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The baby born part 2

A Baby Born part 2

"You want baby?" Ask Flash "You're going thought me!"

"And me!" Twilight join in.

"Like they said your going thought them!" Said spike as he hide behind Flash's back leg.

"Have it your way." Lightning Dust pounding her hooves together. She charged Flash Sentry and flew him out the window.

"I guess you me now princess." Chrysalis snarled

"Wrong it's just you." Said Spike. He reach over to Flurry Heart and gently tickled her, the little foul began to giggle and then teleported all three of them away.

Chrysalis then stood there dumbfounded and then hiss with anger. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?"

Spike Twilight and Flurry Heart reappeared in the library.

"Huh Spike how did you know that would work?" Twilight asked

"We've been watch her all day duh." Spike replied

"Great even your a better aunt then I am." Said Twilight with a sigh.

"Are kidding? Twilight you were protecting Flurry from those villains back there." Spike said

"Great job I did." Said Twilight "You and Flash pretty much did all the work."

"Yeah because we had the opportunity." Said Spike "You would have done the same thing if you'd had the chance."

"But I didn't," Said Twilight, "I'm starting to worry I never will."

"Twilight need I remind you that ya raised me and I turn out great?" Spike said with a confident smile.

A small smile came across Twilight's face.

"Thanks Spike," Said Twilight as she hugged him tightly, "Now let's get Flurry to safety."

Up in the snowy sky Flash fought agents the Shaodwbolt.

"Ooh you're tough," Said Lightning Dust, "I can see why Soarin likes ya."

"Well I can certainly see why he doesn't hang around you anymore," Flash said

"You don't know anything about that!" Lightning Dust frowned as she punched him in the gut, only for him to elbow her in the back.

Back on the streets of The Crystal Empire

Applebloom Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo race after the Zeb and Cujo.

"Get back you varmints!" Shouted Applebloom

Just as the three fillies were able to canner them a large shadow gapped a hold of them.

"Did you forget my powers you sweet little fillies," Said Zeb

"Ha! You dumb brats this was a trap!" said Cujo, "Now it's back time!"

"You're darn tootin' about that!" Applejack said as she and Rarity charged at the diamond dog.

Applejack gave him a good buck in the gut sending him to the wall.

"And as for you, you uncouth charlatan!" Rarity stated pointing an accusing hoof at Zeb.

"Well, that's my cue to make an exit!" said Zeb.

His shadow gathered around him with the Crusaders still in it's coils. It then dragged him and the girls up the wall with the Crystal Heart still in hoof.

"Hey you dumb stripped mule! What about me!?" Cujo yelled up at his so called ally.

"I'll leave you to deal with these two," Zeb said brushing him off.

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Cheese, Pinkie, Thunderlane, Fluttershy, and Discord were still held hostage by Ma Hydia's Spell.

"Not so cocky now? Are ya' ponies?" Ma Hydia snarled happily.

"Why don't you let me out of here, and I'll show you just how confident I am!" said Rainbow Dash putting her hoofs up.

"Save you're strength pony," said Ahuizotl sitting comfortably on a Crystal Bench, "Not even the Lord of Chaos himself can escape from that spell.."

"He's right," said Discord shrugging.

All of a sudden Zeb crawled down from a building, his shadow still holding onto the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"I've got a few more for you fellas," said Zeb with a toothy grin.

His shadow tossed the fillies in the air, where Ma Hydia grabbed ahold of them with her magic. She then placed them inside of the forcefield with the rest of the ponies.

"Are you girls okay?" asked Fluttershy as she grabbed ahold of Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.

"But Aunt Holiday," said a dazed Scootaloo, "Pinkie Pie ate all of the iced cream.."

"Hey! How did you know that!?" Pinkie asked in a panic.

"All right now! You've got us," said Rainbow Dash comforting Scootaloo, "Now what are you going to do with us!?"

"Absolutely nothing," said Ahuizotl confidently, "You're not the one's were after.."

"Plus as long as we have this," said Zeb holding out the Crystal Heart, "We hold all of the cards.."

"By the by," said Ma Hydia turning to the Zebra, "Where's Cujo? Wasn't he with you?"

"Oh he nobly decided to stay behind to allow me a chance to escape," Zeb said brushing his hoof on his jacket.

