• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 7,982 Views, 398 Comments

Pewdiepie in Equestria - Regidar

After the Events of if smosh were ponies: Chapter 10, Pewdiepie has his own adventures.

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The Journey Begins

Pewdiepie walked through the Palace doors. "Oh god, I have a bad experience with castles." Looking to his left, he saw a suit of armour that would have fit a pony quite well.

"UNTRUSTED STATUE!" Pewdiepie grabbed a helmet and threw it at the wall. Meanwhile, Princess Celestia stared at him awkwardly while he did this to the rest of the statues in the hall.

"Um, Luna? Some pony is picking up our statue heads and throwing them everywhere." Luna stopped right in her tracks. She was in the middle of a Nex raid... but if there was somepony throwing helmets around...


Pewdiepie looked up to see a blue alicorn fly close to the speed of light directly into him. "WHADDAFUQ?"

Luna tackled the youtube star and hugged him. "First Smosh, and now you! This has been a fabulous week!" Pewdiepie squeaked as he felt the life being squeezed out of him.

"Can't... breath... life force... fading..." Pewdiepie gasped as Luna's grasp became tighter.

"Oh! Sorry." Luna released Pewdiepie, and he fell to the floor, gasping. "So, oh excellent god of the gaming world, what brings you here to my humble palace?"

"Actually, it's my palace, but-" Celestia began, but Luna shoved her sister into a nearby closet.

"Anyway, magnificent Pewdiepie, why hath thou- I mean, why are you here?"

Pewdiepie picked himself off the floor. "I dunno, I just woke up in Equestria this morning. But, I am here on an epic quest. I must- what the hell are you doing?"

Luna was licking Pewdiepie's face and horn. "You taste like a Cherry Flavored Lollipop!"

Pewdiepie stared at Luna for a second, then continued one. "Anyway, I'm on an epic mission to destroy the barrels." Upon hearing this, Luna stopping likcing his face, and stood at attention.

"I would be honored to join you on this quest!"

Pewdiepie levitated the book of Barrel Slaying over to Luna. "I chose you because you once owned this book. You will be an asset on our adventure."

Luna sighed, reminiscing. "Ah yes. That and a single red crayon was all I had on me at the time of my banishment. So, I memorized the book, and rationed out the crayon to keep me from starving."

"Wow, one red cryaon? How long were you banished for?"

"1000 years."

Pewdiepie grimaced. "Ouch. That's a little harsh. What did you do?"

"Oh, the official story is that I tried to make eternal night, but what I actually did is save over Tia's Half-Life game."

"Oh. Well then that's understandable."

Luna and Pewdiepie walked up to Luna's room where she slammed the door shut, locked it, and spread herself on the bed. "This is the part where we engage in coitus, correct?"

Pewdiepie looked visibly disturbed. "What? No!" Luna unlocked the door.

"Fine... what are we to do now, though?"

Pewdiepie looked around Luna's room. Various posters of Him and Tobuscus adorned the room. "I find this only slightly creepy..."

Luna went over to her computer, logged out of Runescape, closed the tab and one that had Penny Arcade webcomics currently open, and shut off the computer. "I predict we may be gone for a while, and Tia got really angry when I forogt to turn off the computer the last time I went out for a while a raked up a huge electricity bill."

"Wait, aren't you bros the princesses? Why do you have to pay the electric bill?"

"Please do not question our economy."

Pewdiepie shrugged, and went about Luna's room gathering things one might need for an epic journey. Like any gamer, Luna had large amounts of Mountain Dew and doritos stored in various places that were easy to reach during a raid or boss fight. Pewdie levitated a saddlebag that was hanging on the closet door, and stocked up on these essential items. Luna did the same, but also added one other important thing.

"It's my lucky Xbox controller. You know, for good luck."

"That sentence totally wasn't redundant or anything." Pewdiepie got a faceful of hoof for that remark.

"Tia, me and Pewdie are going on an epic quest. If we're gone for more than a few weeks, assume we died!" Luna called out as the two left the palace.

A shadow of a mare was cast over the two as they left. "Who's there?" Pewdiepie looked around, while Luna checked under a rock.

All that was there was a single muffin.

"That's forboding and an obvious clue that somepony is trying to stop us. Let's ignore it!" Pewdiepie and Luna trotted off happily.

Derpy facehoofed.