• Published 14th Jun 2012
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus - moviemaster8510

An aspiring duelist's life changes forever when the world of Equestria appears near Earth.

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Chapter 2: Questioning

Alex woke up in a hospital bed with Tom, Sarah, and Mrs. Emmitt on his bedside. The TV had only one thing on its mind: the planet that appeared over Earth. Upon seeing the fluttering of his eyes, Mrs. Emmitt rushed to Alex and hugged him tightly, accidently pressing on his bruises.

“Uhh…” moaned Alex painfully.

“Sorry, dear,” apologized Mrs. Emmitt.

“What happened?”

“Nothing much,” said Tom. “You and Reese disappeared in a ball of light and reappeared ten minutes later covered in cuts and bruises. Oh yeah, and there’s another planet hovering above ours right now. Same old, same old.”

“Thomas,” scolded Mrs. Emmitt.

“It’s okay, Mrs. Emmitt,” reassured Alex. “What happened to Reese?”

“Him?” answered Tom. “In a hospital bed like you. Don’t know if he’s up yet though.”

The thought of Reese being injured because of the duel was never something that he wanted to happen. It was just supposed to be a regular duel.

“By the way,” said Mrs. Emmitt, “some men wanted to talk with you.”

Some men? thought Alex.

A news camera crew and a few military officers came into the room. The presence of the military always made Alex nervous, but he figured since he was one of two people who knew more than anyone what happened, he figured it was fair that he gave them some answers.

“Hello, Alexander,” said a bald, muscular African-American in formal army garb. “Do you mind if I call you that?”

“Alex is fine, sir.”

“Alright, Alex. My name is Sergeant Luke. I’d like to ask you a few questions.”

“I’m sure you would, but can you promise me something.”


“I don’t want you or any other military group going and raising hell on that planet. The creatures on that planet were very scared of us when we got there.”

“You were on that planet?”

“I would believe so sir.”

“Please tell me everything you remember.” Sergeant Luke listened intently.

“Me and a classmate of mine, Reese Miller, were dueling at our school. In the middle of the duel, we were whisked away by this ball of light. The next thing I knew, I was in this town full of what looked like… tiny horses. The strange thing was that all the horses were all different colors. And I don’t mean like chestnut, black, like normal horse colors. I mean some were yellow, some were blue, you know, pastel colors.”

Sergeant Luke was very fascinated.

“When the horses saw Reese and I, they broke and ran for cover except for one. It was a purple unicorn. She was-”

“Wait,” interrupted Sergeant Luke. “Did you say unicorn?”

“I did. She had a horn right on her head.” Sergeant Luke had heard something that he’d never expected, so he took a while to contemplate it.

“Can you tell us what she looked like? Give me as many details as you can.”

“Her coat was… light purple. She had a darker purple mane and tail. Another thing was that she had a pink and a light purple streak running through both her tail and mane. Lastly, there looked to be what looked like a star tattooed on her… rump.”

“Thank you,” said Luke. “Please continue.”

Alex told them about the duel, from the real damage that they took, to the new card that appeared in their extra decks, which Luke asked them to see. Tom had taken Alex’s D-Pad off of him when they arrived at the hospital. He handed his friend his deck box. Alex searched for the card until he finally came across it. Jade Wyvern.

“May I see it?” requested Luke.

Alex handed the card. Despite his growing trust for this man, Alex still didn't feel safe letting this card out of his grasp for much longer.

“What is this?” asked Luke.

“I don’t know, sir. I just found this card on me during the duel while I was on that planet. May I please have it back?

“Okay,” said Luke, giving Alex his card. “Let’s get back to the story then.”

Alex explained that he won the duel, and just before he was sent back to earth, the unicorn tried to help him, even saying, “Wait,” as he left.

“So what you’re telling me is that this planet is inhabited by sentient, talking ponies?”

“That sounds like the long and short of it.” The sergeant stood, his other crew members joining him.

“Thank you, Mr. Yuwell. You have been most helpful.” Sergeant Luke then pulled a business card from his pocket and handed it to Alex. “If you need anything, stay in touch.”

They left without another word.

“Was all of what you said true,” asked Mrs. Emmitt, who could hardly believe a word of what Alex just said.

“Every word. Plus, I’m too scared of the military to lie to them like that.” Soon a swarm of news cameras surrounded Alex as reporters and journalists questioned Alex about the details.

It was close to nighttime when the last of the interviewers left and Alex was told he could go home since his injuries weren’t severe enough to keep him there. As Alex and his family walked down the halls to the elevator, they happened to see Reese in the hallway with a bottle of water.

“Hey,” called Reese, stopping them. “I need to give Alex something… as promised.”

Alex was given a piece of paper from Reese’s pocket. Upon unfolding it, Alex found that it was the tournament voucher.

“I didn’t trust Rich to give you the voucher had you won, so I took it, planning to keep it if I had won or give it to you if you did. But I am a man of my word. Good game, Alex.”

He began walking back to his room.

“Hey,” called back Alex. “Let’s duel again sometime.”

Reese simply responded with a wave. Tom looked stunned.

“You… beat Reese?” asked Tom. Alex nodded. Tom slammed Alex’s back with his hand with a, “You are awesome!” Alex winced and hissed as the hand hit one of his bruises. “Oops. Sorry.”

When Alex, Tom, Sarah, and Mrs. Emmitt came back to the house, all Alex wanted to do was sleep. He had reviews in the morning for final tests during the next week. It didn’t matter if there was another planet orbiting around the earth with a populace of talking ponies, his normal teenager life and duties would resume as normal. As Alex wearily climbed up the stairs, he opened his door hoping to see his comfy bed. Instead, he was greeted by six of the equine aliens that he saw on the other planet.