Back in the alleyway, Rarity had Cujo pinned to the ground while Applejack hoofed him repeatedly in the face.

"That..! Zebra..! I'm gonna..! Tear him..! APART!" Cujo shouted in between punches.

"Where are our sisters ya varmint!" Applejack yelled as she continued to punch Cujo, "Spill It!"

"Those brats are is least of your worries," Cujo said with a smirk, "We're after a much smaller brat!"

"Flurry Heart!" Both mares shouted in realization

"Wait, how did you know who I was talking about!?" Cujo asked

"Ya'll ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, are ya Cujo?" Applejack stated.

Furious, Cujo kick both her and Rarity off of him.

"Sharp enough to get away from you ponies!" Said Cujo as he ran off and lauging.

Rarity flashed her horn and suddenly Cujo was trapped in a light blue glow.

"Apparently not sharp enough!" smiled Rarity.

Back in the Crystal Library

Twilight, Spike, and Flurry Heart were running about the bookshelves looking for a place to hide.

"Do you have any idea where your going Twilight?" ask Spike.

"No, but we need to keep Flurry safe!" Said Twilight.

"Why bother," Spike stated, "It'll take Chrysalis hours to find us!"

Suddenly there was a large crash from a stain glassed widow high above them.

"I know your here somewhere ponies!" shouted the former Changeling Queen.

"How the heck did she find us so fast!?" Spike asked in a panic.

"She's a Changeling Spike!" Twilight exclaimed, "She can sense love from a mile away! And Flurry Heart is filled with Love!"

Flurry Heart giggled to herself trying to look cute.

"I smelled that you little brat!" shouted Chrysalis crashing through the maze of bookshelves.

"RUUUUUUUUUNN!" shouted Twilight as a hailstorm of books rained down upon them.

Back in the skies Shining Armor and several pegasus guards were searching the city for the Crystal Heart.

"Hurry Stallions!" Shining Armor shouted, "The weather is getting worse!"

It was true, a large blizzard was soon forming of the entire Crystal Empire.

All of a sudden, the figure of two struggling pegasi flew past crashing into a nearby tower.

"Flash Sentry!" exclaimed Shining Armor in disbelief.

The Alicorn Prince looked over to see Lightning Dust pinning Flash down to a nearby wall.

"Shining Armor!" Flash stated as he struggled to keep Lighting Dust back with his sword, "Sombra's..! Force..! There after Flurry Heart!"

"WHAT!" shouted Shining Armor as he quickly flew back towards the castle.

"I'm surprised you were able to keep me back with only a flimsy sword," smiled Lightning Dust, the sword being the only thing separating her from Flash, "But it doesn't matter.. Soon we'll have ahold of that little Alicorn.. And he'll be on a one way trip straight to King Sombra!"

"NOOOOO!" shouted Flash angrily.

All of a sudden, Flash's Blade of the Shining Light began to glow like never before. As he drew his blade, a bright bean of golden light suddenly shot forth from it and blew Lightning Dust away.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggghhh!" shouted Lightning Dust as she was blown all the way to the other side of the Crystal Empire.

"Huh..? That's new.." said Flash Sentry looking at the Blade curiously.

"aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" continued Lightning Dust as she continued to sail through the sky past the other Villains.

"Did anyone else here that?" asked Zeb as he looked up at the sky curiously.

The rest of the villains were quickly getting bored of watching over the ponies and Discord, still trapped in Ma Hydia's magic prison.

"Uggghh.." growled Ma Hydia as she leaned down, "Where is that Chrysalis!? I'm gettin' tired of holdin' these ponies prisoner!"


They raced trough the Library carrying Flurry Heart. Entire shelves of books collapsed behind them as a furious Chrysalis gave chase.

"And where is Cujo?" asked Ahuizotl, "He should have ben back with the rest of those ponies by now!"

"Start talkin'!" shouted Applejack, "What are ya'll plannin'!"

Rarity held up Cujo by his neck with her with her magic, a furious look on her face.

"AckgigaBakgabkgabkgabk..!" the Diamond Dog sputtered as he struggled to breath.

"Um Rarity," said Applejack, eyeing Cujo with concern, "Maybe you should loosen you're grip on him?"

"Not until this Ruffian tells me where my Sweetie Belle is!" Rarity growled.

"He can't tell ya anything if he can't talk," pointed out AppleJack.

