• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 2,963 Views, 407 Comments

The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

  • ...

Mirror, Mirror

A silence hung in the air as nopony so much as dare to even breathe. Princess Celestia’s request was felt by everypony and weighed heavily on their withers. The atmosphere was becoming unbearable, yet not a one had the courage to speak first. Until…

“Waaaaait,” Pinkie said, scratching her noggin. “Are we talking about the Sombra that Twilight and Spike defeated and Radiant Hope redeemed? Or are we talking about the good Sombra from the mirror Equestria that saved the day by taking in the evilness of the other Celestia and Luna?”

“The second one, darling,” Rarity said.

“Ohhhhh! That makes way more sense.”

“Celestia!” Starswirl barked as if he caught a foal trying to sneak out past their bedtime. “Is this true!? You actually returned to that world, even after I strictly forbade you!?”

Celestia rose up but couldn’t bring herself to look into the wizened stallion’s accusing gaze. “Yes. It’s all true…”

“Do you have any idea how much danger you put yourself- nay, all of Equestria in with your selfishness!? Do you have even the slightest clue how lucky you were a paradox factor didn’t just rip the two worlds to cosmic dust!? All because you fancied a stallion!”

Celestia’s face curled into a scowl. “I loved him, Starswirl!” she barked back. “I still do! He needed my help and I couldn’t ignore him! You have no idea how much it pained me… to go so many centuries without seeing him, not even knowing if he was safe or hurt…” Celestia’s scowl slowly broke as tears wore down her mask. “And then… he comes back into my life… only to lose him again… what Sombra did was brave and selfless; I know he had no regrets and he did the right thing… but… I can’t stand the thought of Sombra being in the state he’s in. Cursed to bear the burden of darkness in his heart. There has to be something I can do. I know what I did and what I'm doing is selfish… but I can’t shake this feeling of guilt that I could’ve done more. That’s why I’m asking… begging you to help me make things right. Please…”

The silence returned, guests shifting uncomfortably as the tension between Celestia and Starswirl was practically radiating. Though after a moment more, the old stallion gave an aggravated sigh.

“I suppose… if you’re dead set on doing something so rash, you’ll need expert guidance.”

“I-I can start by analyzing any theorems and formulas you might have,” Sunburst said as he adjusted his glasses.

Starlight shrugged. “Yep, I might as well get to work.”

“Just tell us what to do, princess,” Twilight said.

Celestia was awash with gratitude as the princess’s burdens felt lighter than they’ve been in moons. She took a calming breath and composed herself. “I need help in re-establishing the link between our Equestrias. I was able to make a connection to the other side, but the portal is highly unstable. I fear that if anything living were to pass through, the consequences would be dire.”

“And, um, what would you need my help with?” Fluttershy asked meekly.

“Yeaaaah,” Rainbow Dash added. “This seems like ‘magic egghead’ business to me. Not sure what I can do to help; other than make coffee runs.”

“Rest assured; you all have a part to play in this. As I said before, I was able to make a connection. Afterward, I sent a letter through with instructions to send it back through the portal should it reach its destination. The test was successful. Even better, the Princess Luna of that Equestria promptly wrote back. However, her news was… less than ideal.” Celestia’s horn lit up and lifted a piece of parchment from a table. The parchment had singes around the edges, and the sheet itself seemed to be warped and distorted. Celestia cleared her throat and read aloud.

“Dear Princess Celestia. It is so good to hear from you, I thought I’d never get the chance again. I wish I could send you good tidings from my kingdom, but the truth is, we’re in dire straits. Your experiment couldn’t have come at a better time. If luck is on my side and you receive this letter, my Equestria is in danger, and I ask, nay, plead for your assistance. Please bring the most promising ponies you can offer. I hope to see you in the following days. Signed, Princess Luna of Equestria.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “So there is an Equestria in danger again. What a shocker.”

“Sounds like the princess is in’a right pickle,” Applejack commented.

Celestia nodded. “Indeed. Which is why I called for you all. If my instincts are correct, this will be a problem that requires all of your talents. Might and magic.”

Spike chuckled, “O-ho? You need some of this, huh?” Spike flexed his arm, muscles bulging and pushing his scales outward in a macho rhythm. An action that did not slip by Rarity, who giggled like a school filly at the sight and hid her blush behind her mane.

