• Published 5th Oct 2023
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My Little Pony: Knights of Tale - Arkogon

A story of Shida Shield, Macian Capian, and Pacey Tace.

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The Dark Knights rises

Pacey’s story has come to the end, and Msia finally has the end of the story.

“A tragedy of the poor pony,” she remarked. “The loss of a friend has cost her own life to be consumed by grief. It feels like we have reached the end of the story.” She marked the end.

Before she can finally end, the cauldron inside begins to change. The color mixes with the others, as it changes to one last cutie mark. And she sees who is the last one.

“Oh, dear,” she claimed. “This is not actually a real cutie mark. I’m afraid we have our last story left.”

The corrupted ponies continue the path they are supposed to go, but have no idea where the sanctum is.

“Okay, so where is this secret place we are supposed to go?” Pacey asked, searching around. “Is it here? Here? Here? Here?”

“Third Sister,” the Second Brother shouted. “You cannot keep saying here every time you think it’s here.”

“Just searching,” she said, while searching.

While searching, Shida wonders if they are ever gonna find this sanctuary. But insists on making a campfire as she tries to make one.

“Here, let me help you.” Macian said, sparks his horns and creates a fire.

“You know, I didn’t need your help, Second Brother.” Shida exclaimed.

“You needed help,” he recalled. “You cannot do anything without us.”

“And me!” The Third Sister pops behind him.

“You just wanted your act,” As she told Macian. “And you,” she looks at Pacey. “You just wanted to make me smile. But I’m not smiling for anypony.” As she sat staring at the fire. “I’m already alone.”

Macian and Pacey joined in and sat closer to it. As they did nothing, they were alone together in the deep forest not knowing what to do until Pacey spoke up.

“So, does anypony wanna talk?”

“We’re not gonna talk about our sad life,” said Shida.

Macian didn’t say anything, as she took turns. “Okay, I’ll go first. My saddest life was losing a friend.”

“We know,” Macian exclaimed.

“I’m not finished,” she said. “My whole life was reading from Twilight’s Friendship book. I have read it so much about Pinkie Pie, and I thought I could smile like her all the time. And I met a friend, he was nice and brave, and my best friend. And when magic starts to disappear, my old friend left for this place called Zephyr Heights. I came to visit him but he wasn’t there anymore. I became the sad pony with an empty smile.”

“That’s sad,” he said. “What I can tell of losing a friend you knew before.”

“Very sad.” Pacey said, tearfully not to cry. “Now, which one of you wanna go second?”

Shida said nothing, but Macian volunteered to go second. “I’ll go.” As he tells his own life. “I dream of being part of the Equestria show. Then I became the Showmaster that I ever wanted, finally to put on the great show. But when Twilight Sparkle took our magic away, I was left with no tricks. Then creatures and ponies quit, leaving me alone with nothing I cannot perform. I was alone, cold and shivering from the silence of my show.”

“Now that’s sad,” said Pacey. Then she turned to Shida. “Your turn.”

Shida does not wanna talk about it but she sighed, “Fine.” As she tells her story. “My parents love me for who I am ever since I can fly. I dream of being a royal guard of Princess Twilight. But that changed, my parents passed away, I lost my job, I lost my wings. I have nothing else to do. I was alone by myself.”

Macian and Pacey were silent, as Pacey was feeling very sad about her story. “That’s the saddest story I've ever heard. Guess that means you're the winner.”

“I do not play your game, Third Sister.” Shida responded. “I only wanted to get this over with.”

“Well, there’s a problem,” the Second Brother commented. “We have no idea where the sanctum Father has told us. If we organize our mind together, we might find it.”

“Yeah,” said Pacey. “We must use our brain as brethren. That’s how we can find that spot.”

Shida believes it won’t work because they haven’t learned anything of what they are. Being in armor in their pony form is more worse than she ever thought. But they were too busy when a Chimera jumped right into their campfire. All of them get separated, as Shida didn’t and face the fierce creature.

“You don’t scare me!” She shouted.

She tries to attack with her wings but gets taken down easily. Then Macian levitated rocks and threw them at the creature. But it made the Chimera angry and started striking its snake tail.

“Bad idea! Bad idea! Bad idea! Bad idea!” He shouted, running from it.

“Hey, uh, Misses Tiger-Goat-Snake,” Pacey yelled. “Do you mind if you smile for a bit instead of hurting my brother and sister?”

But the Chimera didn’t hesitate and instead attacked, and the First Sister interfered. “Third Sister, no time for friendship lessons for this wild beast! We do not need friendship to tame this hideous monstrosity.”