"Oh, fair point," said Rarity in a moment of realization.

She released her magic dropping the Diamond Dog to the ground with a splat. Cujo quickly picked himself up and made another run for it.

"Finally! I'm Free! I'm free.."

A large anchor suddenly slammed down on the Diamond Dog from above.

Rarity and Applejack looked upwards to see Trenderhoof and Troubleshoes riding atop of their blimp.

"Sorry were late ladies!" Trenderhoof said confidently, "But we got the Blimp!"

Applejack and Rarity looked at each other in confusion.

"But, we took a train here," Applejack pointed out.

"Look! Do you want to question every detail, or do you want to save the Crystal Empire!?" Trenderhoof pointed out.

Back in the Library Twilight and Spike were hiding behind the checkout counter quivering as they held onto Flurry Heart.

"I know you're here somewhere Princess," said Chrysalis as she slowly approached, "I'm going to rip you both limb from limb.. And then I'm going to grab ahold of that baby.."

Flurry Heart could tell that Twilight and Spike were nervous. As Chrysalis slowly approached the desk, she suddenly teleported.

The young Alicorn baby suddenly appeared directly in front of Chrysalis.

"Flurry Heart!" said Spike leaping over the desk, "NOOOOOOO!"

"Finally!" said Chrysalis grabbing ahold of a smiling Flurry Heat, "I've got you, You Little..!"

All of a sudden Flurry Heart teleported..

She and Chrysalis found themselves high above an active volcano in the middle of the ocean.

"AaaaaaaaaaaaaagggGHH!" shouted Chrysalis as she and Flurry Heart fell towards the lava.

Flurry Heart teleported again..

This time she and Chrysalis found themselves surrounded by a pack of Timber Wolves.

Just as the wolves were about to pounce Flurry Heart teleported again..

This time they were in outer space. Flurry Heart had a bubble of magic around her head, but Chrysalis couldn't breath.

As they teleported again, a strange brown stallion peaked his head out of a blue Police Box in confusion.

Back in the Park, Zeb and Ma Hydia were playing cards as they waited for Chrysalis's return. The ponies were quickly getting annoyed inside of the bubble.

"Got any Three's?" Ma Hydia stated.

"Go Fish!" Zeb replied.

"Uuuuuuuugh," groaned Rainbow Dash, "How much longer is this gonna go on for?!"

"Just Chrysalis get's back with the Crystal Empire's little bundle of joy!" Ahuizotl replied with a smile.

"Oh, so basically we're gonna be stuck in here forever," grumbled Soarin.

"Yeah," chimed in Scootaloo, joining in on the taunting, "Cause there's no way you guys are ever gonna get ahold of the.."

All of sudden Chrysalis appeared in front of the villains holding a giggling Flurry Heart. She was dazed and confuse, and her mane was slightly on fire.

"Oh Come ON!" shouted Sweetie Belle in Disbelief.

"Finally!" said Ahuizotl, taking the baby from Chrysalis, "The first Alicorn born in a thousand years is ours!"

Good!" shouted Chrysalis as she hid behind Ma Hydia, "Now Keep Her Away From Me!"

"Awwww.. Is ol' Queen Chrysalis afraid of the Tiny Tyke," Ma Hydia taunted.

"No, but Ya'll should be afraid of us!" A voice shouted from above.

The villains looked up to see a large purple charging straight for them. Applejack and Rarity were at the wheel, furious looks on there face.

"Um.. Could you please be delicate with our blimp.. Please.." mumbled Trenderhoof trembling besides Troubleshoes.

"Stay out of this!" Both mares yelled back at him.

The villains stared as the blimp charged downwards directly towards them.

"Oh no.. What are we gonna do?" muttered Zeb sarcastically.

Ma Hydia waved her staff and Applejack, Rarity, Trenderhoof, and Troubleshoes appeared inside the bubble of magic with the others.

Everypony and Discord gave the four ponies a look.

"Hehe, I meant to do that!" Applejack said nervously.

"Alright!" said Thunderlane glaring at the villains, "You've got what you wanted, now let us out!"

"Oh, did we forget to mention that Titan magic works a little differently than ordinary magic," Ahuizotl smiled wickedly.

"What do you mean by that!" asked Thunderlane raising an eyebrow.

"That thar spell can't be broken!" Ma Hydia Cackled, "It's gonna last fer Eternity!"

