• Published 1st Jan 2012
  • 1,326 Views, 26 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Distant Lands - Crawver

Deadsets' adventure through the unforgiving wasteland

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Chapter 5: Journeys Beginning

Chapter 5: Journeys Beginning

As we wandered back, my mind kept on playing through the events of what I had seen. It was neither a dream nor reality. I couldn’t begin to describe just how strange it did feel. Sunny did seem to know more than me, but she wasn’t too forthcoming at the moment, just leading me back to Hoofsprings. I’ll be honest, I was actually grateful she wasn’t bombarding me with information just yet; I still felt I had to clear my head out first.

It didn’t take us long to get back, all the critters along the path had been dealt with on our first trip through. Sunny stopped occasionally to either skin them, or take any other part she deemed useful. Although I didn’t say anything, I still watched carefully. Always helpful to know more.

Once we made it back to Hoofsprings, she led me into the Saloon, where we both took up a stool at the bar. Doc was already there, sucking on a sparkle-cola. Sunny looked over to Scotchtap.

“Two glasses of whisky, I think Deadset here’s wanting to clear his head up a little.” The barmare nodded, and proceeded to pour out two glasses of the brownish-orange liquid. I could still remember the night before, as well as this morning. I couldn’t say my head felt clearer for it, but Sunny did know more about it than I did. I began to down it, throat burning slightly. Once finished I slammed the glass down on the counter, gasping slightly. Sunny just smiled at me.

“Better?” I shook my head slightly. I can’t say I knew how getting me drunk was going to help. She scooted her stool closer to mine.

“Now, what question do you want to ask first?” I just stared at her blankly. I had never experienced anything like that in my life before, where was I supposed to start. Even through my confusion though, I found my lips opening and words coming out anyway.

“W…what was that? Was it a forced dream?” She chuckled.

“Sort of. It’s called a memory orb; it shows us the memories of ponies long ago. I don’t know how they are made, and I’ve only seen a couple myself, but according to Doc, they’re quite accurate.” Docs’ ears picked up slightly at the mention of his name. He turned to us.

“You took him to the memorial then. Wish I could see it myself, too bad I’m not a unicorn. So what did you make of it?” I balked slightly. I had hated the experience, but it raised so many questions. Hopefully some could be answered.

“What happened? Why were ponies fighting zebras? Where was the sky?” Doc looked at me rather strangely at that last one, as if I had said something really stupid. Knowing me, I had. Sunny just smirked and laughed. Wasn’t sure if she was laughing at me though. Doc went to speak first.

“Erm…Deadset, the sky has always been there, I’m not sure what…” something must have clicked in his head as he spoke as his face lit up. “Oh, you mean where were the clouds. Well, that’s all part of it, and I’ll get to it, but I think we’d better start from the beginning.”

*** *** ***

Wow. If what Doc was saying was true, things have changed a lot. I always thought that the world had always been like this, but I guess not. Sunny disagreed with him on minor points, but the main story she agreed with.

The ponies had been in a great war with the zebras, and nearly won. Then the zebras unleashed the megaspells, destroying the land. This is where things became really complicated for me. Apparently, another type of pony called 'Pegasi' had run away and hidden behind the clouds, where they still live today. That made my whole world tumble. If there were ponies with wings, what were the angels? Things weren’t quite adding up.

“But then what about the gods? Why didn’t they protect us?” Doc just looked at the ground sadly.

“Celestia and Luna tried, but they died in the process. They look down upon us from above now.” What? He had mentioned those two before, they were the leaders of the ponies. Were our leaders gods in physical form? And that still didn’t fully answer my question.

“But…what about the other gods? The phoenix? The Buffalo? The Griffon? What happened to them?” Now both Doc and Sunny were giving me very strange looks. If I thought I had said something stupid before, now I had asked the dumbest question ever. Sunny spoke before Doc this time.

“Deadset…what are you talking about? There are no gods. I don’t even agree with Doc that Celestia and Luna were goddesses.” No! No they aren’t going to start saying everything I’ve learned was a lie. The gods are real, I know it. I’ve seen it. I’ve felt it. They must have gone into hiding, or are watching from above. I could believe that Celestia and Luna were the light and dark ponies, but to say that there were no others? That was Heresy! Even if I wasn’t the most devout of my tribe, I certainly didn’t want to be told what I was hearing now.

