• Published 21st May 2019
  • 9,252 Views, 1,279 Comments

Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Hero: Exploring the Coast

It didn't take Spyro and the others all that long to teleport from Dragon Kingdom and reappear in Lost Cities, the second of the four homeworlds of Capora, where Spyro was the first one to appear on the beach that seemed to be the starting area for this realm and walked off the teleport pad that had allowed him to instantly get from one place to another, opening the way for Cynder, Spike, Ember, and the others to appear on the pad of the machine that the Professor installed in all four lands that Red was in the middle of taking over, though from what Spyro could tell this place seemed normal, as it had plenty of sand and some trees that were just fine. Of course there just so happened to be a cave in this area as well, one that had the sinister vines covering the area in front of it and a magical barrier keeping the tunnel or passage safe, meaning they would have to find a number of Dark Gems and smash them, as Spike was sure that by smashing the ten Dark Gems that had been scattered throughout Dragon Kingdom they were able to lower the barrier that protected Gnasty Gnorc's new lair, so he was sure that they needed to smash all of the Dark Gems that were scattered throughout this land to do the same thing to the barrier that was near their position. Another thing some of them noticed were the couple of large see shells that rested around this area, one that seemed like it had been converted into a temporary shop of some kind, given the fact they could see Moneybags standing inside the shell and he seemed to be going over something, meaning he might have some news for them before they got started on exploring this area, finding the Dark and Light Gems, and recovering any of the eggs that might be in the first realm of this homeworld.

"Spyro, its good to see that you and the others have arrived safe and sound," the Professor commented, which was when a hologram appeared in the space that was in front the teleportation pad, even though it was easy for Spike to tell that their friend had been studying the workings of the teleport pad and had been looking out for any problems that might have come from it being used by so many individuals, before they focused on the hologram and waited for it to tell them what else it had to tell them before they got started on, "I'm sorry you couldn't just teleport from one homeworld to the next as a group, but matter transportation is still in its early stages and I haven't ironed all the problems out, even though its a miracle nothing bad happened this time around... and trust me, if I had been given the time to do so, I would have asked Lady Nora to set up a few portals between the homeworlds, but we'll have to make due with what gadgets that we have access to, and I have no idea what's going on in this land, though I do know that the Dragon Elder you're looking for should be somewhere in Cloudy Domain."

"Don't worry about that, as I'm sure Moneybags will tell us what happened to this land," Spyro remarked, as he and the rest of the group could see that the bear was waiting for them to arrive, if the glance he shot their way was any indication, though even as he said that he and the others knew that it was still a little odd for them to be working with him, but he had turned over a new leaf and he was willing to give the bear a chance, especially since he was so willing to spy on what Red was doing and should be telling them about his plans.

The Professor nodded his head and the hologram disappeared, to which the group removed themselves from the teleport pad and walked over to the large shell that Moneybags had set up shop in, though as they did that it was easy to see that there were a few straw baskets, a pair of bullseye chests, some metallic chests, and a number of scattered gems, even if it was easy for them to spot the first golden chest of this land, to which they headed towards the shop and found that the bear was ready for all of them to arrive, hence the reason they came to a stop near his counter.

"I'm glad that you guys arrived safe and sound, and before you ask I have my own teleport pad that allows me to teleport between the four homeworlds of Capora," Moneybags stated, though while none of them had been thinking about that, as the bear had explained that all of his machines had been inspected by the Professor before he installed them in the lands that Red and his allies were in the middle of attacking, it was good to hear how he had gotten here in the first place, since he hadn't used the same machine that they had used to get to this land, "Now then, onto the business at hand: Red was here a few minutes ago, talking to some of the Gnorcs that were following Gnasty Gnorc's orders, and, in his anger at the defeat of one of his commanders, or whatever he calls them, he froze one of them in a chunk of ice and shattered it, which returned it to a pile of gems that he ignored and left behind, but before he left Red ordered a large obese mermaid to head out and keep an eye out for all of you, though she had green skin, a blue tail, and a golden belt of some kind that had one of those Dark Gems on it."

