• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Expedition: Heading Home

With the battle over, and the siblings and Cynder understood the power that Malefor possessed, his true power to be exact, the group took the time to walk back to where the airship rested, giving them some time to think about what they had seen and what they had faced, as now all of them knew that the legends about the first purple dragon were accurate and that he had beaten all four of them without even needing the three special powers he had created, the ones that Spyro, Spike, and Ember had unlocked before Morrigan tried to steal the dragon eggs and become immortal. Cynder now understood why her father never used his full power against her in the past, when he was showing her how to fight and how to wield her powers, though she was still surprised by the fact that he was so much stronger than what she expected him to be, something that the rest of the group clearly felt since none of them were talking as they walked away from the wrecked area that they had been fighting in earlier. Spike shifted his stance so that his staff rested on his back as he followed the group, where he kept his mouth shut as he considered everything that had happened during that fight and what he might be able to do to improve his skills, even though he was stunned by the incredibly powerful skill that Malefor had used against them and the fact that it had broken the nearby mountain, before the fragments of the spell he had used wiped the rest of it out, showing that Malefor was much more skilled than he was and that it would be some time before he got close to that level of power, which was just fine with him. Spyro, Cynder, and Ember continued to remain silent as they walked, where all three of them continued to think about ways they could improve their skills and eventually expand their arsenal of abilities, so this didn't happen again in the future, though out of all of them the one that needed the most improvement was Ember, or at least according to what Malefor had said earlier.

Upon their return to the airship the group found that their friends, the Leaders, the Guardians, and the rest of the crew of the airship were shocked by what they had just witnessed, either due to the power that Malefor had wielded or the power that Spike had called upon to try and defeat their foe, not that the group faulted them for thinking that, as all four of them were still recovering from what had happened during their battle with the first purple dragon, before they focused on their friends as they stopped on the deck of the ship.

"I must admit, when you said that the five of you would be engaging in a battle with each other, to see the difference in your powers, I was not expecting all of this," Ignitus commented, where the rest of the group nodded their heads as he said that, because all of them had been surprised by the appearance of Malefor's final skill and the spell Spike had used in an attempt to bring down their foe, though at the same time he and the other Guardians, which included the Chronicler, had suspected that Malefor would win, despite what actually happened during the battle they had just witnessed, before he thought about something, "So, what are you going to do now that the battle is over?"

"First we should return to Warfang and return the Deepcore Army to the Arcanaeum," Malefor said, as now that the forces of Gaul's dark alliance had departed from the area that was between the city and the volcano, which had switched to an inactive state after the Destroyer had been wiped out, there was no reason for them to force the stone statues to remain outside the city, and even if they needed the forces again they would be able to summon them again, or at least Spike could if he and the others needed the statues again, before he glanced at Cynder and her friends, "after that we can take a break and do something else, to allow Cynder and the others some time to rest and recover from the battle, before we face the future and the training I have in mind for all four of them."

"Maybe we can visit the Dragon Realms?" Cynder inquired, because while she knew the group wanted to spend some time exploring Warfang, and take in the sights that they had saved from Gaul and his army, she was more interested in seeing the lands that Spyro and his siblings called home, since she and the others knew nothing about the Dragon Realms and were interested in learning about the other islands the dragons had settled on, "Or maybe one of the other lands that Spyro, his siblings, and their friends had saved in the past?"

"With my powers, that should be easy to do," the Chronicler replied, referring to his powers that allowed him to open portals between Doxantha and the other three lands of their world, which had been used to great effect during the battle for Warfang, though as he said that Ignitus and the other Guardians nodded their heads, as they understood what he was talking about, before they noticed that the heroes of the three lands did the same thing not a few seconds later, showing that all of them also understood what he had said, "Very well then, once we're done with the Deepcore Army we can head to one of the other lands and explore them for a time, before we head back home to make sure everyone is ready to return to their daily lives."

Spyro, seeing that they had come to an agreement on what to do next, turned towards Fury for a moment and gave him the command to raise the airship into the air, so they could head back to Warfang and deal with the army of statues that was currently resting outside the city, even if that meant returning them to the Arcanaeum for the foreseeable future, before any of them considered which of the three islands they might visit once they were done transporting the army back to where Malefor had placed them a thousand years ago.

