• Published 25th May 2024
  • 137 Views, 2 Comments

The Way She Dazzles - Skyreads

Adagio Dazzle the Siren never expected the attractions in manehatten.

  • ...

Her Dazzlement

A glass of sparkling water is raised to glossy lips. For the first time in far too long, life events have been in her favor. The siren still craved admiration, power even. Having siren magic had made that hunger stronger, unbearable. Now, as a normal- ugh, human, there was just a hole in her core. One that Adagio Dazzle’s sisters didn't seem to share.

Aria and Sonata seemed content. Happy even. They liked to perform with her when they could find gigs. Their voices had been damaged, thanks to… an unforeseen tragic event. Thankfully they have been able to restore them to the point they no longer needed vocal processing or lip syncing. True, they no longer had hypnotic magic but with Adagio’s plan, they could use their talent and the internet to rise to fame. Maybe with adoring fans and screaming crowds the void inside her would shrink.

Adagio sat her glass down. Her raspberry irises stared back at her in the large half-wall mirror as she applied gold flakes of glitter to her eyelids. Her sisters and she didn’t care much for this magicless world but they did love the large supply of makeup and fashion. The Siren sisters loved to show off their beauty. Unfortunately, their natural bodies- while alluring in their own right, didn't wear those assets well.

She then picked up her mascara off the vanity and applied it to amplify her long eyelashes. When she was done the leader of the sirens stepped back and admired herself. The violet silk dress sat on her curves and shined in the lights. Her neck held a choker with small silver studs and a chain with a charm of her version of a cutie mark sat just below her collarbone. Tonight, Adagio had a solo gig so she needed to look her best tonight.

The solo gigs were something her sisters knew she was doing. For some reason they weren’t too insistent in joining her. Not that she minded, Adagio loved the feeling of being on stage and showing off her vocals. Plus it was an extra check to bring to their travel van and spend on herself.

Her solo act was set in a Manehattan lounge. Her sisters’ and she would be in the busy city for the week as they heard it was an easier way to get noticed. That proved to be somewhat right as Adagio had a good gig schedule at venues. She could hear the chatter of anticipating humans, ready to be mesmerized by her and her voice. Adagio enjoyed the sound of her heels clicking against the floor as she stepped up the stairs of the small stage behind a classic red curtain.

A voice of announcement came out of the wall speakers. Adagio couldn't stop the smile that grew on her face as she heard her name as the special guest and prime entertainment. Claps sounded as the curtain split open revealing her beauty.

The keys of a piano started and she opened her mouth, bringing in a beginning breath- only for it to die as her eyes caught sight of something so incredibly out of place she had to restrain her cringe.

Bright blue eyes full of anxiety flicked around the lounge as she tucked herself into a corner. The nervous girl’s eyes matched her short-cut hair which had a contrasting hot pink flower tucked into it. Her collared top matched the flower pin. Adagio had no idea why she was suddenly distracted by this out-of-place human, she refused to let the sudden attention deflector damage her performance.

The oldest siren in her trio restarted her breath and allowed her seductive mature voice to fall out of her vocal cords. The lounge fell silent as all eyes and ears took in the performance of the singing woman.

Again, Adagio could not hold back the smile on the corners of her mouth. She opened her eyes and witnessed all the people who were intelligent enough to be captured by her song. Her eyes moved to the girl again. Adagio almost stumbled, luckily she was a professional.

The girl with bright aquamarine eyes stared right back into her eyes. Adagio saw awe in that girl. Her rounded lips hung open and her eyes were wide with amazement. For some reason, Adagio felt her heart thump. She never felt nervous. She has lived for thousands of years and never once has she felt anxiety when something stared at her. She always loved it, craved it! What was different about this meek, nervous little human?

She forced her eyes away and closed them again, continuing her lyrics of passion and domination all the way to the last word.

The soft palate of her mouth rested as her last note echoed through the room. Gentle claps and a whistle praised her performance. The curtain closed and Adagio grinned. Of course, no magic could take away her natural gift.