"Ineptune? She's involved in this madness?" Aurora inquired, informing the group that she and Flame had some idea as to who Moneybags was talking about, while at the same time Spike thought about the placement of the smaller Dark Gem, a dark fragment possibly, making him wonder if it was possible that Red was brainwashing some of his allies into working for him and the Dark Master, "She's a powerful mermaid, so much so that she developed the ability to spew toxic slime, or at least that is what the rumors and stories claim, but she's been silent for some time and none of the Elders have said anything about her for some time... its hard to imagine that Ineptune would willingly join Red..."

"Well, she's out there, and Red's likely headed off for another homeworld to make sure the rest of his operations are just fine, which is all I have to share," Moneybags said, even though what he had given them was more than enough, as it did look like Red was upset over what was going on and that meant he might make a mistake, something that they could use against him in the future, before he sighed and rubbed the back of his head for a few seconds, "it would seem that Red doesn't trust me and won't share anything with me, so all I can offer you is what he's doing in the lands he's trying to take over and give you an idea as to who might be standing in your way... though let me warn you that there's something... off about Red, something I can't put my finger on, so be careful when you face him."

"Its okay, you did your best." Elora replied, which was odd due to the fact that they were so used to an evil Moneybags and not the more friendlier one that they were dealing with, though he was helping them to the best of his abilities and that was all they could ask for, even if Red wasn't giving him any information that he could hand over to them, before she took a moment to grin as the others did the same thing, even though they did have to wonder what the bear meant about the odd feeling that Red gave off when Moneybags saw him, "but leave the exploration of this land to us, as we'll take care of all of the enemies that are attacking this homeworld and smash the Dark Gems that Red scattered around the realms, then we'll see to dealing with Ineptune and heading to the third land."

What the group did, after speaking to Moneybags, was explore the area that was around them and made sure to smash all of the straw baskets, metallic chests, and the bullseye chests that were scattered all over the starting point of this land, all while Spike headed over to the golden chest and unlocked it with the spell Moneybags had given him, though he was a little disappointed in the fact that all that was a cluster of gems, instead of an egg or a Light Gem, but he guessed it was better than leaving it locked and making them wonder what was inside the container. It was easy to see that there were a few paths for them to pick from, where some were likely dead ends or paths back to this area, or maybe they were wrong, though the one they picked out was the seashell that rested near Moneybags' shop, one that just so happened to have an opening at the top of it that allowed them to access a tunnel, which appeared to bring them to a clearing of sorts that had a village made of stone buildings, where a small creature, one that was like a hairless mole and was wearing a tiki mask over its face, emerged from the house that was in front of them and pointed a spear at them. Spike was able to determine that this was a Pygmy, a tribe of cannibals that ate anyone and everyone that they killed, so what happened next was that Hunter drew his blades and parried the incoming thrust before cutting down their foe, something that was followed by it transforming into a pile of gems, meaning that either the real tribe had been killed by Red and revived in the form of loyal gem creations or the real tribe was elsewhere in the land and Red had created a mimicry of them, though that was when Elora flew into the air and did a backflip when she was above the house, something that was followed by her performing the Horn Dive on the house, as there was a bullseye on top of it and smashed it to pieces, as she had the feeling that it had been designed to be a endless spawn point for the Spear Pygmy, so named by Spike in the off chance that there were a few more types of Pygmy in this land. Of course that was when Aurora corrected the group as Ember quickly flew over to the other house that was in this area, so she could smash it to pieces, as there were no other types of Pygmy in Lost Cities, so all of them were carrying spears and there was no need to add a label to them, to which Spike nodded his head as soon as he heard that and made sure to make a note of that fact, though once both of the houses were taken care of the group made sure to smash all of the straw baskets and metallic chests that were in the area.

