• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Equus: Heading Home

It took Spyro, the rest of his group, and everyone that had been observing their latest training session with Malefor a couple of moments to climb onto the airship that was resting nearby and Discord joined them without delay, though it was easy to see that he was surprised by the fact that they had a functioning airship that was able to raise and lower itself while it was in the air, something that caused Spike and Ember to chuckle for a moment as the Professor had Spike channel his magic for a few seconds, his Teleportation Magic to be exact, with the express purpose of heading to one of his labs so he could show all of them what he had been working on with some of the other scientists. Discord stood there with shock on his face as Spike focused his magic for a few seconds and opened a large portal in front of the airship, one that Fury directed the ship into as Spyro informed him of what was going on, though the area of their planet that they were heading to was, as everyone found out, the brand new laboratory that the Professor had created to house the Orrery he had salvaged from the ruined lab in Capora, even though he had also recreated many of his terminals to this structure so he could study whatever it was that he was interested in with some peace. The area in question happened to be an island that was in the middle of the sea, a lone island that happened to be nowhere near any of the other islands that the dragons and their friends called home and the only way to access this place seemed to be by either Teleportation Magic or portals, the latter being the one that the Professor had went with a long time ago, though there was also a beach that had been outfitted with a docking area, just in case he brought the group to this area and they had their airship with them, which also provided Fury with an area to set the airship down in and that was where he headed without delay. Everyone else discovered that the island was rather big, just a tad bit smaller than the Artisans homeworld based on what Spike was seeing at the moment, and that it seemed to have a decent sized mountain in the middle of it, though there were also trees and the Professor informed them that he had found a lake on the island as well, but also promised that he was being careful since this was a dormant volcano and not actually a mountain, something that also made him mention something else, that he and the other scientists had figured out how to replicate the generator that produced Ion Crystals and he had one inside this lab.

Once the airship was back in the water, and the propellers had been hidden as the ship docked at the island, the group found a tunnel that had to connect to the area of the hidden lab that the Professor had created, to which he lead the way forward as he headed for the lab in question and unlocked the door he had installed near the dock, just in case he found a villain that wanted his information for themselves, so he could lock them out and call the group in to deal with the foe in question, and once they were on the other side of the large metallic door he closed it and made sure it was locked before heading deeper into the mountain, even though the Leaders and other elder dragons, save for Malefor, stayed outside on the ship, to not overcrowd the tunnel. The tunnel in question sure looked a lot like the laboratory that had been created in Volcanic Isle, even though it had been ruined to some degree, and when they reached the end of it a few moments later it was easy for the group to see that the Professor had built a large lab inside this mountain, where a variety of machines were resting all over the walls and were being tended to the other scientists that the group had seen when they launched the Jupiter 2, with an Ion Generator resting in the center of the chamber like the Professor told them, which was turning all of the thermal energy of the somewhat dormant volcano into a collection of Ion Crystals. It turned out that this part of the lab was designed for additional creation of Ion Crystals and sent them out to the rest of the lab so they could either be tested or be readied for shipping to the rest of the islands of the world, even though they were informed that they were still in the testing phases with the powerful crystals and they wanted to be sure there were no negative side effects to what they were doing, before sending the deep green colored crystals out to the rest of the world, to which the group took a moment to nod their heads as their friend headed for the section of the lab that the machines he was interested in were located in. At the same time Discord looked around the area that they were in and was shocked by everything that he was seeing at the moment, since this was all new to him and he suspected that if he opened his mouth to say something one of the others would give him a lecture of some kind as they explained everything that they were seeing and he preferred not to waste time, meaning he was just going to listen to everything that was said and say nothing in return, even if part of him suspected that he would be using his magic to get Spike and Ember back home.

Spike, on the other hand, stopped for a moment when they reached the area that the Professor was leading them to, as it was easy to see that their friend had brought them to a computer that reminded him of the one that they had seen back during their adventure in Avilion, when they were freeing its homeworlds from Morrigan's control, and he could see that it contained a visual image of what the Orrery was showing them, only where he recalled one odd rainbow colored dot, one that had been above the Dragon Realms, this time around there were two of them on the map, the second resting above the island they had been training on, which gave him an idea as to what they were seeing at the moment.