Ten minutes later the magicless siren stepped out from the back room. As she walked through the lounge many of the humans sent their compliments and awe for her voice. She glowed with confidence as she reached the bar, only ordering herself a sparkling water. She found the alcohol humans have didn't meet her acquired taste.

Adagio looked up from her cup and her eyes met with the nervous blue ones of the young women who had distracted her during her performance.

“Y-you sounded lovely… earlier.” The sheepish girl said quietly.

“Oh, I know,” Adagio replied with no insecurity.

The girl smiled and emitted a small laugh before mumbling something.

Adagio raised a brow, “You're as quiet as a little mouse. What did you say? You have to speak up in a place like this.”

The meek girl nodded, “S-sorry I'm never in places like this.”

“Oh, yes. That's plenty obvious. I could tell the moment you walked in,” the mortal siren laughed at the other girl's expense.

She shrunk, “you could?”

Adagio laughed out a scoff, “yes,” she said sharply.

The siren placed her cheek in her hand as she leaned her elbow on the bar. Her raspberry eyes clouded in frivolous mischief that made the light blue-haired girl catch her breath.

“So, what's a little mouse like you doing in a crowded dignified cabaret?” Adagio mused.

A pink blush consumed the buttery yellow face that looked away from her, “I… I’m trying to make friends. There’s someone I met recently that encouraged it. She has many friends herself and after she helped me so greatly, I trust her advice.”

Adagio hummed. She wasn’t interested in the bashful girls' rant about the search for friends. She learned firsthand how powerful friendship magic is- and she still felt sore about the defeat she suffered because of that fact.

“What about you?” The girl asked, offering a timid smile. Usually Adagio would scoff at the large show of tremulous prey. Unfortunately, the mousy girl’s big doe blue eyes and her sweet smile made the siren leader feel… fuzzy. The bizarre feeling of warmth and captivity the friend seeker had on her all of a sudden made Adagio Dazzle feel role reversed. And she hated that.

“Waiting for my check,” Adagio answered shortly.

“Oh, I see,” The girl’s meek voice said back, suddenly feeling intimidated by the singer's sudden detachment from the conversation.

“I… I’m Coco, by the way. Coco Pommel.” She tried to introduce herself to re-engage the performer.

When icy raspberry eyes slid to the side to eye her Coco felt her heart jump. She couldn't tell if it was the daunting, sharp eyes or the captivating beauty of the curly-haired woman that caused it.

“Adagio Dazzle,” her warm voice said as she grabbed the white envelope that had just slid across to her.

Coco fought but failed to keep her eyes from looking down at the curves of the woman. Based on the smirk on Adagio’s face, she noticed.

Adagio turned and waved with her back to the lonesome Manehattener, “Good Luck, making your friends.”

Coco let out a breath she had no idea she had been holding as the vocalist slipped out the door, “Wow, she was hot.” She mumbled to herself.

The welcoming sound of a bell ring announced the entrance of Adagio as she entered a clothes shop. One she figured she would regret giving the light of day but curiosity had beaten her better judgment. When she saw the sign that read, Rarity For You, she had to know if the little high schooler had what it took to impress her. Adagio knew that it was mostly likely a no, but she had time and money to waste before her new solo performance tonight.

She heard a voice in the back shout out a welcome as her judging eyes gazed upon a rack of dresses. She supposed they were nice enough. Adagio plucked out a violet form-fitting dress with a heart neckline that was knee length.

“Hello! Can I help you with anything today?” The voice she heard a moment ago said from behind her. The person spoke again with a gasp, “Oh! Miss Dazzle!”

Adagio turned and her brow shot up as the shorter timorous woman from the night before greeted her. Again, her milky pale yellow skin was flushed with pink.

“W-welcome in!” Coco stuttered, “Can I help you with anything in particular?”

Adagio turned back, barely regarding her, “No, not really,” she replied, sounding bored, “I just wanted to see if this place was actually worth it.”

“I was not expecting to see you here, little mouse,” Adagio said with a quick look before going back to dejectedly handling the articles of clothing.

“Yes,” Coco acknowledged, “I’m a dressmaker. I have been for many years. I only recently, uh… had ethical success thanks to the owner of this shop.”