Before they moved out of this area, and moved deeper into this realm, they spotted a Gnorc Brute that was standing near one of the golden mysterious doors that they had found earlier, to which Spyro walked over to the area it rested in and charged into the Gnorc's chest, causing the armor to fall off it, before Amelia loosed an arrow into their foe's chest, all to reduce it to gems, and allowed the others to enter the area, where Ember smashed a bullseye chest before Spike weaved his magic through the air and made sure the door recognized the Light Gems they were carrying, where the door split in half and opened the way for them to see what was on the other side of it. There was a tunnel on the other side of the gold door, a short tunnel based on what they were seeing, though it brought them to a hidden area that didn't look like it could be accessed from another part of this realm, but that was when Ember growled as she heard the sound of a Thief in this area, something that caused her to rush out and spot the creature in question, to which she charged after it while the rest of the group smashed the straw baskets and other containers that were in here, even if Bianca focused her magic on the couple of Archer Gnorcs that lined the upper area and blasted them into the wall behind them, while at the same time Elora and Hunter dealt with the Gnorc Brute that was near the end of the tunnel. As it turned out Ember was able to take down the Thief that was running around the area and claimed the white egg, which had green dots over part of it, one that Spike sent back to the Nursery as soon as Ember handed it over to him, though that was around the time that they noticed that Cynder had separated from them and was in the process of returning to where they were standing, revealing that she had found some straw baskets, a bullseye chest, and a Light Gem to add to their collection, something that caused Spike to raise his eyebrow in surprise, as he found it hard to believe that there was a Light Gem hidden behind a door that needed a certain number of Light Gems to open it up. After Cynder returned to them, and made sure to add the Light Gem to their collection, the group finished off everything else that was in this area and headed back to the doorway that allowed them to enter this hidden area in the first place, before they walked over to a ledge that had a Gnorc Brute standing above the area they came to a stop in, something that was followed by Spike freezing it with a burst of Ice Shards so Spyro could smash it with a charge.

Once that was done they headed down the tunnel that the Gnorc Brute had been guarding and found that there were a few swinging traps, where the normal ones would be using logs and these ones were using large seashells as defenses, to which the group moved forward, by going one at a time and not charging forward as an entire group, allowing them to get beyond both of the traps, even though there was another one right beyond it, before the path brought them to an area that had the first of the Dark Gems of this realm, which was being guarded by a Gnorc Brute. As such Ember rushed over to where their foe was standing and used the Fangs of Felinia to slice apart its armor so Bianca could blast it in the chest, though once the Gnorc fell, and revealed that there were a few metallic containers near the Dark Gem, Elora flew into the air and smashed the gem to pieces, something that caused the darkness in this area to fade away while stone pillars rose out of the water, including one that happened to have a cannon on it, which interested Hunter, not that the group was even a little surprised by what they were seeing. Ember headed back to where the rest of the group was standing as Elora carried Hunter over to where the cannon was resting and dropped him near it, where her friend grinned for a moment as he assumed control over the weapon and fired upon the rest of the part of the realm that they were in, blowing open all of the metallic containers that were scattered around this area and even the door that was blocking the way forward, which allowed everyone else to pick up the gems that were resting near the shattered Dark Gem, leaving some of the other gems for later, since it appeared that they could use some poles to get to an area that an egg rested in, before they headed for the no longer blocked path Hunter had opened up. Spyro was the only one who bothered to use the poles that were near them, as Ember and the other dragons flew through the air while Bianca teleported everyone else to the opening that had been resting behind a metallic door, though it was easy for him to discover that the egg was the one with the red top, a yellow zigzag, and a purple bottom, even though that was when Spike joined him and sent the egg back to the Nursery as the others entered the tunnel that was beyond the door Hunter had blown up, which had more of the seashell traps that were standing in their way.

