• Published 5th Sep 2012
  • 12,221 Views, 222 Comments

Pinkie Pie Meets the Pyro - tatony

After being warned to not go to the Everfree Forest, Pinkie goes and makes a new friend

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Chapter 1

It was a hot summer’s day in Ponyville and the mane six had gathered in Sugarcube Corner to escape the heat and enjoy some cold treats. “Here you go dearies; five milkshakes and one ice cold very berry smoothie.” Mrs. Cake said as she placed the drinks on counter table. “Enjoy.”

“Thanks Mrs. Cake.” The six ponies said in unison as each grabbed their own drink.

“Rainbow, why did you get that smoothie and not a milkshake like the rest of us.” Rarity asked as she ate the cherry on the top of her milkshake.

“You run of the mill ponies may get your kicks from melted ice cream, but I need a little more excitement.Excitement that frozen cow juice just can't provide.” Rainbow Dash said as she held her smoothie high, so everypony at the table could see it.

“Oh, Rainbow, I, um, thought it was because you are lactose intolerant.” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah, that too.” Rainbow Dash said as she sat back down and quietly drank her smoothie.

“Lactose intolerant!" Pinkie Pie cried out. "Rainbow, what did lactose ever do to you? I’ll have you know some of my best friends are lactose, like, like, like this milkshake. Isn’t that right Mister Shake?” “That’s right Pinkie” She said in a low voice moving the shake from side to side. She finished her milkshake in one gulp. “We’re gonna need another Mister Shake here so he and Rainbow Dash can make up Mrs. Cake!”

“Um, okay dearie.” The blue pony at the counter responded. She saw Twilight Sparkle shaking her head.

“Yay! Wait, what were we talking about? Oh right. Rainbow! Tell me what you have against lactose!” Pinkie Pie demanded.

“Pinkie, it means that she can’t consume dairy products or else she could get sick.” Twilight Sparkle answered.

“Oh, I guess if something made me sick I’d be intolerant of it too. Never mind on that milkshake Mrs. Cake. It’s okay Rainbow, me and Mister Shake understand and we forgive you.” The blue pegasus continue to drink her smoothie, speechless about what had just happened. Pinkie looked at her friends as they all kept slurping away at their drinks.

“Now that the crisis is through.” Applejack said, breaking the silence, “Anypony have any news.” She asked.

“Now that you mention it,” Twilight started “Yesterday I did received a letter from Princess Celestia, she said to not visit the Everfree forest today under any circumstances. I sent a letter to Zecora and invited her for a sleepover, I don’t want her staying there if there could be trouble.” Twilight said as she finished her milkshake.

“Oh marvelous darling,” Rarity said as she smiled and clapped her hooves “another slumber party at Twilight’s.” Pinkie Pie began to shake.

“C’mon everypony, let’s go to the Everfree forest!” Pinkie Pie declared.

“Pinkie Pie, I just told you what the princess said. What could you possibly want to do at the Everfree forest?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, um, Pinkie it’s dark there and spooky.” Fluttershy added, “There are unknown animals, and twisted trees, and the princess warned us, and, um, I don’t want to go, you can’t make me.” Fluttershy whimpered, scaring herself with the description. She covered her eyes and hit her head as she rushed under the table. "Ouch." She said softly.

“Sugarcube get up from under that table.” Applejack said. “We won’t be going to no Everfree forest, lessen it’s fer an emergency. Now Pinkie Pie why do ya want to go there?” She saw Pinkie Pie’s entire body convulse.

“That’s why.” Pinkie Pie responded.

“Pinkie I remember that means a doozy is going to happen and Celestia took the time to warn me, that under no circumstances should we go there. So, under no circumstances are we going to the Everfree forest.” Twilight said raising her voice.

“But Twilight ---” Pinkie Pie began to object.

“No Pinkie, it would be too dangerous on a normal day and we’re especially not going today.” Twilight told the pink pony.

“Humph.” Pinkie said as she got up. “Fine, if you all feel that way, then I’ll just be heading home.” She walked out of Sugarcube Corner.

“Do you think we should tell her?” Fluttershy asked

“No, she’ll figure it out in a few minutes.” Twilight answered

C’mon y’all, Zecora’s probably lookin’ fer us right now. Maybe she’s waitin’ at yer house Twi.” Applejack said. The ponies thanked Mrs. Cake once more and left for Twilight’s house.


