• Member Since 6th Mar, 2020
  • offline last seen Oct 11th, 2020



On a rainy and stormy day, Gloriosa Daisy was finishing up on paperwork before heading off to bed. However, she all of a sudden heard a mysterious noise coming from deep in the forest. The sound was a eerie screeching sound, as if something, was screaming in complete agony. Very curious on what the noise was, Gloriosa put on her raincoat, a flashlight and an axe for protection, and proceeded into the forest to investigate.

Gloriosa used the flashlight to look for anything in the woods but found nothing. She preceded deeper into the forest to investigate. Gloriosa was confident that she knew her way back despite the poor visibility because of the storm. However, the forest seemed to change all of a sudden, Gloriosa's confidence dropped as the forest she knew began to change into different paths. Panicking , Gloriosa ran as fast as she could down a path she thought she came from. Ten minutes later, Gloriosa realized she was completely lost, as there was nothing recognizable she could use to track her way back to her building.

As time past and Gloriosa getting more and more scared, she started screaming at the top of her lungs for help. After 30 minutes of running and crying for help, Gloriosa realized that no one could hear her, she was alone...a lone figure among a sea of green, a star among an ocean of light. Gloriosa, fearing for life began to break down and cry, begging for someone to come and save her. The storm continued, rain poured like a fierce lion, lightning cackling like a wicked witch, and all of Gloriosa screams failed to render it all moot.

All of a sudden...it stopped, the rain stopped, the storm stopped, everything just...stopped. Gloriosa, confused that everything has stopped, decided to take advantage of the situation and run down a path, hoping for something to appear but stopped when she realized...that not only did the storm stopped but...EVERYTHING STOPPED, the leaves and trees didn't move an inch, flowers didn't move as if they've been frozen by fear. Gloriosa couldn't figure out what was happening and attempted to cry out for help, hoping someone could help her.

All of a sudden...admist the eerily calm forest, a twig snapped! Gloriosa turned around in a panic, thinking it was a wolf. Bracing the axe in her hand, Gloriosa stood ready for any attack, but, emerged from the forest, was a dark humanoid...

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