I stamped my hoof on the counter, and then began to rise, stomping towards the door. Sunny quickly got up and laid a hoof on my shoulder before I could go.

“Deadset, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. Do you want to try and explain your beliefs more to us?” I stopped and thought about it for a minute, but the shook my head. They thought I was an idiot when I had talked about the other gods; I wasn’t going to be ridiculed again.

“No, I think I’ve taken up enough of this town’s time. Thank you for your hospitality, but I really should get going now.” She looked sadly at me.

“I was hoping you’d want to stay here in Hoofsprings, but I won’t stop you. I wish you luck on your travels.” She turned and slunk away back to the bar. Doc then trotted towards me.

“I don’t know why, but I knew you wouldn’t want to stay around here permanently. It’s been nice knowing you Deadset, you’ve been a great help to us.” He put his hoof forward, which even in my anger I shook.

“So, any idea where you’re heading?”

“…No, can’t say I’ve really thought that far ahead.” Doc just nickered slightly.

“You could always make your way over to Neighas is you want. There’s plenty for a young buck like you to do over there. There’s also plenty of other towns scattered around. I’m sure you’ll do just fine out there. And if you ever get tired of traveling, you’re always welcome here. Before you go, you may want to stop by Chet’s, pick up some supplies.” Doc then turned and walked back towards Sunny. Just as I was about to leave, I heard him shout one last time.

“I’ll be listening out for you on Pon3s’ broadcast. Make us proud tribal.” I couldn’t help but smile at that.

*** *** ***

I did as Doc had suggested and made my way to Chets’. Chet was the trader of the town, and had set up shop in the shack next to the saloon. I slowly opened the door, looking around the small area. The walls were lined with junk of all kinds. A light brown earth pony, not too dissimilar looking to me, walked out from around the back.

“Hi there, welcome to Chets’, how can I help you?” I continued to look around, trying to find anything that would prove useful to me. While I certainly wanted some scrap metal for my journey, I couldn’t really see anything that would be useful for my survival.

“Yeah, I’m wanting to make my way to Neighas, do you have any supplies I could use?” The pony smiled at me, then went out of sight again. When he returned, he was carrying a set of leather barding on his back, and a strange glowing…thing in his teeth. He placed them both on the counter.

The barding I could really use, but I have no idea what the second thing was. I think he could tell from the look on my face.
“It’s a recharger rifle. A magical energy weapon that never requires ammo, it generates its’ own power. Perfect weapon for any travelling unicorn.” I frowned at it. While I could remember what those magical weapons could do, I certainly didn’t want it. It looked far too big for me to aim in my mouth, and if I used my magic, I may well reduce myself into goo.

“I’ll pass on that thank you, but I’ll take the barding, as well as some scrap metal. How much would that come to?” Chet looked down at the barding and made what looked like a faux wince.

“Oooh. This here is some quality barding, it won’t be going cheap I’m afraid. This and the scrap would cost about 250 caps.” He has to be joking. It was in terrible condition. It would barely help me. But still, some help is better than no help.

“I’m not going to pay that much, I mean look at it, it could barely stop a single bullet.”

We both haggled pretty fiercely over the goods, and eventually I managed to get the barding, scrap, a little more ammo for misfortune and a pair of saddlebags for the price he had originally. As I put the barding on, I found I’d have to lose the belt I’d been wearing all this time. It was probably just as well, given how it was now completely full with my tools, weapons and various medicines and food.

I flung it all into my saddlebags which I attached to my new barding. I now actually felt more like a wastelander, and as a little added bonus, it covered my cutie mark. I could still imagine I was a Claritian a little easier than before. Too bad my purchase had completely burned through my remaining caps, leaving me with a hoof full left.

The barding felt strange, which didn’t surprise me, given how I’d never worn any before in my life. It was as if a second, much rougher skin covered my own. I guess that’s the point though, it’s meant to protect me. I guess I’d just have to get used to it. Shifting slightly in my barding, I gave a nod of thanks to Chet and headed back outside.

No sooner had I opened the door that I found Sunny staring at me.

“If you’re going, I’m going to.” I just deadpanned. There was no way she was suggesting that.

“No, you’re not. Why would you want to come with me anyway?” I was expecting her to give a vague answer after a few seconds of thought, but to my surprise she instantly replied.

“Because one, you’re not a good enough shot to survive out there by yourself, and two I’m doing nothing here, and you showed me ponies can make a difference.” I stood a little stunned by this. Although I wanted to be offended by her calling me a poor shot, she was right, even with her lesson.

