on his own quest, and part ways.

Once the two make it to Neighas, Redsun is told that she has been fired from the caravan company due to costing them too much with this latest mishap of hers. Disheartened, she decides to stick around with Deadset a little longer. The two end up going into a bar outside of the strip, where deadest meets a Pegasus. He starts to ramble on about his beliefs to the pony, believing him to be an angel, the Pegasus having little time for it, bucks him hard, and shakes his very beliefs. Also in the bar, deadest notices another pony who he immediately recognises as the maniac from his tribe who killed his father, as well as many others. Like a beast possessed, he chases her down, and while at first she was about to use lethal force on him, she realises he was from the clarity tribe too, and instead tricks him into activating a memory orb she had saved for a moment like this. The orb showed Deadset that she was a trader for the tribe herself, but one day one of the visitors used a strange device to hypnotise her, and ordered her to go on a rampage, and then return to his camp where she was forced into slavery. She tells how she killed the pony who bought her, and trained to become a mercenary to protect herself from slavers tracking her down. She also makes it clear that the moment she has a chance to kill the slaver who kidnapped her, she’ll do so by any means. Deadset offers her help to her cause, sympathising, as well as secretly glad to have some link back to the tribe.

During their time in neighas, they hear rumours of increased zebra attacks in the wasteland, as well as rumours of an impending invasion. Without any money more of their own, they follow a bounty to kill a few particular raiders. They set out into the wastes again, where a few filler chapters would occur, as well as having a few brushes with alicorns, which end up breaking grasp on his faith, but is replaced with a steely determination to remember the past for what it really was, instead of lies, or ignorance. There is also an unknown marksman who seems to help them, but they never see who it is, only hearing the gunshots.

Deadset ends up being mentioned more and more by Pon-3, and his little gang starts to build up a reputation, which draws the attention of a particularly strong gang of raiders. As they are severely overwhelmed, and face dying, they are saved by a lone griffon bearing weapons that could bring more firepower than they thought possible. The griffon insists on travelling with the party, only because he thinks they will lead him to bigger and better fights.

They return to neighas to receive the rewards for their bounties, to find it under siege by zebras. They help the citizens, repelling the attack. They learn that the Caesar of the zebras has decided to restart the great war with ponies, and will begin a crusade across the wastelands. Deadset is recruited into the defence force of Neighas, and due to his notoriety is tasked with ascertaining the location of the Caesar, in the hopes they can end the war before it begins. As they are doing this, the supporting gunman reveals himself as the zebra they had saved earlier, who is out for revenge against the zebra government that he believes has long since forsaken it’s ancient ways. He joins the team gladly.

They eventually find the location of the zebra camp, and even get close to killing the Caesar, but are spotted and repelled before they can do so. They rush back to Neighas to inform the cities council of this. It is now that the final battle is set in motion, and deadest calls upon all the friends and allies he has made up until this point, when they all pool their resources together and kill the Caesar, breaking the back of the zebra army too.

It’s no-where near Kkat levels of awesome, but then I would have never finished it anyway. Next I intend to go over the characters I have in the party, detailing their personality traits, as well as their goals, and finishing off with what happens to them after the battle.