“I’m sure you’ll get a chance to show off your strength, Spike,” Celestia said with a good-natured chuckle. “I just pray we’re not too late.”

“Well. What are we waiting for?” Starlight said. “The sooner we get started, the better.”

Starswirl nodded. “Agreed. But we can’t afford to be hasty. Triple check your work and leave no room for error.”

Soon, the room was split in two. On the one side were Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Starlight, Starswirl and Sunburst, consulting books, magical formulas, and spell theory. Speaking in a language totally unrecognizable to the average pony. The rest of the group did their best to kill time in their own way. Pinkie supplied snacks and jokes to anypony who wanted them, and Fluttershy brewed tea. While Capper set up a game of poker; though Princess Luna specifically stated that he was not to gamble with actual bits.

“Ah’ll raise ye,” Applejack said as she placed some colored chips into the pot.

“I’ll raise it too!” Rainbow Dash threw down the same amount of chips.

“I’m in,” Spike said as he added his chips.

“And I am in as well,” Capper said coolly. “And I’ll raise you again.”

“Ah’m in.”

“Me too!”


“All right, I’ll call -“ Capper laid out his cards. “-Full house.”

Applejack broke a sweat and revealed her cards with an air of defeat. “Pair o’ twos…”

“You doubled down on a lousy pair of twos!?” Rainbow Dash gawked.

“Oh yeah? Well what’d you git?”

“Uhh…” Dash gave an apprehended sigh. “Pair of threes… Still better than twos…”

All eyes then shifted to Spike. Nothing in his face gave away whether or not he won, as if he were carved from stone. Then, the dragon gave a low chuckle and laid out his cards. He had a straight.

“Dag gum, Spike,” Applejack said. “Ye sure beat the saddle off ‘a me.”

“Yeah,” Dash added. “I didn’t know you were good at this.”

Spike rubbed his neck sheepishly. “Well I had a lot of downtime in the hospital. Dr. Hawkeye taught me how to play, and I guess he was a good teacher.”

“I’ll say,” Capper replied as he gathered his winnings, then the cards, and did a ruffle shuffle. “Applejack has about the worst poker face I’ve ever seen, and Rainbow Dash is so easy to bait she might as well be called ‘Rainbow Trout.’ But you Spike, you have almost no tell. You’d be a great challenge. Perhaps I can interest you in a poker night with me and the guards?”

“Ahem!” Luna’s stern voice coughed.

“Strictly for fun, of course.” He turned his head and mumbled, “Can’t hide anything from her.”

As Capper shuffled the deck and dealt out the new cards, Rarity looked up from her tea and stole a glance at Spike. For the umpteenth time since the poker game started, from her seat with a nice vantage point. Every little sip of Fluttershy’s brew brought Rarity’s eyes up to the drake like clockwork. She just couldn’t help herself, as if she were pulled by some unknown force. What was it?

Spike just looked so cool, calm, and in control of that game; she was drawn to him as if she had magnets in her eyes. It was a kind of enamor almost alien to her. She doesn’t recall feeling this way in the past. Sure, she was drawn to stallions like Trender Hoof, Heavy Hitter, and even Fancy Pants at one point, not to mention the numerous other handsome ponies she came across. But those feelings passed along with the tide. But this? This was a far stronger, far more resilient emotion.

“Bit for your thoughts?”

Rarity gulped the tea she was savoring as she quickly tore her eyes away from Spike and turned to face Princess Cadence.

“Oh, um, h-hello Cadence! Princess! Is everything alright?”

Cadence giggled with a caring smile, “I could ask you the same thing. What’s gotten you all flustered like this? Nervous about the other Equestria?”

“Well, not exactly…”

Cadence’s eyes quickly checked her surroundings before leaning in and whispering, “Thinking about Spike?”

Rarity burst into a fierce blush like a crimson firework. “W-w-what!?” She stuttered. “What do you mean? I-I was doing no such thing. It was nothing of the sort, I just-“

Cadence gave the fashionista a smirk. “Woah, easy there. I can’t remember the last time somepony got so nervous over ‘nothing.’ Maybe Twilight, but to be fair, not having enough color-coded files is mostly a Twily problem.”

Rarity gave a half smile. “That does sound like her.”

Cadence sat down next to the white mare. “Rarity, I hate to call you out of the blue like this. But you do seem to be in some… well… emotional trouble. I just thought I’d give you a helpful ear.”