Due to the fact that the island was close to where Doxantha was located it didn't take them long to return to where the city was located, where Spike and those that could fly headed down to where the Deepcore Army was resting, even though the Chronicler headed out to make sure the rest of the forces that had been called to do battle with the dark alliance were sent back to their homes and the lives that had been interrupted by Gaul, meaning soon everyone would be back to what they were doing before they had been called to war. While they flew through the air it was easy to see that the residents of the city were happy to see them and even cheered for them, causing a few of them to wave as they headed towards their destination, though out of all of them Spike focused on what he was doing and landed near the statues that were patiently waiting for someone to give out new orders, hence the reason the first thing he did was open the portal back to the vault they had found the army of statues in, something that impressed Malefor. Spike suspected that it was due to the nature of all of the enchantments that went into making and protecting the Arcanaeum from those who might misuse it, or all of the artifacts that were inside it, though he didn't think about it all that much as he commanded the army to march back to the Arcanaeum and get some rest before they were needed again, to which the stone statues marched back through the couple of portals he had opened and returned to the Arcanaeum. Of course he made sure to follow them back to the vault after a few moments, where he watched as they formed the same formations that he and the others had first found them in when they discovered the vault, before watching as the army returned to being a solid state and stopped moving, just as he expected, so once everything was done he walked back through the portal and returned to Warfang.

"The deed is done, the Deepcore Army is sleeping once more," Spike stated, though at the same time he closed the portals that were around them and turned towards the rest of the group, who had been watching him work on moving the army back to where they would be contained for the foreseeable future, until they were needed again, before noticing that the rest of their army had departed as well, meaning that everyone had returned home, save for those that had explored all of the islands of Doxantha.

"Good, then that means its time we head home as well," Spyro said, where he glanced at the city for a moment, as he suspected that if he and Cynder hadn't perished the first time around, when they fought the Dark Master and tried to stop the end of the world, this would have been their home for the rest of their days, or at least until they retired to another location to live out the rest of their days, before he sighed and glanced towards the others, "You know, I'm still surprised that a simple exploration to investigate something turned into a war for the fate of the world, and that we had to lead our forces against the enemies that tried to take the city."

"We? Oh no, that was all you, brother." Ember commented, because while she would have been happy to be one of the leaders of the army that had saved the world, like Spyro was saying, she knew the truth of the matter, which was that she, Spike, and the rest of their friends, and that included Cynder, had followed Spyro into the fray and battled the forces of the dark alliance, though at the same time she opened her wings for a few seconds, "After all, you're the one with the power to call upon Conqueror's Spirit whenever you want, and you stopped a war with it, so it makes sense that all of our friends from Avalar would follow you into battle, no doubt prompting the others to join them as well."

"Wait, you have Conqueror's Spirit?!" Cynder asked, as she knew about that power thanks to everything her father had taught her over the years, including the fact that her father was the first one to wield the power and was credited as the one that had made it, along with the other two powers, before she turned towards Spyro for a moment, because this was the first time she had heard of him having this power, "Why didn't you use it in our fight against my father? I'm sure you would have been able to make him pause for a few seconds and open the way for us to attack him."

"To be perfectly honest, while I have some control over the power, I didn't think it would do much against him, given that he's had a thousand years to perfect it," Spyro explained, because while he knew that it would have been easy to use the power during their fight against Malefor, who was staring at them with his eyebrow raised, showing that he knew that he had access to Conqueror's Spirit and understood that he was hesitant to try it against someone who was superior with the same technique, but he also knew that the first purple dragon would no doubt train him on how to wield the power for whatever the future held for them.

"Well, it is good to know that you have access to it, as it will give me something else to teach you," Malefor said, as he had been taking notes of everything Spyro, Cynder, Spike, and Ember were capable of and found out the areas that each of them were lacking in, or what they needed to improve upon before someone like Gaul or the other villains showed up to try and do something to their world, even though he was sure he could ask Titan and the others as to what lessons the group still needed to be taught, before they landed on the deck of the airship.