Deadset (the main character): Being a unicorn born into a group of religious tribals, he never had much experience of the outside world, and had a very warped view of the past. Having little to no skill with magic, he was always handicapped in fights, but thanks to his unusual signature weapon, “deadsets’ misfortune”, the tables always seemed to turn when things looked its’ bleakest. He is an ultimately kind-hearted pony, but is not immune to moments of greed or self-importance. When he was out casted, he set his goal to simply doing some good in the wasteland. As he progresses, he decides the best way to do good would be to preach the word of the gods to the wastes, always twisting what information he finds about the past to his favour. When his beliefs are finally shattered, and even he can’t believe in his past anymore, he turns his attention instead to truly uncovering what happened, and learning about ponies true history. He is a mechanic by talent, and in his spare time is regularly maintaining his parties equipment, as well as always looking for new and interesting technology to study.
He generally likes the members of his party, although sometimes has to warm up to them. He instantly likes Redsun, even going as far as to engage in a romantic relationship with her at one point, but the two later decide that they aren’t quite suited for eachother, and instead focus on their objectives. While cautious around Quickstep, he feels a natural connection with her, due to their shared history, and even forgives her for the killing of his father, understanding that it wasn’t her who truly did it. Blackwing unsettles him greatly, being a griffon of notable lust for battle, even for their warring species. Having no real shared interests, or even shared goals, he only really is willing to have him along due to the firepower he brings, as well as relishing the opportunity to study his unusual weapons. After Blackwing kills his own mother, the griffon starts to open up more to the group, and Deadset starts to become a bit more trusting of him. Deadset takes a long time to decide what he thinks about Xynic, and is often baffled by the zebras seemingly bizzare moral code. He nearly kills the zebra when he finds out that it was him who convinced the raiders to attack clarity, but is prevented to do so by Redsun. The two share a great tension, which never really ebs away, but eventually Deadset realises the zebra will only kill those that are unjust, and is surprisingly fair in his deeming of who is worthy of death.
After the battle, Deadset nearly dies, losing his cracked hoof leg to a chainsaw. He survives though, and eventually builds himself a replacement limb. He ends up setting up a repairshop in a small town near Neighas, and is rarely out of business. He gives special discounts to those who offer him carrot cakes.

Redlight Sunshine (The traderpony) Is a silver-tongued negotiator, and Deadsets’ closest friend. After having her caravan destroyed, and nearly dying herself, she is saved by Deadset, and travels along with him. Although only doing so at first for her own gains, she eventually starts to like the unicorn, and then follows him out of a mutual loyalty. Whenever the party needs to negotiate or trade, she takes lead, and will always ensure they get the best deals. While at first incredibly self-centred, thought you’d have a hard time realising it due to her remarkable social skills, she grows attached to those around her, and instead tries to help others, rather than just herself, although she is always just trying to make a living in a harsh wasteland. Being no warrior, she rarely uses any weapon larger than a pistol, and would much rather talk her way through a situation than enter a gunfight.
She, much like Deadset, is generally favourable to her companions. Although her feelings towards deadset are mixed at best at first, she eventually becomes close friends with him, even engaging in a short lived relationship with him. She has great respect for Quickstep, seeing her as almost a mirror of herself, out to make her own living, just in a different field. Although she is sometimes irked by Quicksteps willingness to fight, she understands where those feelings come from. Blackwing on the other hand, she hates. The griffons brash and boastful behaviour regularly winds her up, as well as him being even more gun-ho than quickstep. She regularly uses plays of logic on the griffon to outsmart and make a fool of Blackwing, but is always careful to not overstep a line, less she get melted into goo. She is amazed by Xynics resilience and stoicism, admiring how much the zebra could take, without ever lashing back should he feel the attacker innocent.
After the final battle, Redsun sets up her own caravan company. She makes ties with Deadsets’ repairshop, and visits him fairly regularly. The company never reaches huge success, but does become large enough to ensure a solid base in Neighas, and is a business rival to her old company.

Quickstep (explosives expert bounty hunter) is the parties first injection of “muscle”, and has seen more than her fair share of hardships. Having been forced to kill her friends and family, cast into slavery, and been subject to more cruel methods of torture than she can remember, both her body and mind have become hard and brutal, both bearing scars no pony should ever bear. Normally those who have been through what she has been turn into raiders, but she turned her hatred and fury into unmatched determination and drive to kill the slavers who captured her. Favouring stealth and explosives, her targets often never see it coming, and even when they do, it’s rare they escape the blast radius. Brutal on the battlefield, she learned that it was better to shoot first, than to give your enemy time to line up their shot. She resents her tribal roots, and hates the fact that she was lied to for so long. After she finally achieves her goal, she realises that she has nothing else in her life, so continues to follow Deadset out of a sense of respect for him.
Quickstep often views her companions as nieve, seeing their idealism as misplaced. This no more than towards Deadset, seeing his religious zeal as a massive waste, but at least respects that he’s driven for something. She doesn’t like Redsun, seeing her as a pretentious snake who hides her real self, and would stab anyone in the back should she benefit from it. Blackwing on the other hand, she shares a friendly rivalry with, both often competing for kills, and often sharing stories from their colourful past. Xynic confuses her, and never understands why the zebra insists that they spare some ponies who have attacked them, while will ensure others will die with no mercy. She views this strange morality as a waste, it’ll be much better to kill them all, tying up loose ends.
She doesn’t survive the final battle, instead having to sacrifice her own life to take out a zebra gun emplacement in a large explosion.

