• Published 20th Sep 2012
  • 16,013 Views, 910 Comments

The Winds of Change - CalmNQuiet

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle must rebuild their bonds in the midst of a changing world.

  • ...

Chapter 3

A warm tickling sensation upon Rainbow’s neck soothed her awake.

Her senses slowly took stock of the situation as her woozy mind struggled to interpret the accumulating information. Her body struggled to reach wakefulness while the seductive comfort surrounding her lured her back toward dreamland. She attempted to lazily move her neck away from the source but found herself pressed firmly to the soft surface she laid upon.

Curiosity and confusion overtook the desire to return to sleep as she forced her eyes open. Her brain churned slowly as it untangled a web of drowsiness. I can’t see anything.

The implications of this didn’t strike Rainbow for a few lagging moments. It’s night time. This realization trickled through Rainbow’s hazy mind like pancake syrup. I’m hungry. She filed the thought away for later. She had more pressing matters to investigate.

Alright. I can’t move. Well, not much, anyway. It’s also too dark to see. Think, Rainbow, think. What else can I do? Smell?

Her plan of action decided, she exhaled slowly to clear her mind before deliberately drawing in a deep breath. I can’t smell anything. Wait a minute. Use your nose, not your mouth. She gave herself an imaginary bonk on the head for her groggy faux pas.

This time, she breathed through her nose. Lilacs. A swell of fond memories engulfed her thoughts and painted her mind with pictures of Twilight.

Is Twilight sleeping with me?

Rainbow’s muscles tensed involuntarily as warring emotions clashed within her. Internally, her heart surged with joy at the mental image of Twilight snuggled up beside her. At the same time, her mind denounced her feelings and filled her with guilt. She was her own worst enemy as her mind tormented her resolve with confliction threatening to push her into the pits of despair.


Rainbow wanted to believe. She wanted to believe that word meant the beginning of something wonderful again--a chance to reclaim what she lost. She cursed her own indecision. For a pony with so much confidence, she couldn’t even bring herself to meet the hesitant kiss Twilight attempted earlier.

She strained to bring her forehooves around the warm body pressed up against her, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t. Her paranoia, sensing a moment’s weakness, went for the kill. A simple image flashed within her head: a tearful Twilight looking up at a prismatic evening sky waiting for Rainbow to return.

She choked back a sob and forcefully extracted herself from the tight grasp of the unicorn around her. She carefully climbed out of bed and curled herself in a tight ball upon the futon laid out the night before. Burying her head into the pillow, she sobbed quietly, overcome by her guilt.

Each choking breath only heightened her remorse. She’d forgotten the pillows were from Twilight’s bed. Each breath brought the scent of lilacs and the unicorn she associated them with.

The night hid her tears until she was left numb and exhausted. Her mind finally granted her solace in a restless sleep.

Twilight shivered and tucked her hooves against her body. The chill of the night air quickly replaced the warmth Rainbow had provided. But she slept on, unconscious of the events which had transpired.

* * *

Rainbow awoke the next morning to the first rays of sunlight seeping through the windowblinds. She rose shakily to her hooves and made her way quietly to the restroom across from Twilight’s bedroom. She gazed wearily at her own reflection in the mirror, noting the redness of her eyes and the matted fur down her cheeks. I can’t let Twilight see me like this.

Rainbow filled the sink with cold water and dunked her face into the refreshingly numbing pool. She lifted her face out of the sink, sputtering for air, as her hooves felt around for a towel. After locating a particularly fluffy piece of cloth, she gratefully pushed her face into the towel and scrubbed vigorously.


She pulled her face back rapidly. The towel slipped through her hooves and coiled softly onto the floor. Curses. Her face stiff with frustration, she gritted her teeth and marched back to the bedroom--and to Twilight, the source of all her anxiety. But as she gathered in the adorable image of Twilight curled up, drooling slightly into her pillow, her expression softened.

The longer she stared at Twilight’s simple features the harder it was to resist smiling. She trotted over and gently gripped the hem of the celestial-patterned blanket to gently tuck in Twilight’s exposed shoulder. Her diligence rewarded her with a soft-hearted smile from Twilight as the unicorn unconsciously snuggled against the blanket and the increased warmth.

“Thanks, Dashie...”

Rainbow pulled back with a start. Did I wake her? One look at Twilight showed her still fast asleep. The peaceful, sleeping form of Twilight melted away Rainbow’s tension and a smile crept upon her face. She leaned down and planted a gentle kiss upon Twilight’s cheek. “You’re welcome, Twi.”

Not wanting to disturb her host any longer, she quietly tip-hoofed out of the room into the kitchen. Her next unresolved challenge loomed before her: She was still hungry.

* * *

Twilight jarred awake by the sounds of crashes echoing down the hall in the kitchen. She scrambled out of bed, nearly tripping over the futon on the floor, and galloped out of her bedroom into the kitchen. Skidding to a stop at the kitchen door, she stared and gaped.

By Celestia. How could one pony render so much destruction in a single room?

Rainbow lay sprawled upside-down on the floor, her wings partially open. Twilight quirked an eyebrow at the sight before her.

“Ahem. What are you doing?” she asked. Her eyes scanned over the kitchen for a quick assessment of the damage. She noted a particular mess of white goop upon the floor. “And just what is that?” She pointed a hoof at the questionable white sludge slowly spreading across the floor.

“Heh...hey, Twi. Want some pancakes?”

“I would love some pancakes. Where would these pancakes be?”

“Oh, you know. Around.” Rainbow writhed onto her hooves and shook her wings free resulting in a cascade of white floury mist from her feathers. “I think being awesome doesn’t naturally include being an awesome cook.” She shifted uncomfortably on her fore-hooves, unable to meet Twilight’s intense stare.

Twilight sighed and reached into her magical reserves. The kitchen shimmered with a diffused magical light. Rainbow lifted her hoof away from a pile of white batter as the purple magical aura surrounded it and lifted it into the air. Woah. All around the room, the result of her misadventure with pancake batter levitated like ghostly jellyfish before sailing into the trash bin. Wow. It’s like synchronized flying, but with pancake batter. She slumped down onto her rump, her mouth agape and her eyes fixated on Twilight. “Wow, Twi. That was awesome.”

“It wasn’t that impressive.” Twilight looked away from Rainbow’s stare. Her cheeks were aflame despite her attempt at modesty. “The library doesn’t get many visitors, so I have a lot of time to practice." Buck. Have I always been this bad at compliments? Or is it just Rainbow? Her mind struggled to comprehend these newfound feelings. I need to think. Clear my head. Excuse...I need an excuse to think. “I need to use the filly’s room!” She turned tail suddenly and ran down the hall slamming the door shut behind her.

Wow, that wasn’t particularly graceful. Oh well. She filled the sink with cold water and submersed her face into the calming liquid. Is it because of last night? Her eyes snapped open from the sudden epiphany. She jerked back from the sink instinctively leaving her off balance, her hooves skittering across the floor. Out of sheer blind luck, literally, she managed to grab ahold of her towel with her forehooves before collapsing to the floor in a tangled mess of limbs. Sighing, she buried her face into her towel. A familiar scent greeted her.


“Twi? You alright in there? It sounded like you fell.”

Oh, Celestia save me. I can’t let Rainbow see me like this. I’m a wreck! She groaned in frustration into the towel. Oh, that was a bad decision. Every time I breathe in her scent it makes me blush harder. Twilight picked herself off the floor and slung the towel over the rack. I need to wash that later. Okay. Calm down. Deep breaths. One, two...one, two.... The reddening flush rapidly dissipated from Twilight's cheeks under her forced calming technique.

“I’m fine, Dashie. I’ll be out in a moment.”

Dashie? Buck it all, I’m losing it, why did I call her that again? She looked at the bathroom door--the only thing between her and Rainbow at this very moment. I can’t hide in here forever. Open the door! Shakily, she pushed the door open to find an equally shaky Rainbow standing before her. Oh, no. Quick, emergency plan P.

“Want to get pancakes at the diner down the street?”

Rainbow nodded mutely in agreement. Twilight smiled inwardly. Always trust pancakes for a rescue.

Rainbow remained quiet the entire trip from the library to the diner. Twilight was thankful they didn’t have too many opportunities to talk when their mouths were filled with pancakes and syrup. By the end of breakfast, Twilight had come to a few conclusions regarding Rainbow: She was happier than ever with her, she would be safe traveling with her, and it would be a fun experience.

Most importantly: She was definitely falling in love with Rainbow again.

* * *

Twilight barely noticed the dreary gray monotones around her on their way back to the library. Instead, her world was filled with the prismatic colors of the mare walking alongside her. Feeling brave, she cautiously eased closer and grazed her shoulder against Rainbow. “I’m so happy. In less than a day, my whole life has been brightened by you.” The returned smile seemed languid and restless. I wonder what’s bothering her. I hope it isn’t me.

Panic creeped into Twilight’s mind, but she rebuffed it and tried a different approach. It isn’t me. It has to be something else. “Would you like to catch the train this evening to Appleloosa? It only runs once a week.”

Before Rainbow had an opportunity to reply, a loud freighter craft flew overhead. Their heads simultaneously arched upward to catch a glimpse of the offending craft. It soared through the smog, steadily increasing altitude, cutting a path through the haze with its quadruple propellers. An inky trail of smoke tailed behind each propeller which gradually coalesced with the surrounding pollution from the factories.

Rainbow snorted and gestured up at the craft with her wing. “Look at that. Noisy, dirty, and unwieldy.” She spread her wings wide and flapped them a few times for emphasis. “How can they even compare to these? That hunk of junk is nothing more than a big flying balloon with smoke machines.”

Twilight wanted to note the airships were magically augmented but decided against it. She’s definitely not in the mood for a lecture right now. “Rainbow, there’s no way they can compare to your wings. You possess a precision and agility no craft can match.”

The wings quivered before tucking back neatly against Rainbow’s body. Her hoof-steps came to a stop before the library. She exhaled slowly and lowered her gaze. “I wish I could understand how we were replaced by them.”

Twilight faltered for an answer. This was a topic she was unprepared for. She gently raised Rainbow’s head with a forehoof until it was at eye level once again. “Rainbow, the pegasi aren’t replaced. Equestria needs them for many tasks, and most importantly, weather control.”

Twilight stepped forward to reduce the distance between them. Her eyes look so uncertain. “I can tell you have some reservations about the hand life has dealt you, but no pony will ever be able to replace you. I know that from personal experience. You are truly one of a kind.”

“And I’m awes--a good friend, right?” This squeaked out of Rainbow with barely a smile, but it was enough for Twilight.

“You’re a great friend and you’re awesome.” Twilight smiled back. At least she doesn’t seem overwhelmed with trepidation anymore.

The moment of mutual catharsis was interrupted by a thundering in the distance. They turned their heads skyward expecting to see the swelling aerostat of another airship. Instead, droplets of water greeted their faces. They shared a look of confusion before scrambling under a nearby awning to wait out the sudden thunderstorm.

Rainbow snorted and tossed her mane back and forth, freeing it of the liquid clinging to her hair. “I don’t recall Ponyville having sudden storms like this.” She spread her wings and directed her vision upward. “I’m not about to let a storm get in our way. How about I go up there and kick us a path back?” Just as she was about to launch into the air, a pair of lavender hooves wrapped around her neck and pulled her back.

Twilight held Rainbow fast within her grasp, tugging her partially exposed body back under the awning. “Rainbow, as much as I appreciate the gesture, I think it’s best you stay on the ground.” She cast a worried look up at the tumultuous sky before redirecting her attention to the fidgeting pegasus within her grasp. “Listen, this storm isn’t planned. Ponyville hasn’t had a planned storm in ages.”

“What? But the...” Rainbow looked around and her head drooped. “Right. Factories don’t need rain.” A flash of thunder responded to her dull realization. The resounding boom of thunder snapped her out of her daze.

“If this storm isn’t planned, why didn’t the weather team stop it?” She directed her expectant gaze at Twilight. When the unicorn hesitated, she leaned in and gently nuzzled at Twilight’s neck. “Come on, you can tell me. I promise I won’t do anything rash.”

Twilight’s cheeks warmed at the sensation. Please don’t pull away. Her fears were unfounded as Rainbow draped a comforting wing over her back and continued rubbing along her neck. Her closeness to Rainbow soothed her anxiety and she redirected her focus toward creating a magical rain-shielding bubble around them.

“I’ll tell you what I know on our way to City Hall.” She finished creating the magical barrier and stepped out confidently from underneath the awning. Rainbow followed hesitantly behind her.

“Wow, Twi, this bubble is pretty cool. When did you learn this spell?” Rainbow tracked the raindrops plinking off the shimmering shell with curiosity.

“I’m glad you like it, Rainbow. I started thinking about rain-repelling spells the first time I got caught in an unexpected downpour. If I recall correctly, it was caused by a certain pony who supposedly possessed mastery of the weather.” She glanced over playfully, prompting a slight blush of embarrassment from Rainbow. “No, you did a great job keeping the weather in line. I didn’t have to create a spell until a couple years ago when storms from Everfree started getting too rough for the pegasi to control.”

She directed Rainbow up the steps of a large limestone building covered with ornate carvings. “The city council asked me to investigate for possible explanations.”

Rainbow gaped at the massive pair of bronze doors before her. It dwarfed even the library in luxuriousness. Massive arched windows lined the edifice and fanned out in both directions. The ostentatious pillars built into the wall jutted out in a precise pattern reminiscent of Cloudsdale architecture.

A pair of pegasi guards standing stiffly at the threshold opened the pair of doors for them. Twilight smiled and nodded to the guards before stepping inside. Rainbow followed closely behind. It’s colder in here than it was out there. She tucked her wings closer against her body as they made their way to the front desk situated in the center of a large mezzanine.

“Ms. Sparkle.” The receptionist's greeting was uncannily similar to Twilight’s assistant.

“Good afternoon. Please inform the council I will be taking a leave of absence from the library to investigate the weather patterns of Appleloosa.”

“Ms. Sparkle, this is very sudden. City regulations stipulate all leave notifications must be submitted in writing one month in advance.”

Rainbow’s heart dropped in her chest. Twilight is going to be stuck in this city for another month! No! There’s no way I’m going to let this fly. She was just about to launch into a tirade directed at the receptionist, but Twilight steadied her with a conspiratorial wink.

“Very well. I wish to tender my resignation.”

“Ms. Sparkle! Please reconsider! Surely you can wait another month. Perhaps we could even expedite the process and reduce it to four weeks.”

“No need. Please deposit my unpaid salary into my account within five business days.”

“I don’t have the authority to accept a resignation. Hold on, I’ll schedule you a meeting with the council now.” Rainbow smirked as the reception frantically pressed several buttons.

“The council will see you now, Ms. Sparkle.”

“Thank you.” Twilight turned away from the desk and winked at Rainbow. “I’ll be back in a dash.” She giggled and ran up the grand staircase in the back of the room.

* * *

True to her word, Twilight returned in less than ten minutes with a smile and a visible spring in her steps. “Hey, Rainbow. Ready to go?”

Rainbow tried to suppress her curiosity as they walked through the rain beneath Twilight’s rain-repelling bubble, but Twilight’s cheerful humming was driving her crazy. “Twi, you have to tell me what you did to the council. Did you turn them into frogs or something?”

Twilight turned and looked at her with mock surprise. “I would never abuse my magic on ponies! I merely showed them a few worst case scenarios I drafted up over the past few months. I may have casually mentioned a few numbers regarding economic output to put it in terms the council could understand.”

Rainbow nodded obtusely--half of that didn’t make any sense at all. “What about the massive purple flash I saw come from upstairs? It looked like you Twi-boomed them!”

She was taken aback by a pair of mischievously narrowing eyes. “Oh, don’t worry about it. It was just the special effects of a simulation spell I used on the scale model of the city they keep in their council chambers. I assure you no pony was hurt. I did give them plenty to think about, though. They even provided the train tickets after they saw reason.”

“Do you still have your home, Twilight? You seemed serious about resigning.” Rainbow shifted her eyes away. “Because...you know, you could stay with me as long as you needed--if you wanted to.”

“I understand.” Twilight leaned in and nuzzled Rainbow’s neck gently. “And thank you.”

The light brushing sensation, like from the morning, left Rainbow speechless. The smile of content upon Twilight’s face quelled her desire to continue the conversation. Instead, she quietly accompanied Twilight back to the library, thoroughly enjoying the shared serene silence. She would have been quite happy to stay like this forever, but their hoof-falls echoing within the polished entranceway of the library sounded the end of their journey.

The rain-repelling bubble dissipated with a slight shimmer, the lingering raindrops softly pattering upon the floor. Rainbow shivered in the cool air of the spacious library. The frosty assistant staring at her from the frontdesk only compounded the tendrils of ice edging through her veins. Something in the glare directed at her stiffened her muscles and left her frozen with guilt.

In her mind, the walls closed in and the world darkened around her. Distantly, she could hear Twilight speaking. But in this moment, she could only see the icy glare of the assistant. A glare which gradually shifted into a smoldering scowl.

It was so intense, Rainbow to take an involuntary step back. Suddenly, before she could react, the assistant rose and walked briskly to her, Twilight’s faint cry of surprise utterly ignored. A second later, she felt the stinging burn of a hoof across her cheek, a searing pain following in its wake.

Rainbow’s vision blurred as her head swung to one side by the force of the blow.

“You. You show up for a single day after your little disappearing act.” The assistant’s chest heaved with effort as she spit out each word. “And now you have the gall to drag her off to the middle of nowhere. Away from her library, her city, her duties as librarian and chief researcher.” The hoof raised again but fell to the floor with a resounding crack which echoed through the building.

“For what?” Her eyes blazed with the already decided answer. “Frivolity! Dragging Twilight all over Equestria just so you can fish up the emotions she spent years drowning with her tears.” Each successive word increased in volume.

“I see right through you, Rainbow Dash. You’re loyal to no one but yourself.” The knowing smirk returned with a vengeance as she stared through the soul of the stunned pegasus. “In fact, you’re probably here only because you haven’t gotten her into bed yet.”

“Enough!” Twilight’s yell pierced through the tension as her horn flared with a familiar magical glow. Rainbow’s vision changed rapidly from a blinding purple light to a vast dark emptiness before the world blurrily re-appeared before her.

Groggily, she realigned her bearings. What the buck happened? Teleport? As her vision and mind cleared, she found herself separated from the irate assistant with Twilight partially blocking her view.

“That’s quite enough!” Twilight’s cheeks were flushed--whether by anger or embarrassment, Rainbow could not tell. “I believe it’s well after five and you have an entire library to manage starting tomorrow. Now apologize to Rainbow and let me prepare for my trip in peace.”

Twilight’s assistant rose to her hooves unfazed by the sudden outburst from her superior. She leveled a challenging glare at Rainbow with her head held high. “I refuse to apologize to her until she does something worthy of an apology. Be careful on your trip, Ms. Sparkle.” Without another word, the unicorn trotted out the library, leaving a very stunned Rainbow and Twilight.

Twilight slumped to the floor, exhaling slowly as she watched her assistant depart. “Rainbow. I don’t know what came over her. I’ve never seen her behave this way before.” She turned her head and smiled woefully. “Try not to worry about what she said. This trip is my decision. You’re not forcing me anywhere I don’t want to go myself.”

Rainbow sniffled lightly and crawled to her hooves. “Twi....” She blinked rapidly a few times to clear her fogging vision. “Everything she said, I’ve thought myself.” She took a step back away from Twilight, ignoring her look of surprise. “Some nights I wondered if I did the right thing giving up everything in my life just to chase down a dream. I was so focused on being a Wonderbolt.” She swallowed the lump in her throat and forced herself to continue. “After a few years, I convinced myself everyone--”

“--would be happy for you,” Twilight finished. She smiled and tiredly rubbed her eyes with the back of her foreleg to clear her own blurring vision. She trotted forward and closed the gap between Rainbow and herself before the pegasus could respond and nuzzled her cheek gently. “And we were. We were all very happy for you and proud of you. Not many dreams come true in this world--yours did.” She drew an unresisting Rainbow into an embrace.

Rainbow relaxed noticeably within her grasp. I wish I could comfort her somehow beyond just hugging her. She inched her lips upward and delicately brushed them against Rainbow’s ear. “Dashie...I--” Her mind caught her. What are you doing? She’s emotionally vulnerable right now.


Saved by the bell. Again.

Twilight gingerly stepped backwards from Rainbow at the pealing of the clock tower. That she was about to confess her blossoming feelings without any explanation weighed heavily upon her mind, leaving her face crimson with distress. A cursory glance at the pegasus in front of her revealed a similar trace of redness peeking through the blue fur. She feels the same way?

Before she could react to this new possibility, her mind bombarded her with hundreds of intimate mental images from the past. Abort, Twilight! You need to get a hold of yourself before you rush headlong into something. “Oh, my, look at the time! We’ll be late for our train!” She concentrated on her office to teleport. Nothing happened. Drat, all I can think about is kissing Rainb--stop it, brain! Plan B!

“Let’s get our bags and head to the train station!” She turned and sped toward the back of the library and her office as frantically as her hooves could carry her. As the distance between her and Rainbow increased, she could feel the heat slowly fading from her cheeks. That was close. She burst into her office panting for air, draping herself over the railing overlooking the library and breathed in long deep soothing breaths.

Wait, where did Rainbow’s goggles go?

The snap of elastic around the back of her head jarred her thoughts.

Rainbow grinned as she fastened her old flight goggles onto Twilight’s head. “Races usually begin with a ready, set, and go, but I can make an exception just for you.” She leaned back and admired the prismatic colors intermixed with Twilight’s mane. “Looks good on you. Consider it a consolation prize for losing the race.” Her grin widened as she took in Twilight’s dumbfounded expression. “We have a train to catch, don’t we?”

“I--bwuh?” Twilight reached up and felt the goggles strapped firmly below her horn and partially obscured by her mane. “How did you get up here so fast?” The only answer she got was a raised eyebrow from Rainbow. “Ok, that was a silly question. What about your goggles though?”

“Keep ‘em as a gift from me. And as thanks, for earlier.” Rainbow winked at her. “Plus, they make you look cooler.”

Twilight blushed. “Thank you.” She turned from the railing and levitated her saddlebag firmly onto her back before trotting toward the door. She cast a playful sidelong glance at Rainbow with a wink. “Race you! Ready. Set. Go!”

The race was on. Unfortunately, the result was a foregone conclusion as a heavily panting Twilight crawled up to the train station steps where a triumphantly smiling Rainbow awaited. Twilight gratefully took the extended hoof and pulled herself upright.

“How--how did you beat me? Technically...” She gasped for air, her heart pounding. “Teleportation should be faster than any actual physical movement. It’s not logical!” She scrunched up her face in concentration, trying to find clues to Rainbow’s supposed physics-breaking speed but detected nothing. “Arg, I give up!” She stalked up the stone steps into the station followed by a tittering Rainbow.

Rainbow caught up easily and skirted next to Twilight. She still looks pretty distraught. I guess my pride can take a hit for Twilight. “Hey, Twi, don’t be mad. I’ll tell you a secret.” She darted her eyes to the left and right nervously. Once she was satisfied the coast was clear she dipped in close and whispered. “You won. You just didn’t notice because you were concentrating so hard and your eyes were closed. I flew over you in the nick of time.”

“Does that make me the fastest pony in Equestria?” Twilight giggled and playfully flicked Rainbow’s nose with her tail as she trotted ahead to the platform they would embark from

“Just don’t go spreading it around. I have a reputation to maintain, you know.” Rainbow settled down next to Twilight and tucked her wings in.

“It’ll be our little secret.” Twilight grinned at Rainbow conspiratorially. Rainbow nodded back as seriously as she could--before both ponies broke out in a fit of laughter at the hyperbole of the situation. As Rainbow wiped the tears of mirth from her eyes, she smiled fondly at Twilight. Twilight is cool. I can’t believe I forgot how fun it is to spend time with her.

The high-pitched screech of locked train wheels upon track heralded the arrival of the Equestrian South line. The locomotive hissed to a creeping halt alongside the station platform. Steam billowed from escape valves, leaving the air uncharacteristically humid in the cool evening air. The disturbance was short lived. A tepid gust of wind swept through the open air station and cleared the remaining steam.

Rainbow eyed the derelict train warily. Twilight seemed unfazed by the train’s slipshod appearance. Instead, she bounced eagerly on her hooves and watched the mechanical cranes swinging into place to unload cargo. Stone-faced earth ponies manned the control booths atop each crane, controlling the massive claws locking into indents built into the shipping containers.

“Um, Twilight? This doesn’t exactly look like a passenger train.” Rainbow gestured to a large shipping container currently floating overhead.

“Huh? Oh! The passenger cars are in the front of the train. We should probably make our way there.” Twilight brushed passed Rainbow and made her way past the empty shipping pallets to a grizzled-looking conductor in a pale blue uniform. “Two for Appleloosa.” She levitated two tickets from within her saddlebags to the conductor.

The conductor grunted in response and nipped both tickets out of the air with his teeth. He slid them through a bronze-colored clockwork device strapped around his neck and churned the handle on the side. The tickets shredded into thin unintelligible strips of paper.

“Booth six,” he grunted, stepping away from the entrance into the passenger car and mouthing Twilight two metallic plates with an intricate figure six carved onto both sides. Twilight grabbed them with her magic and slipped them into her saddlebags. Rainbow followed Twilight into the train.

It was no more impressive inside than it was outside. The frayed and worn carpet peeled at the edges where felt met wall, the wooden interior carvings were scratched dull, and the candles burnt dimly within their holders and cast odd shadows throughout the car. Though cozy, their booth had a door which squeaked in protest as it slid partially open. The tarnished-wood interior lost its polish to the countless hooves of ponies throughout the years.

They settled in on the sleeper seats across from one another after a fruitless few minutes of trying to close the inch-wide gap left by the rickety door. Rainbow smiled slightly and sighed. “Not exactly the grand start to an adventure I was hoping to have with you. If I wasn’t so stubborn, we could’ve taken one of the airships at the aerodrome.”

Twilight shook her head and got up off her sleeper bed. She squeezed in next to Rainbow and tucked her legs in comfortably beneath her. “Dashie...it may not look like much, but I love the quaintness of this train.” She nuzzled upward against Rainbow’s neck. “And the company is fantastic too. This is going to be a great adventure.”

Rainbow’s heart swelled once more with confidence upon hearing Twilight’s reassurances. Her previously languishing smile brightened considerably and melted away the layers of doubt from the trials of the day. She leaned down and gently kissed the base of Twilight’s horn.

This feels just like the day I left for the Wonderbolts. Full of hope and excitement. This time, I’m doing it right.

I’m not leaving the ones I care about behind.

Appleloosa and their friends awaited.