“At a time like this?”

Cadence shrugged. “You never know if this might affect you on your mission. Plus it’s kind of my duty as the Princess of Love.”

The blush returned to Rarity’s face. “L-love?”

Cadence scratched her cheek sheepishly. “Ok, Ok, umm… why don’t we go with, ‘Princess of Complicated Feelings’ for now. Though it’s interesting how you blushed at a simple four-letter word. Want to talk about it?”

Rarity’s ears flattened as gloom set in. “I… it’s… I’m not sure what there is to talk about…”

“C’mon Rarity,” Cadence prodded. “I saw how you were looking at Spike. And I definitely noticed how you were looking at him when he was flexing. I had the same look on my face years ago when I watched Shiny train for the royal guard.”

“I-I was just admiring his- uh, that is to say, amazed at- no, imagining-,” Rarity clamped her hooves over her mouth before she dug her hole any deeper.

Cadence tapped her chin. “Maybe I should be a little blunter. Why aren’t you being more honest? If not with me, then yourself?”

Rarity was silent for a time. Her eyes seemed to dull, as if all hope completely left her body as she pondered Cadence’s question. She slowly mumbled something.

“What was that?” asked the princess.

“I... don’t…” Rarity trembled as if she was about to break.

Wasting no time, Cadence’s horn flashed, and the pair vanished from the room, and the next thing Rarity knew, they were in the middle of the royal garden. “It’s ok, Rarity. It’s just us now.”

Rarity’s face wrinkled. She gave a choked sob and said, “I don’t deserve him… I’m a horrid, shallow, and cruel mare… He was one of my nearest and dearest friends and I… I scarred him for life…” Rarity felt a sharp pain in her head, as if something was sticking pins in her mind, pushing them deeper with every word of self-loathing.

“That’s not true, Rarity,” Cadence reassured. “You’re a good pony. You just made a mistake.”

“Mistake?” Rarity scoffed. “Spilling my tea when my hoof slips is a mistake. Leaving my sister alone with the stove is a mistake. What I did was malicious. You saw him when he was hospitalized didn’t you? Aren’t you the least bit angry at me?”

Cadence’s ear flattened. “I did. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t angry at first. He is my brother-in-law, and I’ve known him for as long as I’ve known Twilight and Shining Armor. I visited Spike with Shiny and Flurry a few times, and every time we saw him, he was looking better and better. You helped him heal, and he forgave you, didn’t he? I trust his judgment. But you can’t keep torturing yourself like this Rarity. I know Spike wouldn’t want that either.”

Rarity gave a few more sobs as she dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief, noting that she’d have to re-apply her makeup. “I know he wouldn’t. That’s just like him, worrying over others long before he worries about himself.”

Cadence placed a sincere hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “You really, truly care about him, don’t you?”

“I do.”

The princess smiled. “Well, that’s certainly a start. Sorry for pushing you as hard as I did.”

“It’s quite alright. I daresay I needed it.”

Cadence’s horn glowed, and before Rarity knew it, they were both back in the planning room.

“Hey Rarity, Cadence. Where’d you go?”

Rarity’s chest thumped as soon as she heard Spike’s voice. The dragon eyed the mares with curiosity, and his concern grew hastily.

“Wait Rarity, are you ok? Your eyes are all puffy.”

“S-Spike! It’s nothing darling, Cadence and I were merely-“

“I was asking Rarity for recommendations on romance novels,” Cadence said. “I’ve read mine more times than I can count, and I wanted Rarity’s advice on what to read. And she couldn’t help but get teary-eyed when she told me her favorite one.” Cadence quickly gave Rarity a sly wink.

Rarity cleared her throat. “Yes, that’s right. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, darling.”

Spike smiled as his worries dissolved. “Alrighty, as long as everything’s ok.” Spike walked back to the poker game, and Capper dealt him in.

“Thank you for the quick-thinking princess.”

Cadence nodded. “I figured you might not be ready to talk to Spike at the moment. This buys you a little more time. By the way, I would like a romance recommendation when you have the time.” With that, the Princess of Love rejoined the magic theory side of the room.

Rarity thought back on what Cadence said. Perhaps she really should come to terms with these feelings. Stop running away and finally just admit…

Rarity clutched her head as the feeling of needles came back and with them a deluge of horrific memories that streaked across her mind like the swipe of a manticore’s claw.