She fought more but was pinned down by the paw. It roared at her, but Pacey knew she cannot lose a pony who she now had. She charges forth and rides on the Chimera.

“I think this was a bad idea,” she told herself before being thrown off.

She crashed against the tree, and the beast started to leap towards her, but she accidentally raised her hooves right to the face. And it flew all the way to rock, as the Brother and Sister were stunned cause her hooves were now a fist.

“Whoa,” she said, surprised. “I never knew I had claws.”

But the Chimera became very angry and started charging at her, but Pacey held back with two claws she now summoned. And as she held, something inside her started to awaken.

“I think something is happening to me,” she worried. But she unleashes her fury and throws the beast away as she starts to transform. She evolves with hind legs and arms, and a tail. And her snout became a dragon snout with a curved horn and strong teeth, and roared fiercely. “Did I just…?” She looked at herself, then her cutie mark appeared on her chest.

The Chimera recovered and struck its snake at her leg, but it didn’t bite her. Then she grabbed the beast and threw it in the air, then tossed a giant rock she made from the ground far away from here. And Macian and Shida were astonished by her true form.

“Third Sister,” he said, amazed. “You’re… a dragon.”

“Really,” she looked at herself again. “This feels amazing.” She starts smashing the ground, creating rocks around her. “It’s like I can control the Earth around me. I can control the earth, like an earth pony.”

She laughed maniacally, as Shida was annoyed by her powers. But she soon sensed the ground, leading to another destination they needed to go.

“I can see,” said Pacey. “I can see the trail.”

“Really?” The Second Brother asked. “I don’t see anything.”

“That’s because I’m a dragon.” She added. “And I know where we are supposed to go. Follow me.”

As she follows the trail, they follow her hoping they’re going in the right direction.

Few hours later, they followed her until they arrived near the beach, making them confused as to why led them here.

“Okay, now where?” He asked.

“That’s where it led me,” said the Third Sister. “I have no idea where to.”

Shida heavily sighed, “Then we wasted all that time following you. Where do we supposed to go?”

They do not know, as she walks away after being brought here for no reason. But they then stumble across a wreckage boat ashore.

“A yacht,” Pacey exclaimed. “Maybe that we needed to cross into the ocean sea.”

“Really?” The First Sister said, staring at the wreckage. “It's been there for over a moons. It's no use to sail anymore.”

“Perhaps not,” Macian commented. “Wreckage can be fixed if we must work together to rebuild this boat. All we need is wooden planks and nails. So let us begin. Just like the show.”

“Alrighty then, let's get fixing!” Pacey shouted, happily.

Then Shida sighed, “Alright, let's do this.

And so begin, they cut down every tree and slice them all up into planks. Then they search for iron as Pacey is able to find one and dig. She dug and found iron, but her digging covered them in dirt. Soon, they started fixing the yacht, well almost, since they had no idea how to fix it. But they managed and finally put the pieces together. And when it was over, he was ready to announce it.

“Ponies, and gentle… ponies,” he announced. “We have gathered here to witness the accomplishments we have ever achieved. The most work of art we could have ever done…”

“Just get it over with!” She shouted, ruining his big speech.

And he shows them the newest yacht they’ve rebuilt, or remade thanks to Pacey's idea. “Yeah it was, I remade it to make us happy to sail. Now, let’s get this moving.”

Shida and Macian get on, and Pacey pushes the boat to the ocean as hurry on quickly. Then set sail to the distant sea knowing what lies ahead.

“I hope we’re going the right direction,” she added.

“Don’t you worry, First Sister.” She hugs Shida tightly, squeezing and releasing her. “And besides, what stops us ahead?”

Then it shows them in the big storm troubling their mission. Big waves keep on shifting their boat, as Shida steers to find a route out of the storm.

“I can’t see anything through the storm,” she shouted. “Pacey, what’s our situation?”

“Waters are pouring on our ship,” she said, trying to pail them. “But not to worry, we now have less water.”

Then a big splash soaked her, as the storm was getting worse and drifting them into the currents. And Macian was getting sea sick from the sea he cannot handle.

“I don’t feel so good,” he remarks as he almost vomits, but holds it in.

“Keep it together, Second Brother.” said Shida. “Until we get out of this storm for certainty.” For once, the storm began pushing the boat harder, as a big wave came right towards them. “Brace yourself!!” She shouted, as the wave splash on them soaked. “Is anyone still breathing?”

