• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 6,920 Views, 583 Comments

Through Changes - Symphony

When you lose who you are, what will you do to become yourself again?

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Era approached the mirror cautiously, never looking away from the playful draconequus in the mirror. Eris giggled at Era’s frightened expression and decided to joke around with the filly.

Boo!” The young draconequus exclaimed and raised her talons in a single swift motion. Era squeaked in fear and darted behind her bed. She peeked around the edge to see the youngling rolling around on her back while clutching her sides from the laughter. Era started giggling when she thought of her own reaction. After a while, she was also rolling around on the floor.

After a few minutes, their laughter had died down to just being an occasional giggle. Era sat up and wiped her face from the mirthful tears while facing the mirror, where Eris was floating leisurely a few feet from the floor. ”Um...” Era shuffled her hooves. ”Where... Where did you come from? Who are you?”

Eris giggled, as if Era’s questions had the most obvious answers. ”I’m you, silly!” She dropped to the floor and pouted. ”Well... Not exactly you, but I am still you in a way!” Eris cheered and once again levitated.

Era stared at her with her jaw hanging. ”You...huh-buh... How?!” Era questioned and moved away from the mirror and jumped up to her bed to make herself look bigger. ”You can’t be me! I’m already me!” Era paused and rubbed her chin with a free hoof. ”...I’m confused...” She admitted in defeat.

Eris tapped her eagle talon to her chin while thinking of a good way to explain. A lightbulb poofed into existence above her and flashed, then disappeared. ”Let’s take our dad as an example...” Era whimpered and her ears splayed back. ”Maybe that wasn’t a good example... Oh well, you see, our father was never an actual pony. He wasn’t lying when he said that strange magic changed him, you see. Everypony was shocked when they got to know that he had changed, and now he's back to his normal self. He might look a little scary and sound different, but he's still the same in behavior. Trust me. I think you should go see him, as you kind of ditched him...”

Era whimpered once again at the thought of seeing him again, but if Eris said that it would be okay, she could give it a try. Era gave the reflection a stiff nod, then ran out from the room. Eris waved as the young alicorn slammed the door closed behind her. Eris' expression shifted from a friendly smile into a sadistic grin as her body grew into its rightful size. She ran her lion paw through her hair and chuckled. She stepped through the mirror and took a deep breath. She looked around the room and her eyes fell on a framed photograph next to the bed. On the photo was both of the princesses, Discord and Era. She traced a careful claw down Discord, then threw it at a nearby wall.

“Tricking that kid was too easy... Now to claim my price...” She said to herself and snapped her eagle talon, transforming into a castle servant. She smiled as she left the room, revealing a slightly sharpened tooth.

Discord was lying on a bench in the royal statue garden, near the spot he had been occupying when he was still a statue all those years ago. He sighed and rolled over onto his back and dragged his eagle talon down his face. The talk with Era had not gone as planned. He was thinking about a way to try again. 'Turning back to a pony? No... Then I'd had to go through with the trouble of being a mortal again...' He growled and facepalmed. 'This is impossible! The only way I can talk to her is if she comes to m-'

“Um...” A tiny voice squeaked.

'Huh?' Discord turned his head to see Era standing next to the bench, shivering like a leaf in the wind. Discord stood up from the bench and laid down on the ground next to Era, making himself as small as possible. He winced as Era took a careful step away from him as he moved. “It's... It's okay, I won't do anything, Era...” Discord stammered. “If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask me.”

“I... I thought you said that draconeqi were bad...” Era took a careful step toward the spirit, who didn't move a muscle in fear of scaring her. “Are you a bad pony..?”

Discord sighed and rubbed his neck with his lion paw. “There was a time when I was bad... But when your mother was with me again, I became better over time. I was never perfect, but I tried my hardest to become good... And... And when you were born... I... I pulled everything together to give my little filly absolutely everything she deserves...” Discord smiled sheepishly. Era's lower lip quivered for a couple of seconds when no words were spoken between the them. Without warning, Era darted toward Discord and jumped toward the spirit. Discord caught her mid-air and wasn't able to say another word as Era embraced him in a crushing hug.

Era tried to apologize, but all she could say was some blubbering nonsense. Discord hushed her and reassured the filly that there was no need to apologize. They stayed in the same position for several minutes, until Discord nudged the filly and spoke up. “Hey... Wanna go and prank auntie Celestia?” Discord asked with a knowing grin.

