• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 28,331 Views, 1,780 Comments

Dark Wanderings - ed2481

Twilight journeys to the Capital Wasteland

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Day 8 part 1

Day eight part 1

Edited by TacoTown

“So what are we going to do about this Supertramp woman?” Cassandra asked from where she was sitting across from Ethan and Twilight. Shining was still asleep while Veronica and Arcade were off doing something or other that involved science, flashing lights, and people making loud exclamations about how impossible things were. Ethan had never been into that kind of thing…

“I don’t know.” Ethan replied truthfully with a frown. “She seemed to shrug off most, if not all of my attacks and she had some wicked technology at her disposal. She managed to cut straight through my duster and my chest with a single shot.” Ethan added, his frown deepening.

“Ribs?” Cassandra asked.

“Fine, flesh and organs however…” Ethan replied with a shrug and a slight pat on his chest.

“Thank god for that plating.” Cassandra said with a small smile.

“Yeah, remind me to thank the tanks next time I’m there. Anyways, we’re dealing with someone extremely powerful. Not to mention that I’m pretty sure that she’s completely and utterly insane.” Ethan added.

“Since when is that new?” Cassandra asked with a smirk.

“It seems to me that our problem is that we really don’t know enough about her.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, if we knew what she really was we’d be able to think of something concrete. As it is the only thing I can think of is to try the most direct approach.” Ethan said rubbing his chin.

“What did you have in mind?” Cassandra asked.

“Sparky and I lure her into the open while you wait on a rooftop and snipe her. Meanwhile, Shining keeps her trapped in a shield from a safe distance while Veronica and Arcade do whatever it is they do.” Ethan replied with a shrug.

“Hmm… it could work.


Burke looked up in surprise as the door to his office was kicked (very literally) in by a large metal boot. A dozen thoughts soared through his head. Can I escape? Of course I can escape. I built in a dozen different ways out of here. Who is it? Maybe you should wait and see. Why the hell am I thinking this? Good question brain. As it turned out, the man who strode into the room was a very tall and sturdy man wearing legate armor (minus a mask). He had brown eyes that reminded Burke of the endless stretches of wasteland and a hard jaw that appeared to have been broken at some point in the past. Burke immediately jumped to his feet and lowered himself into a bow.

“My lord, I was not informed that you were coming so soon.” Burke said while keeping his eyes on the ground in deference to the man.

“I am aware of that Frumentarii; in fact that was my intention.” The legate said simply while narrowing his hard brown eyes.

“Have I done something to displease you my lord?” Burke asked hesitantly while eyeing the legate nervously.

“Not as of yet, I’m here to make sure that that remains the case. We have suffered repeated losses after the second battle of the dam and the Courier is pushing us back every day with her robots. The Capital Wasteland is our last chance to create what Caesar would’ve wanted; this shall be our final stand.” The legate explained his jaw set into a rock hard expression of determination.

“You seem very certain that I will not fail my lord.” Burke told the legate who gave him a withering smile that was enough to make even someone as cold as Burke flinch.

“Of course I am. This was your plan. If it fails, no matter why or how I will have you slowly killed until you are nothing but a shell. The first thing you will lose will be your feet below the ankles, then your hands at the wrist. Next you will lose your nose, then your left eye followed by the right. I’ll let you keep your ears so that you may hear the screams of the slaves and whelps upon their seeing of your destroyed form.” The legate told Burke almost conversationally. Burke froze for a few seconds. “Is something the matter Frumentarii? You seem troubled.” The legate added upon seeing the look that crossed Burke’s face.

“Of course not my lord… I was simply picturing our glorious victory over the pathetic people of this land.” Burke replied after a half second of thought.

“Good, I would hate for you to be thinking of anything else.” The legate told Burke with a passionless smile.

“My lord, I don’t remember you mentioning a name.” Burke said, trying to change the topic.

“That’s because I didn’t Frumentarii.” The legate said.

“I see; would you mind sharing it with me?” Burke asked.

“You may call me Octavian.”


“Sister, I have had great success!” Luna said as she woke Celestia up, it wasn’t even dawn yet…which should’ve been obvious…

“Luna I swear if this is about getting more orgasms out of Captain Bluestreak I’m going to kill you.” Celestia said tiredly. “How did he preform anyways?” She added as an afterthought.

“Very well. In fact, he’s almost up to my standards.” Luna replied brightly with a grin.

“Heaven help him then, hopefully he won’t die of dehydration like that griffin.” Celestia said with a smirk.

“He didn’t die; he was just unconscious for an hour or two!” Luna replied indignantly. “Besides, that was before we actually knew anything about medicine so it doesn’t count.” She added.

“I still hold my belief that asking a normal stallion to live up to the standards of the goddess of sex is a tad extreme.” Celestia said, giving Luna a small smile.

“It’s not that hard for them to orgasm twenty times, they just have to concentrate!” Luna replied with a snort.