Falcon blackwing (heavy weapons specialist) is a heavily built black griffon who fights only for the glory of battle. Being an outcast of his branch of the talon company mercs, he’s driven to regain his honour in his own eyes, and seeks to kill the leader of the mercs himself, his mother. Brutal and violent, he only chooses to follow Deadset as he always seems to get in big fights. He carries two different weapons, one being a minigun named “eagle storm”, and a magic-caster called “dragons’ breath”, and would sacrifice anything to keep hold of them.
He is the most experienced fighter in the party, and as such sees the rest of his team as weak, often not valuing their other skills. He views deadset with interest, and always wonders how such a small and weak creature attracts the attention of fights far bigger than he warrents. He also sees Deadsets’ fascination with his weapons as quant. Blackwing views Redsun as a waste to the party, not really seeing why they have a pony who has no fighting skills along with them. Quickstep on the other hand, he shares the friendly rivalry. The two sharing many ideals and viewpoints, get along rather well, aside for the occasional argument due to Blackwings temper. Blackwing sees Xynics method of war as unusual, and while he doesn’t understand the zebras tendency to kill some, while sparing others, he has no problem with leaving survivors, if only because he hopes for another fight with them in the future.
After the war, Blackwing takes it upon himself to hunt down raiders spread across the waste. Although Deadset or the others never see him again, they sometimes hear Pon-3 talk about “The griffon of the night”, and his crusade against the evils of the waste.

Xynic (Zebra spy and assassin) is the last to join the party, and is the most unusual of then. Originally being one of the Caesars’ Frumentarii, after orchestrating an attack against a harmless tribe in the wasteland in an attempt to cause confusion and chaos, he rebels against the Caesar, seeing the oncoming war as a transgression against the zebras way of life that can’t be accepted. After being crucified and left to die by his own kind, he is saved by Deadset. While he hoped the unicorn would help him in his mission, the unicorn declines, and the two part. Out of a sense of honour, the zebra still watches over Deadset, helping when time needs. When it becomes clear that Deadset has started an offensive against the zebras themselves, he reveals himself and offers his own services. The zebra is now referred to by other zebras as “proditor”, or traitor, a badge he wears with pride. To mark this, he paints over his stripes with the blood other zebras. The zebra fights at range, favouring his sniper rifle and the shadows, although he is competent at hoof to hoof combat. He abides by an unusual moral code that few others understand. Due to his experience as a spy, he is able to see who is a “Nezinau” through very small facial gestures, and it is those who he deems as those worthy of death. If they aren’t, he will spare them.
Mysterious and quiet, he is rarely involved in arguments, and just watches what the party decides to do, following any decision. He sees himself as tied to Deadset, owing him a debt for saving his life. He respects Redsun for her unwillingness to spill blood, but also sees her as nieve, knowing that sometimes you must fight to achieve your ends. He sees Quickstep as a broken warrior, one who would have been legendary were she a male zebra, but due to her mistreatment fights recklessly. He trains her in a few tricks for stealth. He doesn’t like Blackwing, seeing the griffon as arrogant and foolish, as all the griffon wants is to fight, and fights indiscriminately. It is only with him that the zebra will be drawn into an argument with.
After the end of the war, as the Caesar dies, he infiltrates his way back into the ranks of the zebras, and acts as a moderating agent in the zebras government, ensuring that no war like this would ever break out again.