"WHAT!" all the ponies exclaimed at once.

"Don't worry," smiled Zeb, "We're almost certain it will wear off in about a thousand years.."

"A THOUSAND YEARS!" Everypony exclaimed in a panic.

"Boy, this is gonna be a long eternity.." Discord grumbled to himself.

All of sudden Flurry Heart began to giggle. As her horn began to glow, the bubble suddenly vanished releasing the mares, stallions, Crusaders, and Discord.

The villains stared in disbelief.

"Um, did I forget to mention that Titan Magic can be undone by the magic of a pure bred Alicorn.." Ahuizotl stated nervously.

"Oh great! Now he tells us!" Chrysalis growled.

"Well at least can't get any worst." Said Zeb

"I wouldn't bet on that!" A voice shouted from behind. The villains turned to see Flash Twilight and spike floating above them.

"Charge!" Spike shouted.

All the ponies leaped on top of the villains at once and began tussling them, as they fought they failed to see the sly Zeb sneaking away with Flurry Heart unotice.

"YOU!" A voice shouted Zeb then turn to see Cujo.

"I can't believe you left be behind back there! You back and white donkey!"

"SSHhhh!" Said Zeb trying to hush the diamond dog.

"Don't you shush me!" Shouted Cujo "Do you have any idea what I've been thought! When I'm done with you..."

"Ahum!" A voice of Rainbow Dash said

Zeb and Cujo then turn to see the ponies and villains glaring at them.

"The baby is all yours!" Zeb said giving Flurry to Cujo, "I wish you luck my friend."

He then shadows away just as several ponies tackled Cujo to the ground but only for Ahuizotl to get away with her.

"Ha! Sombra will be so please that I have personally retrieved the..." All of a sudden Rainbow Dash swopped down and grappled the baby from the Ahuizotl's claws. "HUH?"

"Better luck next time sucker!" Rainbow said

"Rainbow Dash!" She then turn to see Twilight hooves up, "Pass her to me! I'm open!"

Rainbow smiled and pass the alicorn baby to her friend.

"Psych!" Stated Chrysalis as her Twilight disguise faded away.

"Oh no you don't!" Said Scootaloo as she and rest of the crusaders zoomed by and grabbed the baby out of the Chrysalis's hooves.

"And it is a beautiful day for sports!" Said Pinkie Pie into a microphon,. "As the Cutie Mark Crusaders zoom down the field with the baby in tow!"

"That's right Pinkie!" Said Cheese co-commenting "But here comes Ma Hydia charging down the field!"

"But Scootaloo passes the baby to Applebloom," Pinkie Pie continued, "Who passes it to Applejack, who passes it to Rarity, who passes it to Spike, who passes it to Soarin, who passes it to Thunderlane.. And interception by Cujo!"

"HA!" Said Cujo. "I got the baby! I got the Baby! I got..." He suddenly slammed right into Troubleshoes.

Troubleshoes then toss the stun diamond dog and gapped Flurry Heart.

"Oh no you don't!" A voice shouted from above.

Lightning Dust charge down like a bullet and gapped Flurry Heart from Troubleshoe's hoofs.

As she zoomed back up into the air.

Soarin and Flash gave chase, boxing her in.

"Hey Dust remember me?" Soarin said bumping her.

"Or me?" Said Flash as he did the same.

"Oh how can I forget!?" snarled Lightning dust "See if you remember this!?" Lightning twirled knocking both pegasus aside.

Flurry Heart laughed as he did so.

"You know kid your actually kind of cute." Said Lightning Dust. "It's a shame I have to take you to Sombra. But this won't be anything new I was pony-napped when I was a foul too."

Just as she was about to reach the walls of the city, a bright pink glow held her in place.

"What the!?"

"Give use back our baby!" A voice growled from above.

Lightning dust then looked up to see Shining Armor and Cadance glaring down at her.

"You want her?" Said Lightning dust with a smile. "Go get her!"

She suddenly dropped Flurry Heart.

The baby could be heard giggling her way to the ground down below.

"NO!" Shouted both parents.

They quickly zoomed down words trying to catch their baby.

The two parents try desperately to catch up with their baby as Flurry Heart fell closer and closer to the ground.

Just as she was about hit a hard patch of ice, a bright purple blare swooped by and intercepted her.