"You know, something has been bothering me for a while," Spike commented, as this was a question he had been thinking about since they learned that Malefor had sealed away the Destroyer in that prison he had constructed and used the Elementium Keys to lock the prison, though as everyone else landed he could tell that they were interested in what he was going to say, to which he glanced at the first purple dragon for a moment, "How did you know that the Destroyer was located on this island, and that he would come out of that volcano? Nothing in the Arcanaeum even suggested that such a being even existed, as I have read a good number of the tomes and scrolls that were inside it and looked at the titles of the others, and the globe only showed us those that were tapping into the Aether, so I'm curious as to how you figured out that the Destroyer even existed in the first place."

Malefor paused for a moment, showing that he had to take a moment to consider the question that Spike had asked while the rest of the group glanced at him as well, showing that they were now interested in it since someone had pitched the question, before he sighed and inquired if they could get the airship moving towards the Dragon Realms, as while he knew the Chronicler could open a portal between Doxantha and their destination a short flight would allow him to give the group his answer to the question, to which Spyro nodded and made sure Fury got them moving through the air, even if everyone quickly gathered in the chamber that they used to talk before they arrived at their destinations.

"To be honest, you won't find all that much about the Destroyer in the Arcanaeum, as I removed almost everything in the Arcanaeum and carried them with me when I started my search for Doxantha," Malefor said, though even as he said that some cups were distributed to everyone that had entered the room they were in, as Alvar made sure they had some drinks to keep their throats wet, where Spyro, Cynder, Spike, and Ember were close to where the first purple dragon sat and the others positioned themselves around the rest of the tables, before they resumed their conversation, "however, all of those tomes and scrolls were written by my hand, not the hands of those that came before me, as they were my notes on what I discovered and what I could do to stop what I knew. Cynder, while you are Spyro are dragons that have almost all of the memories of you old lives, the one where you sacrificed everything to stop the mysterious Dark Master and the end of the world, at the hands of the Destroyer, you aren't the only ones that have memories of a previous life, as I have a few memories of a life that happened before this one... ones that revolved around the Destroyer, where it was located, and what it would do to our world if it was allowed to rise from the volcano it calls home."

"Why didn't you tell us about this?" Ignitus inquired, because this was the first time he and the other Guardians, and that included the Chronicler, based on the look that was on the dragon's face, had heard such a thing and even Cynder was caught off guard, showing Spyro and the others that Malefor had told no one about the memories that he had, almost like he was worried about something, "We're not angry or mad, just confused as to why you wouldn't tell any of us about these memories, especially since they seemed so important for you to act on a thousand years ago, when you arrived on what would become our new home."

"Because the couple of memories I have were all centered on the Destroyer and not my past self, like a warning about what was coming in the future," Malefor replied, though he didn't fault Ignitus for asking his question, as he would have done the same thing if he was in the Guardian's position and someone he worked with revealed something like this, while he noticed that Spyro, Cynder, and the others were interested in what else he might have to say on the matter, "My best guess, after reviewing the couple of old memories for a long time, is that I must have been around at the time that the Dark Master's forces had marched on Warfang, the battle that Cynder has told me about in great detail as she described what she and Spyro did to save the city, and that I bore witness to the end of the world, after trying to take down the Destroyer with the plan that our saviors came up with. Based on what I have been able to determine, after listening to all of the things that Cynder has told me about the battle for old version of Warfang, she and Spyro never crossed paths with my old self, so I must have been in the background or something, no doubt fighting the Grublins and all of the forces that were trying to take the city for their foul master."

"I'm sure you were there, leading our forces against the Dark Master's armies," Cynder stated, as while she was a little surprised by the fact that her father had memories of an old life, like she and Spyro did, she found that it was odd that she didn't recall seeing a dragon that matched her father, meaning they didn't interact with him before they faced the Dark Master and tried to stop the end of the world, but she still felt that her statement was true and that her father, in his past life, had been on the battlefield, defending Warfang with Ignitus and the other Guardians.