Adagio rolled her eyes at the last statement- Oh, those perfect little pony girls.

“Well, congratulations. Your work does have some style,” Adagio said as she held up another violet press to her body in a full-length mirror. She loved the color violet and the way it looked on her, she practically never changed it. This one had a similar heart neckline but the fabric was water-looking and the end had ruffles.

“Hmm,” She heard Coco thoughtfully hum before the girl came into view, apparently examining her.

“What is it?” Adagio asked, snarky.

“It’s that dress,” Coco said, still analyzing.

“Yes, what about it?” The former siren questioned, hastily.

“I’m assuming you're looking for something for a performance, correct?” The dressmaker said as she made a full circle around Adagio.

“Congratulations, your smart, little mouse. Now what does that-”

Coco Pommel’s fingers snapped together, “What here a moment! I have just the dress.”

Now, Adagio Dazzle, leader of the Dazzling Sirens had never done this before in her life. She obeyed the seamstress.

Moments later as Adagio configured a plan to burn the shop down, Coco reappeared. She was holding a similar dress with the same watery effect fabric- only this dress was fully form-fitted, had thicker straps coming from the heart neckline and it was… dark teal.

“Oh I don't wear that color,” Adagio scoffed.

Coco giggled and that made Agadio’s chest feel weird.

“Try it on! I think the color will look amazing with your complexion!” The needlewoman exclaimed encouragingly.

Adagio scowled with an eye roll, “Fine.”

The siren made a mental note to dig into this later and see what type of mind control magic this woman was using. She stepped into the fitting room. She slipped off that day's outfit of an off-the-shoulder violet body suit, along with the spiked belts around her waist. She then brought the dress over her figure.

Adagio wouldn't admit this to the little city mouse but she knew what she was doing. The water fabric brought her back to her original sea home and the new, experimental color against her skin did indeed valentine her. The siren stepped out and Coco met her eyes before her eyes moved down and that same pink shade on her cheeks grew.

“See something you like?” The vocalist teased.

“Yes,” Coco admitted before she panicked and put her hands up with vigorous motion, “I-I mean the dress looks good! I knew it would.”

The timid dressmaker stood twiddling her thumbs as she avoided eye contact. Adagio chuckled before pulling cash out of her golden handbag. She moved into the bashful girls space and relished in the way her blush grew to the rest of her face and ears. The former placed the cash into the laters hand, “I’m glad you think so. I’m sure you’ll enjoy seeing me in it again tonight.”

Coco slowly nodded and watched as the alluring hypnotic woman stepped back into the changing room. She rushed to enter the transaction and gather a traveling box for the customer. The seamstress, admittedly, was disappointed when a new pair of paterons entered the store as Adagio walked out and up to the counter. She passed the gown over and leaned over the registry counter with a certain smirk on her face.

The blue haired woman made sure to keep her eyes to herself and she could still feel the heat on her face as she folded up the cocktail dress and placed it neatly in the box, “Here you go.”

She cringed at the way her voice wobbled.

A small chuckle came from the songstress, “Thank you, little mouse.” Adagio said with a certain look in her eyes that left the shorter woman's legs weak. Less than ten seconds later the enchanting woman was gone.

The smile of satisfaction had sat on Adagio Dazzle's face for the remainder of the day. Even as she applied a shiny gloss to her lips. The expression had been so apparent that her sister’s felt the need to comment as they lolled backstage with her.

“So, what did you do?” Aria’s monotone dragged as she laid across the couch, a nintendo to her face.

Adagio barely paid her any regard as she continued to doll herself, “ I haven't had the slightest idea what you mean.”

Sonata giggled as she colored in her sketchbook, “There’s no way! You been giggly and smiley all day.”

Aria agreed, “For real. I almost mistaked you for Airhead over there. Plus, The dress is different. I don't think I’ve ever seen you in a color like that.”

The eldest sister rolled her eyes, “Please. There's nothing wrong with a little bit of change.”

The middle sister, Aria, sat up, “Who is he?” She grinned.

