• Published 13th Jan 2019
  • 3,196 Views, 103 Comments

Thomas & Equestria Girls 2: Adventures From Sodor - LPFanFic

The Equestria Girls travel to the Island of Sodor to stop an old enemy and their devastating scheme. All while Thomas and his friends try to find purpose in an ever changing world.

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Chapter 13: Twilight's Turmoil

Author's Note:

NOTE: For anyone interested, please go and check out Artthriller94 on Deviant Art. He made these awesome vectors of all the Equestria Girl characters in their engine/brakevan froms. If you're sick of going back to previous chapters to get a reminder of what they're suppose to look like, these pictures will fix all that! He put a lot of time and work into them. Go a head and check 'em out!: https://www.deviantart.com/artthriller94

Thomas & Equestria Girls 2:
Adventures From Sodor!

Chapter 13: Twilight's Turmoil

Sir Topham Hatt knew just the place where the Girls could spend their nights. They were going to stay on Sodor for some time, so they needed somewhere to sleep. After their visit to Ulfstead Castle, The Girls made their way along the mainline until arriving at a large, light brown building with windows on all sides, seven windows at the front, three light green doors with seven flat tracks leading in and two narrow gauge tracks for the center entrance. The Girls had arrived at the Sodor Steamworks.

The Steamworks was a large repair company that specialises in fixing steam engines, situated along the mainline near Crovan's Gate. It's accessible and used by steam engines on both the North Western and Narrow-Gauge Railways. The essential components for steam locomotives are kept and made here, and heavy overhauls are also carried out here. The once hustling and bustling repair station had only been abandoned for a day or two. The Steamworks were the first to clear out when Gisborne took over the Railway. Now that there were no steam engines running Sodor, there was no need for the Steamworks.

After entering from a transfer table outside, the Girls inspected the empty interior of the building. Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity were on one side of the workshop while Sunset, Twilight, Fluttershy, Spike and Pinkie Pie were across them near a turntable leading to three tracks.

"You're sure nobody stops by this place anymore?" Sunset said to Sir Topham Hatt.

"As long as Gisborne doesn't have any intent on tearing down or remodeling it, this should be a discreet enough hideout," Twilight said.

"Sure is big enough to house all eight of us, that's for sure!" Applejack said. "Plenty of room, sturdy, and with a nice skyline an' everythin'!"

"How ironic we'll be taking up shelter in a workshop that specializes in repairing steam trains," Rarity commented. "Though, do perhaps we dust up the place before taking temporary residence?"

"This Is Going To Be The Best Sleepover Ever!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Dibs on top bunk!" Rainbow Dash joked.

"We'll get settled in while you're off fetching the coal and water," Sir Topham Hatt said to Sunset.

"Sounds like a plan."

Sunset Shimmer chuffed past the turntable where Twilight uncoupled from her tender. The table turned Twilight around until she faced Fluttershy, who kindly offered to push her back against a set of buffers on her line, which Twilight gratefully accepted. Sunset was confused by this until she remembered what Twilight let slip out at Ulfstead Castle.

"Aren't you coming, Twilight?" Sunset asked.

"Who, me?" She asked, pretending she hadn't heard.

"Yes, you. We need to get going if we wanna make it back before sunrise."

"What?! I can't go with you," She insisted. "I can hardly move my wheels, remember?"

"Then I'll just carry you until you do."

"H-How about I just wait here until you get back so we can start practicing-,"

"Twilight," Sunset said, a bit sterner.

"Come on, Sunset," Twilight protested. "I can't have you lug me half way across a whole other Island. I'll just slow you down."

"Not unless you finally drive on your own along the way."

Twilight darted her eyes at the ground. Her head swirled with doubt and anxiousness.

"This'll be good for you, Twilight. I know you can do this."

The other Girls could sense Twilight was visibly apprehensive about her predicament. She really didn't want to go. Sunset only wanted her to improve and get to driving on her own finally. Twilight knew this, and knowing that her friend could still teach her along the way, perhaps this was her chance.

"Hey!" Spike called. "I wanna go too!"

"Ah, yes. You'll need to take Spike with you," Sir Topham Hatt advised. "It's always important to bring a brake van even if they'll be six of you hauling back this shipment."

"Um, but," Fluttershy chimed. "How will I manage without a brake van? What if I crash again?"

"You won't crash again, Sugarcube," Applejack said. "We'll make sure of it."

