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The Dragon Tournament part 2

"Everycreature things are taking a massive turn in this Gunlet!" Dractle said "Smug the dragon servant of King Sombra had token out Smolder out of the finals and took her place!"

"That's right Dractle!" Said Ruby "And we can only tell what going images if Smug wins! Since Smug works for King Sombra that means we Dragons must obey him."

"And it's seem Torch has no choice but to let Smug Compete!" Dractle said "Speaking of whom we were able to get some last minute facts on him. Seems King Sombra found him when he was an egg and hatch him from it. Smug was schooled in the dark ways of the evil pony meaning this Drake is packing some dark magic."

"So the competition need a hope and a pray if any dragon is going to beat this competitor." Ruby said

We then cut to a medical cave where Smolder is revering and Garble is crying for his sister.

Spike then entered the cave with Twilight at his side.

"Aw Smolder." Garble whipped

"Garble are you okay?" Spike asked

"Shut up I'm not crying! You're crying!" Garble shouted with tears in his eyes.

"That Smug is gonna pay!" He said suddenly switching to anger.

"Patience young dragon," said a voice

Master Shin entered the cave.

"You must trust in the gunlet of fire." He said "After all you have already been taken out of the compatenson."

"So now what?" Said Garble "I'm I supposed to sit back and let Smug win?"

"I'm sure one of the other competitors can take him out." Said Twilight "Like Spike here."

"You got no say in this pony!" Garble said angrily "This is all you're fault!"

"Hey Twilight had nothing to do with it?" Spike said

"Oh really?" Garble scarcastlliy "Maybe I missed the part where King Sombra is a pony!"

"What's that got to do with anything?" Twilight asked

"You ponies always interfearing with everything!" Garble said "With you're Alicorn magic and you're big facey powers, You think you're better then every creature! Well you're not better then dragons so there!"

"That's enough!" Said a voice

Smolder woke up and glared at her brother, she was bandgae and hurt but still able to talk.

"If you're going to be a big baby about everything then go back to you're nest." she said pointing him out the door.

Garble glared at Twilight and then walked out.

"Thank you." Said Twilight "I can heal you with my magic if you like."

"I don't need no pony's help." she said "I just got tired of him squaking."

"Why does every dragon have it out for ponies?" whispers Spike to Master Shin.

"Dragons and ponies have always been at odd." Said master Shin rolling his eyes. "Some even blames them for locked of life."

"Well for thing is for sure." Said Twilight "We can't allow Smug to win I'll gather the royal guards and..."

"No you won't." A voice said

Princess Celestia entered the room.

"But Princess we can't allow Sombra to..." Twilight spoke

"Sombra has every right to let his Dragon enter." Said the sun princess. "If we ponies interfear it will end badly on all of Equestria."

"The princess is right." Said Master shin "We dragons have our way and no alicorn has the right to change that."

"Besides." Said Smolder "Did you see the other competitors they will wapped the floor with that jerk."

"Welcome to round one of the tournament!" Said Dractle "And it's Wukong the dragon champion vs Smug the arrogant up start that no creature likes!"

Smug then roared at Dractle with an angry face.

"Quiet down Dractle the tournment has ears." said Ruby

The entire stadium roared with applause has Dragons cheered out, "Wukong! Wukong! Wukong! Wukong!"

The muscular orange dragon stares down his oversized opponent with a series look on his face. The spines on his back began to glow golden as he floated up into the air.

"Foolish Dragon!" said Wukong, "I have trained everyday of my life for this moment. Since the I moment I was hatched I studied in the art forms of the Five Dragons! I call upon the power of Qinglong! Zhulong! Bailong! Huanglong! Xuanlong!"

Golden flames began to form in his claws as he brought them together and pointed them at his opponent.

"By the power of the Five Dragon Masters I...!"

With a single swipe of his tail, Smug smashed Wukong down into the ground, knocking him out of the competition.

There was a silence in the stadium.

"Ha ha ha! Yes that's my boy!" Said Sombra up from his box and then whispered to Catrina who was sitting at his side. "You know after those studied Diamond dogs lost that egg all those years ago I was worried we won't make it to the gunlet of fire."

"Luckily we were able to find another one." Said Catrina

"Why, if it isn't my father descending from on high to mingle with the commoners." Said Sombra sneering.

Sleipnir looked at his son with disappointment, "Sombra, what is the meaning of you entering a contestant in the Gauntlet of Fire? You know that we have shaky relations with the Dragons for years!"

