• Published 13th Sep 2022
  • 214 Views, 7 Comments

Windstream's Early Days - Windstream Dash

The life of a yet another colt who wants to fulfill his dreams of becoming the fastest pony in Equestria

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A Return To Consciousness

Moonshine was awoken, as per usual, by Sergeant Spitfire. It had been days since the entry test. Since the accident. The sight of watching someone she had met just hours before had her unbelievably shaken up. She knows everyone was safe in the end thanks to her, she was even gifted a medal in honor of her bravery, but the thuds of a barely beating heart was enough to stick with her through the long cold nights in the bunks.

After shakily forcing herself out of bed Spitfire approached her, a stone cold expression on her face, “You are requested in the infirmary.”Moonshine gulped heavily as she looked to the bedside at her medal of honor, hoping not to receive bad news about her new friend.

She had visited Windstream in the infirmary every day since the incident, stable but unconscious. The nurses said he should wake up within a couple days time and be back to his normal self but all Moonshine could think was, “What do they know? They’re just some field medics, they aren’t a viable enough source for information on a pony in a coma!” The fact that the Wonderbolts Flight Camp wouldn’t hand Windstream over to medical professionals left her worried sick. On a few of the visits she had recognized a pony, similar in color to Windstream with a look of distress on his face. He was an older pegassi. Probably his father. Whenever he would show up she would make a fast exit. She didn’t want to confront a man she was never introduced to whose son was stuck in a coma for who knows how long.

As she approached the infirmary, she put a hoof to her chest in an attempt to gather any ounce of courage she could muster, to little avail. With what little confidence she had fleeting, she forced herself to the door of the infirmary and pushed it open to be greeted by two cheery nurse pegassi, a stark contrast to the stone cold demeanor she had experienced from spitfire just moments before.

“Moonshine, so glad you’re here!” One said in a voice so cheery that it almost sounded demeaning.

“I was requested?” Moonshine responded seriously, trying to break the strangely happy tone from the nurses voice in this otherwise dreary infirmary.

“Oh yes you most definitely were!”, she replied. “But not by us, by him.” The nurse turned to reveal Windstream lying in bed, a little groggy from the painkillers but otherwise totally fine. It was as if he’d just passed out for a few days. One thing did stand out however, the single yellow streak from his mane had now become a lightning bolt pattern traveling from the front of his head to the back of his neck, a strangely symbolic representation of his horrific encounter with death itself.

“Heard you caught me in mid-air, sounds pretty sick.” Windstream said in a labored breath.

“I can’t believe you’re alive!” Moonshine said with renewed excitement. “You went straight through that cloud of lightning and you don’t even look like you have a mark on you!” Looking around Windstream realizing what Moonshine was talking about, there were no burn marks or even scars at all.

“Well would you look at that.” He said as he crawled out of bed to get a better look. Upon stepping off he felt a piercing shock through his foreleg, as if a tiny bolt of electricity zapped him from the hoof up. He winced before putting down his other legs and successfully getting out of bed. He took a minute to acknowledge the pain knowing that while there was miraculously no harm done to the outside, he still felt the after effects of pure lightning on the inside. He looked around after easing up to see Moonshine hitting him with the most intense stare he’d ever witnessed, accompanied with her hoof outstretched pointing directly at him.

“Everything okay over there?” He asked semi-sarcastically.

“Your flank.” She said with awe in her voice. Windstream looked down to see it clear as day, his cutie mark, a couple wisps of air.

“Looks like that cloud left a mark on me after all!” He spoke fast, saying the joke as fast as it came to his head. He looked up to meet a completely unamused Moonshine.

“Sarge is gonna want a word with you y’know.” She said, breaking the awkward silence of a joke gone wrong. Windstream winces at the thought of it.

“Come on, let’s reintroduce you to the other members. Make sure the lightning didn’t fry your brain.” Moonshine waved him over with him following in toe.

On their way out of the infirmary, they meet Sergeant Spitfire, visibly displeased with fiery eyes locked on Windstream.

“Private Flitter, head to the mess hall. Breakfast is on and you’re missing it.” She said in her ever demanding voice. “Private Dash, with me to my office. I need to have a word with you.” Heeding their sergeant’s demands, the two ponies parted ways, both looking back to each other with equally worried expressions.