No, she can’t come with me.

“Sunny, you are making a difference here. These ponies need you, you’re their protection. None of them seem capable of fending off an attack from an angry radscorpion, let alone a raider or two.” She drooped slightly, looking at the ground.

“But what about you then?” I needed to find out who I was now, and although I hated myself for it, I didn’t want her to come with me. I put on a forced chuckle.

“Don’t worry about me, I’ve survived a brush with a pack of hellhounds, I’m sure I can look after myself.” I smiled at her, hoping she’d accept it. To my relief she did.

“Fine, I’ll stay here, but if you ever get in too much trouble, get back here. We owe you our lives, so don’t go throwing it away. Good luck Deadset, I hope you find what you’re looking for.” She turned and trotted back towards the saloon. The moment she was inside I let out the breath I had been holding in.

I didn’t know what exactly I was looking for. My purpose? My place in this world? Maybe even just more knowledge of the past? Regardless, it wasn’t here. With nothing else to do now, I took my first step on my journey.

*** *** ***

I had been trekking down the empty road now for about an hour. There was nothing around but emptiness and dust. In the far distance I could see the great pillars that pierced the sky. The preachers had said they were monuments to our gods, but now I was starting to doubt myself on that.

No! No, don’t you dare start to doubt yourself. They are real, the gods are real. You know for a fact two of them were the rulers of the ponies. Ponies simply must have forgotten them, that must be it. The stress caused by the war caused them to forget the other gods.

‘Then why would you remember? Especially since you had forgotten the war.’ Shutupshutupshutup! They are real, I’m not going to argue with it myself any more. I’m going to find evidence of it, I’m going to prove my gods are real. Yes, that’s what…


In my heated argument with myself, I hadn’t noticed the ball of flying metal in front of me. I staggered back, rubbing my head. When I looked up I immediately recognised the thing in front of me.

“I’m surprised you did as well as you did in the stable. Most ponies wouldn’t have made it out alive.” I wasn’t going to start playing this things’ games. I wanted to know what it was before I’ll listen to it again.

“Whatever, I’m tougher than I look I guess. How did you know my name?” It just hovered there for a second, before replying in its’ cold, tinny voice.

“I’ve seen things. I know things. You may call me Watcher.” …Ok, at least it’s answering me, even if it is being cryptic about it.

“Well, why were you watching me then?” Once again it remained silent for a few seconds before replying.

“Curiosity. I saw you running away from your pursuers, and yet you refused to fire back. You may be the type of pony this world needs.” Why was everything I’m meeting praising me for simply not wanting to kill? For not letting ponies die needlessly?

“I’m nothing special, go watch someone else. I’m just trying to find where I fit into this world, not change it.” The ball didn’t take long to reply this time, and almost sounded eager, but that may have been my imagination.

“Sounds like you could use some guidance. Not too far down this road you will find a building, and inside it you may find what you are looking for. If you are to survive this wasteland, you’re going to need guidance, weapons and armour, and friends.” I looked dead at where I thought it could see.

“And how would you know this?” Watcher was silent for a second, before giving off static and then bursting into upbeat music again. It was definitely hiding something. I had no idea what it was hiding, but I was certain it was something.

As the music faded away as the machine floated off, I was left alone again. There was something about what it said, that I needed friends to survive. I thought back to Sunny. Should I have let her come with me? It wasn’t too late to turn around and go get her I think. It may well be useful. No, I can’t do that, Hoofsprings needs her, and after what she said, I couldn’t bare to be around her.

I really did feel disgusting to feeling that way about her, after all she did to help me, but I couldn’t help it. Years of religious training does that to you. It still didn’t stop me regretting how we parted, or that I had made her feel so bad.

Great, after talking to a piece of flying metal, I’m left feeling alone and helpless, and angry at myself for the way I treated another pony. My little adventure is going really well so far. I brought up my pipbuck, wanting to turn on the music to lighten my mood.

What I saw instead was a new marker on my map. This one was labelled ‘Collerodeo HQ’. It only looked like a couple of miles away from where I was. Was this where Watcher was suggesting I go to? Was it the one which put this on my pipbuck? Does this mean it has control of my pipbuck? Was this how it was watching me?

