• Published 28th May 2018
  • 8,674 Views, 1,156 Comments

Three Kittens, Two Unicorns, and a BANANA! - Tatsurou

Tempest Shadow finds herself added to a rather...despicable family. Perhaps things will turn out better this time around.

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Mall Madness

It wasn't long before arrangements were made, and Gru and a few Minions made their way to the mall to meet up with Lucy...with Tempest tagging along unnoticed in the back. Tempest's first impression of the mall was...nonplussed. It was a massive glass dome filled with shops turned inward, with the back walls of the shops cutting off interior views of the outside and vice-versa. It seemed less like a structure designed to be functional or stable and more like a set piece in a film meant to show off a new stage. The interior didn't raise her opinion much either. With how large and inefficient the displays for each shop were and how few customers were wandering around, it looked less like a mall - as TV had portrayed them - and more like an enclosed village market.

...to be perfectly honest, it looked like Ponyville upscale sized to humans with how bright and clashing the colors were. She tried to push that from her mind as she followed Gru inside past the fountain, keeping herself unnoticed by the simple expedient of wearing a fake mustache and a 'Service Animal' jacket. Somehow, this resulted in no one noticing the unicorn with a crystal horn wandering around the Mall, as long as Barry was at the other end of the leash. While she found it somewhat unnerving just how easy it was for people to ignore the inexplicable by accepting the rational, she did find it amusing no one noticed who held which end of the leash.

She was mildly amused to see that the outlet that had been set up for Gru to sell his jams and jellies was a combination music store/bakery with bagels, croissants, and other sweet breads to spread the jams and jellies on while listening to music as a means of enticing sales...with the store called "This is My Jam!" She supposed it was hardly the worst name that could have been used. As far as she was concerned, as long as Gru and Lucy got along, the rest was secondary. After all, Dewey had already started finance managing to keep the family and Minions afloat in case the jams and jellies business fell through, and he seemed to enjoy day trading. ...Tempest had promised herself not to investigate what Huey and Looee got up to as far as assisting in that endeavor when they were rarely at home and always dressed as ninjas in blue light-bending bodysuits. She hadn't the heart to tell them it made them look like Smurf Oompa Loompas.

The only point of interest that happened that day was Gru becoming convinced that one of the shop owners was in fact 'El Macho', one of the 'old great' villains who had apparently died but left no body behind. Tempest knew enough to know what that implied...especially since the report from the Minion Nefario had absconded with was that the secret base he was working at was covered with the logo of said 'El Macho'. She didn't know if the older man running the restaurant was El Macho, but El Macho was certainly active, and what better cover for such an operation than being presumed dead? She'd let Gru work it out if that was the case, though. It would give him more time to bond with Lucy.

Keeping her excursion to the mall to herself that night, Tempest was amused to see that Gru apparently had a night excursion with Lucy planned, though he was keeping mum about it. For someone not getting into all the Mission Impossible stuff, he sure seems to be getting into it, she mused to herself.

Before he could go, however, he had to help Agnes practice for her part in the Mother's Day play she was in. Tempest sat in...but quickly noticed something wrong. "Agnes, are you playing a robot child talking about its mother?"

"Uh...no?" Agnes offered in confusion.

"Then why are you talking like one?" Gru asked in confusion.

"Well..." Agnes began awkwardly, plainly unsure how to explain it.

"Because you don't know how to feel about praising a mother for all the things one is supposed to do for children when you've never had one?" Tempest inquired incisively.

"...yeah, that's it!" Agnes agreed happily, plainly glad she didn't have to figure out how to express it for herself.

"In that case, why not imagine Gru is your mother?" Tempest suggested impishly.

"Wait, what?" Gru demanded in shock.

"Yes, Grunhilda?" Tempest asked teasingly, enjoying the way Gru made choked expressions as he struggled to find a good counter to that argument...a state of being that faded almost immediately as Agnes performed her part with love and feeling that brought a tear to his eye.

"That was...very well done," Gru praised softly. "Now...get to bed, okay?" He turned to Tempest. "You too, Miss 'Mr. Service Animal'." He smirked at Tempest's shocked look. "You didn't think I'd overlook you just because of that mustache, did you?"

Tempest pouted as she allowed herself to be ushered to bed. "Everyone else did..." she grumbled.

Tempest was rather disappointed to learn the following morning that Gru had indeed become hooked on the 'Mission Impossible' style antics that Lucy's idea of 'spywork' got them into, and even more so that they thought the restaurant owner - even if he was El Macho - would actually keep a dangerous mutagenic chemical in his place of business. After all, said place of business was a restaurant, and no sane - or insane - chef put dangerous chemicals and food together if they wanted to keep customers.

While learning that Lucy's car could apparently turn into a plane, that revelation was somewhat overshadowed by even more Minions being absconded with by Nefario. That told Tempest that they were being abducted for one reason only: test subjects. She decided to keep her link to the Overthought more open, to see if Nefario working for El Macho was related to PX-41, and what effect it would have on the Minions linked to the Overthought. If she was right, it would only play to her - and thus the family's - advantage. If not, she could easily fix it. Either way, best to wait it out.