• Published 5th Oct 2023
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My Little Pony: Knights of Tale - Arkogon

A story of Shida Shield, Macian Capian, and Pacey Tace.

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Pacey Tace

Msia has seen Macian’s story and is pretty sad seeing the greatest showmaster have become Clipso’s second son.

“That poor unicorn,” she said, after watching. “He would’ve understood if he could’ve shown how depressed he is to make his show more entertaining. And someday, they would’ve reacted to watch. But that’s how his story went.” As she went to find other ingredients. “Perhaps if that was the point of all, seeing him try his best to put on a good show. Anything he tried led him to selling his soul for no reason. But there is always a reason why he did it. And that story will continue on to the last part.”

She released the ingredients into the cauldron and stirred. “Now, the last part of our story shall we speak.” As she stirred, a cutie mark reappeared. “Ah, Pacey Tace, third earth pony who lives in Maretime Bay. Possibly friends of mine who live there. But we are more focused on her. Shall we watch?”

Story begins when at the nursery home, a young pegasus colt was barely in no condition to go somewhere. He was injured from trying out the extreme Wonderbolts’ training exercise, leading him to be in bed. As he was alone, a pony right beside him was humming as he moved the curtain to see a filly earth pony with puzzles.

“Hello,” he asked, carefully.

“Oh, hi.” She responded. “I thought I was alone here in the room. But I guess sometimes ponies can bring in patience when they're hurt.” She giggles and continues on the puzzle.

He watches and sees she finished puzzling, and then redo it again with a mix puzzle. “Hold on, are you doing it again?”

“What’s more fun than doing nothing,” she added. “Redoing again is a lot more fun.” She finishes the puzzle again, then redo it. “Fun is the best way than being alone with nothing to do.”

“Yeah,” he figured. “But are you sure that will make it more fun?” He asked, wondering if she’s gonna keep going. “What if you get bored with it, and have nothing to do?”

“Then we just ask our nursery.” She responded. “Besides, I do love puzzles and games.” Then she kept on repeating the puzzle until she asked him. “So what brought you here?”

“I got into an accident,” he told her. “Trying to do the Wonderbolts’ exercise training and injured my wings. You?”

“I was stacking a pile of boxes to help my family be happy.” She told him. “Until it timber, and I got myself into this. But it’s not all bad here when having fun.” Then she repeated the puzzle again.

He was surprised to see a pony just having fun without being bored. Then he asked if he could play. “Can I play?”

“Sure, sure,” she said, excited. “I always love when other ponies like to play.” Then then handle the puzzle, as she takes out another. “Now let’s play together.”

As they begin to play, they both finish the puzzle. “Done!” He said, then saw she finished early. “How did you-?”

“I also have been playing with it, too.” She explained. “Took me thirteen minutes to find the shape, but I finished it.”

He chuckled, and discovered he had a friend to spend time with. “My name’s Swift. What’s yours?”

“Mine is Pacey Tace,” she said. “And I love to be happy.”

Swift smiled, and liked to have fun. Both became friends, they spent time having fun with stuff the nursery brought them. And they have breakfast together with the same food.

“Look, say hello to jello,” said Swift, having fun.

“And say hello to jello, too.” Pacey said, having fun too.

Both of them laughed and ate, but they heard somepony crying. They don’t know who but that sound of crying is a saddest experience.

“Poor, pony.” Pacey said, feeling sorry. “We should help her.”

“But shouldn’t we stay here,” he said, believing what their nurse told them. “It’s legal to leave the room.”

“But that pony needs help,” she said. “We can’t just leave her with that sad attitude. Let’s go.” She left in a hurry, as Swift chased after her.

Both of them listened to the cries coming from and found the room where it was coming from. An earth pony was crying with her ankle bandage, and saw the sadness from her.

“Hi, new friends, my name’s Pacey. What’s your name?”

The pony sniffed and replied. “My name is Tiffany. I was racing at the pony marathon until I tripped over a rock and hurt my ankle. I now have to stay here until my ankle heals.”

“That’s sad,” he said. “My name’s Swift. I’m a friend of Pacey.”

“He is,” she shouted. “I also made him happy very well.”

“Pacey! Keep it down.” He quiets her. “The nurse will hear us.”

“Don’t worry,” she shouted, happily. “Shouting is the best way to make you happy.” Then she looks at Tiffany. “So, Tiffany, how are you doing?”

“Well, I’m doing great?” said Tiffany.

“Great?” She exclaimed. “You need to feel happy. Just like me. Smile like you enjoy here. Think about all the moments you did at the pony marathon. Think of the fun you had with a smile.”

Tiffany thought about the race and she was happy when racing. “I did have fun racing. It was the best.”

“That’s the spirit,” said Pacey, giving her high spirit. “But I can make it more happy.” She starts acting in Tiffany's life. Even though she doesn’t know how her life was, she manages it.

Then Tiffany started to giggle, funny how she tried to act. But it made her laugh harder with a big smile. Soon, the doctor heard the laguehd and saw two patients in the room with her.

“Hey, you're not supposed to be out of your bed!”