Now I wasn’t quite as comfortable as I was before about having the mini-miracle machine strapped to my leg. I could take it off again, but Watcher didn’t seem to want to harm me, it just seemed…odd. Maybe that’s what robots are like. I guess it hadn’t given me reason not to trust it yet, and I had no other major places to go that are near, so I suppose I might as well start there. It did say I might find something useful there. Turning on my pipbucks radio, I headed off towards my maps marking.

*** *** ***

Even only after just a few days out of the safety of my tribe, I was already starting to see the world differently. Before when I looked out over the wasteland, I saw nothing but emptiness and dirt, all other seemingly minor details I simply ignored.

Now when I look ahead, the small dark shapes in the distances could be just about anything. Maybe a city of ponies, or a place where a battle took place, or just about anything. Even the spires that I had thought were monuments to the gods were more intriguing to me, even if it was just to see if they were what I thought they were.

I mean, they had to do something else right? If the sky wasn’t always grey, and was much…further away, then the towers might have something to do with it.

I did find it comforting however that the thought of the ‘pegasi’, which I had come to the conclusion were just the angels of Celestia and Luna, were up there, looking down on us.

I had decided that the angels had closed the sky to protect our ascension for when we passed away. Since the bombs had destroyed everything down here, then they did their duty to ensure the next life remained untouched. Doc had mentioned something called ‘the sun and the moon’, and the way he described them made me wish I could see them too, but losing them was a small price to pay to keep the angels safe.

Speaking of which the sky was already starting to darken, making the empty road take on a much more eerie feeling to it.
Dj Pon3 was definitely making my journey a lot more pleasant, the music he played adding much needed life to my environments, and although he often spoke of the horrors of the wasteland, he also talked occasionally of a few who were doing some good out there. I actually felt proud to be mentioned in the same way he spoke about some of equestrias real heroes.

He was midway through talking about how ‘Security’ had attacked a group of slavers that my pipbuck burst into static, before being replaced with another, feminine voice that I faintly recognised.

‘…calling for immediate help. I repeat, this is Redlight Sunshine of the crimson caravan calling for immediate help. My caravan was attacked by a gang of raiders and am holed up inside a large building. My bodyguards have been killed, and I won’t last much longer. I need…oh shit, they’ve found me! *chunk* Fuck off you filthy anim…’

Her voice faded away as it was replaced by the sound of gunfire. I knew I recognised her voice, that was the trader who came the day our tribe was attacked by raiders. The day I got my cutie mark.

It was then I remembered it was because of her that I got my cutie mark. Because of her my tribe was attacked by raiders. For a small amount of time I began to smile at the idea of her being at the mercy of raiders.

Only for a small while. The moment I returned to my usual state of mind I gave myself the hardest mental kick I could do. Celestia skewer my heart how dare I be gleeful at the suffering of somepony else. I had to help her. As Doc said, I had to make a difference.

I quickly sprinted off towards my map marker. If luck was on my side, it would be there that she was trapped.

*** *** ***

I hadn’t had to run for long before I was able to hear the gunfight for myself. I was lucky, it was there that she had been assaulted. I was barely a hundred meters away and I could see the raiders patrolling outside the building. If it wasn’t for the darkness of the night, I was certain they would have spotted me.

I froze. I hadn’t thought this one through. I wanted to help the pony in trouble, but was I really willing to kill the raiders to do it? I still hadn’t killed a living pony yet. ‘What about Winter Dew?’ No, don’t mention her; I do not need her blood on my hooved now. I’m trying to make up for it, trying to help others. I can’t think about her now.

I reached into my saddlebag, pulling out misfortune. I checked to make sure it was fully loaded, just in case. I did not want to kill these ponies if I could avoid it, but I wasn’t going to let them kill me if it came to it. I turned off the light on my pipbuck and began to crawl forward, whispering under my breath.

“May the zebra shroud my steps in darkness.”

Raiders certainly aren’t the most aware bunch around. I was slunk in a shadow not ten feet away from the two guarding the door. That said though, there was no chance I’d be able to get through without being seen. I needed them to move, somehow. But they just stood there, deep in their own filthy conversation. The first, blood red pony spoke.

“What do you think the boss’ll do to her when he catches her?” The Piss yellow mare smacked him hard in the head with her hoof.

“What the fuck do you think he’s gonna do to her!? He’s gonna skin her, kill her and fuck her. Probably in that order.” I shuddered. I knew raiders were monstrous, but that seemed…beyond anything I would have expected.