"You might be right," Malefor said, showing that he did agree with his daughter, that it was possible that he had been on the battlefield and that was why they hadn't seen each other in their past lives, where Spyro decided to just nod while the pair were talking, as while both Cynder and Malefor knew all about the memories of their past lives he was still coming to terms with all of the memories of his past life, so he had no opinion on what Cynder had said, before Malefor sighed for a moment and focused on the main question he had been asked earlier, "Spike, the reason I knew about the Destroyer, and where to find it, was due to the memories of my past life, since I witnessed it rise out of the volcano and listened to the Dark Master tell the defenders of Warfang the same thing that Gaul stated when he awakened the creature, so I took that knowledge and combined it with everything I discovered in this lifetime, allowing me and my allies to create the five Elementium Keys, which no longer exist thanks to what Gaul did, and seal the Destroyer away."

Spike thought about that for a moment and nodded his head, showing Malefor that he understood the explanation as to why he knew about the Destroyer's existence and the fact that it could end the world, though once that was done Spyro noticed that no one seemed to care for a new topic or something, so he figured that it was time for them to really get back home and asked the Chronicler if he would be willing to assist them, given the dragon's powers, and even if that failed he could always see if Spike could do it. It didn't take the Chronicler long to open the way for them to return to the Dragon Realms, allowing Fury to fly the airship through the portal that was in front of them, though when they reached the deck once more Spyro, Spike, and Ember smiled for a moment as they stared out at the island that served as the home of the Machinists dragons, even though it appeared that they were flying towards the Artisans homeworld, meaning they might have some time to show their new friends the lands that they and the other dragons called home. Fury made sure to angle the ship so that one side faced the islands that they would be flying by, allowing Spyro and Cynder to sit near the right edge of the airship, where they were joined by Malefor and the others who hadn't seen these lands yet, before Spike started to explain everything to their new friends, just so they understood what they were seeing and could ask whatever questions they wanted, which he would endeavor to answer. He informed their new friends that they were currently looking at the home of the Machinists dragons, those that worked machinery and energy sources, such as the airship that they were currently on despite the fact that they had some help making this vessel, and that they were constantly coming up with new ideas on how to improve certain things, which the Professor had a hand in helping since these were his type of people, or would be once they got used to their new lives, as the Machinists were relatively new in comparison to the other five homeworlds and types of dragons that made up the Dragon Realms.

"This is where Gnasty Gnorc ruled from, isn't it?" Cynder inquired, mostly because she and the others knew the story that Spyro and his siblings had told them about the individual that didn't like dragons, even if Malefor was very familiar with creatures that didn't like their kind, so this was more about her making sure she was remembering things correctly and that they understood the information that they had been told, especially due to the fact that it appeared that there were a few things that didn't look like the dragons had built them, meaning the Machinists must have taken over this area and converted it to suit their needs.

"I wouldn't say he 'ruled' from this island, as he was banished here and formed his army from some of the Gnorcs that were native to this area," Spike replied, where he thought about the now freed Gnorcs that were currently operating the amusement part on Dragon Shores, the one he and his siblings had visited after they bested Ripto and sent him back to the land that he called home, an island that must be located in another part of their world, since they didn't see an island that might be where their second foe came from, "of course he then used a spell to turn gems into soldiers, so he could get more of our treasure and boost his ranks, but when he attacked us we turned the tables on him, freeing our lands and recovering what he had stolen, before we sealed him in his own crystalline statue, which, if memory serves, should be in one of the realms of the Machinists homeworld."

