• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 7,983 Views, 398 Comments

Pewdiepie in Equestria - Regidar

After the Events of if smosh were ponies: Chapter 10, Pewdiepie has his own adventures.

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The Great Escape

Pewdiepie woke up one fine morning to find himself tied to a cavern wall.

"So, this is how we're goin' to start off the day, huh?"

Wiggling around, he had no luck trying to escape from the flimsy plastic that bound him. "Well dahm. I wish I had worked out a bit more now."

Looking down he found himself to be a pony.

"Hey! That's funny because I did an amnesia custom story about-"

"SHUT THE F**K UP!" yelled a pony that sounded a lot like Tobuscus.

"Oh, hey Tobuscus."

"Pewdiepie? Is that you?" The Tobuscus pony looked Pewdiepie up and down. "Jesus, you look like sh*t!"

Pewdiepie looked himself over. He did not look like any sort of fecal matter, but rather like a slightly beat up pony from the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Television Show. He proceeded to point this out to Tobuscus.

"I don't look like any sort of fecal matter, but rather like-"

"I know, I know. I read the narration."


"Foreshadowing. Anyway, do you have any idea why we're down here?"

"Well, I would think we were being held captive for a demonic ritual to placate some hilarious sounding demonic entity, but that's just-"

A white unicorn wearing ritual robes walked over and stuffed a dirty sock in Tobuscus's mouth. "Well, well, well, Tony. Looks like you'll be getting some time in the spotlight tonight!" The unicorn dragged Tobuscus up to the ceremonial altar where she removed the dirty sock.

"Now now. Don't fight it! It'll only hurt for a seconds, and then you'll die."

"OH GOD, SOME HELP ME!" Tobsuscus screamed as he tried to wiggled himself free.

"Vespa?" Pewdiepie suggested.

The white one giggled. "It's always more fun when they scream!" Taking a sacrificial knife with magic that emanated from her horn, the unicorn plunged the cutting utensil into Tobuscus stomach and proceeded to cut him open. "Lord Shmooz will be pleased!"

Pewdiepie laughed to himself. "Huh, whatya know. I was right."

Then he realized the situation he was in.


Looking back up, he saw a pegasus with emo hair quickly fly over to hide behind the sacrificial altar while the white one untied a turquoise unicorn.

Staring blankly at the scene that unfolded, Pewdiepie watched as an amazing battle unfolded before him. If you really want details, take your lazy ass over to chapter 9 of "If Smosh were Ponies".

Then, the white one known as "Rarity" untied Pewdiepie.

"Oh thank Jeebus, I thought I was gonna die!"

The white one laughed. "Well, I hope there are no hard feelings toward us. At least we didn't kill you or anything like that."

Pewdiepie laughed and exited the cavern.

Outside, the grass was shining, the birds were singing, and someone had put a barrel right in front of him.


Kicking the barrel, he hurt his hoof immensly. "OW! Jesus Christ!"

Falling to the ground, Pewdiepie rolled around, clutching his hoof. A grey pegasus landed next to him. "You need some-"

Pewdiepie stared at the pegasus. "Ah cahn smell the barrels on yah!"

The grey pegasus narrowed her eyes. "So it begins..."

She flew away, leaving Pewdiepie stranded. "Eh! Come bahk here!"

"Screw you!"

Pewdiepie narrowed his eyes and dragged himself into town.