"Is that what we did?" Said Sombra as he turn back to set, "Oh, I feel simply awful! Must've slipped my mind."

"Don't turn your back on me Sombra!" stated Sleipnir.

"Oh, no, Father. Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me." countered Sombra.

"Is that a challenge?!," Said Sleipnir as he charged up his horn.

"Temper, temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you." replied Sombra up to his father, "Well not yet anyway...I'm don't do much as an Alicorn."

"You may be my son, but you are no Alicorn." proclaimed?

"Well not anymore! You striped me of the right." replied Sombra

"Believe me, if you think it brings me any joy banishing you your wrong," said Sleipnir sadly, "You broke all our hearts... And you will never return to Canterlot..."

As Sombra watched his father trot away slowly, a wicked grin slowly began to cross his face.

"Believe me father, you haven't even begun to know heartbreak..."

Back in the stadium Fangs the Dragon Dog was swinging around his massive bone trying to hit Lucky the Dragon Pirate. Lucky squashed and stretched his body, avoiding the attacks and laughing the whole time, much to Fangs annoyance.

From the outskirts of the stadium, Spike was watching the whole thing looking rather nervous.

"Are nervous Spike?" asked Twilight.

"Sort of," said Spike scratching his scales, "Plus I'm still itchy from that from that whole Call of the Dragon thing I experienced!"

"Um Spike," said Twilight looking confused, "the Call of the Dragon doesn't cause itchiness, it just causes you to glow."

"Than why am I itching worse then ever!?" asked Spike scratching himself like mad.

"Never mind that," said Master Shin pushing the young dragon forward, "The next round is about to begin."

"How can you tell?" asked Spike.

All of a sudden, Fangs the Dragon Dog slammed in a wall right beside them.

"Just a hunch," said Master Shin.

"Ooooooh, that had to hurt!" announced Dractl, "Well all things are fair in the Gauntlet of Fire!"

"That's right Dractl!" commented Ruby, " And it looks Lucky's taken Fangs out to the competition.

"Which means it's time to start the next round!" proclaimed Dractl.

A spotlight shined down on the other need of the stadium, revealing a green teenage dragon in a jacket.

"In this corner, the baddest boy in the Dragon Lands that you all love to hate...YoYo!" announced Dractl.

Every dragon in the stands booed and hissed, throwing tomatoes and rocks at YoYo.

"And in this corner, the other competitor...Spike!"

The whole stadium fell silent as the spotlight hit Spike. The only thing that could be heard was a single pair of hooves clapping.

"Yaaaaay Spike! Woo-Hoooo!" shouted Pinkie Pie from the pony box.

Everypony else in the box noticed the Dragons all glaring at them. Rainbow Dash and Soarin quickly grabbed ahold of Pinkie Pie before she could embarrass them further.

"I think I would have rather had rocks thrown at me," said Spike.

"Rocks are the least of your worries," a voice said.

The green dragon suddenly came flying twoards Spike, and picked him up by the collar, lifting him up into the air with him.

"Hey buddy, we're both dragons here," said Spike nervously, "the crowd hates both of us. It's me and you against the world right?"

Yo-yo looked at Spike confused, "Nah, I'm pretty sure it's just you."

The green dragon then proceeded to toss Spike down to the ground below. Spike made impact with a crash leaving behind a large crater. Yo-yo blew kisses to the booing crowd, as he landed beside Spike mangled body.

Spike now highly irritated, picked himself up in a fighting stance.

"You sure you sprang to do this?" said Yo-yo raising an eyebrow.

"Well we're in a fight so yeah!" said Spike more determined than ever.

"It's your funeral," said Yo-Yo shrugging.

Yo-yo flew at Spike throwing several punches into his chest. Spike gritted his teeth trying to remain standing.

"Uh-Oh! Looks like Yo-Yo's really going to town on our new contestant," announced Dractl.

"That's right Dractl," commented Ruby, "I don't how much more this little Spike can take."

Up in the stands, Rainbow Dash shouted, "Come on Spike! Fight back! Fight Back!"

"Keep your guard up!" Shouted Soarin.

Off to the sidelines, Twilight Sparkle was shaking and shivering with concern. Master Shin put a claw on her should reassuring her.

As Yo-Yo's blows ended, Spike struggle to stay on his feet dazed and confused.