Nestor and the other Leaders nodded their heads, confirming Spike's statement about the statue Gnasty Gnorc was trapped inside, before the airship departed from the homeworld they had been staring at and quickly headed for the next one that was between them and the land that the Artisans called home, though it was easy to see that Cynder, Hunter's family, and the Guardians were interested in what they were seeing at the moment, as the fifth homeworld was an island that floated in the sky. Spike informed them that this was the home of the Dream Weavers, special dragons that tended to the dreams of every creature in the Dragon Realms, with the majority of them sleeping during the day and working at night while a smaller portion of them did the inverse of that, work during the day and sleep during the night, though Spike made sure to tell their new friends that these dragons made sure nightmares were stopped and that every creature had pleasant dreams, something that clearly interested their new friends. From there it wasn't long before they reached the outskirts of the Beast Makers homeworld, the massive swamp that Bruno watched over as he lead the others of his kind, which was around the time that Cynder learned that the dragons who called this homeworld home, even if she was still getting used to the new terms that Spyro and the others used when they explained things, helped bring new life into the world and that they tended to all the creatures of the Dragon Realms, especially if a creature was sick or seriously ill, and that the Beast Makers had been the guardians of a secret for as long as they could remember, keeping the existence of the Phoenixes safe, in case someone might try to harm them. In fact the island that Sol and the rest of his kind called home was close to where the Beast Makers lived, even if there was an hour flight between the two landmasses, and that was the reason why a portal existed to make things easier, since the Beast Makers also tended to the Phoenixes, though now that they had rejoined the world as a whole, no doubt thanks to what the siblings did, they were no longer keeping themselves hidden and were helping their friends whenever they needed assistance.

Sol also explained one of the major differences between young dragons and young Phoenixes, where the former were given dragonflies to help protect them from dangers as they grew up, at least according to what he learned from the time he spent with Spike and the others, while the latter didn't have any dragonflies, mostly because of the fact that he and the rest of his kind lived in or around a volcano, one that wasn't active to the point where it was constantly flowing, much like how Boyzitbig, rather it was just boiling from time to time and everyone was sure that it wouldn't erupt for another fifty years, at the very least, though the heat was the reason behind why there were no dragonflies on the island, since all of the young dragonflies would collapse due to the heat. The fact that all of the hatchlings in the Dragon Realms were given a dragonfly, both to protect them from danger and to keep them company, interested Cynder, her father, and the Guardians that were listening to what Spike and Sol had to say, because none of them were expecting such a thing to happen over the years, hence the reason that Sparx, Talon, and Cinder, with an 'I' instead of a 'Y', were introduced to Cynder and the others, something that caused Cynder to raise her eyebrow for a moment since she wasn't expecting to meet someone that had a name that was so similar to hers. Spike then went on to explain that most dragons no longer needed the aid of their dragonflies, as protectors to be exact, after they matured into adult dragons, meaning that when they turned fifteen the same would happen to the three of them and would allow Sparx and the others to relax, without having to protect the three of them from danger, as they would be old enough and strong enough to do that themselves, especially after what had happened during their battle with Malefor and the battle for Warfang.

With that explanation done the group watched the swamp go by and was replaced by mountains that had all sorts of structures and walkways built into the peaks, as they had raised themselves higher than the other homeworlds so that the others could actually see the land of the Magic Crafters, where magic was abundant and everyone worked on the various types of magic, with Cosmos acting as the Leader for them all, something that would likely change once Spike matured, as the young dragon was the youngest Archmage in the world and Cosmos was thinking he might be passing on the position to Spike at some point. In addition to all of the elemental spells, be they Prime or Minor, Cosmos and the other taught the other schools of magic, like Transfiguration, Teleportation, and so on, and each school had a Master, like how Warfang had Guardians that stood for the element that they had mastered, with Nora standing as the Master of Teleportation Magic, even if she had learned something new from Spike, the Teleportation Breath that he had used to great effect during their third adventure, the one that brought them face to face with Morrigan. Malefor also noted the direction that held the area that Spike had performed the Archmage Ceremony in, where he had summoned Akilesh from the Arcanaeum and nearly broke himself during his battle with the elemental that was contained within the staff, though the first purple dragon said nothing about that and simply nodded his head, allowing them to continue towards the next homeworld, which would be the more barren lands of the Peace Keepers, even though Titan and the others made sure their hatchlings were kept in a safe area, until they were ready to start their warrior training. Still, despite what Titan and the others had to say, Cynder and the rest of her group were eager to lay eyes on the desert canyon that served as the home of the Peace Keepers, even if they were surprised by the tar pit that the dragons didn't do anything with, or at least that was the case in the past and could change with the arrival of the Machinists and their new friends, though there wasn't much else to say, other than this was where Spyro, Spike, Ember, and their friends learned how to fight like true warriors, with Ember being one of the strongest warriors Titan had ever seen.