“Oh, what should I do?” Pinkie Pie thought to herself as she arrived at the entrance to the Everfree Forest. “Twilight said it could be dangerous and so did Princess Celestia. Well I guess the Princess didn’t technically say it was dangerous, she just warned Twilight not go there under any circumstances.” The pony looked at Ponyville and back again at the Everfree forest. “Hmm, well, I got this far and my Pinkie sense isn’t warning about me about certain doom.” Pinkie Pie looked at the sky and saw that the sun was still up, but she knew it would be dark soon. “Here I go.” She said and hopped into the Everfree forest.


“It was a warning I’m glad she made, Rarity, if you don't mind, can tie you my hair into a braid?” Zecora asked Rarity as she looked Twilight’s collection of books.

“Of course darling, Applejack and Twilight are just impossible; they never let me do anything with their manes.” Rarity answered walking over to her.

“We like our mane’s the way they are, ain’t that right Twilight?” Applejack asked Twilight, while the unicorn continued to look out the window.

“Where’s Pinkie Pie?” She asked nopony in particular “She should be here; I hope she’s not still mad about earlier.”

“That pink powder puff drives me crazy sometimes, but don’t worry, she’ll be here any minute now, I’ll bet two bits on that. C’mon any takers how ‘bout you Applejack? Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash asked as she picked up Twilight’s copy of Daring Doo and the Chalice of Ice.

“Um, girls, I stopped by Sugarcube Corner on my way here, Pinkie Pie hasn’t been back there since she left.” Fluttershy said to the group. Her friends were stunned.

“What! Fluttershy why didn’t you say something earlier, she probably went to the forest, something terrible could happen to her.” Twilight said to the yellow pegasus.

“I, um, oh dear.” Fluttershy began to cry.

“Fluttershy there’s no time for tears.” Rainbow Dash said, “We have to go and save that pink powder puff, I mean, Pinkie Pie, from whatever the Princess warned Twilight about.” The ponies heard an incredible blast coming from outside. Twilight Sparkle turned back to the widow, “That came from the Everfree forest; we have to go find Pinkie Pie and bring her back to Ponyville.”

“The boom we heard was big and great; I only hope we’re not too late.” Zecora said as she ran out of the house. The ponies followed her as they all rushed to the Everfree forest hoping that their friend was safe.


Pinkie Pie hopped further into the Everfree forest until her body began to shake again. “I guess this is where the doozy is supposed to happen.” She said looking around her. “Uh oh, it’s dark, I can’t see a thing.”

Her knees and hooves and began to shake. Huh, I wonder what that means? She thought. She noticed a bright light beginning to shine on her. ”What the hay is that?” She looked up and saw that the light was coming from shooting star. She was mesmerized by its size, before she realized it was heading directly for her. “Oh no, oh no, oh no, I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight, DON’T KILL ME!” Pinkie Pie yelled as she dove behind a large rock for cover. Pinkie Pie shut her eyes and covered her ears as the flaming mass crashed and exploded into the ground, the nearby trees blew to pieces.

“Wow! That was loud!” Pinkie Pie walked toward the crater, a bit shaken, but glad she was alive. “I never heard anything so loud before, well one time I went to a DJ Pon3 party and the music there was so loud that the ground started shaking, but I think this just topped that.” The pink pony rambled on as she stood at the edge of crater. A figure slowly began to climb out from the smoking hole in the ground. It was wearing a red jumpsuit and a gas mask, and other things Pinkie had never seen before. “AHHH! AN ALIEN!" Pinkie Pie screamed as she ran behind a rock again, this time to hide from the newly arrived visitor. The strange being stretched its body out and look around, having no idea why he was in the middle of a forest or how he was able to survive a fall which had enough force to obliterate the nearby trees, he would have to remember to ask the Engineer about it, if he ever saw him again. “It’s okay Pinkie just laugh, laughing makes everything better.” Pinkie Pie said to herself, “Ha ha ha.”

She peaked her head out from behind the rock. “Ha, ha, ha.” She repeated. The visitor looked at the pink and puffy horse thing that was laughing in front of him. “Ha, ha, ha, hehe …” Pinkie Pie lost herself in laughter, giggling and holding her sides. The visitor pulled out his trustee Rainblower, “Maybe this strange creature would like to see it?” He thought. Pinkie Pie continued laughing. The Rainblower let out a steady stream which consumed Pinkie Pie instantly. She screamed.