The blood red colt, whose cutie mark I could now see was a burning skull, scrambled up to his hooves. He glared at his companion. I would have sworn he should have seen me.

“Fucking lame, he always does that. Should do something different for once. Maybe set her on fire and watch her burn.” He received another hard smack from the piss coloured unicorn.

“Don’t you fucking dare ever talk about the boss like that you little fucking maggot! Do it again and I’ll tear you to shreds and wear you as my barding!” Come on; get out of the way, please! I need to get to her before you monsters do. You’re not even ponies anymore; you’re filthy, degenerated animals! I had to hold myself back from screaming at them.

A scream echoed out from the building that I recognised as Redlights’. Something clicked and snapped inside my head simultaneously.

“Heh, sounds like the boss got her th…” *crack*

At such short range, the bullet passed through the back of the skull of the mare, punching straight out through her eyeball. The red earth pony was splattered in his companions gore as she slumped to the ground. He scrambled quickly to his hooves again.

“What the fuck!? Who the fuck did…” I leapt out of the shadows, smashing my pipbucks casing as hard as I could against his face. I could hear his jaw shatter from the impact. He flew back onto the ground and I stepped over him and pinned him down. He was about to strike back, but I pulled the trigger twice, and he lay limp in a growing puddle of blood.

I got off the body, not feeling anything. I opened up my saddlebag and pulled out a few more bullets, reloading misfortune. A part of me was screaming in shock and horror at what I had just done, but these weren’t ponies. These were just another animal needing to be put down. There was only one pony in that building worth saving, and I wasn’t going to let these beasts have her.

I turned and charged through the entrance, and was met with three more raiders. Quickly examining them, I saw they had a pistol, a sub-machine gun, and a sledgehammer between them. I needed cover.

Before they had to attack, I jumped to the side of the corridor and bucked open the door to one of the rooms. Luck was with me again, and not only was it empty of raiders, but there were plenty of desks for me to use as cover. I smashed hard into one, knocking it over, and the jumping over the top and crouching behind it just before the raiders followed me in.

The sub-machinegun raider sprayed the room with bullets, punching a number of holes into the desk, narrowly avoiding hitting me. I was going to need to have something else to allow me to fight these raiders off.

I then remember something Doc had told me. S.A.T.S. The moment the hail of fire from the raiders ended, I leapt up from behind my cover and slammed a button on my pipbuck.

Immediately the world came to a standstill. Before me were the three raiders, the one with the sledgehammer mid charge at the desk, while the other two were standing in the doorway, the sub-machinegun raider mid reload, levitating out a new clip of ammo.

I had no idea how this worked, but my pipbuck was targeting the sledgehammer raider first. I selected to target his head, and it told me I had a 56% chance of hitting him. I lined up two shots, and then targeted at the pistolpony.

The gun she carried seemed to be in horrendously bad condition. I was just going to finish off the job then. I targeted the pistol in her mouth. I wanted to line up another shot, but my pipbuck told me I was out of magical energy. Hoping it would be enough, I selected enter.

Time sped up, but was still travelling at a crawl as I watched myself target the raider with the hammer. Two shots fired out of misfortune. The first narrowly glanced the side of his head, an arc of blood flying off from the contact. The second shot found its’ mark between his eyes. As it burrowed into his skull, his head exploded, sending chunks of brain and skull flying in all directions.

As the body collapsed to the ground, momentum causing it to stumble forwards, I found myself immediately retargeting at the pistol armed pony. The shot collided with the pistol, tearing it to shreds and causing it to explode in the ponies face.

Time returned to normal pace again and I quickly ducked behind cover. I felt the solid slam as the body of the raider I killed crash into the desk. I shifted myself behind where I felt the impact, hoping it would provide better cover when the raider fired the SMG again. I could hear the screams of the pistolpony as he staggered around. The mare levitating her gun screamed at him when I heard him stumble into her.

“Get the fuck out of my way you useless piece of shit!” I could hear her buck him hard, with the now too familiar sound of shattering bones. There was then a sickening squelch. I couldn’t stop myself from peering over the edge, and saw her with a hoof stomped into the ponies skull.

No sooner had I looked however had she turned her attention back to me. I quickly ducked back down, slamming my back hard against the desk as the sound of her gun letting loose its’ firepower filled the room. The desk was now being ripped apart by the bullets, only the part I was hiding behind remaining relatively unscathed due to the dead pony bolstering my defences.