What was surprising was that when they reached the end of the tunnel it was easy to discover a cracked section of the wall that Ember smashed through, which was when the surprise came in when they found a second Dark Gem resting near the area that the first one was resting in, something that was followed by Flame smashing it to pieces with the Horn Dive, but that caused some stone pillars to raise out of the ground to their right and formed a walkway back down to the start of this realm, before they glanced out at the rest of this area and found that there was a Light Gem off in the distance and a dragon egg resting near the top of a tower. As it turned out there was a ledge for one of them to glide down to and it was when Aurora did so, showing that she wanted to be useful to the heroes, where she glided over to one of the platforms and started to cross them, using some of the floating seashells to get further along the path that was in front of her, which was when she found her way to the tower and recovered the light green egg, something she delivered to Spike as the rest of the group came to a stop near a cracked portion of the rock wall that was near the tower, where the egg was sent back to Nanny and the other eggs they had recovered, before Ember smashed the wall open as they determined that the Light Gem could be recovered later on, no doubt when they circled back to this area again. What the group found inside the tunnel was a bipedal turtle who was wearing a white robe with blue sides, a green shirt over a white part of the robe, and a red hat that had a white flower attached to it, though the smile on her face, and they were sure that it was female based on what they were seeing at the moment, informed them that it was either an ally or someone that was in need of their assistance, where the latter was common when they explored lands that were in the middle of someone trying to enforce their rule over everyone. The other thing that the group could tell, from looking at the tunnel they were in, was that the end of the tunnel seemed to have collapsed at some point in the past, to the point where it looked like it might be more of a dragonfly area and less of an area that they could explore like they did to the rest of the parts of the realms that they had passed through in the past, though that was when the group came to a stop in front of the bipedal turtle, all to see what sort of trouble she needed them to deal with before they headed towards another part of this realm.

"Ah, you must be the heroes that the Professor and the Elders mentioned," the bipedal turtle said, her tone revealing that she must have realized that saying all of their names, like some of the others had done when they met them earlier, was a waste of time and that she had something more important to tell all of them, hence the reason that the group remained silent as they waited for her to say something, before she opened her mouth to continue speaking, "Listen, my hatchlings can't seem to get into the water, and, naturally, with me being a turtle I want my newborn children to be able to go into the ocean unsupervised. Do you think you can help me out?"

"Sure we can." Aurora replied, knowing that, if what she had seen so far was any indication, the Turtle Mother, as both she and Flame knew the individual as, would be just like Fredneck, meaning that if they helped her out she might give them a reward, possibly one of the missing dragon eggs and a Light Gem, before she glanced at the others and they nodded not even a few seconds later, showing that they agreed with what she was saying, something that seemed to please the Turtle Mother as she beckoned for them to follow her, where it appeared that she used some sort of magic to removed the rocks that were in the way, meaning it had been placed that way to protect her hatchlings.

As it turned out the tunnel brought them to a section of the beach that they wouldn't have been able to access normally, even though the oddest thing in the area was the cannon that was in front of them, where the majority of the group took a step back and allowed Hunter to step forward, as he had the best skill when using this type of weapon, where they learned that there were twenty turtles in the first group and that they needed to be protected, to which Hunter nodded his head and focused on the area that was in front of them, something that was followed by some vultures and crabs emerging to take down the hatchlings. It was actually a little surprising when they noticed how many enemies were emerging from the sand or flying out of the air, something that was followed by Hunter and Amelia nodding their heads towards each other as Amelia started loosing arrows into the area that rested in front of them, mostly focusing on all of the vultures that were in the air so her brother could focus on knocking out all of the crabs, though while that happened Bianca stepped up and watched what was going on, because if more enemies showed up the pair of Cheetahs would need help dealing with the extra surge of foes. Once the first class, as the Turtle Mother called them, was safe and sound she revealed that the next class was getting ready to head out from the safe area that they were contained in, to which the Cheetah siblings turned their attention to the area that was out in front of them and opened fire on every foe that was in front of them, making sure to protect every hatchling who emerged from the safe area as they took down the vultures and crabs that came out to take them down, even though this time around Bianca lashed out with small Lightning Bolts to shock some of their foes so either Hunter or Amelia could take them out, or her spell would fry them in seconds, something that was followed by the rest of the group staring out at the beach as they watched what was going on, Spike making notes of everything that he and the others were seeing. Now that they understood what was going on it was rather easy for Hunter and Amelia, not to mention Bianca, to take down all of the enemies that were trying to harm the hatchlings and make the area safe for all of them to head out, all so they could enjoy the beach without having to worry about predators coming to take them away from their mother, though once the second class was safe, and no more came out of the hidden area, that was when the Turtle Mother gave them their rewards for assisting her, a red and purple egg with yellow zigzag pattern and a Light Gem, which Spike dealt with a few seconds later.