Before they could take them back, Tiffany paused them while giggling. “Wait! They were making me happy. I’m starting to feel much better.” She smiled.

The doctors were surprised, seeing one pony be able to make her so happy. Then they decided if she could do more to make the other patients happy, even though they're not in the mood of smiling.

“Pacey, right?” The Doctor asked.

“That’s right,” she replied. “P-A-C-E-Y, and the last name, Tace.”

“Pacey Tace, would you mind if you and your companion help our other patients who are not well or smiling?”

Pacey thinks about it and agrees to help. “Sure thing! I always remember my history about Pinkie Pie, “Always smile!” Until then, something happened.

She starts to glow brighter, as everypony in the room is astonished by the happening until it stops. And she looks at her blank seeing she got her cutie mark, pink two masks of happy and sad.

“I got my cutie mark!!” She shouted, happily with her big smile. Then she hugs her best friend Swift. “Didn’t you see! Didn’t you see! I got my cutie mark.”

“Yes, I did.” He responded. “I’m very proud of you, my friend.”

Both continue on, until he can’t move because she’s keeping on hugging not wanting to let go. But her life just got better of happiness.

Moon passed, Pacey has grown to be a mare. She was at the hospital cheering up little fillies making them feel happier. As she was doing her job, her friend Swift returned wearing Wonderbolts’ suit. He was now officially on the Wonderbolts’ team. He came to visit his old friend since they last saw each other.

“Swift,” She zip and hugged, happily seeing him again. “I am so happy to see you again!”

“So do I,” he struggles to breathe. “But I think you should let me have some air please?”

Pacey releases him, as he breathes for a moment. Then they both talk for a moment together outside discussing their job they have done.

“So, many fillers really love you,” said Swift. “How on earth did you make them happy?”

“I’ve been watching Pinkie Pie help others to smile, big smiles that you won’t ever let go.” She said, learning from the pony. “So, how’s your day?”

“Well, I got some training from Rainbow Dash.” He explained. “She’s a real tough Pegasus. But she showed loyalty to all of us. Me and my team have to stretch our wings for a bit so we can get ready to do the Wonderbolts. And I was happy we did it together.”

“You sure did,” she added. “I always knew your smile would get you in. Like everypony in town can do great things with a smile. You did it, my friend.”

“No,” he recalled. “We did it together.”

That means a lot to her, and both embrace each other with a hug. Just as everything went so great, Pacey spotted a griffin who wasn’t smiling.

“Hold on,” she released him and hurried to the griffin. “Hi, there. May I help you?” She asked, with a nice tone.

But the griffin then rudely pushed her and spoke with a strong tone. “Go away!” He shouted. “You ponies are nothing but puppets!”

He flies away, leaving Pacey confused and saddeness. And Swift flew over to her and helped. “Are you okay?” He asked. “What happened?”

Pacey doesn’t know, but that griffin wasn’t smiling. But it didn't take long for every creature not smiling, meaning something had happened. And then, the smile started to disappear around her. Everypony no longer smiles from her, and she tries to make them happy all she can do. Ever since their magic was gone Equestria just forgot about her happiness, as she tries to help them smile, none of them want her offer. Before she could find somepony, she met Swift again who isn’t smiling.

“Swift?” She noticed. “Why with that sad face? You know, you must be happy.”

“I’m sorry, Pacey.” He said. “I can’t smile anymore. My wings cannot fly, I can’t do anymore Wonderbolts. So I decided to quit.”

“No!” She screams. “You can’t quit! You were amazing at doing Wonderbolts’ things. I see you do many amazings tricks and air diver. What will you do if you quit?”

“Then I’ll have to leave and go to Zephyr Heights, they said any pegasus who have no flight can find activity.”

“But what if you can’t?” She exclaimed. “I can help you, that’s in Twilight’s Friendship Book. In Pinkie’s rule number fifteen, friends can help friends to make them smile.”

“This is different, Pacey.” He added. “But don't worry about me. I will find my own way, and we might see each other again.”

“Promise?” She asked. “Pinkie Promise? In Pinkie’s friendship book?”

“Yes,” he then started to make a promise. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

Then she hugged him, saying to her farewell friend as he was ready to leave to travel Zephyr Heights. She smiles and believes he will come back, because nopony breaks a promise.

Moons have passed, she now lives in Maretime Bay spending her day just smiling with ponies around, now smiling. A delivery earth pony came by, as Pacey quickly came right up to her.

“Anything from me?” She shouted, believing her envelope had arrived.

But there was no envelope, she started to think he must’ forgotten about her. But she knew he would never forget.

“He would never forget about me,” she said to herself. “I know he promised he would find his own way.” Then she thought of an idea. “Maybe I can visit him. Yes, I can travel there and make a surprise.” She hurried home and gathered her things to travel to Zephyr Heights.

As she travels to the place, she climbs the mountains to reach the place where her best friend is. And when she finally arrived, every pegasus was walking on the ground with new devices. She was pretty amazed by all sorts of new things around her, and saw new devices behind the window store.

“Wow, what are these weird things?” She asked, excited.

“Those are called cell phones,” one of the pegasus explained. “You can talk to friends on cell phones with the help of our new Canternet we develop all these moons.”

