• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,848 Views, 477 Comments

Spikes Journey - That Drunk Pony

This is gonna be my first fic about Spike and his exile from Ponyville

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Chapter 11: Cloudsdale III (Final)

Cloudsdale III (Final): It ends here?

“The time has come…”
A deep ominous voice shook the very core of Spike. He woke up shivering like he was frozen for centuries. He looked around, but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. He slowly descended back into his bed. He turned his head and noticed he was face to face with a sleeping Fleetfoot. Spike didn’t know that she pommeled him multiple times already, but his body’s natural instincts kicked in and warned him to stay away from her.

Spike tried to crawl away, but was being held by something. Fleetfoot hooves was wrapped around his body. He tried to wiggle his way out, but it was no use. She just grabbed harder the more he pulled away. Spike didn’t know what to do. If he pulled too much she might wake up and if he doesn’t get away she will wake up inevitably.

Just then Spike hears Fleetfoot beginning to wake up as she begins to yawn. He notices her eyes are just opening, so Spike did a desperate maneuver. He decided to throw a pillow at her face and hide as she squirmed around in confusion. Her extreme rustling woke up the other two mares. Spike made sure he closed the door behind him. All he heard from beyond the door was confusion and slightly angry mares. Spike hurried to the bathroom make it look like he was using the bathroom to not arouse suspicion of why he randomly left.

The girls then came out of the room yelling “SPIKE! Where are you!?”

“I’m in the bathroom! No need to worry about me!” He replied.

“Alright Spike. Hurry up so we can eat breakfast and then get on with the plan!” Spike heard Fleetfoot exclaim.

He then remembered that today was going to be his final day. He began to reminisce on all the events that happened since he began this journey. He became friends with Candy Dumpling and Fairy Dancer and even stopped those two jerks from the party, he became a well-known dragon in Canterlot, and he even met up with Celestia who sent him to do a task for her. He thought to himself ‘If it wasn’t for Celestia, he would probably be well into dragon territory, but I wouldn’t have gotten to see Fleetfoot again or meet Surprise and Spitfire. I guess it wasn’t all bad.’

“HEY SPIKE! YOU DONE IN THERE!!!” he heard Fleetfoot scream.

“Yeah! Just hold your horses!” Spike said as he exited the bathroom.

After a quick meal, they got down to business. Spitfire began the recap so everypony and dragon knew what to do. “Alright, the plan is that I find Rainbow Dash and distract her by whatever means necessary. Surprise will be our eyes in the sky. She will direct and flag each of us if anything happens.”

“Rodger dodger!” Surprise said with a salute.

“Fleetfoot!” Spitfire pointed to her to emphasize on getting her attention.

“Yes mam!” Fleetfoot militarily responded.

“Your task is the most important. You will escort Spike out Cloudsdale to the city limits. If anything goes wrong, it is your duty to guard him at all times.”

“Consider it done Mam!” Fleetfoot saluted.

“Alright. Spike, we begin in an hour so get your things ready and say your good-byes. I will go look for Rainbow Dash in the meantime.” Just as Spitfire opened the door, she began to cough a little. She was still sick, but not as bad as before. Still everyone was still worried for her. Before they could offer any help or any worry comments she glared back to make sure they wouldn’t take pity on her. She left on a mission while the others waited for their time.

Spike already had his things practically ready to go. They got bored very quickly. They tried to pass the time playing games, but Spitfire didn’t really have any games they could play. Surprise then decided to go into the kitchen for a snack. Spike found it hard to believe that there was another pony who had a bottomless pit of a stomach like Pinkie. It was just Fleetfoot sitting across Spike now.

It was quiet between the two. Spike was thinking about Cloudsdale still in the short time he was been here, but all the various things he already had to deal with. Fleetfoot, however, was focused more on the dragon himself. All the times he surprised her with affection, only to be told after that it was a misunderstanding and Spike took the fall for it. She felt she had to truly apologize to him, but when she looked toward him she turns away.

Fleetfoot then decided that it was wrong to run away from the problem and instead take it head on. She began her apology by grabbing his attention quickly, “Spike!” Spike quickly snapped out of his thoughts and had his full attention on her. “I have to tell you something… important.” Fleetfoot was getting more nervous per word. Spike was really focused, but at the same time a little scared. “I- I wanted to te-tell you that-.”

Just then Surprise interrupted her by shouting out, “LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!!” Both Spike and Fleetfoot both fell over from the shock Surprise gave. Spike was a little thankful and Fleetfoot was upset she didn’t get to apologize. Her pride made it hard to apologize with others around. Surprise didn’t know what was going on between the two of them, but they obviously were busy. She was going to apologize for interrupting, but Fleetfoot suddenly wanted to play the game.

Spike and Fleetfoot both had evil smiles on their faces. Surprise sort of knew it, but didn’t fully grasp at how competitive those two REALLY were. She would soon find out.

Surprise presented them three sticks. The one with the longest stick gets to go first. The tension was high as the stakes between Spike and his rival in game Fleetfoot were about to commence with Surprise too. Spike states in his head, ‘I will use the technique that Pinkie once showed me. The one to pick is the one that is in the MIDDLE!” Spike reaches out to grab the middle stick, but Surprise picked the stick first from Fleetfoot’s hoof.