Approaching Sergeant Spitfire’s office, Windstream’s walk slows to a crawl with the nerves he had developed on the journey. He had been disciplined by principals and guidance counselors before with no issue, he’d always been one to make a mistake trying a new trick or speak out of line in class but this was different. Flight camp was all he ever wanted and his father gave that to him, and with the Wonderbolts no less. Now he’s about to be chewed out by one of his heroes after failing a stunt before their eyes. What’s worse is that while they approach, he can see what looks like the back of his father’s head through the window sitting in Spitfire’s office.

“Keep moving.” Spitfire says without eye contact. Approaching the door, he could tell he wasn’t going to receive any warm welcomes back to consciousness. At least not from her.

The door opens, slowly as Windstream sees his father’s head flick around in a look of concern which quickly shifts to relief upon seeing his son finally awake.

“We need to talk about your son’s reckless behavior.” Spitfire announced, not allowing a chance for greetings. “Within the short time he’s been enrolled he’s managed to stir up the most havoc I’ve seen at this flight camp for quite some time! The last pony to cause this much trouble for me was booted from the Wonderbolts reserves! Tell me why I shouldn’t treat the kid the same.” Spitfire said with soul piercing confidence.

Windstream’s father turned to his son, his ears folded back, and head turned down with tears streaming from his hidden eyes.

“Was this other pony given a second chance?” Windstream’s dad inquires with some seriousness to his voice.

Taken a bit aback by the confidence of this otherwise sweet looking father she replies, “Yes she was but her antics didn’t ever send anyone into a coma.”

“But did she put anypony in danger?” He asked quickly. “Did Windstream put anyone else in danger?” He followed up.

“He didn’t, but the showing off could easily snowball into another Lightning Dust given enough time!” She spoke with concern, as if remembering back caused her fear, or maybe guilt?

“But he’s young, he just graduated the 6th grade, you still have the time to instill the responsibilities that come with being able to fly acrobatically or professionally that I never could. You can use his youth as the mold to make him into a stronger and more disciplined flier so that you don’t create another Lightning Dust.” His words were strong, spoken with conviction. They were also the last hope to keep Windstream in the flight camp he worked his haunches off to afford.

Spitfire thinks silently to herself for a minute. This is the first time Windstream’s seen her even think about a decision she’s made since he entered the camp, the sight was enough to clear up his tears in anticipation. After a minute or two her face changed into one more confident, she had made her decision. Windstream lowered his head once more, waiting for the dreadful words to leave her mouth that would dispel him from the camp forever. The words that would change his destiny and leave him with nothing but a dead dream. But the words never came.

“After careful consideration I’ve decided to leave Windstream enrolled at our camp.” Windstream’s eyes lit up, his head lifting and forehooves fidgeting in little stamps. “However, during flight training he is to be monitored at all times by our top student to ensure that another stunt like this will not happen again.” The words were hurt but ultimately bounced right off the skin knowing that he gets to see another day inside of the camp.

“Your words are convincing Mr. Dash. Let’s just hope that the trust I have in your words doesn’t steer me or your son here wrong.” She said with a glare at Windstream. “If he messes up one more time, one more visit to the infirmary from another dangerous stunt and he is out of her immediately, you got that?” She asked, demanding a response.

“Yes ma’am!” Both colts spoke out in unison.

“You may head to the mess hall Private Dash. Your breakfast should be waiting. Take it and meet up with your new guardian, you should know her.” Windstream tilted his head, lifting one ear in confusion.

“Your former partner Private Flitter will be the one overseeing your flight activities from now on.” She stated.

“Moonshine?” He thought to himself.
“Since she’s top of the class she should be able to handle herself and keep an eye on ol’ Thunder Clash over here. Now go on and hurry or you’ll miss warm ups.”

With the nod of his head and a departing hug with his father, Windstream galloped his way out of Spitfire’s office and made his way straight to the mess hall.

Later that day, around nightfall, flight lessons had finally let up for the day leaving a beaten down Windstream in its wake.

“Oh Celestia, that’s probably the most I’ve ever worked my wings in one day!” Windstream belted as he and Moonshine began to head towards the showers.

“That’s what you get when you miss five whole days of flight training for your elongated nap.” Moonshine responded snidely.

“Speaking of, I wanted to talk to you about that. Follow me.” Windstream shifted directions from the showers heading towards the barracks instead.

“I’m pretty sure we’re not supposed to head to the barracks till we freshen up., they don’t want us stinking the whole place up. It’s bad enough as it is with us being teenagers and all. Especially after the day you’ve had.” Moonshine began rattling off reasons for not straying from the pack.