Pacey was excited to get one but she must be focused on visiting her friend. So she looks around to find him, but no sign of her best friend until she arrives at the castle. She soon met the ruler of Zephyr Heights, as she saw her.

“My,” the Queen speaks. “A young pony. What brought you here?”

“I’m here to see my best friend,” said Pacey. “His name is Swift, he lives here. I came to see him if he still remembers me.”

With the name said, the Queen soon came with a sad expression. “Oh, my little pony, I don’t think he cannot see you anymore.”


“Perhaps we should talk somewhere,” said the Queen. She leads her to a place where she can tell her the truth.

After a while, Pacey now lost her smile after the Queen told her everything. Her friend isn’t coming to see her. She returned to Maretime Bay and back home where she was planning to throw him a surprise party. But everything she did had to be torn down as she tearfully grieved of her friend not coming. As she still grieved, a knock from a door as she went and opened to see two ponies.

“Hello, little pony,” she greeted. “I am your Psychologist , and this is my assistant.” She introduced the other pony. “We were sent here from somepony.”

“I don’t need a Psychologist,” she responded and tried to close but it stopped by her.

“You need one,” As she and the other pony entered the room and saw the decoration. “Hmm, I see you've been planning a party. Is is somepony’s birthday?”

“No,” As she sat down. “It’s for a friend, but he isn’t here. He’s somewhere else.”

“I see,” she added. “Are you okay with it?”

“Yes,” she answered, not wanting to grief.

“Are you sure you're good without him?” She added another.

“Yes,” she answered, losing her grief.

“Are you really sure it's okay to let him break a pinkie promise?”

As she said, Pacey grieved with devastation. “No! It’s not okay!” She shouted, crying. “My friend Swift, he wasn’t supposed to break a pinkie promise. It’s said in the Friendship Book.” As she brought it out. “Why did he break that promise?”

“Hmm,” As the Psychologist thinks. “Perhaps it’s not him you broke that promise. It’s that Friendship Book.” She pointed. “It was written by Twilight Sparkle. You know, the alicorn princess.”

“I know her,” said Pacey. “She was the pony who wrote all about it. I’ve learned from it.”

“Maybe that's the reason why your friend wasn’t around,” she added. “It’s because her lessons have taken your friend away because he cannot fly. She took his flight, she took your friend, she took everything. Now, you are alone. That Book of Friendships have lied to you. It broke your promise.”

“But…” As she looks at the book, she never knew it could take her friend away. She threw it away not wanting to read. “I don’t wanna read it anymore. It took my friend away, like it took my smile.”

“I understand,” she said. “But perhaps you can be free from the pain. My father is offering you to join us to be free like me and my second brother. So if you are willing to take it, you will have to sell your soul and will leave everything behind. Do you want to smile again?”

Pacey wanted to smile again but not wanting to feel pain again of losing her friend. “Yes, I want to smile again. So make me happy, take my feelings away so I will never again think about another thing again.”

With her words, a wind gusts around them, as she backs up but bumps into someone behind. An alicorn who stands right at her. “An alicorn? Stallion alicorn?” She was freaking out, never seeing a stallion alicorn exist.

“Do not call me that,” he said angrily. “I am not like them. I am what I was a long time ago. And now, time to give it to you.”

His horn sparks and pierce into her body, as she feels her soul being taken out. Then take part of his armor as her soul consumes it, then returning into her. She feels the changes as her armor comes out from her body, then a jester hat forms on top of her and face splits into two faces. And her mane spread in the air. When it was over, she looked at herself seeing she had changed into a weird looking pony with armor and a crazy mane.

“What? What happened to me?” She asked. “Why am I wearing this thing?” As she tries to remove it.

“You have become one of us, my child.” He remarked.

Before she can ask, two ponies reveal themselves as Shida and Macian. “A pegasus and a Unicorn? Am I already part of the group?”

“Yes,” Shida said, carefully coning her mane. “Welcome to the family, Third Sister.”

“Third Sister?” She responded, and looked at Macian. “So that means, you're the Second Brother.” Then at Shida. “And you're the First Sister. Can’t believe I have a brother and a sister!” She shouted with joy.

She hops around with excitement, as Macian was confused if she was the last one they needed. “Are you sure she’s the one? Cause I started to like her as a sister.”

“Yes, she is.” Shida replied. Then she turned to her father. “We are now complete as you said. What now, father?”

“Now, return to me at once.” He called. “My memory will give you to my hidden location when you reveal your true self. You will find the path there as you enter my sanctuary. I’ll be waiting.” Then he disappeared into thin air, as the three of them were alone in Pacey’s living room.

“You heard him,” Shida added. “Time to head out.”

“Wow, I really love to head out,” said Pacey. “Who never thought of Twilight Sparkle was so evil to take everything from us. And I mean, alicorns.”

“Indeed, Third Sister.” Macian commented, agreeing with her words. “But this is gonna be the greatest scene we have ever put on. Shall we meet our father?”

Pacey totally agreed, as they both galloped away happily. Shida doesn’t know if they are willing to stay on task as she follows.