Once that was done the group headed outside and headed for the other path that they hadn't checked out yet, one that just so happened to have another golden chest near it, so while Ember and Cynder flamed the pair of Pygmy enemies that were near the tunnel's opening Spike walked over to the area that the chest was in and opened the chest, finding another pile of gems inside it, to which he sighed for a moment and collected them, though once that was done, and both Ember and Cynder had taken down their enemies, they headed into the tunnel and wondered what else this realm would throw at them before they were done clearing Coastal Remains of Dark Gems, Light Gems, stolen dragon eggs, and enemies, just like all of the other areas they had cleared out in the past. This tunnel happened to have some crabs guarding it, as in one of the normal ones that had been bothering the turtle hatchlings while the other one had a blue armored shell that had a few white spikes sticking out of it, meaning it was an Armored Crab, though when Spyro whacked the Crab with his tail, a very simple attack that did wasted none of his energy and actually took out the Crab, which made him frown, before Elora kicked the Armored Crab before it could use its pincers on one of them and knocked it onto its back, opening the way for Cynder to use the Horn Dive to smash it into the ground, resulting in more gems falling for them to collect. There were two more Crabs resting beyond where the Armored Crab had been standing, who were easy to take out as Flame took a moment to whack them with his tail, before they emerged from the tunnel and found that they had backtracked to the area that Moneybags had set up his shop in, meaning they needed something else to get the Light Gem that they left in the previous area, though they decided to ignore it for the time being as they headed over to one of the two paths that were near the cave that would lead them to Ineptune's lair, to which the group jumped up into the closest one to the cave and found that there were a few Armored Crabs waiting for them. It was around that time that Cynder used her Wind magic in a different way, she created a small gust under both of the Armored Crabs that were in front of them and made sure to knock them both onto their backs, opening the way for Ember to smash the first one while Spyro repeated that on the second one, once more displaying that the Horn Dive was a rather impressive move to Flame and Aurora, especially given that it could be used in other instances, besides smashing the Dark Gems.

At the end of the tunnel they found four Pygmy tribesmen waiting for them, where Bianca froze one of them with a burst of her Ice magic, Flame torched one while smashing the ice block Bianca had formed, Amelia punched a third in the face to take it down, and Ember used her Emission skill to knock the fourth one, the larger of the group, onto the ground so Spyro could flame it into submission, though once all four of those enemies were reduced to a pile of gems the group moved forward and headed into the area of the realm that they had been guarding. The sign that was at the end of the tunnel seemed to warn them about all of the piranhas who were swimming around in the water that happened to be resting in front of them, to which they focused on the moving seashell platform that was near the end of the tunnel and let Spyro take the first ride, even though he spotted a Pygmy that was resting on the right side of the area and that caused Spike to fly over there so he could shock the foe in question, before he smashed the straw basket and bullseye chest that it had been guarding and returned to the area that the others were waiting in. Spyro revealed that the seashell path happened to have a dragon egg at the end of it, one of the purple ones with yellow stars on it, where Spike made sure it was safe as they heard that and teleported it back to the Nursery, even though he could see some sort of structure through the cracks that were in the area that the egg had been resting in, one that didn't appear to be anywhere near where they would be going in the future, so he put it at the back of his mind as he and Spyro returned to the others so they could see what else this place had in store for them. A few moments later they discovered that the only thing that had been in this area was the dragon egg, not counting all of the gems that had been collected, so everyone headed back through the tunnel that had brought them to this area and headed back to where Moneybags' shop rested, before heading over to where the next ledge was resting, even if this one had one of the Gnorc Brutes guarding it, who was taken out by Spike using an Earthen Spike not even a few moments later, to which the group climbed up to where the foe had been standing and headed into the tunnel that was up there.