"It's alright sweet heart!" Said Twilight Sparkle "Your auntie Twilight have got you!"

The little alicorn giggled as she saw her auntie.

"An there safe!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "Princess Twilight had single hoovenly intercepted Flurry Heart and once again save the crystal empire!"

"Enough!" Said Ahuizotl as he toss Pinkie Pie aside.

"Hand over the baby now or we'll smash the crystal heart intro pieces!"

Everypony watch in horror as he lifted the crystal heart high above his head preparing to throw it down.

Spike gritted his teeth nervously.

"Okay here you go!" Spike said as he handed Ahuizotl the bundle of joy. "Be sure take good care of her and give her a nap at four."

"Spike!" Shouted everypony in disbelieve.

"HA HA HA! Finally!" Laughed Ahuizotl "Ma Hydia teleport us out of here we have a special delivery for Sombra!"

With a wave of Ma Hydia's staff the villains vanished. As they did so the crystal heart began to fall to the ground.

Spike leaped forward and caught just before it hits the snow bank.

"Spike!" Shouted Rainbow Dash in disbelieve. "I can't believe you just did that!? How could you just let jerks take Flurry Heart."

"What about Flurry Heart?" Said Twilight floating down. They young alicorn was still in her hooves slumbering soundly.

"HUH!?" Said everypony in disbelieve.

They all looked at Twilight holding the baby and then looked back to Spike.

"But if she there?" Said Flash "Then how did you?"

"Never mind!" Shouted Spike holding up the crystal Heart. "WE got to get this back before this place freezes over!"

The ponies all raced back to the crystal places the streets were quickly being covered in snow and the builds where starting to ice over.

"We-we-we're not going to-to-to make it!" Said Pinkie Pie with her teeth chattering.

Twilight Sparkle looked up to Spike riding on her back, she quickly flew up towards to castle with Spike holding on tightly. As they reach to top most tower spike leaped off and place the heart directly on top of the castle. There was a bright flash of light and soddenly all of the snow and ice in the crystal empire was blown the light cleared the crystal empire was warm and green again and every pony and Spike had a bright crystal coat.

"I'm starting to get use to this." Whispers Scootaloo to Applebloom.

Later on Shining Armor and Hrimfaxi were in the throne room. The other looked on nervous as the alicorn of lightning glared at him.

"Well Shining Armor seems as if you saved the crystal empire."

Shining Armor smiled sheepishly.

"But that don't not change the fact that this entire incident was you're fault and feather more..."

"Oh would you cut it out already."

Everypony turn to the window as a bright blue light entered the room and suddenly grew larger in the forming the shape of a beautiful blue pony.

"Princess Luna!" Said Twilight "What are you doing here?"

Luna then trotted over to Hrimfaxi with a strand look on her face.

"You hardly were perfect when you became a father and our daughter turn out and Cadance turn out great."

"Thank you mom." Said Cadance hugging Luna.

"MOM!?" Everypony shouted at once.

"Did you know that Luna was Cadance's mom?" Rainbow Dash asked Twilight.

"I had no idea!" Said Twilight in disbelieve.

"Even we didn't know that," Said King Nightlight next to his queen.

"Do you're self a favor you big horn head, lay off!" Luna said to her husband, "Or I'll use the royal Canterlot voice on you."

"But dearest..."

"SILENCE!" Luna shouted with a loud boom.

"Yes dear.." said Hrimfaxi

"At least we know who wears the pants in that relationship!" said Big Star

"You don't wear the pants in your relationship!" Said Shooting Star

"DohoHohoHohoHo!" the two old ponies laughed out loud.

Luna approach Shining with a smile, "Not to long ago, I learned to love someone who love me for who I was, instead who what everypony had wanted me to be." She smiled over to Hrimfaxi who blushed, "Thanks to him I was able start a family of my own."

Cadance walked over to Shining Armor with Flurry Heart in her hoofs, "Starting a family is never easy, and neither ruling a Kingdome, but they're much easier to handle when you not doing them alone."

Shining Armor then hugged Cadance and Flurry Heart.

"Aww," Said Applebloom and Sweetie Belle

"EWWW," Said Scootaloo gagging along with Rainbow Dash

"You definitely won't do it alone," Said Twilight approaching her brother, "We'll all be here to help you out too."