Next I’ll talk about a few of the “filler” chapters. Some of them, while not strictly linked with the plot, many will have impacts on the story as a whole.

Mares of Shadows: Deadset and his party stumble into a small town where a battle between two powerful unicorns unicorns that are dressed in unusual costumes. The battle ends in a draw, and they run off into the night before Deadset can confront them. The townspeople tell him that they are two nutjobs who believe themselves to be a super rivals, one calling herself nightmare moon, the other mare-do-well. Deadset gets’ tasked with ending the rivalry before anymore ponies get hurt. He convinces them both separately to move on, and they both end up travelling into the wastes (potential for a later cameo or something in the story, undecided)

Knowledge and power: In this chapter, after deadset is determined to learn more about the past, the party comes across a wrecked library. Naturally curious, Deadset enters it and starts exploring. After reading a few of the books that weren’t destroyed, he finds that the library is home to a number of raiders. After an initial attack, he also finds a squad of the steel rangers are there, with a similar purpose. They end up teaming up with the hope to eradicate the raiders from the library, and to also find any useful information about the past. It is here that deadset gets on good terms with the rangers. (Potential for a two parter, where they were taken to the rangers bunker, possibility for sub-plot where the rebellion within the rangers reaches the collerodeo, and infighting between the steel rangers, and applejack rangers.)

Dark side of technology: This would have been a mini-saga of about 2-4 chapters, where Deadset and his party end up in the Commonwealth. While at first, everything is civil, Deadset uncovers the brutality and corruption within the Commonwealth (such as things like forced lobotomies, killing innocent ponies and turning them into cyborgs, unethical experiments). Ends up toppling their government, and Greenbeam ends up becoming the new head of the board.

Where griffons tread: This chapter was the one focussed mainly on Blackwing. It would have included a lot of character development for him, and ends with him in a duel with his mother, ultimately being the victor and killing her.

A slave obeys: This Chapter was Quicksteps. After she finally learns the location of the slavers who captured her, the party set out to the location, which turns out to nearly be a fortress in its’ own right. Quickstep is sent into near bloodlust, willing to kill other slaves just to get her targets. She gets confronted by Deadset about this, and eventually fulfil their goal and free the rest of the slaves.

Escaping the past: This is the chapter where Deadset can finally free himself from his tribal roots. Having cast off everything about his beliefs by now, he is hunted down by the tribal leader, Hoofcrash, and his right hoof pony, boulders. After a titanic duel between Deadset and Hoofcrash, both mentally and physically, Deadset proves the victor and Hoofcrash dies from his injuries, but not before apologising for his misplaced hatred. Boulders then heads back to the tribe to lead them herself, ashamed that they abandoned it for their own personal revenge.

And with that we come to the end of my planned saga. It was naturally going to evolve more as I wrote it, with more details and story arcs coming out, but this was my solid plan and could have worked out rather nicely, if only I had the drive to finish it. I hope some people enjoyed the small amount I had done.

Should anyone want to continue it for whatever reason, or just take some ideas from it and incorporate it into their own story, feel absolutely free to. Just give me some mild credit as “inspiration” or something like that.

Should anyone actually have any questions about it, feel free to ask, I would be happy to answer them.

And with that, I call my story to a close. Thank you for those who did actually read it, and to the few of you who supported me. I just suck.


Comments ( 6 )


I'm not proud of myself for it ending, and thank you for all the help you did give me with it, but I just can't keep doing it I'm afraid, sorry.


I'm getting that comment a lot it seems.

Yeah, I'm sorry I am ending it, but I just can't find the drive to do it. I just hope that showing what would have happened at least makes a couple of people happy, rather than it just cutting and no info ever again.

1075616 :pinkiehappy: your fine just start writing what ever makes you happy
PINKY GET AWAY FROM MY COMPUTER ...And stop breaking the forth wall in my apartment i just painted... Though cant blame ya mate just keep doing what makes you happy:ajsmug:

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