"As some of you know, I have been studying the various types of energies that surround our world for a long time, long enough to recognize an irregularity or two when I saw them," the Professor commented, where he quickly pressed some of the buttons that were in front of him and the screen changed to show the image of the Dragon Realms, even though it was easy for the group to determine that he was focused on the Artisans homeworld right now, while the second screen showed of the island they had been training on a few minutes ago, before he glanced back at them, "I found the first one a little over fifteen years ago, on the day that all six of you were born on to be exact, and I've been wondering what it might be since the day I discovered its existence above the Dragon Realms, as the signature inspired me to create many theories as to what it could be, but thanks to the timely arrival of our new friend we know exactly what the pair of signatures are and, more importantly, what they were used for: they're magical signatures from someone whose been hopping from one planet to another, something we've only begun to dream about with the successful launches of the Jupiter 2 and the Ion Crystals that we just recently discovered. From what I can tell something caused Spike and Ember to suddenly leave their home planet and brought them to our world, if what happened fifteen years ago was any indication, and with the arrival of Discord, whose signature is different from the first one, its easy to determine that someone or something intentionally sent them to our planet, just like how Discord intentionally teleported himself to where you were training, and if I retrace his uniquely powerful energy signature I should be able to pinpoint the exact location of your home planet in about five minutes, ten tops."

"He's joking, right? It took me a week of solid searching, while making sure to rest each night, before I was able to figure out which planet you two were sent to," Discord inquired, something that interested both Spike and Ember, given what the two of them knew and hadn't said anything about yet, though at the same time everyone glanced at each other for a few seconds as they considered the question that had been asked, especially since he was asking about the Professor's skills at the moment, before everyone that was standing by the screens nodded their heads towards him, where he raised one of his eyebrows for a moment and decided to say nothing until he witnessed it with his own eyes.

The Professor, however, was in his element as he tapped the buttons that were in front of him and adjusted his glasses a few times while he worked, where they could see that he called up a third screen that seemed to be responding to what he was doing right now, though what surprised Discord was that images rapidly moved by on the screen as the Professor was able to move beyond the part of space that this planet happened to be resting in and was able to follow his chaotic energy through space, passing planets that he had paused at for a few seconds to check for Spike and Ember before moving on to the next part of space, before he spotted a familiar planet that caused the reading machines to spike with a familiar surge of energy, where the Professor stopped once he locked onto a field that rested near the other end of Discord's magical signature, which caused his jaw to drop, literally, as he looked at the screen.

"Four minutes, forty-seven seconds, a new record." the Professor stated, though he couldn't help but smile, as he was fond of showing those that doubted his skills and his mind the truth of the situation, sort of like how Spike liked to show off his knowledge every time there was something to discuss and he happened to be the one that knew everything about what they were talking about, before he tapped a few more buttons and the coordinates he discovered were sent to another part of the lab, something that was followed by him turning towards everyone else for a moment, "Come along, its time that I showed you the Super Portal Mark II that my fellow scientists and I developed after the discovery of the Ion Crystals, as we've determined that with the power of a crystal or two we should be able to open a portal to new worlds and explore them whenever we want, possibly even creating a portal nexus somewhere so we can freely go from one planet to another without delay, but that's something for another time, as I have sent the coordinates to your home planet to the new Super Portal... all we have to do is turn it on and head through it."

Of course Spyro, Cynder, Spike, and Ember were the first ones to follow after the Professor, with Elora, Hunter, and the rest of the group following after them as Discord picked up his jaw, fixed himself up, and silently floated after them, where he made his way through the rest of the lab, something that allowed them to see the various over scientists that they had seen during the Jupiter 2 launch, before they headed outside the hidden laboratory and walked into what appeared to be a hidden portal area that was either protected by magic or was hidden with some invisibility devices, so it couldn't be seen from the air, and resting right in the middle of the clearing happened to be a large marble white archway that was nearly identical to the Super Portal that was back in Avalar, save for the fact that there was an Ion Crystal where the power source should be, which confirmed the Professor's statement.

"Once this is activated we'll be able to travel to a brand new world," Spyro commented, as he felt like reminding the rest of the group of what would be happening in the next couple of minutes, though at the same time it almost felt unreal, that all of them would be able to do something like this in the first place, even if Spike and Ember were the first ones among them to visit two worlds, before he stepped forward and faced the Super Portal as the Professor moved off to the side to access the control panel for the portal, "if anyone is having second thoughts, and doesn't want to go through with this, feel free to do so, as we will respect your decision as well..."

"No one's staying behind, not when we're stepping into the unknown," Cynder remarked, because while she understood what Spyro meant by his words, since she knew him the longest and understood him more than anyone else, she, Spike, and Ember knew that no one was going to stay behind, save for the Leaders and the other elders since someone needed to maintain the balance of their world and keep an eye out for enemies that might need to be taken care of, hence why all of them were ready for what was coming next and so where their friends, "Professor, activate the portal whenever you are ready to do so."

Not even a few seconds later a small amount of green energy danced between the sections of the archway as the group readied themselves for what was about to happen next, though it didn't take long for a shimmering image to appear right in front of them, the indication that the connection had been established, for how long they had no idea since this had to be the furthest reaching portal anyone on the planet had ever created, to which Spyro lead the way through the portal as he headed for the world that Spike and Ember had called home before arriving in the Artisans homeworld, as he was eager to see what was on the other side.

It took them a few moments for the magic of the new Super Portal to take them from the Professor's hidden lab and drop them off in the area that the other side of the portal happened to be connected to, where Spyro and the others walked out of the magical portal and touched down on a grassy plain that they had been brought to, even though there were a couple of small hills off to their right that rested between their location and a rather tall mountain, one that happened to have a city that was built into the side of the mountain, sort of like some of the realms he and the others had been to over the course of their adventures. From what they could see it seemed like the city was rather large and that it would take a fair bit of time for them to explore it, even though it was possible that someone like Malefor, a leader of the land, might call it home and that whoever that individual was had to be watching over their citizens, but the only way to determine what was true or not would be to head to the city itself and see what was going on, though Spyro found that Spike and Ember didn't focus on the city for long, rather they were staring off to the left of the area that they were standing in right now, where he found a rather interesting sight. Off in the distance rested what appeared to be a rather large town or village of some kind, one that had different styled buildings than what the city possessed, as the city seemed to have ivory towers, golden spires, and other such items while the town to their left seemed to be more like a medieval village with straw and wooden roofs on top of the various structures, though the couple of odd things they could see in the town happened to be a large crystalline castle of some kind, like a mix between a tree and a castle, not to mention the dark forest that was beyond the border of the town, as it seemed that the residents stopped after a certain distance and didn't build towards the forest for some reason, rather they built in the opposite direction. There was also a number of other interesting structures that were inside the town that everyone was focused on, or at least it seemed that way from where they were standing, and it didn't take Spyro and the others long to turn towards Spike and Ember, as they knew more about this world than the rest of the group did and it was clear that Spyro was letting them take the lead this time around, something that was evident by both of the dragons in question walking towards the town and caused the others to follow after them without wasting any time, with Discord bringing up the rear of their group.

"Based on Twilight's lectures, which I don't remember a lot of to be honest... I'm going to have to apologize to her as soon as I see her... we're on the continent of Equestria, heading towards Ponyville, and our planet is called... Equus, if what I'm remembering is correct," Spike commented, giving Spyro and the others a chance to make a note of the name of the land they had appeared in, the name of the whole planet, and, more importantly, the name of the town they were currently walking towards, though at the same time he was thinking about the individual that had to be worried about him, due to the fact that Discord said that he and Ember had been done for a week, or at least he had been looking for them for an entire week and that he might have started sometime after Twilight started, with the latter option meaning there was no telling how long they had been gone.

"I'm not going to call you guys liars, but being on your world definitely did something to him," Discord stated, because he hadn't gotten over what he had heard from Spike earlier and his previous statement still stood as far as he was concerned, as Spike was totally different from what he remembered and he knew that he wouldn't be the only one that felt the same way when they met him and Ember, even though there was something only he knew and he wasn't ready to tell them, or at least he wasn't ready to tell both Spike and Ember what he knew, given what Spike had just said, hence why he focused on the town and less on the group that was in front of him.

"Really? This town is called Ponyville?" Flame inquired, as he found it hard to believe that someone could name the place they and the other residents would be living in with such a weird name, not that all the dragon clans were all that better due to naming some of the homeworlds after the lifestyles of the clans themselves, the seasons, the times of day, and so on, though even as he said that he found that Spike and Ember were serious about the name, especially when they found a signpost that had the name written on it, to which he sighed for a moment, "Okay, the town is called Ponyville... not what I was expecting, but I won't argue with its official name, given what we called our homeworlds and realms back home, but its not like we'll be running into..."

Before Flame could complete that comment, however, that was when the group stopped at the edge of Ponyville for a few seconds and stared at what was in front of them, as Spyro and the others found a number of colorful quadrupedal horse-like creatures, ponies the group had to assume based on the name of the town, who stood roughly half as tall as an adult dragon did and came in every color under the rainbow, as some had a pink coat, others had a cerulean coat, and others had other colors, while their manes and tails were usually either one color or two while sharing the same colors and had the same design, and they found that some ponies had a pointed horn in the middle of their heads, others had a pair of wings on their back, and some had neither.

"Ponies, that's what we'll run into." Aurora said, finishing the statement that Flame had made, even though he sighed as he joined the others in looking at the area that was in front of them, where it didn't look like any of the ponies had noticed all of them standing at the edge of Ponyville, but she did notice that Spike and Ember seemed to be waiting for something to happen and weren't saying at the moment as they stared at the town that they had grown up in, or at least that was what she was assuming since neither of them had said much about their old memories since revealing that they even had such a thing to begin with, "Um, guys, what are we waiting for exactly?"

"Pinkie Pie, she usually finds her way to newcomers in Ponyville and greets them, mentioning that she'll be throwing them a party before running off," Spike replied, which was rather strange when he thought about it, as this had to be the first time that such a thing had happened since the mare in question lived in Ponyville, to the best of his limited knowledge of the town anyway, and he still recalled the first time he and Twilight met the mare that threw them their first party inside what became home for a time, until it was destroyed anyway, before he sighed and stepped forward, "I guess she's doing something else right now and hasn't noticed our arrival, so we'll either find her at some point later, when she realizes that we're here, or we'll be surprised when we reach the castle, since that's where we'll find Twilight Sparkle and we can tell her what we've been doing since the last time we saw her."

Ember took it upon herself to inform the group that, to the best of her knowledge of what happened before she and Spike ended up in Spyro's world, Spike and Twilight had been friends to some degree, even though she heard rumors that they were more like adopted siblings given that Spike had been seen in Twilight's company almost all the time in both Ponyville and Canterlot, the mountain city everyone had looked at earlier, even though it was clear that Spike was thinking on how he might categorize his relationship with the mare in question and that he would tell them about it later, as he was more focused on heading towards the castle, which had no guards outside it and it was easy for him to push open the doors as they reached it, revealing an entry chamber that lead to the rest of the rooms in the castle.

"Twilight! We're back!" Spike called out, as while he wasn't attuned to his home world's magic yet, since he couldn't feel the energy signatures of the unicorns they had seen earlier, he figured that the castle was the best place to look for Twilight and let her know that he and Ember had returned, not to mention the fact that they had returned with a new bond having been forged between them, a new siblings, and a bunch of friends who were well respected heroes in the world they had been sent to, but what he found was that there was no surge of magic, no sound of something falling and hitting the floor, and no sounds of hooves running along the halls, leaving the castle quieter than normal, "Odd, I figured that she would be here and that she would come running or teleporting as soon as she heard my voice... I guess we can explore the castle for a time and see if we find her, otherwise we might have to head to Canterlot and see if Princess Celestia or Princess Luna know where she might have gone."

When Flame asked what they were looking for, since no one had said anything about Twilight's looks yet, Spike sighed and realized that he had been too eager to find Twilight, as he had neglected to tell the others what her mane and coat looked like since he figured they would find her inside the castle, before revealing that she had a lavender coat and violet eyes, while her mane and tail were a mix of dark sapphire blue, moderate purple, and brilliant raspberry stripes, though the big thing that would set her apart from the other ponies was the fact that Twilight had a horn and a pair of wings, which gave the others a good idea as to who they were looking for. From there the group separated from each other and explored the rest of the castle, even though it was gone in groups of two for the most part and Elora followed after Spike, while Ember and Amelia walked together as the others grouped up and headed out to see what they could find, with a surge of magic being the agreed upon indicator if they found anything, even though Spike made sure that if no one found anyone, which he refused to believe was possible, everyone would either regroup here, at the entryway, or find their way to a chamber that had a special table inside it, one all of them would recognize as soon as they saw it. Once that was done Spike made his way towards the sections of the castle that he figured would be the best areas that they would find Twilight in, as the very first one was the library, since she was studying the types of magic in this world and was trying to understand everything that she could get her hooves on, but what he found was that there was nothing inside the library, save for all of the books she had been gathering and he couldn't wait to get his own hands on them, to see what in the world she had been studying while he was doing whatever he did with the time that wasn't spent near her, because now he could keep up with her and they would spend nights studying the deepest reaches of magic or whatever interested them, but first he had to find her and tell her about the world he had been sent to. Elora, on the other hand, found the castle to be rather impressive and she couldn't believe that Spike must have spent some time in this place before being sent to their world, a feat that she was still wrapping her head around since it seemed like Equus, as Spike called this world, seemed to be far behind her world, in terms of technology, something they would have to fix at some point in the future, once both Spike and Ember settled back into things, but as she followed Spike she noticed that, save for the sounds the others made while they walked through the castle, there was nothing else making noise.

It made her wonder if this Twilight was somewhere else in the world and hadn't noticed the opening of the portal that had brought them to this world, something she felt was hard to miss given that the plains was in full view of Canterlot and that someone must have noticed their arrival, though her thoughts were interrupted as they reached what appeared to be a throne room of some kind, one that had six large chairs, one with a purple star, one with a trio of apples, one that was in the shape of a bolt of lightning coming from a cloud, one that had a trio of gems, another that had a trio of butterflies, and a sixth that had a trio of balloons, before noticing that there was a seventh smaller chair and, interestingly enough, all of the chairs were made out of crystal and there was a circular crystalline table in front of them.

"Spike, this place is wonderful, but it doesn't look like someone's been here in a week," Bianca commented, as she and the rest of the group arrived not a few moments after Spike and Elora had found their way to this room, because while it was easy to see that the castle was big, and had more than enough rooms for everything a castle should have, it was also easy for her and the others to tell that it had been empty for some time, at least the time that Discord had said that Spike and Ember had been gone anyway, "is there anywhere else we can look for her in, besides around Ponyville or scouring all of the rooms of this castle?"

"Canterlot was home for a time, and her parents and mentor are still living there, so she could always go there, or there's to the north, to the Crystal Empire, where her brother and foal-sitter live," Spike replied, though even as he said that, and gave the others an idea of the locations that they could visit to search for Twilight, something about this was bothering him and he could see that Ember was staring at Discord while he spoke up, where it seemed like he might be guilty of some sort of crime or something, to which the pair barely moved their heads for a moment as he focused on Discord, who just stood near the doorway of this room and tried to make himself seem smaller than he actually was, only he wasn't using his power to do anything at the moment, which was just odd, "Discord, what's going on? Where's Twilight?"

"Twilight, she's... well, she's gone. Missing, like you and Ember were." Discord said, where he could see that the group that had accompanied Spike and Ember were surprised that he had said nothing since they returned to Equus, especially since the mare in question was so important to one of their own, or at least it sure seemed so since Twilight was the first pony that Spike had sought out as soon as he and Ember returned to their home planet, and it was easy to see that Spike was disappointed in Discord's actions while trying not to be devastated by the fact that Twilight wasn't here, "All I know is that you and Ember agreed to help Twilight with one of her studies, or something along those lines, and that you went to the cave that the Tree of Harmony is resting in, though she frantically rushed out of the cave and told me both of you were gone, starting me on the search that just ended when I found you... even though now I have to focus on Twilight, not to mention the rest of what I call 'the displaced'."

"Wait, the Tree... maybe we can find a clue there!" Ember stated, because at this point in time she was willing to check out anything and everything to make Spike feel better, as everyone could see that he was saddened by the fact that Twilight was missing and that Discord hadn't said anything to either of them, and Elora, of course, was gripping his shoulder while they talked to the Spirit that was in front of them, to which she headed for an opening and noticed that it happened to be pointing in the direction of the forest, something that spurred everyone else into action as they moved out of the chamber they had been standing in and followed after her, something that surprised Discord before he did the same thing, even though he remained silent once more as he did that.

Ember and the rest of the dragons took to the air as soon as they were outside, while Elora did the same thing as Bianca used a bit of her magic to form walkways for her and the others to follow behind their friends, with Hunter carrying the Professor as that happened, and it wasn't long before everyone reached the forest, where Spike revealed that it was called the Everfree Forest, and Ember followed her memories of this place as she headed for the area that the cave in question rested in, which just so happened to be near an ancient castle, but thanks to their wings and Bianca's platforms none of the creatures that called the forest home bothered them and it allowed them to reach the cave in question... where it took only a few moments for them to find a large crystalline tree that had six unique gemstones in its branches, each baring the colors of the gems Spike had formed during the battle with the Dark Master.

"So this is the Tree of Harmony... amazing," Bianca commented, though at the same time she and the others stood inside the cave and stared at the odd tree, as none of them had seen something like that in their world, save for the gems that Spike had formed, but once she got over that she and the others looked around the rest of the cave that was in front of them and found that there were no clues for them to go on, save for the fact that there were two symbols etched into the trunk of the tree, one a sun and the other a moon, while the center of the tree resembled the star that had been on one of the thrones they had seen earlier, "however, there's nothing here for us to go on..."

"Okay Harmony, I brought some of the displaced like you wanted," Discord stated, speaking not to the group that was all around him, like some of them might have assumed since they weren't expecting him to even say anything until someone happened to ask him something, though as he said that he stepped up to the Tree and tapped it, like he was trying to do something or rouse someone from their slumber, or, as Spike wondered, possibly the spirit of something that not many ponies even knew about, even though he felt that the soul of their world, the highest point of that train of thought, was too far for something like what they were seeing, "and I kept quiet like you wanted me to. Now, what's so important that you had to go through all of this in the first place?"

The light in the cave shifted for a moment before a shimmering circular object appeared in the space between the Tree and everyone else, something that looked like a mirror that wasn't reflecting what happened to be resting in front of it at the moment, rather it seemed to be revealing something to all of them, events that were occurring at that very moment, or maybe in the recent past as Spike thought about it, since there was no telling exactly when the events had happened from their side, to which the group remained silent as they watched what was going on and he readied himself for the notes he would be taking, since this had to be the only time this would be shown to them. The first image that the mirror revealed was of a frail and weak bipedal creature that had a robe covering most of its body right now, though it had scarlet colored arms with metallic bracers, seemed to have two hooves instead of the four Spike recalled, and had small black horns on its head, though standing beside it was a feminine bipedal creature that was wearing stealth-like armor as she and the being faced a massive creature that wore steel armor with a frost aura around it, held a massive mace in one of its hands, and seemed to be rushing around on all fours as it tried to crush its foes into the ground. After that it shifted and showed them another scene, one that involved three girls, one having very dark gray colored skin and dark cerulean colored hair and tail, the second having light goldish gray skin with moderate tangelo, or orange, colored hair and tail, even though she had something between her eyes that looked grayish apple green and a diamond on her forehead that happened to be a moderate crimson color, while the third girl had light magentaish gray colored skin with her hair and tail having a grayish violet and arctic blue coloration, who seemed to be standing near two bipedal creatures who had black hair and seemed to be mighty warriors, one with blue armor and the other with orange clothing. The third image that they saw was of a girl who had dark orchid colored skin, basically a deep red in a sense, who had moderate rose coloration with lighter tips to her hair and tail, though she was standing near three young individuals, a young boy with an orange suit and yellow-blond hair, a young girl with a red dress of sorts and had pink hair, and a second more depressed looking boy who had a blue set of clothing on and had black hair, while an older person, who had spiky silver hair, wore a set of attire that made him look like the leader of the group, and had a band of some kind over his left eye.

Once that image had been shown the mirror shifted again, revealing a dark blue coated bipedal lady, who happened to have both a pair of wings and a horn on her head, while having moderate sapphire blue colored hair and tail that also had a grayish persian blue outline to them, that was in the middle of fighting what appeared to be a vast army of demons on a fortress of some kind, though she was accompanied by a heavily armed warrior, a mage of some kind, a leather wearing man who seemed to be looking for something, and another warrior who seemed to be wearing plate armor while carrying a massive mace into battle. Another image followed that and it happened to be of a dark gray colored individual, who had black hair and a matching tail, that was wearing an interesting set of armor that looked like a spacesuit of some kind and was in the middle of firing a weapon of some kind, a gun the group guessed based on what they had seen in the past, at some undead looking creatures as someone in a matching set of gear did the same thing, though it looked like they were on a spaceship or something, because it was hard to tell due to the lighting of the area they were in. After that it shifted to a brilliant amber colored girl, who had brilliant amaranth colored hair and tail that had light apple green stripes, that was wearing what appeared to be some sort of pirate attire, or at least it sure looked like it, while she was standing next to a young man who had a slim build, shaggy black hair, and had a straw hat on his head, though they were accompanied by a tall figure who was easily twice, maybe even three times, as tall as they were, had numerous scars on his chest, which was bare save for a captain's jacket that hung off his shoulders somehow, and had a large white crescent mustache, and it did look like they were in the middle of a battle or something given the number of figures off in the distance. The magic took a moment to shift after that and showed two dark gray skinned individuals, both female in appearance while obscuring their hair with their hoods, one looking like an assassin while the other looked like a mage, who happened to be standing near a bipedal cat-like creature who seemed to be gathering a group of followers for something, in an area that looked like the meeting area of a city or something, like they were going to war or were preparing for battle, as it was hard to tell without any additional pieces of information.

After that Spike froze for a moment when the next image showed up, as it revealed three girls standing near a young adult male who had a blue tunic and had spiky yellow-green colored hair, with an odd otter or weasel shaped creature riding on his shoulder, though the reason Spike froze was because one of the girls had Twilight's skin, hair, and tail colors, while the second had a pale, almost light, grayish heilotrope coat, while her hair and tail had moderate and light purple sections with a grayish aquamarine stripe, leaving the third girl having a pinkish gray coat with her long hair being a pale grayish arctic blue with a lighter version of the same color serving as stripes... but it gave Spike an idea of where Twilight had gone, and it was better than believing that she had been lost.

Once Spike got over seeing what had happened to Twilight the image shifted once more, revealing a young adult girl who had a light fuchsiaish gray coloration to her coat, or white in a sense, while her sort of long hair had four colors to it, a light cerulean, a light turquoise, a light cobalt blue, and a pale pink, though standing near her were two young adult boys who were wearing the same school uniform that she was wearing, despite the fact that one had messy dark green colored hair and seemed confident about something, while the other had spiky ash-blond colored hair and seemed to be annoyed by whatever was going on, or maybe it was just someone he was with when the image happened. After that the image took a moment to shift to what appeared to be an island of some kind, one that looked like it had been corrupted by some sort of sinister deep green substance and had what could only be described as demons gathering on the island, but the ones it was focusing on were two girls that looked similar to the others they had seen, save for the fact that one had a brilliant gold coat and vivid orange colored hair and tail that had amber stripes, while the other had a light grayish cerulean coat, or cyan in a sense, even though both her hair and her tail were rainbow colored, but both of them had what appeared to be a set of horns on their heads and interesting tattoos on their foes as they faced the demons in front of them. Not too long after that the image shifted to a lone girl, who was wearing an odd white set of cloth attire, though she had a light grayish raspberry coat, basically pink, and had a brilliant raspberry color to her hair and tail, where it looked like she was standing on top of a building and seemed to be staring out at a massive circular city of some kind, even though it looked like there was an orange haired young adult male standing near her with a large cleaver-like blade on his back and wore a nearly identical set of attire to the one the image had focused on, as his was black instead of white. After that they found that the next image consisted of an odd village of some kind that was built near a large forest, with what appeared to be a ship resting far above it on some rocks, but the one it focused on a young adult male who had a moderate cornflower blue coloration to his coat, while his mane and tail were a light cobalt bluish gray color, and he had a set of curved horns that looked like a ram's, though near him rested a small cat-like creature, roughly as tall as the dragons had been in their teenage bodies, who seemed ready for an adventure based on the explorer attire it was wearing, and there was a young adult girl sitting near him as well, who wore a yellow set of attire, had an open book nearby, and seemed to be in the middle of stuffing her face with food that had been prepared by someone near them. The next image was of a futuristic city that looked like it was busy, due to all of the flying vehicles that were in the air, before it focused on the ones it was trying to show them, which happened to be three girls, one having a pale apple green colored coat with luminous vivid orange colored hair and tail with yellow streaks, the second had a light grayish fuchsia coat with a moderate purple color to her hair and tail that also had aquamarine stripes, and the third had an arctic bluish white coloration to her coat while her hair and tail were a light arctic blue with moderate persian blue streaks, though while they were wearing metallic armor they were standing next to a bipedal feline-like creature who had yellow fur with brown stripes and happened to be carrying a wrench into battle, with an odd metallic backpack.

After that image was shown the group watched as the mirror shifted once more and briefly showed them a city that had a more gothic look to it, though it seemed that the civilians were in the middle of a hunt or something, which was had to tell based on the image that was shown to them, but the odd thing was that the mirror didn't focus on anyone, making them wonder why it had shown them this world in the first place, since no one had been sent to it, before the magic shuddered for a moment before shifting once more... something that was followed by it stopping and revealed something interesting, a vast, seemingly endless army of demonic creatures who were in the middle of swarming a planet and taking it over, an army that wasn't like the one they had seen in one of the previous images, before the magic disappeared entirely and the group stood there in silence for a moment.

"Okay, so some of the other displaced are a cross between ponies and humans, based on the fact that they have hooves for feet, they still have their tails, and most still have their horns from what we've seen," Bianca commented, as this was a lot for all of them to take in, because while they knew what had happened to Twilight Sparkle, which made Spike happy as it gave him an idea of where to find her, it also revealed that there were more of the displaced out there, as Discord called them earlier, before she focused on the last two images they had been shown before the magic disappeared, images that left them with more questions than answers, "but the last world we saw, before the demons, seems out of place, like the Tree is warning us that someone else might disappear from this world in the near future... and speaking of warnings, that last image seemed like something was trying to inform us of a danger that is approaching this planet."

"It is a warning, of a demonic army that is invading worlds and devouring them, eventually bringing about the death of its inhabitants and the overall destruction of the planets in question," a mysterious voice said, to which everyone paused for a moment, as the voice was coming from behind them and they knew that no one had been there when they entered the cave, though when everyone turned around they found a lone figure, who seemed to have the build of a young adult male, based on what they had seen so far, and was wearing a black coat of some kind that covered most of his body, one that had a zipper that went all the way from the head around and reached the bottom of the feet area, where the lower half of it was unzipped and showed off the figure's dark gray, nearly black, pants, which went with his ebony black gloves and boots, both of which had blood red runes etched onto them, and it appeared that the coat had a pair of diamond shaped silver drawstrings, "a demonic army that will, in the very near future, set its sights on this world and invade it, and with next to no army to defend yourselves this planet will be overrun in no time."

"Equus... she felt the demons coming..." Spike said, as while he was wary of the stranger, in case he was part of the army and this was their way of declaring war on a planet that was next in line, he understood what was going on, their planet, or maybe the spirit of the planet to be more precise, had sensed the terrifying power of the demonic army and did whatever she had done to displace him, Ember, and all of the others that had been shown to them just now, meaning that they had to ready themselves for what the future had for them, while at the same time it was Discord's job to figure out where all of the displaced had gone and bring them back, to build an army that could withstand the demons that would be coming at some point in time, "I get it. The only way to survive is to build our own army, a large one at that... no wonder there are so many displaced that we have to find and return to our world."

"And She was right to displace you two, as you are the beginnings of that army," the figure stated, though Spike wondered if he was pleased by what he was seeing or if there was something else about all of this that he and the others hadn't seen yet, but before he could say anything else a dark portal opened up behind the stranger, an oval shaped portal that just so happened to be only three-fourths of what an oval looked like, before the figure took a step back and seemed to fade into the darkness that was behind him, something that caused him to vanish as quickly as he had appeared, even though Spike was of the opinion that the stranger would be watching them and the rest of the displaced.

No one said anything as they stared at the area that the figure had been in for a few moments, as it would take them some time to wrap their heads around the fact that their universe seemed far larger than what everyone initially assumed when they watched the Professor track down this planet earlier, not to mention get used to the fact that not only were there a fair number of displaced that needed to be found and returned to their home planet, but they also had to prepare for an eventual demonic invasion from a force that was different from the demonic armies that had been in the images the Tree had shown them over the last couple of minutes.

"I'm heading back to the castle, to rest after expanding the energy that brought me to the planet you had been sent to not too long ago, and to get used to the idea that my job isn't over yet," Discord stated, where he walked outside and floated into the air that was around him, showing the others that he was being true to his word and that he was leaving this area for a time, even though Spike and Ember suspected he wasn't too pleased about being an underling for the Tree, or the spirit of their planet based on what they discovered, before he paused and glanced back at them, "I would suggest you do the same, before some of the other ponies come running to see what happened to you, or ask questions about those that are still missing at the moment."

Spike and Ember nodded as the group left the cave as well, because they both knew that there were certain ponies in the town, or some of the neighboring settlements, who would come running as soon as they heard that one or two of those that had been missing had just returned, so this would give them a chance to go over everything they had seen over the last few minutes and come up with a plan to deal with the images that they had seen, even though a true plan would be made once everyone came home, something that they shelved for now and focused on what was coming next.

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