• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 21st, 2013


MLP fan fics = awesome, and one reason is because i like reading, a lot, kinda like twilight XD


Making a New story! · 1:21pm Jul 4th, 2012

That's right, making a new story never gets old! since my last story failed moderation "The Government Experiment" I'm making a new one, I'm not telling the title or what's it's about, because I'm very, very, very worried that someone will steal my idea, I'm only telling one thing, It's about Twilight ;) well, until then, keep reading on fimfiction :D

Report meowcatz · 332 views ·
Comments ( 8 )
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109998 GONE FOR SO LONG? NOW READ PONIES :pinkiehappy:

:pinkiesick: ugh ive been gone for so long :pinkiesick:

68526 ohhh ok i see what you mean

its that story you posted a comment on remember? Or are you faking amnesia? cuz i dont want to cut ur head open to look in that mind of urs

64720 the inevitable? idk what that is XD

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