"Yeah!" Said Flash, "Just give us a heads up before the next time you want us to watch Flurry Heart."

"And bring a helmet," Spike chimed in.

Everypony laughed.

"By the way," said Fluttershy, "Has anypony seen Discord?"

"Oh, he's a little busy right now," Spike chuckled.

Back at Sombra's castle, the numerous armies of minions were finally getting along with each other.

"And bam!" said Cocoon, "The Squid King is defeated!"

"Huzzah!" shouted the three diamond dogs in excitement.

"Aw Dang," said one of the Grundle's, "Best two out of three!"

All of a sudden a large arguing coming out in the hallway.

"What do you mean you got the baby!?" said Cujo, "I would have got her if this jerk hadn't left me behind."

"Oh come now my friend," said Zeb patting Cujo on the shoulder, "We both know that you were more than capable of getting you're tail out of there on your own!"

"Huh," said Cujo, "I guess you're right.."

"After all, you are King Sombra's favorite minion," Zeb continued.

"You're right," said Cujo with a smile, "And that is why I should get credit for capturing the baby!"

"YOU!" shouted Chrysalis, "If anyone should get the credit, It's ME! I'm the one who actually capture the little thing!"

"..And let it get away," said Lightning Dust rolling her eyes.

"Excuse me!" Ma Hydia stated, "But I was the one who captured them thar ponies!"

"With my brilliant plan!" Ahuizotl pointed out.

The six villains continued to argue as they headed towards the throne room. They were so busy arguing that they hadn't realized they had already reached Sombra's throne.

"Ahem.." a large menacing voice coughed out.

The villains looked upwards to see Sombra glaring down at them, Catrina by his side.

All of sudden Zeb slipped out of the group and held out a bundled object to Sombra.

"You're Majesty!" said Zeb, "You'll be pleased to know that we as a group personally got ahold of that baby Alicorn for you.

"Wait!" said Ahuizotl, looking at his empty claws, "When did he..?"

Sombra smiled a wicked grin a floated the infant wrapped in a blanket up to him.

"I don't mean to toot my own horn," smiled Zeb adjusting his tie, "but I believe a large part of the credit for this capture should go to me!"

The rest of the villains snarled a the con artist.

"At long last.." proclaimed Sombra, "A pure blood Alicorn is in my hooves.. With this child's power I shall rule all of..! WHAT THE!"

Sombra suddenly noticed the face of the baby looked all to familiar. At had a unicorns horn, an antler, two black beady eyes of different sizes, and a large snaggle tooth.

"DADDY!" shouted Discord as he shot out of the blanket and gave Sombra a big wet kiss.

To the villains horror Discord leapt out of the blanket and began dancing atop of Sombra's throne.

"Hello Mommy! Hello Daddy! It's so nice to be here with you now! Woo!" the Draconquus sang, and with a snap of his fingers he was gone.

A small piece of paper suddenly floated down from the puff of smoke Discord had left behind, and landed on Sombra's nose.

Sombra held out the piece of paper in front of him and read it, "Dear Sombra.. YOU'VE BEEN HAD!"

Pillars of flame shot out from behind the wicked king's throne. His eyes glowing green with flames of anger.

"Like he said!" Cujo stated nervously pointing to Zeb, "He deserves all the credit!"

"YOU IDIOTS!" Sombra roared at his minions, each one trying to hide behind the other, "I SHOULD DESTROY YOU ALL HERE WHERE YOU STAND FOR FAILING ME! Ugh, but then I'd have to go to the trouble of replacing you.. So instead, I'll just have to demote all of you!"

"Demote Us!?" all the villains shouted except for Zeb.

"Take a good look at the creature next to you.." continued Sombra, "because from now on, all of you will have to work together to get those remaining keys!"

"But, what about our armies?" said Chrysalis in a panic.

"Catrina will be leading you're armies from this point forward!" said Sombra pointing to the smiling cat, "And if you ever want them back.. You will defeat those ponies.. AND YOU WILL GET ME THOSE KEYS!"

As Sombra stormed off, still fuming, Zeb shrugged his shoulders, "Fine by me.. I never had an army to begin with!"

All the other villains glared down at Zeb.

"Uh-oh," said the Zebra sweating bullets.

Even from outside of the castle, the growls and roars from Sombra's minions could be heard amongst Zeb's cries for mercy.