The Girls all collectively agreed. Once the two engines were coupled up, Sunset pushed Twilight back into Spike, who was now uncoupled from Fluttershy and waiting on the turntable to be coupled up with Twilight again. Spike could see Fluttershy was not at all confident to be without him acting as her brakes.

"It's okay, Fluttershy," Spike smiled. "We'll be back before you get the hang of your own brakes!"

"Which she totally will by the time you do!" Rainbow Dash said, confidently. "Right, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy chuckled sheepishly before sighing, then looked downcast at the floor beneath her.

"You're all set, girls!" Sir Topham Hatt said. "Duck, Oliver and Donald will be waiting for you at the Vicerstown Bridge; just on the east end of the Island. Good luck, and have a safe trip!"

Out of nowhere, Sunset Shimmer tooted her whistle. This was a surprise even to her. It almost caught everyone off guard. Her whistle was deep toned with a few hollow toots. Beaming to herself, Sunset took off with a reluctant Twilight and excitable Spike tailed behind her tender, leaving the Steamworks and heading out on their way to the Other Railway.

It was now dark with the starry night beaming down on the land, and the sky coated with sunlight still descending from afar. Sunset, Twilight and Spike rode along side Duck, Oliver, Toad, and Donald down the mainland. It was a long trip, but most of their trip brought them past vast farming fields, tall mountains, and forests with trees bigger than Sodor's. Luckily all diesel engines had finished work for the day. Though there were still some they had to look out for, the tracks we bare of any engine, giving them a clear path to travel on.

"I just know we're going get into big trouble for this," Duck said, worriedly.

"Ah don't care about none of that, Duck," Donald said. "I'm gettin' dougie back one way or another."

"Why oh why did I let you talk me into this? I approve what they're doing for us and all, but as a Great Western engine, we shouldn't be meddling in such affairs we're not suppose to."

"Ms. Twilight and Sunset need directions to the Mainland, Duck" Toad said. "It's too far away to make the trek on their own."

Oliver chuckled, "Nevermind, Duck. We're already out here, so we've already meddled. No going back now."

Meanwhile, Sunset was still trying to get Twilight to move on her own.

"How about now, Twilight?" Sunset asked.

Twilight tried, exerting every ounce in her to move her wheels. But she still couldn't get them to budge one bit.

"Nothing," She said, disappointed. "You'd think the rate we're conveying would've applied enough forward momentum to get me going."

"Say, Sunset, when did you first learn how to drive?" Oliver asked.

"When I was with Thomas in the Magic Railroad."

"That must've been quite the shock to see yourself as an engine," Toad said.

"It didn't help when I couldn't move on my first run either. I remember telling myself how I couldn't do it, that I was just holding Thomas back. But he kept telling me the exact opposite. To keep giving it another try. And never gave up on me."

Sunset wistfully drifted off into her thoughts, reminiscing like she was experiencing it all over again. The other engines knew Thomas well enough that her story sounded exactly like something he would do, and were proud of their friend for providing some much needed support. It was a difficult day for multiple reasons, but it was also triumphant. Sunset was able to move on her own with Thomas' support driving her all the way, and she continued feeling all the more grateful the more she looked down at her buffers and purple pilot.

"Thomas encouraged me to keep trying. Before I knew it, I was pushing him instead of having him pull me. It felt really weird, but driving quickly became a cinch."

"Just goes to show what an engine can really do when the going gets tough," Duck said. "Especially ones that weren't really engines to begin with."

"Except I've gone without learning way longer than I should've," Twilight stressed. "Everyone already knows how to drive! What if I never learn?! What If I'm just in everyone's way now?!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Twilight," Sunset smiled, casually. "You will learn. I don't care if takes us until every engine's back on Sodor to get us there."

"Although we greatly prefer not to wait that long too," Oliver said.

Sunset sniggered, "Right. Besides, you should start taking charge yourself. And that can't happen if you're coupled up to one of us all the time. The sooner you're on the move, the better handle we'll all have on our objective. I know you can do this, Twilight. I see it in you just like Thomas saw it with me."

"Sunset's right, you know," Spike said to Toad. "I can count plenty of times Twilight's gotten us out of a predicament."

Toad was amused. "Mr. Oliver and friends are pretty good leaders too. But when did Ms. Twilight take charge whilst you were dealing with magic problems, Spike?"

Spike drew a blank. "Uh, well, they didn't all have anything to do with magic, actually. But she did tutor our friends for their school's final exams. Twilight's really good at that kind of stuff."

