An ODST and his squad are sent through slipspace to a place known as Equestria. When another slipspace hole opens up, containing covenant dropships filled with the various species, will they be able to protect this planet from the monsters that were destroying their own?
do want
Welcome to the realm of Halo and Pony crossovers! MarineMarksman will comment shortly.
Still this is really good, alot better than my Halo story! A solid Five Stars from me to you. I will also be tracking you!
I try to rate it 5 stars and it brings it down to 4.8 WTF?
Probably someone rated it lower or you may have clicked wrong.
lol Glad to see someone likes it. I'm already working on chapter 2. If anyone would like to be a pre reader just send me a message.
If they went through the same slipspace hole the covenant cruiser went in........
Does that mean the cruiser is also in/near Equis?
This is a really nice story.
Tracking and giving 5 stars.
Hmmmm. Gives me an idea. But I also put that slipspace possibly worked differently on smaller craft. So the covenant cruiser could be no where near Equestria :d
used the phrase "no shit Sherlock", immediate 5star
I saw this and had to read this, The Helljumpers are my favorite characters in the halo series (Duh) And gotta say I like the story especially with all the ways you can progress it in different directions! Job well done
Thanks ^_^. The Helljumpers are my favorite characters too so I figured I'd write a crossover for them.
went by fast but you got me wanting more
64331 ODST are definitely awesome, but I prefer Sangheili, if only for the alien factor. Elites are pretty much the badass Samurai of the alien world.
That they are.
best story with guns ever please make more....
AWESOMEAWESOMEAWESOMEAWESOMEAWESOME!!! do. more. now! well... not now, but keep it up!
Well this is amazing.
BTW I wouldn't mind being a pre-reader.
Oi! No way in hell a flimsy drop pod would be able to handle a slipspace transition! Do you even know why nothing less than actual starships are allowed to go into slipspace? It's because only they have the mass and power to handle the sheer amount of turbulence of that strange dimension!
Hell, the one time in the series that something less than a starship was launched into slipspace was when Spartan Blue Team took a heavily reinforced spirit dropship out of a starship already in slipspace in order get aboard a Covenant ship, and even with all the reinforcement, the thing just barely held together!
Also, those ODSTs are surprisingly accepting of those ponies despite the fact that they've been involved in a war with a genocidal multi-species alien cult hell bent on removing humanity from the face of the universe.
Finally, this story is also extremely rushed.
Seriously, just the fact that they're pastel-colored ponies ought to give them a bit more pause. I was expecting something of an actual reaction, here.
Do want more!
While I do agree with the fact that SOEIVs (single-occupant exoatmospheric insertion vehicle) wouldn't be able to handle an entry/exit to slipstream space without tearing themselves apart, I disagree with the statement that this is rushed. The pacing may be a TAD fast, but it's nothing too drastic.
Aside from that, I find it kinda cool that there's ANOTHER brony with the idea of a Halo crossover. That makes at least five of us: Me, you, MarineMarksman, Bullet Soul, and another person who's name escapes me...... but, I digress. Keep this up, I look forward to seeing where this goes.
Why can't I find good Halo/Pony crossovers?
I'm sorry man, but in the five paragraphs I was able to get through I found it was choppy, had absolutly no set pace, and the speed at which you were trying to get though it left me bored. There was nothing catching about the beginning, nothing to hook me into reading more, and at the start of any written peice, that's what makes or breaks the story for the reader. Unfortunately, due to a lack of said "hook", the only reason why I'm giving this a two star is because it's not a wall of text and has proper grammar.
Harsh critisim, live with it.
Okay maybe I'll edit it a bit about the accepting thing. Also it's a fanfic and things can happen in fanfics far differently than they can in other stories.
This is only like my second fanfic so of course it's not going to be perfect lol.
65050 You took that better than most people.
Certainly very interesting, can't wait to see where this goes.
Try CoffieGrunt's ODST cross over. Its not a HiE fic, just FIM set in the Halo universe. He rarely updates, though. :/
This gave me a smile /track
I DID see a immediate problem with your fic though. It only lists OC and Twilight when there is Rainbow and Applejack, i didn't see how that passed moderation but i would recommend fixing it
This is good. Tracking
It felt a bit fast-paced but all in all I'm looking forward to whats next!
tracked and five stared. this is bucking awesome.
Not only would the drop pod be ripped apart by the slipspace turbulence, the radiation would also kill the guy. That's why only large starships go into slipspace - they have enough armor to absorb the radiation. -1 star
Second, the pace. You had Daniel being best friends with them in like the first 10 paragraphs. -1 star
Third, the reactions. I'd bet that the ODST would be like "...the fuck?" after meeting our favorite equines, and be too confused about what was going on to really do anything for a while; not to mention the lack of a language barrier with a completely alien species. I'd imagine them being a lot more conflicted about what they were supposed to do. The ponies would probably freak the hell out after seeing a 6 foot giant in black armor and weapons appear after falling from the sky. I doubt that they have too much tech and would be as alien to them as it would be to a medieval peasant. -2 stars (2 different parts you messed up on: humans' reaction, ponies' reaction)
Good story idea. +1 star
Good grammar/spelling, sentence structure. +2 star (it's so rare you get 2 stars)
2 stars total (difference between negative score, 1, and positive score, 3)
64439 But Spartans are the kick ass Spartans of the alien world
I prefer the Flood bad ass mindless space zombies are awesome!
You people are quite a picky bunch aren't you?
Wait... what did I just read, I don't see how these two universe's can be connected
65477 My reaction to your reveiw is Da fuck shut up and read the story
Some critiques on this are kinda jackass-ish
these people should just shut up and read an actual good Crossover fix like this.
65657 I was being honest there. If it sounds like me being an asshole to you, fine.
HAHAHA I love that comment!
Since I've gotten so much stuff about the first interactions, I'm editing the chapter a bit and adding more to it. Hopefully I can stem those pesky "They get along in 10 minutes," comments.
There we go. Edited a few parts and added stuff.
Decent, but you need to read up on your Halo lore abit. A Drop Pod can barely clear the atmosphere (some don't even make it through). I doubt they would survive travel through Slipspace, the gravity would tear them apart, and travelling through Slipspace takes a years at least to get to another star system. They would need cryogenic chambers built in. I was also disappointed in the reaction that the ODST gave when he saw the talking magical unicorn pony for the first time. Even if I had been a badass alien fighting marine, I would have flipped shit when if I saw a Unicorn talking to me.
On a positive note, it was interesting, not one of the best crossovers out there, but it was good.
3 Stars.
First of all. I own all the Halo games and I've read Contact Harvest, The Cole Protocol, Ghosts of Onyx, and The Fall of Reach.
Second of all, as Darklordcomp said. Shut up and enjoy the story.
I am aware that a drop pod would not make it through slipspace but come on. IT'S A FANFIC xD.
65956 Not only do I own every single Halo game. I have every single halo book ever made, I have been into the Halo-verse since I was 8. I have the legendary edition of every game and I was the 4th person in the whole world to get the Storm armour effect legitimately for Halo reach. But it's not a competition. I hope you are not mad at me. It was a good story and I enjoyed it! It just had it's flaws here and there. Very good job though!
Nice, though the Storm armor is over rated in my opinion. It just makes you easier to spot really.
65538 But Spartans are human! Well, technically. They aren't alien in any case, so their not the badass spartans of the alien world, just of the space world.