"You know what Spike," said Yo-Yo pointing at his chin, "Since you've been such a good sport, I'm gonna let you have one free blow."

Spike said nothing still dazed.

"What's that?" raising a claw to his ear, "You'd rather give me one free blow? Well it's seems like overkill but okay."

Yo-Yo swung his bandaged green Fist twoards Spike's face. Just when it was about to make contact, Spike suddenly snapped to his senses and dropped to the ground. With a single spike of his tail, Spike swept Yo-Yo's legs, causing the green dragon to fall backwards and slam his head on a large rock.

The crowd looked on in awe, as stars spun around Yo-Yo's head. Even Dractl and Ruby confused, at a loss for words at what had just happened.

"Um...Yo-Yo is out...Spike is the Winner," Dractl stated in disbelief.

"That's...Right Dractl?" said Ruby confused.

All of a sudden the entire arena roared with applause.

"Spike! Spike! Spike! Spike! Spike! Spike!"

Spike blushed, embarrassed to hear all the dragons cheering his name.

"Tch, beginners luck," said Garble up in the stands.

Master Shin nodded with over in the sidelines.

As Yo-Yo was taken away on a stretch, the other finalists flew over to congratulate Spike on his victory. Twilight Sparkle watched happy for him, but also a bit concerned.

Later on the rest of the Mane Six and Stallions came down to meet with Twilight.

"That was great said," Rainbow Dash, "Did you see those move that Spike made? Whoosh! Bang! Ka-Pow! Ding-a-Ling-a-Ling-a-Ling-a-Ling-a-Ling!"

"Yeah, I didn't know the little guy had it in him," said Flash.

"Where is Spike anyway," asked Fluttershy.

"He's over there," said Twilight Sparkle pointing nervously.

The ponies to there surprise to see Spike chatting it off with other finalists.

"Catch you later, Noodle! Good luck on your match!" Luck you Card!" said Spike as he walked over to the ponies.

"Spike," said Rarity looking at the taller than usual dragon, "Darling, who were new friends exactly."

"Those are my new pals," said Spike pointing at the other finalists, "There not so bad when you get to know them."

"Um buddy," said Soaring looking confused, "You know the match is over right, you don't have to stay that tall."

"Why would I shrink back down," asked Spike confused.

A small silence fell over the ponies.

"So anyway," said Flash, "Seeing as we have a break in the action and all, maybe you'd like to have lunch."

"Nah," said Spike, "I've got some training to do with Master Shin. Got to get ready for the next match you know."

"Are you sure?" said Pinkie Pie pulling out a large cake, "I've got a picnic with a triple chocolate cake with your name on it!"

"Uh, I can't eat cake before a match," said Spike pushing the sweet away, "I've got to stay in shape."

The ponies watches in confusion as Spike walked off with Master Shin.

"Welp, that was odd," said Applejack.

"Odd?" said Twilight Sparkle, "Odd!? It's more than odd! I mean look at him!"

Twilight pointed a hoof towards Spike laughing it up with the other Dragons and Master Shin.

"I don't follow?" said Applejack.

"He's making friends with the other Dragons!" said Twilight.

"Good for him," said Applejack.

"What if he decides he likes it here in the DragonLands?!" asked Twilight.

"It could happen," said Applejack.

"And...What if he decides to stay in DragonLands forever!" cried out Twilight Sparkle in a panic.

"Twilight, that's ridiculous!" putting a hoof over Twilight's mouth, "Spike's not gonna stay in the DragonLands forever!"

"I don't know," said Twilight, "Think about it, whoever wins Gauntlet of Fire becomes the next Dragon Lord right?"

"Well yes," said Thunderlane, "But..."

"And if, Spike doesn't win," continued Twilight, "Smug might win, which means Sombra will become the new ruler of the Dragon Lands."

"We know," said Flash, "But..."

"Which means Spike had to win!" said Twilight, "Which means he has to become the new Dragon Lord! Which mean he can never come home!"

"Oh my gosh..." said Rainbow Dash her eyes growing as wide as saucers, "I don't want him to go!"

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle burst into to tears hugging each other tightly.

"Oh, you poor things," said Fluttering tearing up and joining them.

"Oh, I can't stand to to see Fluttershy cry!" said Rarity joining in on the son fest.

"Waaaaaaaaaah!" cried out Cheese and Pinkie and running up to hug the others.

The remaining Stallions looked at the crying ponies, and then over at Applejack tilting her hat.