It should’ve been you!

Enjoy your party. I hope it was worth crushing a friend.


Do you know how much he sacrificed for you? How much he cried over you?

So you treat your friends like servants? Like disobedient dogs?

Is that what you… really think of me?


The cacophony not unlike the wails of lost souls swelled as Rarity tried her best to drown out the voices. But then, one voice appeared that was the loudest and made Rarity’s blood run cold.

Such a pathetic mare. Love… will never be within reach. The Nightmare’s voice silenced the noise, and Rarity felt the pain finally subsided. Nopony seemed to notice her distress. And to be frank, she would rather have it that way.

“So, maybe if we apply Starswirl’s ‘theory of time streams,’ with the laws of ‘Hoofton’s Apple,’ we might be able to establish an anchor to this world, and form a stronger base for a connection to the other Equestria,” Sunburst concluded as he looked up from his notes.

But that doesn’t account for the paradox factor,” Celestia replied. “Hoofton’s Apple has no real relevance in cross dimensional rifts as fragile as this.”

“And even if we establish an anchor in this world, we’d still have to make the connection to an anchor in the other world, and I still don’t know how we’re going to do that. Let alone have the connection be safe enough for us to travel,” Starswirl said as he looked over his equations on a chalkboard.

“Ugh!” Starlight dropped her head on the table. “One step forward, five steps back. No matter how you look at it, this is impossible!”

Just then Twilight’s eyes lit up, and a smile grew on her face like it usually does when she finally has her “A-HA” moment. “I know it looks tough Starlight, but luckily for us we just so happen to know somepony who can make the impossible, possible,” Twilight said as she looked over at Fluttersy enjoying her tea and one of Pinkie’s muffins.

“So, what’s the good word Twilight?” Spike asked.

Twilight rubbed her neck sheepishly. “Well you see, we’re kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place.”

That’s putting it mildly,” Starlight added. “It sounded simple enough on paper. Connect the two points, reestablish the path, presto. But we’re in way over our heads with this one.”

“How hard cann‘it be if not even y’all can figure it out?” Applejack asked.

“It’s like trying to reconnect a severed piece of rope,” Celestia said. “No matter what you try, the fibers won’t connect the same way again. And I dread to think what’d happen if a living being tried to use the portal as it stands.”

“So it’s impossible,” Rainbow dash huffed, rolling her eyes at the fact she spent hours waiting for an adventure with no payoff.

Twilight grinned. "Well yes, but it just so happens, we know somepony who can handle ‘impossible.’” Twilight nodded at Fluttershy, and the kindly pony nodded back.

Fluttershy cleared her throat and sang out, “Oh Discooooooorrrd!”

Just then, there was a puff of smoke, and Fluttershy was scooped up in a pair of mismatched arms and hugged tightly against her draqonequis friend.

“Why hello dear Flutters!” Discord said in his usual mirth when he was with the buttery Pegasus. “Are we having an early tea party? If so, I found the most delicious blend of-“ Discord paused as he realized that it wasn’t just him and Fluttershy in the room. He coughed and set Fluttershy down on the floor. “O-oh, well… um. Never mind. What brings everypony here?”

Fluttershy flew up and hovered to meet the Lord of Chaos’ eyes. “Discord, I need you to do me a favor. If you wouldn’t mind, could you please help Princess Celestia with her portal? It’d mean a lot to her, and you’re the only one who can help.”

Discord grabbed his heart as disappointment drew over his features. “Oh Fluttershy, not you too. I understand Spike and Big Mac summoning me to fix their problems since they’re so helpless.”

“Hey!” Spike protested.

“But you? I can’t help but feel a little taken for granted.”

“Aww Discord,” Fluttershy said softly. “you know it’s not like that. I would love nothing more than to spend time with you, but this is really important. If we can’t fix the portal, we can’t help the other Equestria.”

Discord crossed his arms, turned away, and sulked like a foal being told he can’t have dessert before dinner.

“If you do this for me, I’ll be sure to bake those scones you love so much for our next tea party.”

Discord’s ears perked up. He bent backward to look into Fluttershy’s eyes. “The ginger honey ones?”

Fluttershy nodded. “As many as you’d like.”

In a flash, Discord changed into a blue pinstripe suit with a red tie, a pair of high-tops, and 3D glasses with red and blue lenses. “Well when you put it like that, how can I say no?”