What they discovered were a few Crabs and an Armored Crab that happened to be guarding the tunnel, to which all of the smaller enemies were simply kicked by Elora while Ember approached the other foe and knocked the Armored Crab onto its back, giving her the chance to smash it to pieces by using the Horn Dive, before they found a second one that was just beyond the area the first one was located in, something that was followed by Flame rushing forward and knocked his foe onto its back so Aurora could perform the Horn Dive on it, though once that was done they spotted a bipedal otter, who was wearing the attire of a surfer and had a surfboard in his hand, standing at the end of the tunnel, which seemed to be above a lowered pool of water.

"Dude! Some dudes drained my pool... like dude..." the surfer said, his tone revealing that he must have come here to surf for a time, to enjoy himself and not worry about whatever it was that was going on in the realm or homeworld that he had come from, but he couldn't do that since there was next to no water in this cavern, save for the small amount that was in front of them, to which the group informed him that they would figure out what was going on and help him out, since it was possible that this problem was linked to a Dark Gem, something that put a smile on Otto's face, as that seemed to be his name, based on what was written on the surfboard.

What the group found was that there were five normal Crabs wandering around the area that was in front of them, even if they emerged from the sand and approached the group so they could use their pincers on them, so it was easy for Hunter and Amelia to kick them, just like how Elora had done in the past, and take all of them down as Ember and Cynder took a moment to smash the couple of metallic chests that were around the area, though once that was done they found a few steps that a Gnorc Brute was protecting, this one having armor this time around. Aurora charged forward and stuck their foe in the chest, knocking all the armor off of their target, before she moved out of the way as Elora rushed forward and struck it down with a swift kick to the face with the side of her transformed leg, though while their foe fell she noticed two of the Gnorc Warriors, the sword wielding Gnrocs, guarding what appeared to be the opening to the next section of this realm, to which she moved out of the way as Cynder moved into the area and used her runeblade to parry an incoming attack from the first foe. As she did that Spyro did the same thing with the second one, where he also took a moment to parry the incoming attack, where both he and Cynder pushed their foes backwards and cut the Gnorc Warriors down, but after both of the Gnorcs were defeated they came to an area that appeared to be a water wheel that had to be connected to the pool that was outside this tunnel, though another thing they found were a few of the Critters from the swamp off to their left, who were frozen by Spike loosing a wave of Ice magic at them and Bianca blasting that to pieces with a quick Lightning Bolt, where both spells had been weaker than normal since they didn't need to waste a bunch of energy on the weaker enemies of this area. The group spent a few moments making sure there were no other paths for them to take, as the only way into this cavern was the tunnel they had used a few moments ago, something that was followed by them looking at the machine that rested in front of them, where Spike noticed a pair of poles and realized that someone would have to use the Pole Spin technique to power the machine, to which Aurora climbed up to the highest point of this area and latched onto the closest pole, before jumping to the next one and waited as it rotated back to the starting position, so she had to jump between them a few times and restored power to this area.

