• Member Since 15th Dec, 2022
  • offline last seen April 11th


Comments ( 10 )

Will Sonata and Aria ever appear in this story?

Not a bad start for a Gloryhole story. Watched.

Besides....this is giving me power. If this was going to be replacing my songs to control those scum then...I need to get use to the taste.

I would recommend to use this font if you are going to write a characters thoughts beacuse it can get kinda confusing

And here is page I use https://languagetool.org/es for checking any gramar mistakes in my story’s

But all in all a pretty good start for the story

I will fully admit, the title card is what got my attention. your writing style gets my following.

Eventually. Right now though it will mainly be an Adagio story, and I also have plans for other characters to stumble across but that's still wishful thinking for the future ^^

Thiabk you so much. I hope you'll enjoy what I have planned.

Thank you for the suggestion. I'll keep that in mind but could you mind telling me the name of "this font" ? It'll help me since I can't just make fobts on the spot.

Awhhhh thank you. Much more is yet to come ;3


It’s called italics but you can find it in the top bar along with this font this one it usually represented as a tilted I

Great story so far, looking forward to more.

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