“It’ll be fine, we’re not going in to the barracks.” He said with a sly smirk. “I just wanted to catch up on what I missed since we didn’t really get that great of a chance to talk today.” Moonshine looked at the showers in reluctance before looking back at Windstream.

“Okay. Fifteen minutes, tops.” She agreed, however reluctant.

“Great, then follow me.” Windstream lifts off his hooves and begins flying towards the barracks with Moonshine following suit. They take their seats on the slanted roof of the barracks and take a look out to the setting sun for a brief moment of desperately needed reprieve.

“Has she been this rough on you guys all week or is this just punishment for my ‘elongated nap’?” Windstream started with his ever present tinge of sarcasm.

“I think she’s been leaning us into it, I didn’t really realize how much more intense it’s gotten since the first day until I heard you crying about it.” Moonshine responded insultingly.

“Ouch. I guess that’s deserved. I did make you an unwilling look out for basically the rest of your time here at camp.” Moonshine noticed a bit of guilt shine through, a little surprising coming from him.

“Well, I think I’d call myself less of a look out and more of a babysitter.” She said with a chuckle. Windstream reciprocated a small laugh himself before becoming serious.

“Really, I’m sorry I’m putting you through this. It wasn’t my intention to completely change your entire flight camp experience with one trip. I know you’ve been super chill about all this but I just want you to know I really do feel bad.” The guilt had been written all over his face now and there was no way Moonshine could joke her way out of it.

“It’s okay dude, really. It’s no big deal. You’re honestly the most fun pony I’ve worked with so far. I’ve worked with some of the other fillies and colts but none of them had the passion or the sense of adventure you do.” She said with the smallest hint of admiration.

“Aw, that's the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me.” Windstream puffed his chest out with pride. He looked over to Moonshine but she had her eyes glued to the sky, the sun now being fully set and the stars becoming visible.

“That same sense of adventure is dangerous though.” She made eye contact with Windstream, her expression solemn. “You could’ve died Windstream. When I caught you, your heart was barely beating. For a minute, I thought I was holding a corpse. Even after finding out you were still alive, I wasn’t sure if you’d stay that way. I visited the infirmary every day to make sure you were okay. That you were still alive. They’d told me you were stable, that you’d wake up in due time but I didn’t believe them. I didn’t trust them. All I could remember was that feeling of holding your unconscious body and thinking you were gone. Please promise me you’ll never put yourself in that kind of danger again. Please.” Moonshine’s eyes were watered up to the point where she looked like she’d burst into tears in any second.

“The nurses told me that you had been the one to catch me and that you had been at the infirmary a couple times while I was out but I had no idea-” He caught himself trailing off into a different conversation and when he looked into Moonshine’s eyes he saw that this was not what she had wanted to hear. “I promise.” He said in total seriousness. “I promise I’ll never do something to put myself in serious danger again. I will never put you or anypony else in that type of pain ever again.” As he finishes this he looks up at the stars, remembering another friend, one who he’d also caused a lot of pain. He raises his hoof to his face to realize that his eyes were beginning to water too. He looked over to Moonshine, the tearful expression on her face turned from that of distress to one of happiness.

“Thank you.” Was all she could say before reaching in to hug Windstream with him returning it. They sat for a minute before both turning back to look at the stars.

“You must’ve felt badass cutting through the sky to catch me though huh? I could only imagine-” He started, undercutting any serious emotion either of them had left.

“Stop it!” Moonshine chuckled before interrupting herself. “Sweet Celestia! Look at the sky, it's pitch black! We should be in our bunks by now!” Windstream flicked his head to the moon creeping itself up the sky before flicking it back to Moonshine with panic in his eyes. Without speaking, both the ponies took off in a race to the showers, so they could both head in for their well needed rest.

Author's Note:

This is my first use of author's notes. For this article I wanted to establish a connection between Windstream and Moonshine although they'd only known each other for the one test day so I took on the challenge of a deep, meaningful conversation between two new found friends. I think it came out well. Other than that, I gave Windstream an official canon grade level of a 6th grade graduate which makes him 13 years old at this point. We also get a reflection of Cobalt in Moonshine which I found a cute little touch. Otherwise I hope ya'll enjoy this one!

Comments ( 2 )

This new chapter is very good, Windstream Dash, I like it! Hope to see more of your chapters an remember: We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

Hey, Windstream Dash! My birthday is on Saturday, April 8. Don't forget to pop by to say happy birthday to me.

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