"Final exams?" Toad didn't understand much. "You mean like an inspection of sorts?"

Spike nudged his cheek, "I 'unno. But Twilight can solve pretty much anything! Like how their geodes went haywire and they started acting out. And when Thomas was visiting our world, she studied how Gold Dust can fix-"

Twilight listened to Spike singing nothing but praise about his owner without a care of what she was really going through. This only made Twilight feel worse about herself. Even though Spike wasn't far off from what she did, something about being the one everyone looked to for answers still discouraged her from giving them out.

"Sunset, we've had this discussion already," Twilight said. "I can add, solve, and maybe coach once in a while but that's it."

"And I can only do so much regarding all this train stuff. With everyone else still figuring out their limits, they'll need us to help them adapt and improve if we wanna succeed."

"Sounds like you girls are in a bit of a rut," Duck said.

"Ah, give the lassies some time," Donald said. "Those other engines seem tae be doin' fine. Twilight will have nae problems gettin' her wee wheels goin'."

"I won't be any better than you are, you know," Twilight argued.

"You want to save Edward, don't you?" Sunset continued. "If we can just-"

Twilight interrupted, a little offended, "What kind of question was that?! I wanna rescue Edward more than anyone! Working together will make that happen."

"But I can't be the only deciding what's best for everyone and what we need."

"Well, why not?!"

"'Cause then we wouldn't be working together!"

Twilight was taken aback. Everyone stopped and stared back at her. Sunset could sense the argument has gone on longer than either expected based on the silence swooping everyone.

"I'm sorry, Twilight." She felt genuinely bad. "I know how frustrating this all feels. I was just trying to help."

Twilight sighed, "I'm sorry too. Believe me. If any person, pony, or locomotive who's help I could really use right now, it's yours, Sunset."

"We do work best as a team. But I don't wanna do this without you," She said, sincerely.

Twilight was surprised by what Sunset said. She tried reassuring her friend despite Twilight's own lingering doubts.

"You won't have to, Sunset. I'm just not positive driving on my own is going to happen anytime soon."

Sunset, Spike and the others reluctantly agreed to drop this discussion after sensing her distress. Twilight was on the same page regarding teamwork, but not while heeding the team head on. She would much rather be the brains of the group, who occasionally steps in to assess any problem. It was complicated for Twilight. And the more she started thinking about it, the more her chosen role lends itself to actively decide and command what to do based on what's needed. Twilight didn't want this to be true though. She tried shaking off any and all thoughts of such an idea.

"Hey, Duck," Spike asked. "What would you say is the Great Western way from all this?"

"Whatever's done proper, Spike. Every engine needs a little guidance now and then. That's why a Railway always has a controller; to make sure us engines are doing our job, and to keep from spiraling out of control."

"And that's the so called 'Great Western way' of doing things?" Sunset said, sarcastically.

"Close. But nope."

Twilight looked downcast upon hearing this, especially when all of Sunset's words started circling her head. How Thomas managed to inspire Sunset, and how her supportive friends still believe in her to guide them ton their journey. Even back when they wanted her to lead the Wondercolts for the Crystal Race. She then started thinking about Edward after Sunset unintentionally brought him up. She had always thought her and her friends would rescue Edward together. But she also secretly wanted to be the one herself to do so. But how could she if Twilight needed another engine hauling her everywhere?

"What would Edward say?" Twilight murmured before gazing up at the twinkling stars. "I can't imagine he'd be too proud of me right about now."

At last, the group arrived at the Vicarstown Goods Depot, a faraway part of the mainland where only diesels work. The industrial train yard was large but rather cramped. Every other line except the one they could travel on was taken up by rows and rows of oil tankers, empty, worn out trucks, boxcars and brake vans waiting to be collected for a morning trip.

The group quietly chuffed past theses tight corridors of oil tankers, boxcars, and sleeping diesel shunters and diesel locomotives parked alongside the tracks. Their line was well lit with tall light poles dimly shining only small fractions of the depot. Every other direction was dark, smoggy, and abandoned, invoking an eerie sense of an unwelcoming pit in their boilers. Tools, engine parts, barrels, pressure vessels, and trolleys laid everywhere. Oliver shivered when memories of days spent in these sidings came crawling back in his funnel.