“I am,” said Pacey.” But not Macian because he was swept into the sea. “Second Brother!” She screams, staring at the sea.

“We can’t do nothing,” said Shida. “We needed to get out of the storm quickly!”

Under the sea, Macian was drowning to the bottom, becoming unconscious. Until he began to see a gleam in the water, little fishy swimming around him.

“What is this?” He asked. “Is this for me?”

The fish then show him its friends, as they all gather to perform a show for him. He was amazed at what they can do in the sea and then realized he’s breathing underwater. And remember his brother and sister are on top from the storm. He has to do something as he uses his magic to reach the surface. And as he does that, he begins to change. His back grew fins top to bottom as his front and back legs grew, and stretched his body and neck too. Top surface, Shida and Pacey still having trouble with the ship.

“The storm is getting worse,” she shouted. “We’re not gonna make it!”

“We will!” Pacey exclaimed. “Just have faith!”

Just before they can continue, the whirlpool strats dragging them in as Shida tries harder to steer away. And when they were about to sink in, they’re boat was pushed away from the pool and into the steady sea. They were confused until a sea creature popped its head out to see them alive and well.

“Second Brother?” She was surprised.

“Surprise,” said Macian. “I have become a water dragon.” He dives back into the sea and rises again.

“How?” she asked. “How did you become a dragon?”

He tries to remember how he transformed into a dragon. “I fell into the sea and started swallowing it in me, giving me the ability to control the sea.”

“Cool!” She shouted. “I control Earth, and he controls Water. I wonder what's next.”

They look at Shida, but she refuses to think about it and wants to know their destination since he now has power. “Okay, now where to go?” She asked furiously.

So Macian looks around and spots the trail leading to the far end of the sea. “Seems like we’re going that way.”

“Then let us continue,” she hesitated to go there until Macian had another idea.

“Hmm, I think I have another idea.” As he said, he pushes the yacht very fast with his power of water. And they finally spotted the island where their destination awaited.

They reach the shore and both sisters jump out from their boat, as Macian walks out soaked wet with his dragon form.

“Wow, what an amazing wave,” said Pacey. “You really did have great talent.”

“Why thank you,” he bowed with a tone of gratitude.

Shida ignores them and tries to find their next destination. But she spotted stairs that lead to the top of the snowy mountain. “Seems like that’s where we supposed. Now, come on.” She flies to the air but gets pushed back to the ground by the snowstorm.

“I guess it doesn't like you cheated,” he remarked. “Perhaps these steps will get us..”

“Yes, I know!” She shouted, and headed to the steps.

He and Pacey just stared and followed to the top steps. They have been walking for an hour, and the wind continues to try blowing them away. And they reach the end of the step.

“Guess that's the end of these steps,” said Pacey. “Looks like we’re gonna climb these rocks to get up there.”

“There’s no way I’m gonna climb up there,” she added before spreading her wings.

“Now hold on,” said Macian. “We cannot leave each other if we’re gonna find Father’s sanctuary together.”

“You have Third Sister with you,” she said. “So she will use her power to make stairs while I fly up to the top.”

“But we needed to stick together,” Pacey shouted. “You won’t make it through these strong winds.”

“Make it?” She said with a chuckle. “I’m already dead.”

She flies into the air, leaving them alone to climb the mountain. So they decided to climb, as Pacey makes stairs to the top. Meanwhile, Shida was flying hard reaching the top, but the snowstorm kept pushing her away. She tries her best with her wings, but to no avail she is dragged in and falls to the side of the cliff. She cannot get out of it until realized she can’t do this anymore.

“I can’t do this,” she replied. “I can’t do this.” As she thought this was her fate, she felt the wind blowing through her.

She looks in the air feeling the wind blow her mane as she watches where it is blowing. She walks to the ledge and sees the height she’s at, and ready to leap.

“No, I cannot,” she said. “I must be strong. I must rejoin my brethren.” And as she stood, she fell and let herself feel the inside from the air until she started her transformation. Her wings grew bigger, claws came from her hooves, and horns appeared from her head.

Meanwhile with Macian and Pacey, they were struggling from the wind and couldn't keep going due to the fog blinding them.

“Can’t keep going,” said Pacey.

“We must,” As he lifts her. “We have to keep moving. Cannot fail Father.”

He struggled to keep moving, but the storm kept getting worse. They thought this is over, but a shadowing figure appears from the sky and dives towards them, and they scream until it reveals Shida was in dragon form armor.

“First Sister?” Pacey asked, seeing she’s now a dragon.