“Thank you, Discord!” Fluttershy said as she hugged his neck and rubbed her cheek with his.

Twilight stepped forward. “Alright, now Discord, after going over as many formulas and equations as we could, we decided that if we combine Starswirl’s theory of space and paradoxes, along with-“

Discord rolled his eyes and opened and closed his claw mockingly. “Yeah, yeah, magical mumbo jumbo, blah, blah, blah. Just use your pony magic on the portal, and I’ll fill in the rest. Simple as that.”

The Princess of Friendship gave an annoyed sigh, but assumed that Discord knew what he was doing. Then Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Starswirl, Starlight, and Discord took their positions before the mirror. Horns began to glow and build until all six shot a steady stream of magic at the portal. The looking glass pulsed with energy, each second passing growing brighter and brighter, emanating noise like a gurgle and the sound one makes when their hoof steps in mud. Discord flipped on his 3D glasses on and took out what looked like a metal wand. He pressed a button, and the wand began to hum a strange frequency. Then, with a snap of his claw, the mirror sent out a shockwave of energy that pushed away everypony in the room.

“Did it work?” Celestia asked eagerly.

Much to her delight, the mirror looked to be completely repaired. The glass was polished to a brilliant sheen and the cracks non-existent.

“This is the best I could do,” Discord huffed, more annoyed with himself than anything. “I connected the two Equestrias, but I don’t know how long the portal will stay open for. There are limits to even my power.”

“Thank you, Discord,” Celestia said. “I can’t begin to tell you how much this means to me. I’ll never forget this.”

“Just be sure to take care of whatever it is you need to do and come back as quick as you can. The pathway is so fragile that this is a one-shot deal.”

The Princess of the Sun nodded. “Very well. I’ll go first.”

“Are you sure, sister?” Luna asked.

“This was all my doing,” Celestia said sternly as she approached the mirror. “I called everypony here, I should be the first one to see if it works.” Celestia stood before the portal, gazing at her reflection for a moment before raising a hoof and touching the glass. The surface rippled like a stone being dropped in a pond. She pulled her hoof back quickly, and then a light began to dance before her with an eerie hum. She took a deep breath, steeled her resolve, and jumped into the mirror.

“You know, if I weren’t so evolved, I might think she didn’t have any faith in my abilities,” Discord said with his nose in the air.

“Alright, it’s our turn,” Twilight said with uncertainty coating her voice. “Girls. Spike. Let’s go.”

“I think I’m gonna hang back here, Twilight,” Starlight said. “Just in case if something goes wrong, I can try to get you back safely.”

“Not to mention it might be wise to send as few of us as possible,” Sunburst added. “If the pathway is as delicate as Discord says it is, we can’t put too much of a strain on it.”

“That’s… probably for the best,” Twilight said. “Then, I guess we’ll see you soon.”

“Safe travels everypony, and good luck!” Starswirl said.

One by one, Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Spike stepped through the portal. The room let go of their collective breath as the mirror’s light grew dim.

“Come back soon, everypony,” Cadence said wishfully.

The journey through the portal was far more turbulent than anypony could remember. As if they were on a rampant rollercoaster or tossed into white water rapids. Lights and shrieks filled the infinite space of pathways, as everypony felt their bodies stretch, shrink, tighten, and spin around the countless possibilities of the cosmos. There was a rumbling and a crack until finally the party was spat out from the side of a stone statue and landed on a hard marble floor.

Applejack rubbed her head. “Oww, what in tarnation was that?”

“Urp, I don’t remember portals being so rough on a pony,” Dash said as she struggled to stand on shaky hooves. “I think I got motion sickness. Me! Motion sick!”

“Well Discord did say it wasn’t perfect,” Twilight said as the bells stopped ringing in her head.

“Is it gonna be like that going home?” Pinkie said as her eyes continued spinning. “Cause that… was the BEST ride I’ve ever been on!”

“Oh, Twilight! Thank goodness you all arrived safely!” Celestia greeted.

“That certainly depends on how you define ‘safely’,” Rarity muttered.

As soon as everypony was able to stand they turned their attention to Celestia and the pony next to her. She looked exactly like Luna; except she was adorned with a silken toga and her mane was pulled back and held with a band, with an elaborate bun at the top and a loose braid trailing down her neck. She was also wearing a blue choker, with what looked like a silver carving of a fish skeleton as its centerpiece.