The depot had a few double-road and single sheds, brick walled warehouses, small shelters with lights inside still on, and overhead signal boxes pointing their tall lamps down at anything it could reach. There were tall, cylindrical metal towers and giant, fuel storage tanks in the distance, metal mast towers, inoperable cranes, and fueling stations for diesel engines around every corner.

"Oooh, we really shouldn't be here," Duck repeated while quivering in his wheels.

"Where are ye, Dougie?" Donald said to himself while scanning the area.

He and the others could barely make out anything.

"Follow us," Oliver whispered. "I know where they might be hiding Douglas."

Sunset, Twilight, Spike and Donald followed Duck, Oliver and Toad, still keeping quiet so as to not alert any foremen standing guard in their signal box gantry, or wake any snoozing diesel inches away from their boilers and footplates.

The gang soon found themselves entering perhaps the eeriest and most discomforting section of the depot; the Scrapyard. Everywhere they looked past the smog and smoke were rusted old steam engines laying on their sides in a pile of twisted scrap metal and broken engine parts, or parked along a siding next to other faceless engines.

Sunset, Twilight and the others then heard a sudden buzzing bell and a burst of factory sounds reverberating the area. A continuing, low and regular bashing and clanking from clashing metal clanged all around them. Above they saw a rusted, hollow engine hoisted up from an overhead crane being pulled out of a square window with bright, red lights beaming from an indoor foundry. The crane grinded and growled as it dropped the scrapped engine in a pile of other twisted metal and blemished iron. The group didn't want to stick around for too long and simply by passed any and all similar disturbances they came across.

"I don't see him anywhere," Oliver said.

"What does he look like?" Spike asked.

"Ach, like me of course!" Donald said, "but with the number ten instead of nine on his tender!"

He wanted to take off and look around himself, but Donald was limited to just the single track they were on. Donald became inpatient and began calling out for his brother.

"Dougie?! Dougie where are you?!"

"Be quiet!" Sunset hushed. "Someone will hear us."

"There's nae time!" Donald argued. "We might as well be too late!"

He was growing more restless by the second. Then, a faint howl of a screeching whistle startled the group. All but Donald, who was sure Douglas must be where the factory whistle came from. He saw a set of points to his right leading to a line that wasn't blocked by rolling stock or scrapped engines. Donald slinked onto the other line and chuffed off in a hurry.

"Hey, where's he going?!" Spike said.

Donald zipped past all the other engines and brake vans.


"Donald?!" Duck called. "Get back here! You're not suppose to-"

They watched Donald disappear into the foggy distance.

"… Run off in the dark alone," Duck said, annoyed.

Donald frantically puffed through the scrapyard while searching for his brother, passing more scrapped engines along the way. He hoped Douglas wasn't among the endless scrap piles.

"Dougie?! Doouugie!"

He ran into a red ambient smelter foundry. Sparks spewed everywhere, engine pieces and boilers dangled off of gantries, and his chuffing echoed with an unnerving rebound. His brother was nowhere to be found. Donald exited the smelting foundry, plowing through broken up pieces of metal laying on the tracks along the way. Metal chains hanging above from metal overheads brushed against his funnel and cab roof. He kept calling Douglas' name. But there was still no reply.

Though none of the spooky sights seemed to phase him, Donald was still worried a foreman or diesel might spot him. He kept his calls to a minimum, and tried peering through the intoxicating smog. But the quieter the scrapyard became, the more anxious Donald grew. The fog cleared up revealing rows of scrapped steam engines with missing wheels, fireboxes, boilers and cab roofs. Donald tried to be brave. Douglas had to be here somewhere. He could feel it. Donald didn't care if he was caught. He had to keep going.


"Help! Help!"

The haunting voice calling through the ambience made Donald gasped and nearly flipped in his wheels.


"Donnie?! Donnie!"

Picking up speed again, an overjoyed Donald made his way to where the voice was calling from.

"I'm over here, man!"

Just as he hoped, the voice led Donald all the way to Douglas, who was parked underneath a small dark green building with a track line running through. Douglas was just as overjoyed when Donald's lantern emerged from the mist and chuffed onto the siding through a set of points, and parked face to face, in clear view with his brother.

"Oh, Douglas!" Donald said. "I can't believe it! Yer still in one piece!"

"Just barely," Douglas laughed, relieved to see his brother again. "But what are ye doin' here, Donald? How did ye find me?"

"What's it look like ye silly engine? I came tae rescue you. And I'm no' alone either."