Once the volley of fire ended again, I jumped back up and slammed on my pipbuck again, expecting the world to freeze. All I got was a little click instead. It was still recharging. Griffon flay me alive this was bad. The raider was now standing right in front of me, and she was huge. I fired a shot into her chest, but her grizzly barding just absorbed the impact.

She laughed, and then spun on the spot, bucking the desk, shattering it into splinters that rained in all directions. I was knocked back, flying into the wall, misfortune skittering across the floor. Fuck that hurt. I staggered back to my hooves as I heard her finish reloading with a light click.

She strode over to me, knocking away any debris in her path. She pointed the gun at my face, shaking violently. Come on, I can’t die here, Redlight needs my help. Think your way out of this, you know how guns work, you’ve worked with them your entire life, you can do this. Something came to me. She screamed at me.

“Fucking die!” I closed my eyes as I threw my telekinesis out at the gun. Pain raced up my flank as a single shot fired out, followed by a rapid clicking. I had forgotten how much being shot hurt, and the experience in the memory orb paled in comparison to the real thing. She roared in fury as my plan had worked. I’d jammed the loading spring, preventing it from firing.

In her anger she threw the gun to the side, before smashing me hard in the face with her forehoof. I slid across the ground, my blood smearing a line as I travelled. My jaw felt like it had been knocked off. I let out a loud cry of pain.

The raider quickly strode up to me again, wrapping me in her telekinesis and lifted me off the ground. She spun on the spot and bucked me hard, letting me free of her grip and allowing me to fly across the room, smashing into another wall. I was beginning to regret stopping her from shooting me; at least that death would have been quick.

I had nothing left to try, no final tricks up my sleeve. My gun was too weak to even stagger her, and she was strong enough to pound me into paste, which she was doing a fine job of so far. I looked across the floor and saw her gun. I was dead anyway, like it would make much difference if this failed.

She didn’t notice as my horn glowed a light beige, releasing the caught loading spring as a slight *clunk* sounded as the bullets shifted back into the barrel. She stood over me and began to pound at me with her hooves, my barding not even softening the blows. I could feel my ribs break with every punch. With as much effort as I could muster, I brought the gun over to me, right next to my head.

She froze when she saw what I was doing. I gave out a mix between a cough of blood, and a laugh, and then took the gun in my mouth and pulled the trigger.

The resulting fountain of gore splattered across the walls of the room, her body being torn apart by the volley of bullets. Once the clip was spent, I spat it out. Now I didn’t look much different to a raider myself, my barding and coat stained red with blood, both raider and my own.

I was going to die pretty soon if I didn’t do something. I opened up my saddlebag and pulled out my medicine supplies. Doc had given me some med-X, a few healing potions, and one super healing potion. I really couldn’t need it more.

I downed the super healing potion and immediately felt its effects. My jaw seemed to re-align itself, and my ribs returning to their unbroken state. My body was still wracked with agony however, so I quickly drank another healing potion and, remembering how strong it was in the memory orb, injected myself with one of the two syringes.

The pain was washed completely away, as if I hadn’t just been pounded into the dirt and shot. I almost felt good. I could really use this feeling more in a fight. I gathered up my two remaining potions and med-X, and began searching for misfortune. I found it under a large fleshy chunk of raider. Lovely.

Suddenly a scream rang out through the building. It was Redlight, she was still alive, I hadn’t failed yet, I could still save her. I could also hear the deep roars of what I imagined was the raiders leader. They sounded like they were roars of…frustration. Could she have found a way to keep herself safe? It didn’t matter, I had to get to her, and quick.

Picking up misfortune, reloading, and trying desperately not to gag, I rushed out of the room and down the corridor. Thankfully there were no more raiders, I really hoped there was only one more to deal with. Charging up the stairs, I was met with the sight of a massive raider, even bigger than the last one, clad in spiked metal armour ending in fierce talons roaring at a doorway. On each side of him were large guns ending with small flames, both connected to a tank on his back.

“Get the fuck out here now before I burn this entire fucking building to the ground!” That was my target. It wasn’t going to be easy, I could tell. I fired off a couple of shots that harmlessly pinged off his armour.

“Hey you, leave her the fuck alone!” The raider turned and glared at me, and then a terrifying smile crept up his face. The pony had no mane to speak of; instead he had a series of burns and scars across his body. His coat was a sickly pale yellow, smeared with blood and other disgusting marks. One of his eyes had been gouged out, leaving nothing but a black hole where it should have been.