Surprise wins the first challenge. “Yipee! I’m first! I’M FIRST!!!” The other two hold their heads down in defeat. “Alright, Spike! Truth…” She paused. Then in a deeper tone, “or Dare!”

“Dare.” Spike said without worry. What’s the worst Surprise could come up with? Spike, however, underestimated her thinking she was just a liability in this game.

“Spike. I dare you to… wear one of Spitfire’s undergarments.”

Spike’s face was an instant shock. He felt the pressure hit him like a 1 ton block landing on his head. Fleetfoot couldn’t stop laughing at the suggestion then chuckled out, “Well Spike! What are you waiting for? Do the dare!”

Spike grumbled up the stairs into the darkness. He checked each of the rooms to find her bedroom. When he finally stumbled upon the room while still in darkness, he flipped the switch expecting like a hardcore military style room. What he got was a bunch of plushies or numerous cutesy items and even a bunch of games for the cute characters. He was now even more terrified than before.

He slowly walked through while holding a claw to cover his eyes to find the dresser. He bumped into a lot of plush dolls until he finally reached the dresser. He gulped and started searching through the dresser with the claw to his face so he wouldn’t see. His face looked redder than a cherry and shaking like he was before. Fear was taking hold of him, but a dare was a dare. When he felt the right fabric, he quickly put it on in shame. He didn’t even want to look at it in the mirror. He just wanted it to be his turn so he can have his revenge.

When he arrived downstairs, the mares were shocked to a new level. Spike still didn’t look and had a claw over his eyes. The girls thought they were going to laugh, but seeing Spike in sexy lingerie made them unable to process anything. They were both thinking of, “Why would Spitfire have this? Why did Spike choose this? Why did he look so cute in it?” The questions coming to their heads caused Surprise to overload and Fleetfoot to have another nosebleed.

“Well. How is it?” Spike asked in a very Fluttershy way.

The girls just couldn’t handle him. Surprise finally said while looking away, “Alright Spike. You win this round. It’s your turn Fleetfoot, but Spike. Please take it off.” Spike gladly took it off and threw it away to never see what he wore.

Fleetfoot now was in control. “Spike! Truth or Dare.”

“WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME!?” Spike questioned as he felt that they were purposely ganging up on him.

“Because Spike. You are just the perfect target.” Fleetfoot was really excited. Spike just grumbled angrily as he waits for his turn for revenge. “Alright Spike. I want you to-.”

“HEY! I didn’t say I was taking a dare!?” Spike didn’t want to suffer another dare from the girls.

“Alright Spike. I guess I’ll have to ask you about what happened back before when you wouldn’t tell me that SECRET.” Fleetfoot already knew what happened, but she wanted to provoke him to choose dare.

Spike pondered a bit, but submitted, “Alright fine! Dare…”

“Spike I dare you to eat Spitfire’s special dessert and make sure you leave a message behind with your name on it.” Fleetfoot snickered to herself, but Spike was not phased at the idea. He quickly ate the pudding she had in the fridge and left a little card saying “Sorry, but I got hungry –From Spike” Spike didn’t care because he wouldn’t be back in Equestria for a LONG time. Fleetfoot was laughing at how she sees Spitfire hunting Spike down. Even Surprise knew that know pony messes with her special dessert, but Spike won’t know until later.

After everypony calmed down, Spike rubbed his hands together in a revengeful manner. “Well well well. Now it’s my turn to get my revenge.” Surprise was a little terrified at the look in his eyes. Fleetfoot was happy that she wasn’t going to get it or so she thought. “I choose Fleetfoot! Truth or Dare.”

“What! Why me!? Mine wasn’t half as bad as hers!” Fleetfoot said as she pointed at Surprise.

“You are just the perfect target.” Spike mimicked Fleetfoot’s earlier statement.

“Whatever. I choose truth.” Fleetfoot was not feeling risky.

“Aw, come on. Be a sport and choose dare!” Spike pleaded.

“No way. I don’t trust you with a dare.” She was not having it today.

“Fine.” Spike thought to himself of what he might ask that will have a great impact on her. He could ask of her most embarrassing moments or about why he blacks out every time he was near her trying to be nice. Just then Spike got a devious one that is good material for future escapes. “Who do you love?”

Fleetfoot actually reacted to the question and put her head down. “Can you choose another question… or can I choose dare?”

“NO WAY! Why would I allow a juicy moment like this pass?” Spike finally got her into a corner.

“It’s Soarin.” She said quickly while avoiding eye contact.

“I don’t believe that. You’re lying.” Spike called her out.

“N- No. I am not lying!” She still wasn’t making eye contact.

Surprise then came out of nowhere with a little contraption. “This is a lie detector. If she is lying, the red light will go on and green when she is telling the truth.” They hooked her up to the machine as she started sweating bullets.

Spike then asked again. “Alright. Who do you LOVE?”

Fleetfoot was shaking furiously. “W- Well, It’s an old friend of mine.” The machine’s light was green. “I don’t quite know his name.” The machine’s light was red.