Just then, Duck, Oliver, Toad, Twilight, Spike and Sunset showed up.

"There you are!" Sunset scolded. "Why did you run off like that?!"

"Half the yard is already onto us by now with the way your drawing attention," Duck said.

Donald was too cheerful over finding Douglas to mind any criticism.

"Guess what, everyone?! I found me brother! He's right here, see?"

The others soon forgot to be mad at Donald and were just as shocked and relieved to see Douglas still somewhat intact. Douglas had a few paint clippings over his engine. His name plate was gone, and there were scuffs and white paint markings all over him from his tender to his buffers and funnel. He was not well looked after at all.

"You actually found him?" Twilight said, the most pleasantly surprised. "That's amazing, Donald!"

Douglas was surprised. "Duck? Oliver? Toad? You're here too?"

"That's right, Mr. Douglas," Toad said. "We came with Ms. Sunset and Twilight to rescue you."

"Who?" Douglas asked, brow raised.

"New friends, Dougie!" Donald chuckled. "We'll explain on the way. But for now, let's get ye outta this forsaken wasteland an' away from the melters."

"We have to get going fast," Twilight insisted. "I have a feeling someone might've heard you calling your brother."

"Agreed. Fetch our coal and water, and be off before we cause more trouble," Duck informed.

Donald biffed up to Douglas and waited for Twilight to use her magic to couple the Twins together. Douglas was shocked from seeing Donald's coupling rod levitate over onto his hook in a purple, magical aura; all from the glasses wearing purple engine's shining lantern.

"Uhh… did she just move yer couplin' rod without a shunter's pole?"

"Aye, Douglas! That she did!" Donald grinned.

Douglas was baffled to no end. Donald and the others couldn't help but snigger at his reaction, as they all got ready to haul Douglas safely and cautiously out of the Scrapyards.

The gang now had to be extra careful not to be spotted by anyone after Donald took off earlier. Especially now that they were accompanied by an engine marked for scrap. Each time they heard something or spotted someone, the group had to stop in place, shut off steam, and remain quiet until it was safe to move on. They noticed one or two foremen walking by with clipboards in hand, but they didn't seem to be aware of their presence. The group moved on the best they could without making too much noise.

"So," Donald teased, "that's twice I had tae save ye sorry tender from certain doom now."

"Ya mean compared tae the number of times I saved ye wee engine from an accident you got yerself into in the first place?" Douglas joked back.

"Ah, away an' wheesh. I'm just glad tae see me brother again."

"Says you. I should be glad more like."

"Funny how you saved me and Toad from this very yard once, eh Douglas?" Oliver mentioned. "And now here we are saving you!"

Douglas chuckled quietly, "In deed, Oliver! Some things seem tae always come back around in strange ways, eh?"

"See?" Spike said to Sunset and Twilight. "I knew we would find Douglas. Just think of how close we'll be to saving Henry and Edward!"

"Why is Mr. Gisborne, or this Siren, or whoever's call it was keeping them on Sodor anyway?" Oliver asked.

"Maybe there wasn't enough room for them on the boat after the night Mr. Thomas and his friends tried escaping," Toad suggested.

"Aye," Douglas said. "That's why I was sent tae the mainland instead of Scotland. Gisborne didnae want tae wait for another ship tae arrive and take me back."

"Hopefully, we'll have enough time before the next ferry arrives," Sunset assured. "But it's like Spike said. Now I'm even more hopeful we'll find them unscathed."

"I hope so," Twilight exhaled, worriedly drifting off into her thoughts. "I really, really do."

Finally, after evading a few foreman, the group finally located their train of coal and water. And what a train it was. There were about thirty-five blue water tankers and nearly thirty-five brown coal trucks all lined up on each track in a single row. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle were surprised by how many Sir Topham Hatt managed to order.

"Look how many there are!" Twilight said.

"There must be enough to last us well more than what we needed!" Sunset said.

"Looks like you've got a bit of spare wagons and trucks to boot," Oliver mentioned. "Maybe enough to keep us all operational too?"

"Seems like a fair trade," She agreed.

"C'mon, Dougie," Donald blew his whistle. "Let's get that ol' firebox of yours burnin' again!"

Twilight, Sunset, and the Sodor engines worked hard to organize all the trucks and water tankers. Donald, Twilight and Sunset helped to get Douglas refilled with coal and water until he was steaming a nice harm fire in his firebox again. Next, the engines got coupled up to their trains. Duck, Oliver and Toad were coupled up to the back train of water tankers. Donald and Douglas both simultaneously volunteered to be back engines for the coal trucks, remembering an incident where they kept switching between back and front engines for a long train of pipes. Sunset then shunted Twilight at the end of the coal train so she could couple up Spike to be its brakevan. The Scottish Twins and Spike were soon secured, leaving just Sunset and Twilight to take the front of each train.

But Sunset had an idea. She told Twilight to uncouple from her. When she did, Sunset chuffed a head and parked beside the two front trains.

"What are you doing, Sunset?" Twilight asked.

"Giving you an open opportunity to test your driving, of course," Sunset encouraged.

"Yeah!" Spike cheered. "Give it a go, Twilight!"

Oliver, Toad and the Twins agreed and encouraged her to test her driving now too. But Twilight didn't feel it in her. She was too apprehensive.

"But… But what if I don't?" Twilight nearly stuttered.

"If not now then when?" Sunset asked.

"At a more convenient, off the clock and avoiding capture from anyone kinda time!" Twilight said.

"She's right," Duck said. "Now's not the time. Let's be off now!"

"Please, Twilight," Sunset begged. "We need everyone to carry our train."

"Ah, this train ain't nothin'," Donald boasted.

"Is no' even that many trucks, really," Douglas commented. "We've pulled far heavier loads back in Scotland."


Silence struck as everyone looked to Twilight. Despite her nervousness, she too wanted to get moving on her own already. After thinking it over, Twilight sighed, seeing no way to avoid this any more.

"I-I'll try."

Sunset, Spike and everyone smiled. Twilight shuts her eyes. Deep in focus, Twilight exerted her herself to move forward. Sunset and everyone watched or listened for even the slightest movement of wheels. But they didn't move. Only faint grinds were heard. No matter how hard Twilight tried to turn her wheels, they wouldn't budge an inch. No steam came out, no smoke from her funnel billowed. Twilight just remained where she was.

She finally gave up, exhaling and panting an exasperated breath. Sunset was worried for her.

"Come on, Twilight," She said. "Keep trying. You can do this."

A weary Twilight looked down at her buffers, and with a quiet and almost teary-eyed tone of defeat, she spoke through her slow breathing.

"I can't."

Sunset and Spike were the most surprised by this. She really couldn't move at all. She was stuck. This made them and the rest sad. Everyone went quiet. They felt terrible for Twilight, now processing this much worse than her friends did. Twilight felt like crying. There was nothing she could do. She felt helpless and weak.

'This must be what Fluttershy's going through,' Twilight thought, 'having no control over an important aspect of yourself to function properly'. She wondered how Sunset managed to move on her first time in the Magic Railroad, and how shocking and frustrating of a journey it must've been. How did she learn so quickly? But she knew Sunset didn't at first, not until Thomas let her drive on her own.

Then, Twilight thought about Edward again, and the important lesson he taught her when he first visited their school, as well as every other moment of doubt she felt in her life. She looked around at everyone with their eyes cast down in defeat. Sunset, Spike, Duck, Oliver, the Twins, Toad, and her friends back on Sodor; they believed in her. Everything they've ever done to encourage her, to embrace the best part of who she is and the world of possibilities that come with it, all of it came swarming in her head along with echoes of Edward's lesson. Sunset, Spike, and her friends gave her strength before. And now they needed hers. Twilight Sparkle didn't want to hold back her friends anymore, not when everyone's counting on her.

Just as Sunset made the decision to fetch Twilight, she stopped only to hear Twilight exerting all her might into moving her wheels again. She struggled and toiled, each push added more pain and pressure than she'd ever felt before. Her wheels grind a somewhat high pitch clank, this time inching Twilight's wheels just enough to show visible movement. The others were soon drawn to this and watched in a captivated state.

Suddenly, after much exertion and grunting, all six of Twilight's wheels turned slowly but definitively in a full three sixty. Then again, and again, and again. Steam shot from her stack, her firebox burned, and smoke billowed from her funnel! Duck, Oliver, Toad, Donald and Douglas couldn't believe their eyes. Sunset Shimmer and Spike's jaws hung loose until they creasing into beaming smiles.

Twilight Sparkle was now moving on her own.

Twilight chuffed slowly towards Sunset with cheeks redder than the foundry. Her eyes glared with intent, wheels clanked against the track, and steam hissed and left mist in her wake. Sunset beamed with as much determination, and chuffed up onto the other line and backed into the train of water tankers. While passing, Twilight inserted focus into her magic to hook Sunset's couples onto her train. Twilight then made her way to the front of her coal truck train, backs into it, and couples herself with the swing of her magic.

Twilight lets out a breath of relief. And, exhausted but proud, she smiled through her red, panting face while the Sodor engines cheered over her successful run.

"That's my girl!" Spike cheered.

Out of all the engines, nobody could have been anymore glad or prouder for her friend than Sunset.

The two trains where now leaving the Vicarstown Goods Depot with their freight line of water and coal. Sunset, Duck and Oliver led the single line with Twilight, Donald and Douglas tailing behind.

"So far so good," Duck said. "If we stick to the Great Western way, we can make it back without-"

"HEY! Stop Right There!"

A blinding light flashed on and directed at the two trains. Everyone stopped in their tracks, startled by the booming voice. Above them was signal box gantry with a man, visible only as a shadowy figure behind the light pointed at Sunset's train.

"Are you authorized to take this stock!" The foreman asked.

"Yes in deed, Sir," Duck tried to reason. "This train's ours to take. We were sent to pick it up."

"By whom?" He then pointed at the twins. "… And where're those two going?"

Donald and Douglas were nervous.

"Err, we're property of Sir Robert Norramby now," Douglas said.

"No steam engine is authorized to leave this depot!" He snapped. "Shouldn't you all be readying for your next melt down?!"

"Uh," Duck drew a blank.

Now everyone was getting nervous. Nobody knew a way out without causing a disturbance that would lead to an even bigger problem. Spike had an idea, however. He thought of it quick and shared it amongst the others.


The Twins blew their whistles in agreement. Donald and Douglas then pushed into their train, jerking Twilight forward into Oliver, who then bumped into Duck, then into Toad, all pushing Sunset and the water tankers ahead.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" The Foreman yelled.

The Foreman blew his conductor's whistle while the entire fleet of engines descended down the tracks and into the misty, dark, smog. A buzzing factory alarm sounded off a loud, ringing echo and frightened just about everyone into chuffing faster. Diesel Shunters awoke from their sleep to see a long train of steam engines with their shining lanterns, tankers, and coal trucks zipping by faster than they could blink. Everyone's wheels turned and clanked against the single line of tracks in a rapid motion. Twilight wasn't used to pushing herself this fast, but she kept up just as well as she expected.

The group were just near the exit. They had one shot to make it out of the Depot. If their path is barricaded with diesels, they were doomed. The way they came in finally blurred into view. Eyes glaring daggers, Sunset builds up more speed and charged towards the border. Duck and Oliver build up speed too and blew their whistles.

Sunset reached the exit and zipped out with Duck, Oliver, and Toad. Twilight Sparkle could see shadows of two diesel shunters closing in towards her line from both sides.

"We're no' gonna make it!" Douglas cried.

"Yes… we… are!" Twilight cried.

Twilight kept on going, boiling with determination. Her, Spike and the Twins shut their eyes and screamed for an impenetrable impact. Their train barely made it past the border before two diesel locomotives could collide straight into either trucks or clip one of the twin's tenders. They all made it out!

Peaking with one eye before opening the other, Twilight realized that her and their train were still in tact. She lets out a joyful cry of excitement, along with Spike, Donald and Douglas. The other train up front heard from the others and were overly relieved. Sunset Shimmer and the Sodor engines blew their whistles in celebration while they rode off down the mainline and on their way back to Sodor.

[Back On Sodor]

Meanwhile, at the Sodor Dieselworks, every diesel was packing up for the night. Some left for their sheds on other parts on the Island while others who lived at the works stayed behind. Henry and Edward were still cooped up in the Smelting Foundry off to the side where the main Dieselworks building stood. They were miserable.

Then, BoCo came out to the warehouse, pushing Derek towards a slot beside Edward who was parked in the middle. BoCo rudely biffed Derek into his spot, sending him flying against the set of buffers.

"There!" BoCo snapped. "Don't let me catch you breaking down again or you'll be begging the engineers not to fix you!"

Derek wasn't hurt but his feelings were almost shattered.

"BoCo?! What'd you do that for?"

"Thank goodness you're here, BoCo," Edward said. "Henry and I need to get out of here and I don't know how long-"

"I'm sorry," A smug BoCo interrupted, "I don't speak scrap iron."

"Excuse me?!" Edward said, appalled.