Shida looks at her new look and turns to the storm, and flaps a powerful gust of wind clearing fog to their path. And they were amazed at how powerful she is.

“How did you…?” He questions.

She looks at her wings and believes she has the ability to control the wind. “My wings are able to control the wind when I flap them hard. I can force a powerful air with my power.”

Then just like that, Pacey hugged her that she had finally achieved her dragon form. And Macian joins in, and she ignores and lets them have it. After a while, they continue their journey since now Shida can see the trail and finally reach the top of the snowy mountain.

“We made it!” Pacey relief, and lay on the ground.

As they looked around, there was nothing else there for them. “So, now what?” The Second Brother asked.

Shida has no clue, until their cutie marks begin to glimmer. They thought it was something they did, but the ground begins to crack and open wide, as both of them have fallen into a deep hole. And they landed on the ground finding themselves in a dark room they do not know.


The three look and see Clipso, standing there waiting for their arrival. He approached and was grateful to see them in their Dragoni form.

“You have all passed three tests to help you find your destination.” He spoked. “And unlock your Dragoni form behind your pony form.”

He walked up to Shida and told her. “You are the Sky Dragoni, First Daughter. And Master of the Air.” Then to Macian. “You are the Sea Dragoni, Second Son. And Master of the Water.” And to Pacey. “And you are the Land Dragoni, Third Sister. And Master of Earth.” And then he stepped back. “All of you have unlocked your true form. You are now my true children with true power.”

Both Dragoni see themselves, and finally understand they gain new powers when becoming a Dragoni. “Pretty cool,” said Pacey. “I always wanted magic.” As she smashed the ground, creating rocks on accident. “Oops.”

“Careful!” Macian smacks her head. “You could’ve hurt Father!”

“Quiet, you idiot!” Shida hushed. “Listen.”

As they stay silent, he can now speak. “Now, with all of you now a Dragoni like me, we can begin the work I have developed over the years.”

“You mean moons?” Macian asked.

“That doesn’t count,” said Pacey. “Does it?”

“That’s not important,” he commented. “I do not care what I call it. I have grown tired of ponies saying that ever since the alicorn rule over Equestria. But not anymore, but some have survived. And the evil alicorn is still rising. That’s why I chose the three of you to help me for my Chamber.” As he showed them, lit the room brighter of his Chamber. “My Chamber must be strong to resist all magic. It won’t be protected unless I need help from you. Will you stand by my side as your father, and willing to end evilness?”

The Dragoni look at each other and bow to their father. “We will be your children, Father.” Shida replied.

“Good,” he remarked. “Now I need metals so I can begin my work of forging armor.”

“Father,” she asked. “We can gather metals for armor, but recruiting an army will be harder to find.”

“I don’t want a living army,” he recalled. “I want my army, a creation of my undead children, who will listen to me.” As he shows them his plan. “I will use these souls I have collected around Equestria to place them in my design. And when they hatch, they will fully grow to their Dragoni species. Sky, Land, and Sea, will be yours siblings. You will lead them to convince every creature to frame this alicorn for the destruction of our cause.” He then shows them the alicorn. “With her so evil, she will be their true enemy that no one will ever believe, as we can start my plan to build our kind. And yet, the alicorns will be stopped, and everyone will see who they truly are.”

They agreed, alicorns have been troubling Equestria for so long, and now it’s their turn to rise up and reveal the truth of their origin.

“But how are we gonna do that?” Pacey asked.

“We tell them,” said Clipso. “You three will convince them in your Dragoni form about her destruction of taking over, and they will believe us as their god. We will drain souls from the world, and blame everything on the alicorn. Their weak minds will soon turn on ponies, never again trusting their will. For Equestria, and for the greater good against all evil.”

The three understood and left, then he paused Shida for a moment. “My Daughter,” he spoked. “You will lead them to follow my plan whenever my work is disrupted. Do you still be loyal to me for eternity?”

“Yes, Father.” She replied. “I will always be loyal to you for eternity.”

His eyes smile, and retrieve into the dark. And Shida joins with her fellow brethren and is ready to set across all over Equestria to bring the Truth according to his plan.

Then the mist clears the inside cauldron, as Msia has watched believing the end of story.

“An evil tragedy,” she accepted. “A great darkness has consumed their mind of power and madness. I still wonder if they may find peace together in the afterlife. But I fear this is the end of our story for today. I’m glad you have learned of what the devil will do to twist others against another. I hope you enjoy listening to the story, my friend. Perhaps we may meet again in another Nightmare Night. I will see you all for a moons.”

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