If she had taken a drink Adagio would have spit taked. Her youngest sister laughed before shouting, “Dagi has a boyfriend!”

“NO, I do not!” The lead siren said sharply as she turned to her sisters, “If you MUST know it was simply a woman at the retail shop that suggested the gown. Turns out her expertise was correct. That is it. Nothing more.”

“Oh,” Aria said, sounding disinterested, “ So, you have a crush on a dress seller person.”

Once again, Sonata giggled.

“She is a dressmaker,” Adagio corrected before her eyes went wide, “And NO! I do NOT have a CRUSH. I am Adagio Dazzle and I do not get crushes.”

Her twintailed sister rolled her eyes before flopping back onto the couch, “Right, tell that to the cherry face you got. You look like Shimmer when she got all mad about the time twirling thing.”

Sonata was suddenly at Adagio’s side and grabbed her face to point it towards the mirror, “She’s right! Look at how red your face is!”

The oldest of the three pushed off the youngest, “My face is red with fury of having to deal with you!”

Sonata was left rolling on the ground with hysterics as the middle snickered.

“Ugh,” Adagio groaned. These two were the only ones to ever infuriate her to this magnitude- not even the pesky seven highschoolers were this bad.

“I will never invite you two to accompany me again.” The oldest declared.

Her threat didn't have the effect she hoped as they erupted into further melodrama. She ignored them and watched the clock tick down as she continued her makeup.

Finally she stepped onto the stage and soon began her new siren song. Her eyes searched the venue and stopped at a corner as they found their target. The shy city mouse actually looked like she belonged here for once. She wore a knee length raspberry cocktail dress with puffy sleeves and blue floral pattern. Her usual flower pin in the right side of her hair.

Did Adagio really have a crush on Coco Pommel? A shy and easily frightened woman in a city that seemed too big and intense for her? Despite their obvious differences, Adagio supposed she was… cute. Her eyes were captivating, borderline distracting. Her perfect button nose and soft looking short hair was tempting to touch.

An infatuation with someone was something she never experienced. She only ever cared for domination and power- never corny love and romance. The leader of the siren trio had never even had the thought of a paramour liaison. She could feel her pulse rushing, her head reeling, her face flushing. What was this feeling?

She almost strained a note. The sea singer had never done that (not without magical influence at least).

The singer continued her song as she stared at the pretty aqua eyes that also had a blush on the skin under them. A smile that she yet again couldn't stop cultivated on her face as she looked at the dazzling dressmaker.

A verse later, the vocalist’s song came to a fading end. Claps and woo’s of worship sounded out the building. Adagio stepped off the stage after her bow and made her way to the woman in her thoughts. Apparently her interest had the same idea as they met halfway.

“You sounded so wonderful, Adagio,” Coco praised in awe, “But that's usual, huh?” She added with a light giggle.

“Yes, finally someone who gets it.” Adagio said proudly, “You're finally wearing something lounge appropriate.”

Coco tucked a piece of her light blue hair behind her ear, “What can I say? You inspired me.”

“You might be the first for that,” The older said, “Usually I do the opposite for others. I’m aware I'm not exactly the kindest.”

The timid woman gave her a look of oddness, “You’ve been kind to me.”

Raspberry eyes looked back at the aqua ones, “You truly are the first, then.”

Coco Pommel lightly placed her hand in one of Adagio’s, “Well, I’m glad then,” her blush suddenly grew as her shyness came back, “U-um, would you like to, maybe, spend the rest of the night together?”

“Like a date?”

Her doe eyes went wide before she nodded in confirmation.

The siren smiled as she guided the other woman to a secluded seat towards the back. The piano began playing and they sat at a table. They weren’t sure how much time had passed between them chatting and getting to know each other. For some reason they clicked, understood each other. The spark of a never stopping conversation had never been an ordeal for them.

Adagio mentioned singing her whole life. Her love for it and being the most prominent one on the stage. Coco used that to mention her love for theater. Her love for creating the costumes and getting to see them on stage. Her favorite time of year being the Midsummer Theatre Revival.

“It will come back by next summer.” Coco informed her.