"It's bad enough you're still here, now you won't stop yapping. Now pipe down and let us diesels have our sleep!"

And on that, BoCo backed away from the warehouse and exited the Dieselworks. Edward and Henry both shared looks of worry.

"Oh?" Derek said, seeing the two steam engines. "What're you two doing at the Dieselworks?"

"Waiting for the next ship to take us off Sodor," Henry said, miserably.

"What's gotten into BoCo?" Edward asked.

"Don't know. He wasn't like this when we got here," Derek said. "Half of us weren't. Diesels may be a bit rough around the edges, so to speak, but I never knew BoCo to be this mean."

"Neither did I." Edward then whispered to Henry, "It must be the Siren's doing."

"A what?" Derek asked.

"You know," Henry explained. "A creature who's singing can-"

Edward stammered and scoffed to get Henry to stop.

"Oh. I mean… never mind?" He grinned, innocently.

Derek raised a brow in confusion before deciding not to bother asking for clarification.

"So… they're keeping you here until then, huh?"

"I'm more worried about our friends," Henry confessed. "Luckily, they managed to get away and escaped to-"

"Henry?!" Edward warned, cutting him off and whispering again. "Not in front of the enchanted diesel."

"But he seems nice to me, Edward."

Not a lot of steam engines have ever really been this friendly to Derek before. But he was still a little downcast despite feeling complimented.

"It-it's okay. I won't tell anyone where they went."

Edward was a bit surprised, but didn't show it.

"Hm. In any case, hopefully they'll think of a way to save us soon."

"You saw how those diesels ambushed us, Edward," Henry said. "There's no way a steam engine can stand up to them."

"Our friends from Canterlot High can though. Remember?" He whispered again, "with their magic."

Derek faintly heard Edward bring up magic and continued being perplexed by their conversation.

"You really think they'll come for us, Edward?"

"No question."

Henry was still upset. "I can't imagine what Fluttershy must think of all this."

"Fluttershy?" Derek said.

"She's a very good friend of mine," Henry explained. "She's very kind, and helpful, and sweet."

"But a little nervous at times too," Edward chuckled, feeling a bit more comfortable around Derek.

"I was supposed to give her a piece of bark tree from my forest. But now I lost it, along with the tree bark she gave me when I crashed."

Derek didn't understand most of what they were talking about, but still tried empathizing with them.

"Err, I see? Well, uh… maybe you'll see your friend again one way or another."

"But what if we never do?" Henry whimpered, growing more dismayed. "Even if they decide to go to Sodor, how would they ever get by in our world; against all these diesels in such little time?"

"Henry-" Edward was interrupted by a hysterical Henry.

"We'll already be long gone by the end of this week! And we never got to say goodbye!"

Edward was saddened by what Henry said, because he knew it might be true. Derek felt bad for them, even though he felt as though he shouldn't. Despite the possibility, Edward couldn't and didn't want to believe his friends weren't coming. He knew there were going to rescue them, even if the odds looked bleak in comparison to the circumstances at hand.

"You know," Edward explained, trying to ignite hope in Henry again, "back when Twilight was studying Gold Dust for us, she nearly quit her research when learning that the jar of Gold Dust she'd lost was used to cause my accident."

Henry and Derek drew their attention to Edward.

"She blamed herself for us almost turning into Husks, and wouldn't get herself involved with Gold Dust again. But do you know what I told her?"


"'When at times you seem derailed, get back on track and keep on chuffing. And most importantly; never, never, never give up'."

Henry was intrigued. Even Derek felt inspired by what he heard. He smiled, attributing what Edward said into his own troubles with braking down. Perhaps that could be a way to deal with teething troubles.

"Say," Derek said, "that's not such a bad motto you got going for you there."

Edward smiled as he continued. "Twilight Sparkle may doubt herself sometimes, but when the going gets tough, she has dependable friends to get her going on the right track again. And knowing them, I'd say we're in pretty good hands."

Henry started feeling a little more at ease now. He knew everything Edward said was true. Each of their friends from Canterlot High had each other to believe in. Edward stared wistfully up at the night sky and the twinkling stars shining brightly.

"Wherever they may be right now, we'll be here waiting," Edward said. "I know our Canterlot High friends will come for us. Because I believe in them. And I believe in Twilight Sparkle."

Henry and Derek smiled and joined Edward as they looked to the stars, now filled with a little more hope than before.

To Be Continued.