"Not you too?" said Soarin.

"Nope, I'm good" said Applejack confidently.

"Look everypony, you're being ridiculous," said Flash.

"I'm mostly sad cause you're not sad!" weeped Pinkie Pie.

"Me?" said Flash in disbelief, "What about Applejack?"

"Applejack cries on the inside Flash Sentry!" Cried out Cheese Sandwich.

"It's true," said Applejack matter of factly.

"The point is," said Flash, "We don't even know for sure that Spike will win! Maybe some other Dragon will.

Back in the Arena Dragon X was fighting off numerous copies of Noodles. Eventually, she focused on just one of them and charged directly at him, kicking him hard the gut. The other copies vanished in puffs of smoke as the orange ninja dragon fell to ground unconscious.

"Oooh that's gotta smart," said Dractl wincing, "But I guess this round goes to the mysterious Dragon X!"

"That's right Dract!" commented Ruby. "And that means we are down to our four finalists Smug the Evil Dragon, Spike the Dragon raised by Ponies, Dragon X, and Lucky the Pirate Dragon!"

"Well take a break to Determine who will face who in the next round!" Dractl said.

Spike watched as Noodles was sent away on a stretcher. He then took a look at the mysterious Dragon X rubbing his chin with curiosity.

"Who is he?" Spike asked himself

Spike then snuck after the Dragon who was making her was down an adjacent cave in the stadium. Suddenly Master Shin appered in front of the mysterious warriors.

"You're taking a big risk Disobeying you're father," stated Master Shin.

"How did you knew it was me?" Dragon X said as

The dragon took off it's golden helmet to revealing herself Ember, the soon to be retired Dragon lord Torch's daughter.

"No way Ember!?" Spike Accidentally shouted.

Spike was so surprised that he accidentally caught the attention of both Shin and Ember.

"Hey were you fallowing me?" Ember said glaring at Spike.

"Ummm...Sorry I was just wondering who you were that's all,"Spike said with a sheepish grin, "But Shin who did you knew it was her?"

"That what I was asking." Ember agreed eyeing the old dragon.

"Have you forgotten that I trained your father child?" Master Shin stated stroking his goatee. You're fighting style is exactly like his...It kind of obvious."

"So are you going to tell my dad to have me kicked out?" Ember asked with a sigh.

"If I was going to do, I would have done so already." Shin said.

"So what do you want?" Ember asked

"I Just wished to ask a few questions," stated Shin as he sat down and gestures both Spike and Ember to be at his side, "How do you feel about Poines and the other Species?"

"Well they don't bother me as much as the other Dragons do," Ember said "Though Anubis can get on my nerves sometimes...But I did had some fun times with them. Remember that time when Spike was having his greed induced bigness problem.

"Um yeah," said Spike blushing embarrassment.

There was also that adventure we had at the Grand Galloping Gala," continued Ember, " And of course the Creature Summit."

"Sounds like you have taken a liking them," gestured Master Shin.

"I wouldn't say like," Ember replied "More like respect...Please don't tell them I'd said that. I'd hate for any creature to find out.

"Why?" Asked Spike.

Because the whole reason we Dragons don't like the ponies is because King Sombra almost whipped wiped out our enitre race."

"What?!" Spike stares in shock.

Master shin began breathing smoke rings sadly, "Long Ago... The Dragon Lands were beautiful and thriving...For Dragon Fire contains a special magic, one more ancient then the Alicorns...Desiring to harness it for his own, King Sombra sent out his forces to invade the Dragon Lands!"

"Yep," huffed Ember, "And when we refused to swear loyalty to him, he tried to do us in!"

"A Great battle was waged," Master Shin continues, "Between Dragons and the forces of darkness...The DragonLands barley survived, but many lives were lost in the process...Only one Pony came to our aide, Embarr the Alicorn of the forge!"

"That why we allow him to have his workshop in the Dragon lands," said Ember nudging Spike.

"Wow, no wonder the other Dragons hated the ponies," said Spike sadly.

"Hatred can be misguided," Master Shin replied, "Spike...Ember...You are our kinds last hope against King Sombra's evil...One of you must defeat Smog in order to save our world."

"So Ember," Spike said as he turn to his new friend, "You have nothing against ponies?"

"Of course not," Ember said with a little smirk "I mean, I know you don't, you were raised by them."