“Thank you all for coming,” Luna stated.

“Princess Luna? Where are we?” Twilight asked.

“The Crystal Empire,” Luna responded. “I had the statue this portal was tied to moved here since time is of the essence. Please follow me, I’ll explain as much as I can.”

The group followed Celestia and Luna down the familiar halls of the Crystal Castle. Everything looked the same. Save for a few plants and statues. The floors were still covered in fancy rugs and fine art hung on the walls, the things that all good castles have. Though Twilight and her friends could swear they heard buzzing. It was almost like there was a beehive hidden in the walls.

“I’m so grateful you arrived as timely as you did everypony,” Luna said. “Now all we have to do is wait for the other elements to arrive.”

“Other elements?” Celestia questioned.

“Wait, there are other elements besides us?” Dash asked.

“Indeed,” continued Luna. “After Equestria was saved from… well, me and my sister, a Tree of Harmony sprouted in Canterlot; perhaps a parting gift from your world. I had only heard of the tree from tales told to me by Celestia and Starswirl. But soon after Sombra’s sacrifice, the tree chose element bearers and they’ve been working together on protecting Equestria however they can.”

“Their help will certainly be welcomed if the situation is as dire as you claimed, Luna,” Celestia said.

“It is dire. I have Celestia- well, my sister watching Canterlot in my stead. I had to make sure the Crystal Empire had as much support as it needed and more, so here I am. And with you and your element bearers, we should be able to fight back.”

“I’m here too,” Spike said.

“And of course you as well Spike. If anything, our battle will hinge on you and your strength.”

“Heh, I like the sound of that,” Spike said with an air of machismo.

“Wait, fight back? And a battle?” Rarity asked. “Princess Luna, what exactly are we to expect?”

“While I don’t have all the details yet, our scouts have reported a large army at the empire’s border… and… I’m sorry to say that; while not confirmed, the scouts claimed to have seen King Sombra among them.”

Celestia gasped, “What? Sombra is with- this is his army?”

“Well, not exactly,” Luna responded. “but he very well could be collaborating with-“

“Her majesty will see you now!”

The group was before a pair of crystal ponies guarding a large double door. The pair opened the doors with a creak giving away the door’s age and the rest trotted inside. Though, something was off. For starters, the throne room was dark, save for a few candles lighting the corners of the room. The buzzing noise returned louder than before. It seemed to slink through the black, waiting for a chance to strike.

“Eep!” Fluttershy jumped. “S-something moved!”

“AH! Our guests have arrived!” A regal voice rang out. Though light was at a minimum, the party could see something scurrying in the dark and then the sound of something hovering, making the ever-present buzzing noise.

All of a sudden heavy curtains were pulled back, brilliantly lighting the crystal room. The figure before them was hovering by the throne, with a wide, cheery smile showing off her sharp teeth. The figure flew higher and exclaimed with glee, “Welcome friends! To the Crystal Empire!”

The greeter was very familiar. Her mane was light green and bouncy, with hairs so fine it was as if it were silken thread. Her coat was dark gray, but it wasn’t really a coat per sé. It was more chitinous, smooth, and unblemished with segments at different points on her body. A black crown tipped with pink hearts rested comfortably on her head. She wore a purple shawl, fastened with a cute, heart-shaped brooch, with finely polished shoes matching her shawl. Her horn resembled a well-tempered blade and she had green eyes behind a pair of thin rimmed glasses. The more everypony looked at her, the more and more she looked like-

“Queen Chrysalis!?” Twilight and her friends exclaimed.

Author's Note:

Boy oh boy how long I've wanted to show you this chapter. We're finally taking our first steps into the Reflections Equestria. Everypony get your betting slips out on who you think our new elements are. Or just guess, you can do that too. Yes after a WAY LONGER BREAK THAN I HAD HOPED later, I'm finally feeling the creativity juices overflow and I'm ready to take advantage of it. I have a few more chapters lined up for this story, on my way to completing Over The Moon AND a fun side story for one of my favorite characters in this story.

As stated many moons ago, this arc is HUGELY based on the comic series, but my job is to make sure that even non-comic readers will be like, "oh, ok, I see what's going on," and not just a parade of fan service. But honestly any reason to include good King Sombra in a story is a noble one as far as I can tell.

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter, I love reading the comments.

As always, thanks for reading. See you next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit