• Published 16th Mar 2024
  • 391 Views, 3 Comments

The Crimson-Red Star - Burningbloom78

A meteor crash brings a rarity the denizens of Equestria have only seen in books. And with this new arrival comes a myriad of adventures.

  • ...

A Dancer's Waltz

Author's Note:

It's a long one, but I think I got everything I wanted out of this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it.

A point in time's past...

A young creature in a tattered and dirty pale-gray frock sat in the middle of a dusty and messy room, playing with shoddy-looking dolls. She innocently chirped as she played, but quietly like her mother always told her.

"La-la-la...phoosh," she uttered with her mouth in a sing-like trill, making her dolls twist and twirl. "Dancing, dance, all day, all night."

As she played, her ear twitched, hearing the sound of a door open and close. Excited, she turned around to see her mother walking towards her. Abandoning her dolls, she rushed and embraced her, rubbing her face across her mother's feathered chest.

Her mother held her close and kissed the top of her head. "I'm happy to see you, sweetie," she murmured.

The young creature gazed deep into her mother's emerald eyes and saw a look of sadness. Concerned, she asks, "Mommy, are you okay? Did work make you tired?"

Her mother was silent for a moment before nodding her head. "Yes," she rasped quietly. "Did you remember to be quiet and stay from the windows and doors while I was...away?"

The daughter bobbed her head and puffed out her chest proudly. "I did!" she said with pride. "No pony tried to get in, but...I heard some angry ponies outside and stuff breaking."

Her mother sighed and closed her eyes, seemingly making a decision. When she reopened them again, there was regret in them. "I think... I think you should come to where I work," she suggested, every word seeming to be forced out. "You'll be safer there than being here alone all day."

The daughter tilted her head, confused. Her mother worked at a building where a lot of ponies, usually stallions, came and went. Her mother was popular with the customers, and many ponies came to see her, if only just to admire her. She was beautiful and had a voice that could captivate anypony, but the daughter wasn't sure if she wanted to go.

"Do I have to?" she asked. "No pony came in."

"I know, but it would put my mind at ease if you came with me," her mother said, sweeping one of her talons delicately across her daughter's cheek. "Ponbar isn't as safe as other places in Saddle Arabia. I could keep an eye on you, and I talked with my boss. He would like for you to come. Although..."

She held her mother's talons with her own. "What's wrong, Mommy?"

"For you to be with me all day, you'll have to work," she murmured, sounding resigned. "But not at the start. I'll... I can teach you. You are a pretty fledgling; I can teach you to put on make-up, how to sound like me, how to move and present yourself, and...and to serve the customers. But like I said, you will not start right away, I promise you."

The daughter's eyes lit up and she bounced with excitement. "I always wanted to be like you!" she said, trying to lower her voice but failing. "You're so pretty, and young, and smart, and everypony likes you!"

"That's good," her mother rasped, not sounding happy at all. In fact, she was on the verge of crying, her eyes watering. "I'm sorry, dear..." She wiped tears from her face. "I'm just..."

Her daughter leaned against her, worried. "Don't be sad, Mommy," she murmured. "I'll help you the best I can. Whatever it is, I can do it!"

Her mother stared at her, love and sorrow layered within them. "Oh, my wonderful daughter," she lamented, hugging her tightly. "You deserve so much more than this..."

"When I'm older, I'll make sure we can get out of Ponbar," she avowed ardently, gazing into her mother's green eyes. "I'll become something that you can be proud of. I promise!"

As the day flowed into the evening, Alex and Nerissa were out on a beaten road venturing out to the more obscure locations in Equestria: Zebanda, a zebra settlement in the far west. A day had passed since their departure, and Alex was relishing the gentle breeze flowing through his coat.

He learned how to use his wings yesterday when Nerissa came back from escorting Twilight and Fluttershy from the Everfree Forest. His guardian had helped him since she was able to figure out how to use her wings when they landed on Equestria, but that just goes to show how adept she was. However, he wanted to take in the world's atmosphere, so he decided to travel there on hoof.

The breeze was mild, and the sun was pleasantly warm on his crimson coat. Whilst traveling, they come across a large, lengthy wooden structure with wheels sitting on the road in the near distance.

"Master, should we investigate the wagon?" Nerissa suggested. She narrowed her eyes, pointing her muzzle into the air. "There's an interesting smell pervading the air around it."

"We should," he assented. "It has an odd structure I would like to examine."

Curiosity guiding his hoofsteps, Alex approaches the wagon to investigate. Upon further inspection, the wooden brown wagon had a type of tan-colored cover or awning. The wheels were large and made of wood, and they looked strong. He circled the wagon and saw an opening at what seems to be the back entrance. Once he looked inside, he laid eyes on a bed with pillows. Certainly, and it was decorative as it is adorned with gold and silver, and many other objects that looked to be expensive and invaluable.

"Curious," he murmured, his ear twitching. "I have never seen such things. Who lives here, I wonder?" He gazed down at his guardian. "You have sharp senses; where is the smell coming from?"

Nerissa raised her muzzle into the air and sniffed. "Well, it's not coming from the wagon," she told him assuredly. "It seems the creature that commands this wooden vessel is nearby."

"But who?" he wondered.

It did not take Alex long to wonder when Nerissa's ears suddenly pricked. He listened closely and he began to hear the faint sound of jingling coins making their way from the front of the wagon to the back where he and his guardian stood. Nerissa flattened her ears and held onto the hilt of her sword she kept sheathed, hidden underneath her dark cloak.

"That sweet aroma is getting stronger," Nerissa hissed, trying to use her muzzle to pinpoint where exactly the aroma was coming from. "Whoever it is, they don't smell like a hostile, but I would like to be safe regardless. Stay near me, master."

Alex and Nerissa stepped back and looked around as the coins grew louder until the sound ceased. He watched Nerissa suddenly shoot her head up to the top of the wagon. A shadow fell over them, and Alex gazed up to discern the unknown creature, but only to tilt his head in confusion.

He found it odd to gaze at a tall bird creature wearing such odd-looking clothing. During his studies into the history of kingdoms and countries outside Equestria, one came to mind: Ornithia, the kingdom of birds, or avian-like creatures, ruled over by a king, queen and their children. How peculiar Alex found that a bird native to a faraway kingdom beyond the boundaries of Equestria was right in front of him.

The cream-colored, emerald-eyed bird wore a fitted pink top, a fitted black hip belt, and a long pink see-through skirt, all adorned with differently colored shimmering beads, and glittering coins that jingled and jangled. Her face had a pinkish veil and wore makeup with the intention to, it seems, be sexually pleasing to the eyes. On her sharp feet were decorated with gold and silver rings, and she wore a platinum necklace.

Across her exposed belly were piercings of ornate white coins and small, black-speckled crystals that glistened faintly in the sun's light. She was tall, slender, had well-toned hips and a supple chest.

The way she looked at Alex was nothing more than desire and hunger, her emerald eyes eerily lit with a want, but as he searched her hungry gaze, it seemed to be trying to restrain the strong passion that oozed from her like smoke from a fire. He watched her leap from the roof of the wagon and landing neatly on her feet. He could hear Nerissa trying to force back a snarl.

Alex attempted to speak with the bird. "Your clothing," he said simply. That was all he had to start with. He saw Nerissa glancing at him, looking somewhat taken aback and slightly upset, but for what he didn't know. He almost expected her to use her aura, but she must've thought the bird wasn't a big enough threat.

"Yes, what about them?" she asked him with a playful chirp. Her voice was alluring and lucid and had an accent he was unfamiliar with.

"I have never seen clothing like yours before," he told her, shuffling his wings slightly. "Where are you from?"

The bird gave a low, sensual titter. "Can't you tell by my accent? I'm from Saddle Arabia," she announced, shaking her feathered breast. "My name is Saldora, honey."

It was a good name and different from the ponies, he thought. "I am Alex," he introduced, before stretching out a wing over Nerissa's back. "And this is-"

"Nerissa," she interrupted with a snort, sounding wary and a little hostile. "I'm his guardian."

The bird stared down at Nerissa for a moment. It seemed to Alex that they were exchanging silent, unknown words to each other, but he didn't know what. And never before has Nerissa cut him off so abruptly before. Was she worried for his safety? If so, from what? Saldora looked as if she wouldn't harm a butterfly.

"You have a cute name," Saldora complemented Nerissa, leaning forward. "I like it."

Nerissa began to back away, but she held her ground and glared at the bird. "Yeah? Well, thanks."

"You have a nice stallion, an alicorn no less. He must be ravishing," she told Nerissa huskily, a good-natured gleam twinkling in her vibrant emerald eyes.

Nerissa glanced at Alex, her dark visage reddening with embarrassment. He tilted his head in confusion. Why would she feel embarrassed? Or was it something else? He shook his head, unable to form a reason. For now, he wanted to shift the conversation to make his guardian feel less uncomfortable and instead fuel his curiosity.

"It is nice to meet you, Saldora," he said, instantly gaining the bird's attention. "Pardon me, but I thought Saddle Arabia was home only to ponies."

Saldora stepped close to Alex, despite Nerissa's warning snarls, until all he could scent was her pleasant aroma. "Most ponies would think that, but I and my mother settled into the Desert's Pearl a long time ago, honey. A lot of ponies outside of Saddle Arabia don't see us birds since we typically stay within our border."

"Ah, I see," Alex murmured, nodding. "Then it's quite fortunate that I and my guardian was able to come across you. You look to be on the road. Going somewhere or are you merely roaming?"

"Going somewhere," she said tartly, scanning Alex's figure before stepping away, coins jingling, and examining her talons laced with jewelry. "I'm going to Zebanda to show off my belly dancing. The zebras there really like me. They're even holding a festival in my honor. How can I pass up on such a... thrilling joyride?"

Alex swished his tail behind him. "How fortunate. We are currently on our way there."

Saldora's eyes glimmered in the sun's light. "What a chance meeting this is. We should travel together," she suggested. She glanced at Nerissa with a playful look and lowered her voice to a silky whisper. "Wouldn't that be a thrill, sweetheart? I can show you both my dancing."

Nerissa stepped close to Alex, shielding him with her body. "We don't need to travel with one another," she retorted hotly, her ears splaying back and baring her sharp teeth at Saldora. She felt Alex's wing laying gently on her back and she tried to settle herself. "We'll both reach our destination in another a day or two."

Saldora bit down on her talon softly, looking mischievous. "Why are you two trotting to the zebra settlement?" she asked, shifting the conversation much to Nerissa's annoyance. "It would be much faster to fly there, right?"

Alex bobbed his head in agreement. "I would like to take in the atmosphere," he answered her. "It's quite peaceful and calm here, and I would like to bathe in that tranquility."

"Then you are in luck, honey," Saldora said merrily, her eyes lighting up as she guided the two to the front of the wagon, her hips swaying rhythmically with each step. "You and your sweet little guardian can bask in the tranquility right here." She gestured to the steps that led to the wagon driver's seat. "We can...get to know each other better while lounging on or in the comfortable confines of my wagon. It's quite spacious, so don't worry about taking up too much room."

Alex thought about it for a few seconds before nodding his head in agreement, despite Nerissa's disapproval. "I was told that I could meet the performer heading to Zebanda, and it seems to be you." He dipped his head graciously. "Thank you for sharing your wagon with me and my guardian; we appreciate the kindness."

Nerissa lowered her head reluctantly. "Thanks," she muttered.

Saldora clapped, looking very happy. "Oh, I haven't been on the road with other creatures in so long!" She climbed the steps and sat in the driver's seat. She beckoned them with a talon. "Let us head on."

"I don't like this," Nerissa hissed, glaring at Saldora.

Alex couldn't understand why Nerissa was acting like this, but he hoped it would end soon. Perhaps he'll talk to her about it tonight.

"You can head up first and I will follow behind you," Nerissa told him, only to hear Saldora let out a wry titter, and she held back a snarl, but Alex noticed her face was reddening again. "I'll go first instead, and you can follow."

He bent down to face her. "Are you well?" he asked her, peering closely at her face. "These new bodies of ours might invite sickness."

Nerissa shifted her blood-red gaze at the ground, seemingly avoiding his eyes. "I'm fine," she murmured, turning away and stepping up the steps. "This bird just makes things weird..."

Alex watched her in silence, unable to understand. Nerissa sat on the far end of the wagon seat, looking away from Saldora's glistening emerald eyes. Climbing up, he sat between the two. He looked down to see a wheel made for steering and a silvery cloth that shimmered faintly in the sun's light.

He was confused. "How will this vehicle move?" he asked Saldora.

She gave a low giggle, shuffling so close to Alex, his coat was brushing up against her feathered body. "That cloth gives the wagon locomotion; it's magical," she informed him.

Alex was interested. "Really?"

Saldora nodded. "It's used to help out gals like me get around without much effort, certainly useful for long-distance travel. The magic is Saddle Arabian, putting motion into inanimate objects," she explained. "With a touch, or a good stroking as I prefer to do, and a thought, the wagon can move without the use of horsepower or machines. And with the wheel, I can steer it."

"Interesting magic, Saldora," Alex complimented, causing the bird to blush. Using his horn to cast the conjuration spell, Alex summoned his journal and pen. He opened it and began writing. "This is good information to retain, I thank you for sharing with me."

"I've no qualms in sharing anything with you, honey," Saldora murmured, her voice low and sultry. Alex saw a sudden flash of realization in the bird's eyes, and she stopped leaning on him. "Let's get moving!"

The evening sun had begun to set red over the horizon, and Alex was asking Saldora about the various possessions that lined the inside of her wagon. He would've assumed she was royalty with how much gems and the like that decorated the wagon's wooden walls.

Saldora had told him that those were gifts she's received over the years travelling around Equestria and beyond, for her immaculate dancing performances.

When Alex wanted her to talk about her dancing, Saldora replied that ever since she was a small fledgling she wanted to become one because her mother took her to see a belly dancer perform for a crowd of ponies. She was taken by so much beauty and grace from the dancer that it fueled her with passion.

She went on to tell Alex, and Nerissa, when she wasn't brooding in the background, that she wasn't really good at anything else, even though she tried. One of the more common jobs that ponies in Saddle Arabia wanted was to become a guard in service of the king, but she didn't have the strength nor the diligence to become one.

"I see. When did you become a dancer?" Alex asked.

"As early as sixteen," Saldora answered mirthfully, but then her voice lowered, and the excitement that had shown lessoned a little. "The youngest wannabe dancer in years. It was better than my other job. Anyway, I had to use my dancing to gain bits, and it worked out for a while, but there's only so much in Saddle Arabia, y'know? I couldn't travel around there much because of the dangers hidden beneath the shifting sands, so I turned my attention to the outside world."

"So, you left your home."

"Yep," Saldora said. "I was granted with this wagon and the cloth after my last performance by the king's adopted daughter."

"I had read something about an adopted daughter in the care of the king," Alex said, placing a hoof on his chin. "Her name was..."

"Marina Trench," Saldora told him, warmth in her sultry chirp. "She's a good pony; a friend, the nicest I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. The vessel she gave helped me move around with relative ease, allowing me to focus more on my dancing. It led me into getting more opportunities to go around different places, reach new heights, and make so many more bits."

"And you surely made good use of your money," Nerissa commented. She didn't sound grudging or sarcastic.

Saldora chuckled. "Thank you," she replied, sounding gracious, "but a lot of my bits does go to my mother back home. I wanted to make her life easier with the difficulties she had to face while raising me."

"You were poor?" Nerissa asked.

Saldora nodded. "Grew up in a dirty and run-down village called Ponbar," she explained, a bittersweet edge to her tone. "A lot of ponies there were poor, and those who weren't were just a little bit better off than the rest of us." She shook her head and gazed out to the darkening sky. "Let us stop and continue in the morning; we've been going on for a while now."

"I agree," Alex said, gazing around at the lush greenery. "This does seem like a good place to rest for tonight."

"Shall we search for wood for a fire, master?" Nerissa suggested.

"No need to go off looking for wood," Saldora objected. "I have some tucked away inside my wagon." She got up and headed inside. Alex heard her rummaging around until she came back out with a few logs. She seemed to be struggling.

"I can carry those for you with my magic," Alex told her, his horn white. "It'll be good practice."

Saldora's arms were trembling, and she nodded her head quickly. "I got too much; I can't take them all on by myself!" she whined pitifully, but she looked to be playful. "I was just so excited to have traveling buddies again!"

Taking the logs with his magic, Alex trotted toward a pit dug by Nerissa, and placed them inside. A few moments later, Saldora walks up with small black stones to line around the pit so the fire wouldn't be able to escape.

"Any pony got a lighter?" she asked.

Nerissa rolled her eyes and unsheathed her white sword. "Don't need whatever that is," she muttered, scraping the sword inside the fire pit. There were sparks, and eventually the pit flared to life, the fire burning strongly.

Saldora was amazed, her emerald eyes widening. "Whoa, that was beautiful!" she exclaimed, staring at Nerissa with admiration. "I've never anything like it! What type of magic did you use?"

Nerissa was taken aback by the force of Saldora's excitement, looking a little awkward. "It, um... it's a sword imbued with the elements," she explained before letting out a slow sigh. "My mother used to wield it."

Saldora gazed at the bat pony, sympathy deep within her eyes. "She must've been quite a beautiful person, if you are anything to go off of."

Nerissa nodded, feeling a little better. "Yes," she murmured, "she was." She shook her head. "Anyway, enough about that. Let us enjoy tranquility."

"Agreed," Alex said.

Saldora rose to her feet, looking giddy. "I'll go get snacks!"

Nerissa stoked the fire in front of her, feeling sullen and brooding. Saldora hung around Alex like a chained dog, and only now has the irritating avian finally dislodged herself from him. Her master was sitting away in a field of flowers near the fire pit, writing in his journal about things he's learned from Saldora.

She stared at him for a long moment, his crimson coat glowing like a silver flame in the moon's waxing light. A certain feeling of something fierce simmered beneath her pelt.

"He's quite the looker, isn't he?" It was Saldora's voice, cutting into Nerissa's thoughts.

Nerissa gazed warily at the avian sitting a few steps away from her, consuming some stuff called apple slices and roasting marshmallows on a wooden stick. "He takes care of himself," she grumbled. She watched Saldora rub her chest with a talon while watching Alex, and she scowled. "Whatever scheme you have concocting in that head of yours, leave my master out of it or else."

Saldora gazed at her softly, apparently deaf to her threat. "It's nice he has a loyal pony like you to look after him. But it's also a shame."

Nerissa straightened. "And why is that?!" she demanded, raising her voice, but then she forced down as to not disturb Alex. How could she be so riled up by almost anything this bird said?

"He seems to be a bit too... veiled, don't you think?" she asked her, chewing on a marshmallow and swallowing.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm saying Alex doesn't see how much you care for him."

Nerissa didn't understand. "I always express my care for him, and he knows that," she retorted.

Saldora gave a small titter. "Not what I mean, doll," she said, leaning close. "Deeper affections goes unnoticed."

Nerissa stared at the bird, and then she lowered her head, gazing into the fire. "This is all I need," she murmured, stoking the flames. "I like my purpose too much to jeopardize our relationship. We're close; we've always been since we met. I don't need my affection to overstep its bounds."

"And you're happy with that?" Saldora asked, sounding surprised. "It's a missed opportunity."

Nerissa's eyes hardened. "I already told you," she growled, her ears splaying back, "that I don't need more than what I have now. I like it this way, and I don't want that to change. All I need is to support him; I'm his guardian, not his lover, nor his betrothed. I'm happy where I am."

Saldora leaned back and smiled, a naughty expression across her face. "Then you don't mind if I...sweep him away?" she asked, narrowing her eyes slyly. "I'll take very good care of him, don't you worry, doll..."

Nerissa held back a snarl, but her eyes narrowed to threatening slits. "Why are you so insistent on vexing me?"

Saldora shrugged, saying, "You're too easy, and it's obvious you don't want Alex spending time with anyone else. Right?"

"That's not true!" she spat, standing up. "I worry for his safety because it's my job to look over and protect him! Yeah, I have feelings for him, but those feelings do not get in the way; what I feel for him is a deep affection, not love. If Alex wants a mate, then he is free to do so; I'll have no objections. However," she continued, "I will express my disapproval if his choice is some creature that doesn't have his best interests at heart, wanting nothing else but to bed with him!"

"And that's what you think of me?" Saldora asked, looking calm and laid-back. "Some creature wanting nothing but to have sex with him?"

Nerissa glared at the avian for a moment. "With the way you speak and act, how can I think of anything else?! You act like a...a..."

Saldora let out a small, amusing chirp. "Act like I'm a what?" she prompted nonchalantly, urging Nerissa to say the word. "It's on the tip of your tongue, doll. No need to tease."

"Was that your other job?" Nerissa questioned, her frustration ebbing away. "You were a courtesan?"

Saldora looked at her as if Nerissa said something stupid. "Well, that's a fancy word of saying I used to be a whore," she chuckled. "But that's exactly what I was."

"I... I didn't know," Nerissa murmured, feeling awkward. "Was it...common for belly dancers?"

"Of course it wasn't," Saldora replied, letting out a trill of laughter before calming herself. "Few are, most aren't. My mother and I were poor, remember? Well, she worked at a brothel, or whorehouse, and she was quite the popular employee. It wasn't decent pay, but it was something to put grains of food on the table."

"You worked together?" Nerissa asked, shocked.

"When being alone at home was becoming too dangerous, my mother decided that bringing me with her to the brothel was the safest place for me to go," she answered. "Her boss said I could, but he wanted me to work."

"How old were you?"

Saldora tapped her cheek with a talon, trying to remember. "I think I was...six or maybe five?" She shrugged. ignoring the shock on Nerissa's face. "I don't remember exactly what age I was, but once you spent most of your life sucking up to stallions, you tend to not remember a lot of things. It all gets a little hazy after a while." She yawned, stretching out her limbs. "I didn't work right away, I had to learn from my mother on how to look and act like a proper employee to the customers."

Nerissa never thought that Equestria could have something like this. All she's seen so far was happy-go-lucky pastel ponies being the nicest creatures she's ever came across. She assumed that most other creatures acted this way too. What a shock it was that something like this could even exist on this planet.

What's even more of a shock was how Saldora didn't seem to see it as a big deal.

"I'm sorry," Nerissa said. Saldora wasn't acting the way she did on purpose or just to rile her up for fun. That's all she knew. And she had to admit that the avian had stopped herself from being too intimate with Alex, like she was going against everything she knew in an effort to appear decent.

And she must've been lonely. Saldora never said how long it's been since she had folks to travel around with, so when she saw her and Alex, she tried to be on her best behavior, probably as to not drive her and her master away. She's been wanting company.

"Are you pitying me?" Saldora said. Her eyes were soft as the bright moon's light. "I guess it is pathetic."

Nerissa didn't. It was just something Saldora had to deal with. She felt a bit of admiration for the avian instead. She persevered and became something she could be proud of.

"Life can be unkind and unjust," she told her, grabbing an apple slice and sniffing it. "All we can do is make the most of it." She bit the snack and tasted the juices. It was good. "I want to apologize for being brash; I was only looking out for my master."

"I guess I deserved it for being all over that hunk of a stallion," Saldora said huskily, but then she drew in a sharp intake of air, as if struck by something. "Sorry, it's hard to control all the fluff in my mind from spilling."

Nerissa sighed. It seemed like something she would have to get used to hearing. "Tell me about your mother."

Saldora sat crisscrossed, holding her feet with her talons. "She's kind and beautiful," she began, sounding wistful. "She always knew what to do and say, and she made me feel better whenever I was having a bad day. But...she was always sad. Even when we played together, my mother never seemed truly happy, and I tried to say and do things to make her feel better, but nothing I did worked." She gave a shameful chuckle. "I thought it was because of me."

Nerissa trotted over to Saldora and sat next to her. "Why would you think that?"

Saldora rubbed the back of her feathered head. "Well, because she never wanted children."

"Then, how are you here?"

For the first time, Saldora frowned, and Nerissa suddenly felt stupid for asking a question that had such an obvious answer.

"One of the customers got a bit too rowdy one night," she began slowly, shaking her head. "No pony was supposed to get an employee pregnant; it was a well-known and commonly respected rule. This unicorn was young and foolish, and he had gone too far.

"My mother got pregnant and had to stop working while the stallion that knocked her up left Ponbar and never returned. She was the same age when I would eventually become a dancer: sixteen. Remember when I said my mother was popular?"

"Yes," Nerissa said quietly.

"During the months of her pregnancy, she was looked after and taken care of," Saldora told her, warmth in her voice. "Even her boss. Some even helped deliver me. It was mares because stallions would get all squeamish. When my mother could look after herself, she was left alone with me.

"Once I became a dancer, I worked my tail off to get enough bits to get my mother out of that village. These days, she's in another, safer village, serving as a waitress in a pub."

"Is she happy there?" Nerissa asked.

Saldora nodded. "She likes it a lot; she gets to tease the stallions," she said, giggling. "Last I heard, the pub had been quite popular."

"She seems quite the fighter," Nerissa said, grinning a little.

Saldora agreed. "She's all the family I have. Anyway," she went on, "what about your mother?"

Nerissa stared blankly at the bird. "I don't remember much about my mother," she began, narrowing her eyes trying to recall back memories. "My father told me that she was one of the fiercest warriors he'd ever seen, but one that could show just as much gentleness. She mastered the blade better than anyone else, and the Lordress was so impressed that She bestowed my mother a sword infused with the elements as a prize."

"And that's the blade you hold now?" Saldora asked.

Nerissa nodded, gazing longingly at the sword. "Yes," she whispered. "My mother held this sword once, and it was passed down to me."

"What happened to your mother, if you don't mind me asking."

"She died," Nerissa said simply, shaking her head. "She had gotten weak while bearing me, and when it was time for me to come into the world, my birth had sapped all the strength my mother had left."

"Oh, Nerissa." Saldora comforted her by holding her close. "You sweet little thing..."

Nerissa wanted to shove the bird off of her; she didn't need pity, but something about the way Saldora stroked her mane and pressed her warm body against hers consoled her, and she found herself leaning into the embrace. She had to admit it felt nice.

"Thanks," she rasped, surprised to find herself rubbing her muzzle against Saldora's feathered chest.

Saldora broke the embrace. "Whenever you need a hug, just tell me. I give the best hugs."

Nerissa wasn't sure if there was a another meaning behind her words, but she couldn't help but give a grin at the suggestion. "I'll think about it," she told her. "Anyway, after my mother passed, I had only my sisters and father to look after me. We were warriors, and the moment I was able to hold a weapon, I trained and trained hard, until I became the best one in the whole village."

"How many sisters do you have?"

"Three," she answered. "Triplets. Even though they were all older than me, I was looked up to as an example of a prime warrior."

Saldora chuckled. "I can hardly pick up logs without struggling. If I had to swing a sword or use a pike, I'd be of no use," she joked. She flexed her muscles. "All of my hard work went to my stomach, hips, and my flank."

"Well, in your line of work, they certainly serve you well," Nerissa pointed out. "Belly dancing focuses on those parts of the body."

"Of course," she agreed, looking a bit naughty. "When we get to Zebanda, you'll see those black-striped hunks drooling all over me." She placed a talon on the tip of her beak, letting out an airy sigh. "I'll even give you and Alex a private show when I practice tomorrow."

Nerissa rolled her eyes. She was sure the bird was joking, but she had to ask. "A regular one?"

Saldora leaned back, looking innocent. "That's exactly what I meant," she replied earnestly, fluttering her eyes rapidly. "But I wouldn't mind a little...interactivity."

Nerissa raised a brow, looking incredulous. "From me or my master?"

"Both of you is fine; I'm no stranger to threesomes," she said jokingly.

Nerissa shook her head and got up. "Alright, no more of that tonight."

Saldora feigned hurt. "I was just joking." Her voice didn't sound apologetic. She tilted her head to one side. "Hey, you got a nice little cutie mark."

"My eyes are not down there," Nerissa said, sounding reproachful. "Shouldn't you go after stallions?"

Saldora shrugged. "Nothing's wrong with checking you out; you should take the complement, and I was being serious about your cutie mark."

Nerissa glanced down at her flank. Her cutie mark was a white sword hovering over a white, luminescent ring. When she returned from escorting Twilight and Fluttershy out of the Everfree Forest, Alex had wanted to see her flank.

Nerissa nearly refused at first, feeling indignant and confused, but once Alex had explained that cutie marks held meanings and that he wanted to learn about them, she allowed it. Her face turned red, remembering how intense and focused he was on her flank.

"It's a symbol conveying the protection of something important," she told Saldora, grabbing another apple slice and eating it. "I am the shield, and Alex is the ring I am protecting."

"Wow," Saldora murmured, gazing closely at the cutie mark.

Nerissa felt a little embarrassed. "What is it?"

"Your flank is quite well toned," she complemented, but then saw Nerissa glaring daggers at her. She chuckled nervously. "I mean, what an interesting cutie mark! Very, very important! It fits you so well!"

"Indeed," Nerissa said darkly, her voice edged with menace. She grabbed another apple slice and ate slowly. "I would think so."

Saldora gulped, holding up a bag of marshmallows as if it could shield her from Nerissa's intense glare. "H-hey, did you know that I have a cutie mark?!"

Nerissa didn't know that, obviously, but she guessed Saldora was trying to shift the conversation in an effort to get out of trouble. Luckily for her, Nerissa obliged. Besides, she was somewhat intrigued, and she knew that her master would like to know this information.

"I thought only ponies could get cutie marks," she said, sounding faintly interested. "How could you have one? You aren't exactly a pony."

Before Saldora could respond, Alex trotted up to them. Nerissa felt his wing on her head. "It is getting late," he told her and Saldora, gazing at the bright moon looming over them. "Let us preserve our energy for the morning."

Nerissa would've liked to protest, but Alex had a point. Although she and her master didn't need to sleep or rest, they weren't in Dawn anymore, and their bodies had changed with restrictions.

One of the restrictions was that their new bodies needed rest in order to properly function at full capacity. An understandably vexing nerf.

With a dip of her head, she complied, and Saldora had no qualms with going to bed with Alex. Now that was something Nerissa had to deal with, and she was going to make sure that bird kept her well-tended claws off of her master.

But before they had to turn in for the night, Nerissa handed an apple slice to Alex. "You should try one," she suggested. "Those little things are tasty."

The morning sun shined brightly across the lush landscape, inviting a pleasantly crisp wind that filled Alex's nose with an earthly scent. He closed his eyes for a moment to let the wind whisk around his crimson coat and sapphire mane. He, Nerissa, and Saldora were in a different location, near a crystal blue lake surrounded by tall trees and red flowers, the sunlight trickling through the canopy and hitting the water, making the lake glisten and shine.

Alex was glad. Turns out whatever was bothering Nerissa seemed to have vanished when they had stopped to rest for the night. She was a bit more chipper and more tolerant to Saldora and her sometimes-odd way of speaking. It seems that the two had settled their differences.

Now he and his guardian were about to be treated with a dance from Saldora, as practice for when she arrives in Zebanda. Alex had never danced before or known anyone that did dance, but he knew the concept existed in Dawn, and now he was going to see how a belly dancer did. Using context clues, he assumed the dancing revolved around smooth movements.

"Master," called Nerissa, trotting up to him and sitting down. "Saldora is about to start; this should be good."

"I agree," he replied, sounding pleased to hear Nerissa speaking favorably about the bird. "Good spirits revolve around you this morning."

Nerissa gave a slight chuckle and rubbed the back of her black mane. "Yeah, well, Saldora and I had a talk," she told him, looking relaxed.

"What was it about?"

"Well, it was about a lot of things, but I will tell you when we head back home," she answered. "It's a lot to take in."

"Then I will wait with anticipation."

It didn't take long until Saldora exited her wagon and walked to him and Nerissa. Alex could tell she was excited by the way she couldn't stay still. She got in front of him and Nerissa, striking an alluring pose.

"Okay," she said, taking in a long breath of air and exhaling, "I'm ready to strut my stuff!"

In one swift motion of her talons, Saldora started, closing her eyes and focusing. The world seemed to slow around her, Alex noticed: the birds chirping in the trees had ceased, the wail of the breezy wind lowered to a faint cry, and the light from the canopy of trees looked to have dulled. The whole area had waited for Saldora.

She glided a foot forward, sweeping it to the right, stretched out her feathered arms into the air, and her hips began to sway, all of her accessories were jingling in some type of odd rhythm. Her arms began to sway gracefully through the air like calm water, her hips moving with them. She shimmied back and forth on her feet, and she began to twist and turn, flowing with the silent wind that graced her soft, delicate face.

Alex was fascinated. Saldora moved so effortlessly, so confidently that he felt admiration swelling inside his chest. When he gazed at Nerissa, his guardian looked to be entranced, staring at Saldora with an unblinking stare. It was quite the sight.

There was something Alex noticed. The wind around Saldora seemed to be following her whenever she moved in one direction. It seemed to be supporting her. It was growing intense, and before he knew it, the petals of the flowers flew into the air and surrounded her.

The dance went on for twenty minutes. When Saldora bowed to end the dance, the jingling of the coins stopped, the flow of the wind died down, and the red petals drifted to the grass. She opened her eyes, panting but looking proud. Alex and Nerissa stood up and applauded the bird's immaculate performance.

"Good showing!" Nerissa called, trotting up to Saldora's side. "I've never seen a dance so intriguing."

"Thank you, doll," Saldora murmured, taking a moment to catch her breath. "I was a little nervous, performing in front of you two, but I'm glad I was able to satisfy you both..."

Nerissa gave a light scowl. "Don't make it weird," she chided, but Alex detected a bit of playfulness in his guardian's tone.

"How did you pick up those petals?" Alex asked, trotting up to the bird. "I've never seen anything like it."

Saldora looked a bit meek, but she said, "I have magic..."

"You do?" he questioned, sounding confused. "I understand from the books given to me explain that magic can exist in a variety of forms and creatures, but those who can other than ponies are sparse. "Are all birds from Ornithia have magic?"

She shook her head, rubbing her arm with a talon. Clearly, she looked displeased talking about it, but she went on to tell him anyway. "My father is a pony, a unicorn specifically from what my mother told me," Saldora explained, going on in further detail. "Ponies are magical in nature, from the moment they are born; magic is within them. Perhaps my father passed on the gift of magic to me. Probably the most useful thing he's done only second to bringing me into the world."

"What type of magic can you perform?" he pressed, draping her back with his wing for comfort

Saldora shrugged, but she looked to be a bit more relaxed, seeming to relish his touch. "It's just a bunch of wind and stuff," she told him, sounding slightly disinterested, as if she would've liked to speak about something else. "I don't have a horn or some staff to help me cast all willy-nilly. It only comes out when I'm dancing, so it's not like I can use it anytime I want. Don't get me wrong, it's nice and all; it helps amplify my dancing performances."

Alex stared at her, contemplating. He recalled back to one of the rules he had read in his magic book. For one to have more and greater control over magic, one must be diligent in their study and practice. It would get easier to cast, boost how many times one could use spells, and increase their potency.

"You just need training," he told her, blinking slowly. "I'm new to the concept, but we could learn together."

Saldora looked sultry, narrowing her eyes seductively and wrapping Alex's wing around her body. She stepped to him closely, using a talon to play with his chest. "Hours spent alone together, getting all hot and bothered... Oh, yes," she whispered ravenously. "We could learn...so much..."

Alex was glad Saldora was so passionate about learning magic. Despite her disinterest, it seemed the bird would like nothing more. "Then perhaps after Zebanda we could start?"

Saldora gazed at him, delight seeming to shine in her emerald eyes. "So forward, so sure," she murmured, her feathered chest shaking. "Perhaps after being on the road for so long, a change of scenery was in order."

"You don't need to decide right now," Alex told her. He suspected that it would indeed be a change if Saldora stopped traveling. "Let's wait until after Zebanda."

"Good deal, honey," Saldora said, leaning close to him. "I can even teach you a few posit-"

Suddenly, Alex saw Saldora freeze up. Then she began to turn stiffly around and walk clumsily over to Nerissa, who had an expectant but exasperated look on her face.

"Whoa!" Saldora exclaimed, looking slightly distressed. "What's going on?!"

"I took control of your shadow," Nerissa told her with an edge to her voice. "If you are thinking about joining us, then you will need to learn a little self-restraint."

"But Nessie," Saldora whined, "this is who I am! Alex is just begging for it!"

Nerissa groaned and rolled her eyes, forcing Saldora over to the wagon. "I believe it's the other way around," she said, unsympathetic to the bird's outcries. She raised her voice. "We're getting back on the road!" She forced Saldora up the wagon's steps. "Hurry up already and quit your bemoaning; you aren't in any danger."

"Ow! Hey, watch the moneymaker!" Saldora huffed, smoothing her rump after Nerissa plopped her down on the wagon. "My ass is quite sensitive; you have to show it care and affection!"

"Someone is sympathetic, I'm sure, and for the Lords' sake, stop whining! I didn't hurt you!" Nerissa retorted.

"I'm not whining, I'm complaining!" Saldora shot back, stroking the silvery cloth and making the wagon come alive again. "Those are two different things!"

"Then use them differently!" Nerissa spat. "You're acting like you've never been disciplined before!"

"I'll have you know I dealt with punishment foreplay!" Saldora said haughtily, raising her beak into the air as if she was offended by Nerissa's statements. "There was a time I had to slurp apple cider off of a stallion's-"

"I'm going to have to stop you right there," Nerissa interrupted, putting a hoof in the air. "Keep those details to yourself, it's early morning, and I don't want to deal with it."

Saldora gave a vexing sigh. "I was going to say his stomach, you know."

Nerissa deadpanned. "Of course that was going to come out from that beak of yours." She gazed at Alex. "Master, let us head on!" she called. "Quickly, before I begin to lose my wits."

"Coming," Alex called back, hoping he didn't have to settle a dispute.

Another day had passed by before Alex, Nerissa, and Saldora reached their destination: Zebanda. The blue sky was beginning to turn red, and as the trio rode through the entrance, they were immediately greeted by a large crowd of zebras calling out Saldora's name with glee.

When they saw Alex, they all bowed in respect, believing he was royalty in Equestria.

"Well, at least they mind their manners," Nerissa commented, her ears splaying back from all the uproarious cheering.

"They are kind, but bowing to me is unnecessary," he told her, gazing at the crowd. "I've never seen a zebra before. I like their unique appearance from ponies."

Nerissa didn't seem too interested in that, but she nodded her head in agreement.

When that was over, the zebras crowded around the wagon, shuffling out of its path, and calling Saldora adoring cheers and compliments about her appearance and how they hoped her performance would be even greater than the last she came.

Saldora waved back, winking a few, and even striking a pose that sent a lot of the male zebras roaring into the skies as if the bird gave them a sudden burst of energy.

As the cheering died down and some of the zebras went back to stalls that were set up for the festival, Saldora halted the wagon and leaped down, almost being swamped by her fans. Many of them were asking for her signature or autograph on various places on their bodies, and Saldora obliged without hesitation.

One of the zebras, a female, trotted up to the wagon and bowed her head at Alex. She had colorful flower-like ropes of red, green, and blue around her neck. "Welcome to Zebanda, newcomers!" she exclaimed happily, smiling as wide as she could.

Alex stepped slowly off of the wagon with Nerissa following him and bent his head down. "Thank you for welcoming us," he told the excited zebra. "I am Alex, and this is Nerissa. We've come for the festival."

The zebra was trotting in place so much Alex thought her hooves would catch fire. "Here you go!" she said, putting one of the flowery ropes around his neck. It was white. "It's a new custom of ours to supply visitors with a flower necklace during events and ceremonies." She gave a yellow one to Nerissa. "Hope you enjoy your stay!"

"Interesting," he murmured, spawning his journal and pen. "Saldora seems she'll be preoccupied with the crowd and getting ready to perform tonight, so we can search for the nearest library and procure knowledge from the texts."

"Wherever you go, I will follow," Nerissa told him.

"If you're looking for the library, we have one near here," the zebra said merrily, pointing to a building with a black and white striped roof. "I can take you there; I own it!"

"This is quite fortunate," Alex said, sounding pleased. "What is your name?"

"Zenny!" she answered, a delightful sparkle in her blue eyes. "I'm one of Zecora's family friends, if you know her. She's the one who helped build all of this together with Princess Twilight and Princess Luna." Zenny began to look a little embarrassed. "You can't check out any books and stuff since the library is quite new, but you are welcome to read anything you'd like!"

"Thank you, Zenny," Nerissa said, looking warmly at the excitable young zebra. "If you could le-"

Zenny all of a sudden let out a screech of joy, forcing Nerissa to step back at the sheer volume of it. Alex gazed forward and saw Saldora walking up to them with a dark-colored unicorn in a suit and hat.

"Darling, this is Havel," Saldora began, looking a bit uncomfortable; she was rubbing her arm with a talon. "The one responsible for coordinating the festival."

"Um... 'Darling'?" Nerissa echoed, narrowing her eyes in suspicion, but Saldora tried to ignore her. "What does Havel want?"

"He wanted to meet the ponies I travelled with," she went on, looking a little meek, "to thank them for being my escorts."

Nerissa glared at the bird, but then she rolled her eyes and said nothing. Alex didn't seem to mind Saldora's white lie.

Havel gazed wide-eyed at Alex, taking off his hat and bowing in respect. "Never thought I'd live to see a male alicorn, but here I stand, graced by such beauty," he said with praise, putting a foreleg on Saldora's waist. "And I got to thank you and the bat pony for escorting this desert jewel all the way here, and not a moment later! Will you both be staying for the dance show? It'll start soon."

Alex nodded, dipping his head in greeting and respect. "Nerissa and I are here for the festival," he replied, "but we are mainly here for the library." He looked to Saldora. "We'll be there to watch you perform."

Saldora gave a hesitant nod. "I want you to watch me closely, Alex," she told him, warmth in her tone despite how she looked. "I want you to see everything; it may not be my last performance, but I will try my hardest just for you."

"Are you feeling okay?" Nerissa asked. She saw how uneasy the bird looked. "You look a bit...off."

"Well, I... uh, I..."

"She's doing just fine; it's probably butterflies in her stomach," Havel cut in. He gave Saldora a pat on the back. "Saldora will put on an excellent show fit for an alicorn." He glanced at the bird. "Won't you?"

Saldora nodded fervently, the unease lessoning. "I'll do my hardest!"

Havel cackled mirthfully. "That's what I like to hear! Now, let's get you ready for the show," he said, guiding Saldora away from him and Nerissa. "And you gotta sign a few more autographs for your fans, including me!"

As Alex watched Saldora go, he gazed at Nerissa and saw a scowl easing its way across her dark visage. He bent down to face her, lowering his voice so Zenny couldn't hear. "Are you well?" he asked, sounding a bit concerned.

Nerissa shook her head quickly. "It's just... Didn't Saldora look a bit uneasy?"

She was right. Saldora had looked uneasy, and uncomfortable. "Perhaps anxiety is getting to her."

Nerissa didn't look convinced, and if Alex was honest with himself, neither did he.

"Permission to investigate?" she asked, looking serious.

Although Alex thought that spying on Saldora was unnecessary, he dipped his head. "Stay out of sight; use the shadows to conceal yourself," he told her, and then he narrowed his eyes. "You are not to engage in any conflict. Understand?" Nerissa nodded. "If something goes wrong, you come and get me; you know where I'll be. Go on."

Nerissa saluted, her piercing blood-red eyes narrowing to slits. She stalked off, blending into the shadows and following Havel and Saldora. Alex turned his attention to Zenny who was admiring the festival. He touched her with a wing to get her attention.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, looking around for Nerissa. "Where'd your friend go?"

"Running on ahead without me," Alex said, trotting beside the young zebra. "She will be back soon. For now, lead me to the library."

Saldora was heading backstage to prepare herself for the dance performance. When she got to her green room, which wasn't really green, more like a black and white room, there were two zebra guards protecting the entrance. With a wink and a few choice words, the guards had left to join the townsfolk outside.

"Stallions," she whispered huskily, shaking her head and letting out a giggle. "So eager to please."

Inside her room was a chair she sat on, facing a large mirror. She gazed at herself and saw a bit of worry across her face. Never before has a performance garnered such unease, but she knew the cause of it: Alex. Her interest in the alicorn was unnatural, she knew. He wasn't any old stallion looking for a quick romp in the sheets, but something else entirely, and she liked that about him. She was surprised when he told her what he was and where he came from, and why he was here, but just made her more interested in him.

Alex was polite, cordial, eager to learn, and sweet. She liked the way he looked, how he sounded, and even how he smelled. He was just pleasant to be around; it was like he had this alluring warmth surrounding him, and it confused her that Nerissa never once acted on her feelings toward him. Saldora couldn't see it as anything but a missed opportunity; stallions like Alex don't come often, and she was given the chance to live with him. She had scored big this time, that's for sure.

And she wondered, after the performance, if she truly would settle down for a while. She wasn't going to give up being a dancer, that's what she wanted to do, but she had to admit that taking a break from traveling was quite enticing. She could still hone her dancing skills while learning how to use her magic with Alex. She never really thought much of the magical side of herself; perhaps it was time to focus on that.

There was something else: a feeling deep within her feathered breast. She hovered a talon over it and pressed lightly. Her heart was beating a little fast, and it went faster the more she thought of Alex. She thought it was affection for him, and she would be right, but it felt more than just a deep affection like Nerissa had. She didn't know exactly what it was, but it was strong.

Saldora shook her head again. She was distracting herself from the nervousness that prickled at her belly. As she attempted doing breathing exercises, she heard a knock on her door. It was probably another fan that sneaking around to see her. Regardless, she got up and went over to the door and opened it.

It was Havel.

Stunned, Saldora began to back away, but stopped herself to not be perceived as being rude. "Mr. Havel, why are you here?"

"To see you," he said, sounding faintly worried. "Are you feeling okay? Your face looks a little dim."

Saldora relaxed a little. "Oh, I'm fine, I just... I don't know."

Mr. Havel saw the look on Saldora's face: hesitation and anxiety. He urged her to sit in her chair. Confused, Saldora went over and sat back down and faced the large mirror again. He then went behind her back and placed his hooves on her shoulders, massaging them.

Saldora froze. "Mr. Havel?"

Havel hushed her quietly. "Relax, Saldora," he murmured soothingly. "Your tense; you need to calm down and take a breath."

Saldora closed her eyes and took in a long breath before exhaling, beginning to feel comfortable. "I am. I don't know why. I was thinking it was because of Alex."

Havel stopped the massage for a moment before resuming. "Ah, yes," he said. "The alicorn!"

Saldora nodded, starting to feel her heart beating quicker. "Yeah. His main reason for coming here was to learn about the history of the village, and he had gone to the library," she told him, rubbing a talon tenderly on her cream-colored chest. "When he is with me, I feel happy inside. More than usual. I've been on the road for so long by myself... I guess I began to feel a little lonely."

Havel stayed silent for a few seconds before replying. "Hmm... so you love Alex."

Saldora clutched the feathers on her chest. "Love? I used to give that a whole lot. I suppose...that is what I'm feeling?"

"Yes," Havel said. "With the way you're speaking, I can't think of anything else. You found the creature you love. Now when you are apart from him, you may feel a bit empty inside, and then you start longing for him."

"I love Alex," she stated, feeling a large thump in her chest. It felt exhilarating to say it. Then she lowered her voice. "But... I barely know him."

Havel chuckled before letting out a sigh. "Love works in mysterious ways, young one..."

Saldora nodded in agreement. "My heart tells me now. It's so clear, but Alex doesn't have those same feelings. I can see it in his glowing white eyes. He doesn't share what I feel." She suddenly felt cold and shuddered. "He doesn't love me like I do to him..."

"Even so, wouldn't it be great just to be by his side?" Havel asked her, placing a hoof on Saldora's talon.

Saldora appreciated the comfort. "That would be selfish of me, right?"

"When you're with Alex, you simply enjoy his company. That isn't selfish."

Saldora's eyes brightened. "You're right, Mr. Havel," she said, sounding happier than before. She suddenly felt Havel's hooves slide down to her waist, and she jerked, surprised. "Mr. Havel?!" She turned to face him.

Havel had a faraway look in his eyes, as if he was in a dream. It looked as if he was gazing beyond her, looking for something he thought was there, but that wasn't entirely true. He was looking at her. Whatever it was, Saldora didn't know. She watched him shake his head, and the light in his eyes returned.

"Mr. Havel, are you feeling well?"

"Of course, and I am sorry," he murmured apologetically. "I was lost in thought. I was making a decision, and I wasn't conscious of where my hooves were going."

It was an honest mistake, Saldora thought. She remembered daydreaming many times while out on the road. "It's okay, Mr. Havel," she replied. "What was this decision?"

Havel smiled. "Talking to you made me realize that I need to tell the creature that I love them," he said. "After the dance, I will... lay out all of my feelings."

Saldora let out a titter. "Well, I hope it goes well for the both of you. You have my support. Is she at the festival?"

Havel nodded, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "She is. Enough about that for now! It's nearly time for you to perform! Start getting ready."

Saldora bobbed her head, feeling confident. "Thanks for talking with me, it cleared up some things," she told him gratefully. She couldn't wait to see the look of amazement on Alex's face!

"Happy to help," he said. "Do your best out there!"

Saldora puffed out her chest, her heart beating with an anticipation that caused her to shudder with glee. "I will!" she shouted heartedly.

Turning to leave out the door, Havel suddenly yelped. Saldora turned her attention and saw Nerissa creeping into the room.

"Nessie!" Saldora exclaimed, surprised and happy to see her bat pony friend. "What are you doing back here? You shouldn't be at the back of the stage."

Nerissa glared at Havel for a moment before concealing her expression. "Just worried," she told her. "But you seem to be fine."

It warmed her heart to see the bat pony care for her, even after their little disputes on the road. "I'm okay," she assured her, walking up and embracing the bat pony. Nerissa froze for a moment, but she returned the hug. "I'm glad you came to check up on me, but everything is fine. Now you have to leave from back here and join the crowd outside. The performance is about to start soon."

Nerissa nodded. "I'll go and retrieve Alex. He wouldn't want to miss your performance."

Saldora's heart began to beat quickly again. "I can't wait to show everything I have to offer. Now go," she urged, narrowing her eyes and looking playful. "Or I'll have to tell you about the hotdog story."

"If it's tied to what you used to do, then say no more," Nerissa said, turning away and leaving the room, her dark figure blending into the shadows.

Havel took off his hat and rubbed his forehead, looking faintly embarrassed. "I'll head out now."

Saldora nodded, watching him leave. "I'll make you proud!" she called after him.

The night was young, and Saldora was feeling great. After getting her feelings in order with the help of Havel, she was ready to dance her heart out onstage. She felt it within her legs and feet; the urge to dance was on the horizon, and she could hardly contain herself. Never before had dancing gave her so much energy and excitement.

She was ready, to present herself to the crowd, to Alex, and when she got on that stage, she saw him at the front with Nerissa, waving at her. His face held no expression as usual, but Saldora could tell he was happy to see her on the stage. He was so attentive, waiting with anticipation.

It was then Saldora felt her heart beat a hundred times faster. Everything around her was drowned out; muffled, and time seemed to slow. She wanted to mix it up at the start, then segway into her belly dancing. With the spotlights on her and the music playing, it was time to do what she did best.

She struck a pose to start, and everypony, the zebras, cheering for her, fell silent with anticipation. To the right, she started, a graceful stride. To the left, a lovely twirl, and then a beautiful leap. She spun and twirled, leaped and jumped, her shiny coins and shimmering beads reflecting the moon's white light jingled, captivating her audience.

The picture of perfection with no chains; Saldora was boundless, and her flaring dance could not be contained. The wind had begun to pick up, a pleasant breeze that wove through the crowd as they cheered. Her wonderful figure, the light shining on her unprecedented and unparalleled brilliance, and the motions crafted were unmatched. None could look away. They could only cheer her on.

Saldora started her belly dancing, and the crowd went wild, but Saldora could hardly hear the uproar of the cheers; she was too focused. The way her belly rocked rhythmically, and she saw with pleasure the crowd focusing on her torso and hips. They were utterly entranced and that fueled her even more. She shimmied forward, shaking her chest and undulated her belly.

Saldora felt a rush and started to dance faster with even more fiery passion. There was more grace, more of that striking bright radiance shining off of her. This is her grand finale. And just like that, with a grand leap followed by a pose, Saldora ended her dance performance.

She panted, small trickles of sweat sliding down her chest as she waited. There was a silence for a moment, and then the crowd roared, calling for encores upon encores, almost knocking her to the floor with their ardent shouts. She looked to Alex and saw him nod his head and clopping his hooves as he and Nerissa applauded with the audience.

She saw him mouth the words: "It was beautiful. You did well. Be proud." After she struck the pose, time seemed to flow back to normal again. The roars of the crowd were louder now, calling out Saldora's name. Her face lit up like the brightest star in the moonlit sky above. She waved and bowed as she made her way backstage. She had given Alex and Nerissa a signal that they could come backstage to meet her.

After she made her way into her green room, Saldora sat on the chair facing the mirror, her reflection conveying the look of joy. It wasn't long until the door opened, and Havel made his way inside, applauding Saldora for that breathtaking performance.

"Did you see me out there?!" she exclaimed, happiness surging through her. She felt so alive. "It was magical! That was my best dance yet!"

Havel trotted to her and made his way behind, staring at her through the mirror. "Yes, I did. It was a wonderful performance." He placed his hooves on her shoulders, massaging them. "I've never anything so beautiful."

"Mr. Havel?"

"You did so well that I am at a loss for words," he praised her, leaning close to her ear. "Such perfection... You truly are a special bird. There is something I want you to know."

Saldora shuffled lightly in her chair. Havel's hooves were being a little rough, and it made her slightly uncomfortable. "What is it?"

"The creature I love," he began, "is you, Saldora. Ever since I heard of you, I've followed your dancing career, and when I finally had a chance to meet you, I knew you were the right one for me."

Saldora was shocked, but she remained where she was. "I'm flattered, Mr. Havel," she said slowly. "Truly I am, but I don't..."

"Don't finish that sentence," he warned her, a hint of a threat in his voice.

Saldora was getting scared and confused. "I... I don't understand." She swallowed slowly, trying to not tremble from the increasing roughness from Havel's hooves on her shoulders. "C-can I leave?"

"No," he said, moving his hooves down her back. "If you try to leave, I'll pull you away from the door."