“I suppose I should be happy you lowered it from fifty.” Celestia said with a sigh. Both sisters looked at each other for a few seconds in silence.

“Sister, did we just debate the semantics my sex life?” Luna asked with a small grin.

“I do believe we did sister.” Celestia said with a sigh. “Anyways, you said you’d made a great success…” Celestia said, trailing off with a hoof gesture for Luna to continue the thought.

“Oh yes, I’d forgotten in our discussion about stallions orgasming.” Luna replied with a smile which then fell from her face. “We’ve found Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said bluntly. Celestia’s face went through a gauntlet of emotions so fast that only someone who had known her as long as Luna (or Discord for that matter) would’ve been able to keep track of them. First was shock, then came amazement, next was exuberant joy. After that came an overwhelming outpouring of relief, but finally she caught sight of her sister’s face, which looked troubled, and her smile turned into a frown.

“What’s wrong Lulu?” Celestia asked and Luna sighed sadly. “She’s dead!” Celestia exclaimed, shocked.

“No sister, she isn’t dead.” Luna said with a frown.

“Oh, then what’s wrong?” Celestia asked in concern.

“Well…The Wasteland hasn’t been very kind to her.” Luna said shakily.

“Luna, stop avoiding the subject and tell me what’s happened to Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia said angrily.

“Sorry, I was just looking for a comforting way to put it.” Luna said, looking abashed.

“Luna just tell me, I’m over five thousand I’m sure I can take it!” Celestia said.

“Fine. Twilight Sparkle has spent the last seven days killing sentient beings for survival. She has also lost a leg and an eye which have been replaced by mechanical replicas.” Luna told her sister flatly.

“SHE WHAT?” Celestia asked in horror.

“Has lost a leg and an eye.” Luna repeated.

“But, but, but how?” Celestia asked seemingly unable to understand what Luna was telling her.

“Apparently she was hit by a missile.” Luna replied.

“A what?” Celestia asked.

“Oh right, sorry I forgot that you don’t get out much… A missile is basically an explosive arrow that is designed to punch through hard targets.” Luna explained to Celestia, who’s face contorted into a horrified open mouthed expression.

“Is she going to be okay?” Celestia asked.

“Apparently she’s already better and went to blow up a monster den with her companion the next day.” Luna answered with a shrug.

“She lost a leg and an eye, and the next day her companion drags her to a monster den?” Celestia asked a spark of anger appearing in her eyes.

“From what Shining has said it went well and they accomplished what they sent out to do.” Luna replied with another shrug.

“How can you say that so calmly Luna?!” Celestia asked, outraged by the unconcerned way her sister was describing events.

“Because while I was out looking for her I ran into a few places where she’d surely have died within a few minutes. Look Tia, she’s alive and she’s with someone who will be able to keep her alive. The bigger problem is that someone is blocking us from getting into or out of that place. In fact, it took me four hours to get into contact with Shining.” Luna told her sister with a worried frown.

“Dammit! Who could possibly be blocking us?” Celestia asked, her eyes narrowing.

“The better question sister, is why are they blocking us?” Luna said.

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”


Shining Armor was awoken by one of the Brotherhood paladins shouting at the initiates that he was forced to bunk with.

“Drop your cocks and grab your socks you worthless idiots!”

Oh yeah it was going to be a great day…


“So we just reroute the electronic harmonizer.” Arcade said as his hands whisked over the object on the table.

“Then we fix the heat osculator.” Veronica added quickly screwing in an odd looking piece onto the object.

“Do you think we should worry about the phantom harmonizer?” Arcade asked turning to Veronica with a frown.

“Honestly, I’m more worried about the very evident over use of the conduction coils along the inner lining.” Arcade said as he tapped his chin in thought while looking at the mysterious item on the table.

“I know what you mean; it seems to need new springs on the intake system as well.” Veronica said with a thoughtful nod.

“Would you two hurry up and just fix it?” Rothchild asked from where he was standing behind them.

“Fine. Veronica, hand me the carbon fiber nanomesh.” Arcade told Veronica, who handed him it. Arcade took a few seconds to wrap the mesh inside the device. Veronica gingerly picked up the device, and reverently held it out to Rothchild. It was a small thing, almost insignificant, but to those who knew its true power it was the most powerful thing in the Wasteland.

“I hope you know the true value of this item.” Veronica whispered, her voice quiet and pinched with excitement.

“I look forward to using this in the morning, if that’s what you mean.” Rothchild said as he picked up the device with callous indifference, causing Veronica and Arcade to stare at him in shock.

“Be more careful!” Veronica said agitatedly.

“It’s a toaster.” Rothchild said simply before he strode out of the room.

“I’m starting to think we oversold it.” Arcade said with a frown, causing Veronica to chuckle.

“Serves him right for dragging us down here to fix a toaster.” Veronica said with a grin. “So, want to get breakfast?” She added.

“Sure, as long as it isn’t toast.”