Eventually they reached the outskirts of the Artisans homeworld, where Cynder and the others gazed upon the land that Spyro, Spike, and Ember called home, taking in the seemingly peaceful meadows, the gentle waterfalls, the vast plains of grass, and the number of intricate statues, stonework, and marble hallways that could be seen from the air, where they found that Fury was setting down the airship near a dock that lead into the main area of the homeworld, though once that was done they started to disembark and enter the island they had flown to.

"So this is where you guys have been living?" Cynder asked, mostly because it wasn't what she was expecting when she thought about the various areas that Spyro could have been living in, though at the same time it was easy to see why he and his siblings liked this place, as it was incredibly peaceful and totally different from what she was used to, due to the fact that Warfang was totally different given the lands that surrounded it, while at the same time her father and the others looked out at the area that was on the other side of the tunnel, "Its so peaceful here, totally different from everything that I was expecting when I thought about where you might have been reborn."

"Trust me, I understand the feeling," Hunter commented, because he recalled what he had learned in the past, after the events that brought the siblings to Avalar in the first place and stopped everything that Moneybags had set in motion, before he, Elora, and the others glanced out at the area that they had gotten used to visiting since they learned of the lands the dragons called home, something that was followed by a smile appearing on his face, "Spyro, Spike, and Ember are Artisans dragons, as this is their homeworld, yet all of them are entirely different from the peaceful dragons that call this land home, with Spyro being a warrior and a leader, Spike being a strong Magic Crafter, and Ember being a Peace Keeper at heart, so I can understand why its hard to believe that this is there homeworld."

"Still, this place is rather nice, though getting here will be rather challenging," Ignitus remarked, referring to the fact that it would take them about two weeks or so to travel between the two sets of islands that they and their new friends lived on, though even as he said that Hunter, Elora, and Bianca, at the very least, glanced at each other and chuckled for a few seconds, causing him and the other Guardians to raise their eyebrows for a moment as they turned towards the small group of individuals that were standing near them, "Um, what's so funny?"

"Spike can open a new portal, linking Warfang to the Dragon Realms," Bianca stated, because while Nora was the one that had built the portal structures and enchanted them to connect to the various realms the siblings had explored, which was rather impressive when she thought about it, Spike was one of the most powerful dragons in the world, second to the first purple dragon, and he was capable of making sure the portals opened to the exact location they had picked out when they were setting the portals up.

The Guardians seemed to consider that for a moment as Spike lead the way back to the more hidden area of the main part of their homeworld, where they and Malefor found portals connecting this area back to several other areas, one being Dragon Shores, another being Avalar, and a third being Avilion, though there were a few more portals that were around the area and a few seemed to be offline, and that was the moment that Spike's magic flared for a few seconds as one of the other portals became active. Ignitus looked at it for a few seconds before heading through it, where he found that the portal lead to the docks of Warfang, set up in an area that would make it easy for people to move from one area to the other and some of the residents of the city seemed surprised to see him, before he headed back through the portal and appeared near the group. Cyril, Volteer, and Terrador seemed impressed, mostly because it was a dragon that wasn't the Chronicler that had done the deed, while Malefor nodded his head to show that he was still impressed by what they were seeing, as Spike continued to impress him with his feats of magic, something that he figured was going to happen for a few more weeks before everything returned to normal.

"Well, now that we have a way back home, I think I'll stay here with Spyro and his siblings," Cynder said, though while it was clear Hunter and the rest of the group were surprised by what they were hearing, since they figured that she would return home afterwards and come to a decision after some time, the ones that were happy to have her decide such a thing were Spyro, Spike, and Ember, before she smiled for a moment as she glanced back at her father and the Guardians she had followed for a long time, "I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds, both in these lands and our new training that will be coming at some point in the future."

Spyro and his siblings smiled as that happened, because they were eager to show Cynder what the Artisans did every single day and what their lives were like, before they started the training that Malefor had in mind for them, which would be about the same time that Spike continued his search for knowledge as the others determined what they were going to do when they weren't training with Malefor or the other Guardians, as they were sure Ignitus and the others might get in on the action at some point, all while waiting to see if any additional villains showed up in the near future.

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