"Well in that case if I don't win I hope you so," Spike said as he he handed out his claw.

Ember reached out her own claw accepting his clawshake.

"So does this mean we're friends?" Ember asked.

"Well yeah we are," Spike said.

Back at the Stands, Twilight was twiddling hooves about the Situation.

Flash notices this and put his wing around her.

"Twilight relax," He said "I'm sure we'll think of something, wether Spike wins or not."

"Hnnnnn," Was all she could say.

"Well," Troubleshose said, "At least things can't get any worse Spike could be fighting Smog."

"And now ladies and gentlecreatures!" Darctl announced "Here comes the match up for the next rounds! It's Dragon X, the mysterious competitor vs Lucky the pirate Dragon! And it's Spike, the Dragon raised by Ponies vs Smog the Evil Dragon!"

The pony twelve then sat up on Shock. They then all turned to Troubleshose with looks that said 'You just had to say something did you?'

The big stallion just laughed nervously.

But no one was as shocked as Spike, who quickly began to panic.

"What I'm fighting Smog!?" Spike exclaimed "Oh this is just great!"

"Fear not Spike," stated Master Shin as he placed a claw on his sholder. "Remember the old saying the bigger they are..."

"The harder they smash?" Spike said

"No, the harder they fall!" stated Master Shin "Try to use Smog's size to you're advantage. Allow me to show you once more a Technique that will help you defeat him."

Spike wonder what his master was planning on teaching him.

Later in the arena, the round between Dragon X and Lucky proceeded. The mysterious Dragon was slowly tiring out her opponent.

Lucky Desperately try to knock her out with his tail, but she was able to dodge it with a jump. She then proceeded with a kick to the gut and a uppercut to the jaw.

Lucky then fell to the ground beaten.

"And it look like Dragon X is the winner of this fight...Which means he'll be Advancing to the final round of the tournament!" Dractl announced.

"That's right Dractl!" Commented Ruby "Now for next round...It's the New fan favorite Spike, the pony raised Dragon facing Smog the evil Dragon!"

After Lucky was laid out on a stretcher, Dragon X left the arena. As she did so, she crossed paths with Spike who was marching into the arena.

"Good luck," the mysterious dragon whispered.

As she left Spike sighed and puffed out chest, trying to Muster up some courage. As he enter the arena all the dragons chanted out his name.

"Spike! Spike! Spike! Spike!"

Then a loud roar was heard!


It was difficult not to hear.

Smog had entered the arena glaring at his opponent. From up in the stands King Sombra was glaring down at his opponents and just sneered.

"Are these weakling Dragons are the best opponents that this Gauntlet has to offer?" the stallion mocked, "I'm disappointed..."

"Hey ya ugly overgrown Iguana with wings!" A voice shouted

Smog then looked down at Spike who had just insulted him. The young dragon had a Determined look on his face and got into a fighting stance.

"Did he just insult my Dragon!?" Sombra asked furious.

"What, Are your ears are as small as your brain is too?!" asked Spike without batting an eye.


His pony friends could not belive how brave Spike was being.

"Aw Yeah! You tell him Spike!" Rainbow cheered

"You now have nothing left but you're Demise puny Dragon!" screamed Sombra with flames coming out of his eyes, "Smog, destroy him!"

Smog lifted his massive foot, and sent it down at Spike trying to smash him. Spike stared down the massive Dragon a serious look on his face.

A quick flash back to before Spike fight Smog.

"You remember the first time we fought, do you not?" asked Master Shin.

"Yeah," said Spike looking embarrassed, "you beat me easily."

"That is because size is not everything," continued Master Shin, "Skill and stamina are important factors in any fight."

"Still," said Spike scratching at himself nervously, "I don't think that's going to be much help to me in a fight against Smug."

"There is a technique I can teach you," said Master Shin stroking his goatee, "One that could knock Smog off his game...Now here is what we must do!"

A gaint purple claw stopped Smogs foot in it's track. Every creature gasped as they saw that Spike had transformed into a dragon the exact same size as Smog.

"Why don't you pick on some Dragon you're own size!" Spike roared

Spike followed through with a powerful right hook to Smog's face. The evil dragon was completely stunned and fell to the ground with a crash.

All of the spectators were taken aback by what had just happened, but no creature was as shocked as King Sombra himself.

"What the hey!?" He roared "Since when he could do that!?"

Meanwhile Twilight Sparkle was in shock.