He roared at me, both his guns bursting into life, spouting out great flames longer than me. I was at the other end of the corridor, but I could feel the heat from here. He slowly started to move forward, before breaking out into a gallop after me. I turned and ran down the stairs again.

*** *** ***

Buffalo crush me this fucker was fast, it was as if he was barely slowed down by his armour. He chased me through the building, narrowly singeing me on a number of occasions. The only reason I was able to avoid being roasted was because he had to slow down to fire his weapons.

I smashed my way through door after door, praying that they weren’t locked, or that there were no more raiders in any of the rooms. I was thankful that I think I had dealt with them all. At some point I would have to stand and fight this monster, but I needed some breathing room between me and him before I was going to even try it. I had to lose him.

Bursting through another door, I slammed it shut behind me and swung my head around rapidly. I was taking a huge risk as if there wasn’t anything I could hide in, I was as good as roasted. My eyes lit up as there was a couple of closets in the corner, dashing to them, I barely had time to shut the door of it before the raider burst in, smashing the door clean off its’ hinges.

I peered through the crack, desperately hoping he wasn’t smart enough to think that I was hiding in here. To my relief, he just continued running. Once he passed me, I burst out of my hiding place and activated S.A.T.S.

I lined up three shots for the back of his head. As time returned to normal, all I seemed to do was anger him as they either missed, or just dented his armour. Fuck.

The raider spun around, roaring in fury, his guns lashing out with gouts of fire. I jumped to the side, trying to avoid it. I nearly managed it, but a small portion of my coat on my back caught alight.

GREAT PHOENIX PECK MY EYES OUT THAT FUCKING HURTS! Even the med-X it hurt more than being shot. The raider just laughed as he watched me roll around on the ground in agony. I could feel the flames burning into my skin. Oh gods, make it stop.

The raider just stood over me, laughing as I frantically tried to put out the fire before it consumed me. The dark walls were flickering orange as I bucked and squirmed.

“Burn worm, burn!” If just being caught by the flames hurt this much, I really didn’t want to be in the direct fire of his shots. Thankfully he seemed content to just watch me slowly be tortured to death…was I really thankful of that?

Once I’d finally put the fires out, my body felt like a smouldering wreck. I lay splayed out on the floor, giving off a horrid acrid smoke, and I shuddered to imagine how much of my body was burned. If it wasn’t for the barding I wore, probably most of it. Where was misfortune? I must’ve tossed it away in my struggle. I needed to fight back before I really was cooked.

Fuck, it was quite a way away. No chance of being able to get a quick shot in. The raider lowered his weapons, pointing directly at me. I looked straight into the nozzles of them. I was truly fucked this time. I was dead anyway, time for another roll of the dice.

I reached out with my magic, grasping misfortune as firmly as I could, which in my current state could have been knocked out by a baby. The raider laughed, and gave me a look with his one eye, telling me he knew there was nothing I could do. Nothing to lose then. I pulled the trigger.


Well fuck, that was far less than I had hoped. I couldn’t even see where the bullet had struck, but it sounded like it just hit his armour some more. I pulled the trigger again, but all I got was a quiet click. I was out of ammo, time to die.

The raider laughed louder than ever, and then bit down on his saddles trigger. I closed my eyes, expecting one of the most painful deaths I could imagine. Instead all that happened was his guns hissed.

I opened my eyes as I saw the container on his back ignite. Draconequus tear me to shreds this was bad! I shut my eyes tight, bracing myself.

The explosion that followed was deafening. Fire, shards of metal and lumps of raider flew in all directions. I screamed as I felt the barding, and then my back being torn to shreds.

When the inferno finally subsided, I just lay on the ground, blood dripping from the wounds on my back. If this was how the gods wanted to save me, I wasn’t sure I really wanted their help anymore. With great difficulty, I turned and started fishing through my saddlebags a health potion.

Drinking it greedily, I was immeasurably grateful for everything doc had given to me. Had he not given me his pipbuck, as well as all the medical supplies, I would certainly be dead.

When I had finished the potion, I considered drinking my last one, but decided against it. The bleeding had stopped, and while I was in pain, it was bearable. I had better save it in case there was another raider with a rocket launcher or something waiting around the corner. That thought made me shudder.