Finally grasping the situation unfolding, Saldora pushed Havel away and stood up from her chair, her back to the mirror. "Don't you touch me!" she spat, fear across her face. "What's wrong with you?! I'm sorry, but I don't love you..."

Havel stared at her, hurt glimmering in his eyes. But then they hardened, and all Saldora could see was rage. "You..." He took in a deep, seething breath. "After all I did to help do this festival, THIS is how you TREAT me?!" he snarled, his voice booming. "I guess I was asking for too much."

This was getting rapidly out of control. Saldora knew she wouldn't be able to fight him off; she wasn't strong enough, and she couldn't use her magic reliably. She needed to escape and call for help. She rushed to the door to leave, but Havel stopped her by using magic to chain the door up, preventing her from escaping. He then used magic to forcefully pull her towards him. She tried to resist but failed and fell to the floor.

"Maybe this will teach you not to disobey!" he bellowed, coating magic around Saldora's neck, choking her, and throwing her against the mirror, cracking it. She shrieked as she fell, blood dripping from her head.

She was dragged towards him. Havel looked lustful, almost feral, and his breathing was erratic. Saldora tried to use her claws to get away, but she couldn't; Havel chained down her arms and legs with magic, and she had found herself at his mercy.

"Somepony, help!" she wailed, but her cries were cut off; Havel had used magic to tape Saldora's mouth so she couldn't scream.

He then began running his hooves over her body and burying his muzzle against her feathered chest, huffing her scent. She tried and tried to fight back but there was nothing she could do. Her struggling was useless.

"If you won't love me, I'll just take you right here, right now!" Havel yelled, menace deep in his voice. "No pony is here to save you. No pony will hear you. You are mine and mine alone to do what I want!"

It all seemed to be the end of Saldora, to become a toy once again like her past in the brothel. What a nice night, turned to a perverted nightmare. She thought of Alex and wept, accepting whatever came. When she could feel something brush against her thigh, the door to the room was kicked down, and all of the lights went dark, surprising her and Havel.

Suddenly, Saldora felt heavy, forcing her head to the floor. Havel tried to fight it, but he fell on his back beside her. The weight of gravity had shifted immensely. What type of magic was this she wondered, and who could cast such fantastic power?

In the darkness, where the door was, an ominous pair of blood-red eyes appeared. It was Nerissa! She stalked the darkness like a shadow, and Saldora felt the tape around her mouth and the chains Havel conjured sever and break. She heard a grunt of pain from Havel and a large thump from a wall.

"Nessie, help!" she cried out, but Nerissa didn't move towards her, only standing eerily within the shadows. "Nessie?"

"Stay where you are," Nerissa bade her, her voice chilling. "Do not struggle. Everything will be fine."

The bat pony's slitted eyes looked to the right, and Saldora followed them. A sudden white light shined through the darkness, illuminating the room, and the bearer came through the door.

"Alex!" Saldora yelled, joy filling her heart. She wanted to embrace him, and thank him and Nerissa for saving her, but the gravity was so intense, she couldn't move.

Alex cantered slowly to her, his glowing white eyes giving nothing away. He bent down and examined her closely, his eyes scanning quickly over her. Then she felt the gravity around her return to normal and Alex stretched out one of his massive wings to gently put her on her feet.

"Are you well?" he asked her. There was concern in his tone as he wiped the blood away from her head.

She nodded quickly, holding onto him. "I'm fine, just a little dizzy," she murmured, tightening her grip on him as if fearing he'd slip away. "Havel just attacked me!"

"Indeed," Nerissa said with a low snarl. "Master. Permission to behead this fool?"

Alex shook his head. "That will not be necessary," he told her gently, his eyes fixated on Havel.

"What type of magic did you use?!" he demanded, struggling off the floor. "You aren't some regular alicorn..."

Alex ignored his questions. "Mr. Havel, you have made a grave error. This act of evil cannot go unpunished."

Havel snorted, looking defiant. "You think I'm afraid of you?!"

Nerissa took a menacing step forward, unsheathing her sword. "You should be," she warned him, bearing her sharp teeth. "If my master wasn't so benevolent, I would've killed you by now. You threatened Saldora, and you must be taught a harsh lesson!"

Saldora, though she was a little frightened by Nerissa's murderous intent, was glad she stood up for her so ardently. "What are we going to do?" she asked Alex.

"He will be brought to Princess Celestia," he answered her. "We do not hold the authority to do what we will here. The decision is up to her and her alone."

"I'd rather die!" Havel bellowed, shooting a blast of magic from his horn, but it was blocked by Alex's barrier spell. "How did you..."

"Please submit, Mr. Havel," Alex said. "This doesn't have to go any further than this."

"Never!" he spat, charging up another blast, but with a signal from Alex to Nerissa, the bat pony shot forward and bucked Havel so hard in the face, his head went through the wall.

"Gracious!" Saldora yelped, shocked by such ruthlessness, but she guessed it was appropriate enough for what Havel was trying to do. Even still, he was already beaten. "Don't you think that was a little too far?"

Nerissa gave a wry snort. "If you ask me, it didn't go far enough." She retrieved Havel's unconscious body and heaved him on her back with ease. She turned to Alex. "Master, shall we depart?"

Alex nodded. "Let us head back to the wagon and call Enoch to take us home. Then I will gather Twilight Sparkle and have her get Princess Celestia." He looked down at Saldora. "Our stay here was brief, but we must bring Havel to justice. Do you wish to come with or stay until we return?"

"I'll come with you," she told him assuredly, leaning close. "The festival is only for one day, and after my performance, everypony will have gone to enjoy the rest of the night. It's a shame to leave a little early, but I don't want to stay here. And Alex.... There is something else..."

He tilted his head. "What is it?"

Saldora's heart began to beat fast, and she swallowed hard. "I... I just wanted to say that I want to join you. And... um, recently...I realized something," she stammered, holding a talon over her chest. She needed to tell him. "I lo-"

"I know," Alex said, causing Saldora to stare at him wide-eyed.

"Yo-you did?" she asked, looking surprised.

"Your dance was pretty telling, and the way you looked at him after your performance was plain," Nerissa chimed in. "You love him. Alex may not share the same feelings as you, but he acknowledges it, and he will treat your confession like a precious treasure."

Saldora knew that Alex wouldn't feel the same; the alicorn didn't seem like the one to have a mate, but she held out hope that maybe one day he will see her as she sees him.

"I'm okay with that," she admitted. "All I need is to be by his side." She put a talon on her beak, looking a bit naughty despite Havel's advances that had shaken her. "And who knows? Maybe I'll get him to see me as something than just a close companion..."

Nerissa gave another wry snort, trotting towards the doorway. "I will not tolerate any of your tricks, so tread lightly." Though she sounded serious, Saldora noticed a hint of playfulness and fought to contain a titter. "Let us head on back home."

Alex turned to her, stretching his wing over her back. Saldora felt a warmth like never before, and she let Alex sweep her close to his crimson coat. "You still appear to be bit a winded after the ordeal," he told her, sounding slightly concerned. "Lean on me for now until your body is in properly functioning order."

"Sorry we can't stay longer," Saldora said apologetically. "I knew you were coming here to learn about Zebanda's history; you told me, and it seems to have been cut short."

Alex shook his head. "The journey to this place was fun and insightful," he said, staring at her with those wonderful white eyes. "I met you and formed a connection. The adventure was worth it, and I can come back here in the future." He turned and guided Saldora through the door. "This was an experience I will not forget, and plenty more will be shared with not just Nerissa now, but with you too. Welcome to the family, Saldora."

A joy like no other filled Saldora's chest. "Thanks," she said. "Oh, and by the way... You and Nessie can call me Sal if you want."

A prayer from beyond existence.

Wanderer from the distant land whose future was paved with service to others and later became a dancing saint, though misfortunes had found you in the past. I implore Aeternia Everlast to grant you more than just a few fortunes; may you be set for life with the one you adore.

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