"He can grow giant size?" she stated in disbelief "And control it!?"

"Yes," said Master Shin entering the ponies box, "There are two things one must remember when I sing this technique...One, it requires Intense concentration...And two, it will only last Thirty secconds..."

Everypony watched as Spike shrunk back down to his original size. Smog began to pick himself up and glared at the now tiny dragon.

"So you must make use of the time you have, and not waste any of it."

"You're training?" Flash asked,

"Yes," said Master Shin, "But it has given young Spike the jump on his opponent.

Back in the arena Smog was trying to smash Spike with his fists, only for the small purple dragon use his size to his advantage. Curled up into a ball, Spike dodged Smog's fists over and over, rolling out of the way every time.

Suddenly Spike leapt up into the air and whipped his tail into Smog's face. Furious Smog breath fire, but Spike ducked beneath Smog's legs dodging his attack and countered with his own fire breathe. Smog began swing his tail at Spike, only for the tiny dragon to dodge again and again, much to his enjoyment.

Smog was clearly tiring himself out, it was almost as if he was shrinking in size inch by inch. Spike tapped his chin in curiosity.

Then out of nowhere, spikes scales started to itch worse then ever.

"Oh come on, not now!" said Spike under his breath

Spike had no choice but to swipe his claws at his own face, desperately trying to fight itching going up and down his body. From up in the stands, Sombra saw Spike biting his own leg.

"Now! Strike him Now!" Sombra shouted.

With a single tail swipe, Smog threw Spike halfway across the arena.

But Spike was still standing, somehow able to pick himself up after Smog slammed him into the ground.

It look like Spike was down for the count. Smog loomed over him, a great burst of Fire growing on his throat.

Sombra laughed wickedly "You put up a good fight little dragon, but in the end I win!"

A large burst of fire made it's way down where Spike was standing. Every creature in the arena averted there eyes, except for Sombra who grinned wickedly.

When the flames cleared, there was absolutely nothing where Spike once stood. Twilight Sparkle was beginning to tear up, when she suddenly noticed something up in the sky.

"Look!" Twilight shouted.

Every creature in the arena looked upward to see Spike flapping up above Smog on a pair of purple leathery wings.

"What just happened," asked Spike confused, "Did I just sprout wings?"

An amazed look crossed Spike's face.

"I just sprouted wings!"

Spike began flying around Smog over and over again.

"This fight not over yet folks," announced Dractl

"That's right Dractl," commented Ruby, "It seems Spike has just gone through through the world famous molt, and has just gained yet another distinct advantage against Smog!"

Smog was quickly getting dizzy watching Spike go around and around. He was definitely decreasing in size as he began to lose his composure.

Spike, seeing his opportunity flew high up into the air...

Flash back

"Oh and one more thing Spike," Master Shin said, "If you are truly to be a dragon master, you must belive not only in yourself, but you're friends and family as well."

Images of Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Flash Sentry, Thunderlane, Troubleshose, Trenderhoof, Cheese Sandwich, Soarin, The CMC, Big Mac, The Ponyville boys, The royal family, and even Discord, But above all Twilight. He even remaber what Embarr said a while ago about him being a strong Dragon.

"You don't need to be a big dragon to breathe fire..." said Spike

Spike flew down toward Smog off, and as he did so his spine glowed green. He shot off a powerful beam of green fire, which completely covered Smog

Smog fell to the ground defeated, and still covered in green flames. Spike landed directly in front of him, standing proud in hissmall form.

The whole crowd was silence for a few minutes, only to erupt in Applause once again chatting his name.

"Spike! Spike! Spike!"

"And the winner is Spike!" Dractl roared in excitement.

"That is right Dractl!" Ruby shoutted she so thrilled she kissed Dractl on the lips.

"HOOOO!" Dractl cheered

The Ponies in Particular cheered greatly, as well King Nightlight and Queen Velvet.

"Our little Spike all grown up!" Velvet cheered

Even Garble and Smolder, who saw the hole thing Despite of her injuries, were cheerling loudly. Then Garble regain his composer.

"Cough," Garble said "I...Mean...He did alright for a Dragon rised by Ponies."

Smolder shook her head at her big brother.

As the green flames clear, every creature in the arena was amazed to see that Smog had disappeared.

"What in Equestria," said a confused Twilight Sparkle flying down to join Spike, "Where did he go?"