“Oh, that’ll be around two months. I’ll be happy to show my amazing vocals for your revival.” Adagio proclaimed.

Coco Pommel smiled brightly, “Really?”

“Of course. All of Manehattan will show up!” The siren exclaimed as her pride glowed.

The younger woman reached across the table and hugged her, “Oh, That's wonderful! Thank you so much Adagio!”

Adagio blushed and her stomach felt light and queasy at the contact, “O-of course.”

Abruptly, giggles could be heard behind them. The hug broke and Coco returned to her side of the table and Adagio turned to see her two sisters at the bar a few feet away.

She raised a brow at them.

“What? I wanted tacos!” Sonata said, as if it were obvious. Adagio thought that it should have been, so she wasn't surprised. She rolled her eyes and turned back to her eye-catching needleworker before raising her hand to rub her temple.

“Um, who are they?” Coco asked, once again twiddling her thumbs as she shrunk from her poor self confidence.

“They are the most annoying sisters one could ever be cursed with.” Adagio groaned.

Coco giggled, “Must be nice. I’m an only child.”

“Trust me. When you get to know them further in the future you won't feel the same.” Adagio said with annoyance. Once again, the younger woman giggled and the sound made the former feel lighter than air again.

The seamstress looked at her phone and gasped a bit at the time, “Oh my it’s getting rather late. I’m afraid I have to go.”

“I’ll help you out.” The siren offered as she stood along with the dressmaker.

The blush returned, “T-thank you.”

Her sister’s giggled at her again as guided the young woman out. She didn't have to do much guessing when Coco Pommel walked them over to her little blue Honda Fit.

“I had a good time tonight… Getting to know you.” Coco admitted.

Adagio couldn't help admiring the way the moonlight made her dazzle, “Yes, congratulations, you managed to keep my attention.”

Coco smiled with her cheeks growing bright pink, “It makes me elated that I could.”

Then, Adagio did something that she found she loved earlier; which was to get the woman very flustered. She closed the space and raised the dressmaker's chin with her fingers- Adagio admired the moon in her bright aqua eyes. She reached down and planted a small kiss that lasted a couple seconds on her lips.

Okay, maybe she did have a crush.

When the siren stood up straight she laughed at the dazed look on the shorter woman's face.

“You will have many more opportunities to keep my attention Miss Coco,” Adagio stepped back as the cutest grin spread Coco’s cheeks.

“And I’ll be happy to do so.” The dressmaker replied feeling confident. Adagio waved with her fingers as she strutted back into the venue, making sure to give the young woman an enjoyable show before she left.

As the siren leader walked back, ready to give a second song for the night, she felt the void in her had shrunk. That feeling of emptiness when she was with Coco Pommel had ceased to exist. This distraction she was happy to indulge in- one she looked forward to with the shy city mouse, Coco Pommel.

Author's Note:

Hi! This is my submisson for the original pairing may 2024 contest.

What can I say? Imma sucker for opposites attract.

Comments ( 2 )

Ten minutes later the magicless siren stepped out from the back room. As she walked through the lounge many of the humans sent their compliments and awe for her voice. She glowed with confidence as she reached the bar, only ordering herself a sparkling water. She found the alcohol humans have didn't meet her acquired taste.

As someone who's been only drinking for a year, I myself still ain't used to it, and will likely only have it on occasion or never, Idk what choice I'll go for but I'll see what happens. :twilightblush:

“She is a dressmaker,” Adagio corrected before her eyes went wide, “And NO! I do NOT have a CRUSH. I am Adagio Dazzle and I do not get crushes.”

Right... :duck:

Her twintailed sister rolled her eyes before flopping back onto the couch, “Right, tell that to the cherry face you got. You look like Shimmer when she got all mad about the time twirling thing.”

Wait, how does she know about that?!? :applejackconfused:

Her sister’s giggled at her again as guided the young woman out. She didn't have to do much guessing when Coco Pommel walked them over to her little blue Honda Fit.

again as she guided*

Okay, maybe she did have a crush.

The kiss says it all!!! :rainbowlaugh:

I loved this!

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