“Don’t lie now. This lie detector is the best.” Surprise was truly proud of this machine. For what she uses it for, nopony knows.

“It’s an old drake friend okay!” She yelled out. The light was green. She was on the verge of tears. Spike felt really bad and decided to turn off the machine.

“I’m sorry for pushing you so far Fleetfoot. I didn’t know this meant that much to you. I won’t bother you with it.” Spike’s apology really hit her.

Before she could respond to it, it was time. The clock rang and everything was quiet, until Surprise said, “Alright. I guess it’s my turn. Make sure to watch the skies!” She quickly flew out the house leaving only Fleetfoot and Spike.

Fleetfoot thought this was the best chance she had to apologize for thrashing him. “Spike!”

“Yes!” He was a little caught off guard.

“I wanted to tell you that-.” Spike listened earnestly. “I am sorry for hurting you before. Each time you blacked out, it was my fault. I am so sorry.”

Spike sighed and went over to pet the pegasus. “It’s alright. I don’t even remember it.” He jokingly said. It did bring a smile to her face, which made Spike a little happier inside. Spike then looked out the window and saw the signal for them to move out from Surprise. “Okay. It’s time to go.”

They quickly walked out the house and continued to the southern part of Cloudsdale. Spike soon sees the intersection where he made his entrance into town. He then continues past the Rainbow Factory. Fleetfoot began giving him a tour, while they were still able to chat. It was more of a casual walk for them than an escape. Spike then noticed Rainbow Dash talking to Spitfire. He ducked in cover behind a cloud bench. Fleetfoot was confused, until she spotted Rainbow Dash. She looked up and Surprise was signaling them for a while. Spike then snuck through a back way with Fleetfoot and found themselves by the weather control center.

Since they rushed so quickly Spike was a little out of breath. Spike then regained his composure and continued to head to the south part of Cloudsdale, while this time paying attention to Surprise. They had small chats here and there, but one really caught Spike’s attention.

Fleetfoot was asking things to Spike like, “If he still liked Rarity?” which he responded with an “I don’t know.” And also asking other things about him and his personal life. Spike finally decided to tell her about what happened to him, even though she already knew the basic part of the story, but now she was fed the details as well. It was even more tragic hearing it the second time from the dragon himself.

When they finally reached the city limits, she was giving her goodbye, “Spike. I am glad you came here. At first you and I got off on the wrong foot like we usually do.” Spike scratched the back of his head realizing how true that statement was. “But this time we spent was really… interesting.”

Spike then replied with a smug look, “Just ‘interesting’.”

“No. I mean yes! I mean… it was fun okay.” Fleetfoot finally let go of some of her pride.

Spike then gave her one last hug. She was shocked at first, but just went with it and melted into the hug instead of beating him senseless. Surprise up in the clouds saw this and had a ‘DAW’ moment. Spike turned around with his wings fully extended and ready to fly out of town.

Just then he saw a yellow pegasus stare right across from him. His entire body became frozen. Fleetfoot didn’t understand what was going on, because Spike didn’t mention Fluttershy as another accomplice. Before Fluttershy could say anything, Spike grabbed Fleetfoot and dashed away as fast as he could. Spike thought he heard her say “Wait.” but spike was not going to wait for anything.

Unfortunately for Spike, he also attracted Rainbow Dash’s attention. Spitfire tried to stop her, but wasn’t in any condition to do so. All Spike heard now was “SPIKE! LOOK OUT! RAINBOW DASH IS AFTER YOU!!!” from Spitfire. Spike knew this was pretty much the worst case scenario next to the town being on fire like that dream he had before. Rainbow tried to call his name, but at the speed they were going he couldn’t hear a word. It’s amazing what adrenaline does for a dragon, but Rainbow Dash was still catching up.

Fleetfoot saw this and decided to stop her at all costs. Fleetfoot whispers to Spike, “Good bye” then breaks away from Spike and tackles Rainbow Dash, stopping her speedy chase and giving Spike a great window of opportunity to escape. He finally flew away from the city. He thought he was safe, but then noticed Fluttershy was catching up to him. He was so tired from the chase that she was actually catching up. She looked pretty determined too.

He thought this was the end, but then Surprise intervened and stopped Fluttershy. She wouldn’t let her pass him. What happened next was truly unexpected. Spike’s wings disappeared. The potion ran out quicker than anticipated because Spike over used them. Spike was then descending at an extremely high speed into Neighagra Falls. Fluttershy screamed at the sight and Surprise turned around and saw him falling as well. They both tried to reach him, but he was just too far.

Just then Rainbow Dash zoomed past along with Fleetfoot to catch him, but Spike hit the raging waterfall and was lost in the many routes of the rapids. They tried their best to find him, but it was to no avail. Spike was gone.

Author's Note:

EAT IT! I F***ING DID IT! FINALS ARE DONE! and I was so happy I even had time to do this. I can't wait for the comment storm though for both grammar, critiques, and especially for the "MOAR" people. I also look forward to others who will say "F***ING FINALLY" and "Are you going to ship these two?" Lets count them up before the end of the week.