"I can answer that," said Spike matter of factly, "I kept wondering how Sombra was able to get ahold of such a large dragon...And more importantly, how did it receive the Call of the Dragon Lord? Aren't only young dragons supposed to get that? Then I realized there was only one logical explanation.

Out of a hole in the ground a small, tiny green dragon appeared. It was even smaller and cuter than Spike.

"You Wyyrms," the tiny green dragon shouted, "I wiw destwoy you aww foo dis!"

The tiny green dragon raced over twoards Spike only for him to stop him with his foot.

"Greed Induced Bigness," said Master Shin coming to join his apprentice, "Apparently our good friend Sombra has been busy over the past few years.

From up in the stands, King Sombra glared at the scene down below.

"RAAAAAAGH!" He shouted, " Years of Planning and Changing Diapers for Nothing! Catrina we are leaving!"

Catrina then used her magic to Teleport herself, Smog, and King Sombra out of there."

As Sombra left, Cheese shouted "Booyah the good ponies win again!"

"Alright with that said let us go to the final round and..." Dractl announced.

"Wait!" a voice suddenly cried out.

Every creature in the arena suddenly turned Spike. The young Dragon opened his mouth to speak, all eyes were on him now.

"I'd like to withdraw from the Gauntlet of Fire," Spike said, much to the shocked every creature.

"I'm sorry everyone, but the only reason I compete, was to protect my Pony friends and family," Spike said looking up at his friends up in the stands, "And now I'd like to go home with them...Beside I'm all tuckered out...Also I have a feeling Dragon X is a much more suitable Dragonlord."

Spike winked at the mysterious dragon.

"Well in that case.." said Dractl scraping his head in confusion, "The winner by Default is Dragon X!"

"That's right Dractl," Ruby commented they now turn to Dragon X, "Will you please removed you're hemlet so we can know our new DragonLord?"

"Very well," She said

Ember removed her he,met revealing who her scales blue face. Everyone in the arena was surprised, but no creature was more surprised than DragonLord Torch.

"Ember?! You?!" He roared

"I know you didn't think I could do it," Ember said to her father, "But I did!"

"I expressly told you not to do it," Torch roared infuriated, "Because you're not—!"

"I'm not big and strong. I know." Ember replied, "But you know what? I won anyway. So maybe it takes more than just being big and strong to be a good Dragon Lord!"

Dragon Lord Torch was about to speak again when he was suddenly interrupted.

"Enough!" shouted Master Shin.

Torch looked down to see his old master standing next to Ember.

"This child has more then proven herself in this tournament," the dragon continued, "It's high time you passed on your title her!"

"But master..." stated Torch.

"You were not always the pillar of strength you are today," said Shin Matter of factly, "In fact, unless I am mistaken, when you became Dragon Lord you were even smaller then Spike!"

"Master, not in front of every Dragon else..." said Torch blushing.

"Ember will lead us into a fine future...One of friendship and unity!" said Master Shin looking up at the ponies stand, "If you have a problem with that, then I'll fight you here and take back my old title as Dragon Lord!"

"You're right, Master," said Torch admitting defeat, "Ember, you might not be big, but you are strong and smart, and perhaps that counts for more than I thought. And you will make an excellent leader."

Torch then tosses down the bloodstone scepter. Ember flew up into the air and caught it easily.

"Thanks, dad," said Ember as she took the sceptre and then turned to dragons, "Agree with him! Just kidding! That's not gonna be my thing."

Torch laughed our loud, "Dragons, hear me! I present to you our new Dragon Lord, Ember!"

The dragons cheered.

Later Ember declared that no dragons can could bother the ponies or any other creatures without good reason. She even asked Master Shin to train her in the ways of mastering her greed. More and more dragons wanted to be train by the old Dragon.

As for Spike and his Pony friends, they were starting their long journey home, on Trenderhoof's blimp

"Hey guys," said Pinkie Pie, "As soon as we get home, Cheese and I are going to throw Spike a super spectacular, amazing Great Job for Saving All of Equestria and the DragonLands ya Big Hero and Also We Are So Glad You're Staying party!"

"Hurray for Spike!" Troubleshose cheered as he picked up the little drake who was blushing.

Then when he was put down Twilight pulled him in for a big hug. "I'm so proud of you Spike.

As she pulled away she looked at Spike with sincere face,.

"I was honestly afraid you were going to stay in the DragonLands when you win."

"Twilight." Spike said "My home is with you guys, my family."

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