A few moments later the machinery started up and Aurora jumped off it, where she joined the others as they headed back to the opening of this tunnel and discovered that the water had risen back to the height it was supposed to be at, to which they headed over to the ruined tower that rested across from the area that the tunnel was located in and found a hole for them to fall through, which allowed them to access another passage, which brought them to an area that one of the shop pads was located in, including some metallic chests and straw baskets, before the group spotted a Dark Gem and Spyro smashed it with the Horn Dive. What happened when the sinister gem was shattered was that the life returned to all of the trees that were around them and, at the same time, the stone walkway that would have allowed them to access the pair of tunnels that were in front of them was restored before their eyes, where they headed down the left tunnel, which was being guarded by a Gnorc Archer that Hunter downed with an arrow not even a few seconds later, before they found that there were a few more of that type of enemy in the next part of the tunnel that was beyond the first one, which was when Amelia loosed an arrow and took the first one down, something that opened the way for the rest of the group to approach the remaining two Gnorc Archers. Spyro loosed a burst of his Lightning Breath and shocked the first one while Ember smacked the other one into the ground, though once that was done Cynder used her Shadow Play skill and struck both of the Gnorc Brutes that were guarding this part of the realm, knocking their armor off, which was when Ember took out the first one with her Emission skill while Elora lashed out with her leg and struck the second one into the wall, but as soon as those enemies were taken care of Spike flew up to the highest stone platform and collected the light blue egg that was up there, one that he sent back to the Nursery as soon as he made sure it was safe and sound, leaving the others to smash the straw baskets and collect the gems before they headed back outside.

What they found inside the other tunnel was a bunch of gems, a pair of straw baskets, a pair of metallic chests, a bullseye chest, and another water wheel that was followed by Flame walking over to the platforms that would allow him to restore the power to this area and started to jump between the three of them, something that was followed by them shifting not a few seconds later, sort of like what happened when Aurora did the earlier one, though it wasn't long before he was able to come to a stop when the machine was pumping at full power, which was when he rejoined the rest of the group as they headed outside, only pausing near the shop pad when they spotted Blink emerging from the ground near it.

"Hey guys, I uncovered another dangerous area to explore, and I might be able to find some things for you," Blink said, as he knew that the group was looking for all of the stolen eggs, Light Gems, and Dark Gems that they could find, so hearing that he might have located some of what they were looking for was good to hear, even though he gestured towards the hole that he had emerged from, as if he wanted them to know where the underground area was located, before he took a moment to glance at them again, "So, what do you say?"

"Go head and see what you can find." Spyro replied, to which the group nodded their heads for a moment and Blink did the same thing not a few seconds later, to which he dived back into the hole he had created and headed for the area that he had seen while he was underground, something that was followed by the group taking up some positions around the shop pad so they could rest and recover from some of the battles they had been in, even though they hadn't expanded all that much energy since they arrived in this homeworld.

Spike did spot a tunnel near the shop pad, though according to the Guidebook it would bring them to the next realm of this homeworld, meaning that it was one of their next destinations when he thought about it, to which he focused on what he was doing, writing down all of the stuff that had happened since they stopped to help the Turtle Mother and both of the schools of hatchlings that she wanted to make sure were safe and sound, even though he was sure that they would be able to get one or two more Light Gems once Blink was done exploring the area he had discovered, as there was one near Otto and it was possible that the bipedal otter had a second for them. As it turned out Blink did find a dragon egg and one of the Light Gems, where the dragon egg was one of the light blue ones, to which Spike made sure the egg was sent back to Nanny and the other eggs while storing the Light Gem away, though once their friend assured them that there was no more items for him to collect, at least for the time being, Blink headed back into the ground and started to look out for a brand new area for him to explore, which meant they would meet up with him again and the group moved out of the area so they could head back to where Otto was standing. What they discovered was that there were a few bullseye chests near the area the otter was in and both Ember and Cynder made sure to smash them as Spike collected the Light Gem that was at the top of a ruined pillar, before they regrouped near Otto and found that he was incredibly happy with what they had done for him, as the pool was almost entirely pull of water at this point, which was when he rewarded them with one more Light Gem for their collection. Once that was done the group returned to the area that Moneybags' shop was in, for this particular realm anyway, because they were going to use the area to regroup for a moment and decide which direction they were going to explore next, as they had to pick between Sunken Ruins or heading into Cloudy Domain, though once all three of the areas were cleared out the way to Ineptune's lair would be opened and they would be able to free this land from Red's grasp, even though they did have to wonder what else Red was planning, as there had to be something more than trying to take over the lands in his plans.

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