My ears pricked up as I heard I faint call for help within the building. I remembered why I was here now, I was trying to save Redlight. Just as well I saved a potion, in case she needed it. I shakily got to my hooves and after picking up the revolver, plodded towards where her voice was.

Please don’t be any more raiders.

*** *** ***

There were none others, which I had no words to express how relieved I was. When I had reached the room she was hiding in, I realised it as the same one the raider I had just fought was standing outside. I called out.

“Hello, Redlight? You in there?” She called back to me

“Yes, yes I am. Who is that? Is it safe? Don’t come in here!” Her voice was filled with fear. Not surprising given how she had just fled for her life from a pack of raiders.

“My names Deadset, I heard your radio signal. All the raiders are dead, you can come out now.” She was quite for a second. When she shouted back, she sounded relieved, but her voice stumbled a little.

“I…I can’t.” She must be injured. I guess I’ll have to go in and get her.

As I nudged open the door, I head a quiet beep and whir. I looked up and saw a pair of large metal machines with frightening looking guns attached. I had barely jumped out of the way before they unleashed their barrage.

The wall behind where I had stood was scorched black as two beams of magic struck out.

“What the fuck was that!?” I yelled out when they finally stopped. I had just survived fighting a raider nearly twice as tall as me, I was not going to die now to a machine.

“Automated turrets. I activated them when I hid in here, but I didn’t have time to set targeting parameters. I can’t reach the terminal or escape now.” Things could never be easy, could they? At the very least, I now knew why the raider boss was yelling at the door, instead of actually going in it.

“How can I shut them down?” I almost felt embarrassed by asking that question. I was the mechanic, I should know how to shut down a machine.

“Do you have any EMP grenades?” Any what?

“Erm…no. Any other way to stop them?” She remained silent, clearly she didn’t think there was. Well fuck this, I was so close to helping her, I wasn’t just going to leave now. I pulled out misfortune.

I jumped into the doorway again, and slammed into SATS. I lined up two shots for the first turret, and one more for the other. As time began to move slowly, I could hear the beeps and whirring as they were locking onto me. Come on, come on, hurry up!

As the second bullet struck against the turret, it exploded in a flash of white light, sparks flying everywhere. Good. Two bullets and they’re destroyed. I then fired the third shot at the other turret. It gave off a few sparks, but still needed that second bullet through it. Time returned to normal.

My eyes widened as I pulled back the trigger for my forth shot. The turret exploded in a similar fashion to the first, but not before spraying me with its’ beam.

I collapsed, struggling to breath. It didn’t hurt anywhere near as much as being burned alive, but it didn’t stop it from feeling as if it had torn my lungs out. I couldn’t waste my other health potion in case Redlight needed it. Instead I withdrew my last shot of med-X and injected it into me. Immediately the pain was lifted away, and I was able to breathe again.

A red earth pony with a dark orange mane pony poked her head over an overturned table. When she saw me lying on my knees, she rushed out over to me.

“Are you ok?” I nodded, slowly standing back up. I was amazed at how med-X could make me feel fine no matter what. I turned to her.

“What about you?” Her barding was damaged, but beyond that she looked to be in a lot better shape than I was.

“Fine now, thank you.” I blushed slightly, nodded and turned. I had done what I had set out to do, I had helped her. Now I could continue. She called out to me.

“Where are you going? You can’t go back out into the wastes after that without some rest first.” Now that she mentioned it, I was surprisingly tired. Also, hadn’t Watcher told me to I would find something useful here? I could have a look around in the morning.

“Fine, I’ll be in the room opposite, call me if you need anything.” She gave me a smile as I slowly trotted out the room. I pushed open the door to the room on the opposite side of the corridor and froze for a second, what if there were more turrets?

No beep. No whir. I was safe. All the room seemed to have was a light green glow from an oracle on the far side, and a strange looking book nearby it. I trotted over to it, and looked at the books’ title.

“Wasteland survival guide, by ditzy doo.” I read aloud. Could come in handy. I lay down on one side, reading in the faint green glow, until I finally fell asleep.

Footnote: Level up
New perk: Rapid reload-Well will you look at that, getting some actual use from your gun, and the practice is starting to pay off. Your reload times are now decreased by 25%.
Quest perk: Kinetic dismantle-You may be useless at lifting things, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have other talents. Thanks to your knowledge of guns, you may now use the kinetic dismantle ability, which has the chance of rendering a gun unusable without repair.