“Would I ever!” Era chirped and trotted away toward the castle entrance with a spring in her steps. Discord paused momentarily, smiled, then followed her. He was just as eager as the filly in pranking Celestia. Goodness knows that was some time ago he did something like that...

On a rooftop nearby, a serpent-like creature grins and disappear in a golden flash, as it had just learned the weakness of its prey. Discord froze and looked around. He had sensed something... He couldn't really say what, but it felt familiar. He shrugged and continued walking after Era. “Strange...” Discord muttered.

Princess Celestia was walking to her private quarters, as she was more than ready to take a well-deserved nap so she could continue her duties in a few hours. As she rounded a corner, she saw the familiar shape of a purple drake leaning toward the wall with his arms crossed. Celestia smiled as she walked closer. She hadn't talked to Spike in private for years. ''Hello, Spike.” She greeted him.

Spike jumped, as he had been lost in thought when the princess talked to him. He cleared his throat. “Hello, princess. Sorry for my reaction, I wasn't really paying attention to anything...” A sheepish smile appeared on his face. Celestia laughed and shook her head.

“Oh Spike... You don't have to be so formal when you're with me. You can call me Celestia.” Spike nodded, then looked away from the princess for a couple of seconds. Celestia sighed. “I haven't been able to talk to you in private for years, Spike...” She looked away from him. “What kind of mother would do that?”

Spike tensed and walked toward Celestia. “Stop thinking like that, you were always great. You taught me so much when I still wasn't in Twilight's care. Hell, if you wouldn't have made me her assistant, I wouldn't have met any of my friends! Point is, you are the best mother a dragon like me could have... Just... Just don't belittle yourself anymore, okay?” Spike smiled, and Celestia followed suit. She pulled him into a hug with her strong wings. “Ugh... moooom...” Spike whined, but his grin shattered his facade of faking the whine.

Celestia released him, took a step back and sighed. “You have grown so much over the years...” Celestia excused herself and continued her trek to her quarters. Spike watched her walk around another corner and leaned back toward the wall. That's when he noticed that the door was slightly open, and Fluttershy was staring at him with wide eyes. Spike groaned as he realized that he had some explaining to do.

“So... Do you want the long version, or the short version?” He said as he walked into the room Fluttershy had been given for her stay in Canterlot. He laid down on the bed, and Fluttershy joined him, but much slower.

“Long version... I-i-if you don't mind, th-that is...” She curled up into a ball and squeaked. Spike rolled his eyes and ran a claw through her mane.

Well... I started off as a cute little purple and green egg...”

Hours later, Discord closed the door to Era's room in a gentle motion and sighed. He smiled as Luna walked toward him. He leaned down and nuzzled her when she was within his reach. Luna sighed contently and leaned toward the spirit. “Seems like everything was solved...” Luna said and continued walking down the hall. Discord joined her and held his arms behind his back.

“I wouldn't jinx this. This author is a tricky bastard.” Discord said dryly. Luna looked back at him as if he was crazier than usual. She decided not to question him and rolled her eyes in exasperation. Discord followed Luna into their shared room. Luna removed her regalia and placed them on a nearby ponykin. Discord just hopped onto the bed and sprawled out his limbs as much as possible. Luna pouted and placed herself to rest her head on his left shoulder.

Discord rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around Luna, who held herself close to him to share his warmth. The scenarios which had occurred during the day repeated themselves in Discord's thoughts. But just before he succumbed into slumber, he heard the sound of glass being crashed and Era screaming. He shot up to his legs in an instant and teleported himself to her room.

The sight which greeted him was gruesome. Glass was everywhere and the entire room was in a state of disarray. Toys laid scattered everywhere in the room. But worst of all, Era was nowhere to be seen.

All of the inhabitants of the castle was awoken by the roars and wails of a heartbroken father who had lost his only child.

A/N: Ta-daaa! Here it is! Now, about the Celestia/Spike thing, it's my headcanon. When Twilight was still too young to take care of baby Spike, Celestia was up to the challenge and raised him, teaching him how to use his firebreath for sending mails and shit.

Also, I'm just gonna go and hide in that bomb shelter over there... Yeah....