“Howdy,” said an orange one with a cowboy hat who, unsurprisingly, spoke in a deep southern accent. “I reckon this is your house?” Alex fainted.

“Alex?” called Mrs. Emmitt.

She ran up the stairs to see if her, for lack of a better term, son was okay. Before she could get to him, the same orange pony ran to Alex's side from his room to see if he was alright. Mrs. Emmitt screamed at the sight of this alien and tried to push her away from him, but something was blocking her: a forcefield being generated by a purple unicorn’s horn, the same unicorn that Alex saw during his duel with Reese. A white unicorn with a curled purple mane and tail used her horn’s magic to lift Alex from the floor and to his bedroom.

“No!” cried Mrs. Emmitt. “Please don’t hurt him!”

“Simmer down, Miss,” said the orange pony. “We ain’t gonna hurt your son. We promise.”

“What are you doing to him?” asked Tom, having ran up to see the commotion with Sarah.

“Don’t worry. He just got an awful fright after he saw us, so we’re putting him to bed.”

“Wait,” called a pink pony with a frizzled pink mane and tail. “He’s waking up!”

“Are we all good?” asked the cowgirl pony to the woman.

“Yes, please let me see him!” she begged.

Twilight stopped the forcefield, letting Mrs. Emmitt and her children pass. The ponies left a spot for the three humans to watch as Alex woke up. He opened his eyes to find himself on his bed, the six ponies crowded around him. Alex was about to scream for help when his mother tried comforting him.

“It’s okay, Alex. They’re not going to harm you.”

Mrs. Emmitt’s hands on Alex’s body soothed him significantly. Alex then noticed the purple unicorn from his duel with Reese.

“Hey,” he whispered, “you’re that one from my duel.”

She chuckled innocently, bringing Alex into fuller ease.

“I’m glad you remember me,” she said, “but I don’t know what this ‘duel’ you speak of is. In fact, before we get anywhere, let’s introduce ourselves to you. My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

The pink pony was next.

“I’m Pinkie Pie.”

Then the cowgirl pony.


She was followed by the white unicorn.


Next, a blue pegasus.

“I’m Rainbow Dash.”

Lastly, a pegasus with a yellow coat and long pink mane sounded off.

“I’m Fluttershy.” Her voice was quieter than the others, obviously a little nervous around these new creatures.

“Yes,” said Mrs. Emmitt, “My name is Carolyn, and these are my two children Tom and Sarah.”

Tom and Sarah gave nervous waves.

“It’s nice to meet you all,” said Twilight. “And you’re Alex I presume?”

“Yes,” he confirmed.

“Aren’t you Carolyn’s son as well?”

“Not exactly. You see, my parents died a while ago, so my friend Tom convinced my mom to let me live with him in his family.”

“I’m… so sorry to hear that. At least you have the support of such great friends.”

“I’d like to ask you something now,” said Alex. “Why are you here? I mean, how did your planet come near ours like that?”

“Your guess is as good as mine, Alex. Our lives were going on as normal, just as yours presumably was, and you just appeared out of the blue, and then we find that we’re orbiting another planet.”

“What about this? Tom, my deck.”

Tom ran downstairs and grabbed Alex’s deck case, bringing it back up and giving it to him.

“This card appeared in my deck when I dueled Reese.”

He showed Twilight the Jade Wyvern card.

“Oh dear,” she gasped, drooping her ears.

“What is it?” asked Carolyn.

“It’s just like I thought. Alex, right now, you hold the physical embodiment of one of the Stones of Equus.”

“Stones of Equus?”

“Let me explain. One of the greatest wizards of all time in our world, Starswirl the Bearded, has done many great things in his life. One of them was the creation of the Stones of Equus. He devised an army comprised of different monsters and creatures and sealed them away in stone deep inside the Equus Caverns, so that when needed in times of peril, they would awaken and assist the ponies of Equestria, our country.”

Alex's head was swimming with questions. Wizards? Monsters? Equus Caverns? Equestria? As much as he wanted answers, he wanted to focus on the dilemma at hand.

“So why did they come to me? And Reese for that matter?”

“When our world appeared near yours, and you and that Reese fellow appeared in our home world, the Stones must have sensed danger and came to assist you both.”

“Are there more of these stones?”

“Yes. Most of them have mysteriously vanished, but some still remain. They haven’t found owners yet, but they will in time. Our leader, Princess Celestia, sent us down here to find you. We have to try and find these owners when they appear so we can stop whoever or whatever brought us here.”

“Wait a second. Who’s this 'we' stuff?”

“It seems that the Stones are taking the form of these cards which can only be summoned through the use of that game you were playing. If we hope to stand any chance in finding these other Stones, we need your assistance in finding them.”

“You know, I could always teach you the game.”

“You’d… do that for us?”

“Well, like you said, ‘We have to find these owners,’ the key word being ‘we.’"

“Really? So you’ll do it?”

“Do I even have any choice in the matter?”

"I'm afraid not."

"Then I guess I'm in for one crazy summer."

Alex was then surprised by a group hug by all of the ponies, happy that they had assistance with them.

“Excuse me,” said Tom, tapping Twilight on the shoulder after the hug was finished.

“What is it, Tom?”

“Would you be opposed to me joining you guys? Alex is my friend after all and I want to be with him every step of the way.”

“You really are a great friend, aren’t you? The answer is yes. We’d love for you to assist us.”

"Welcome to the club,” called Rainbow Dash to Tom. She then held her wing out to him. Tom was unsure of what to do

“Smack it, dude” she explained.

Tom opened his palm and gave the pegasus a high five.

“That’s what I’m talking about!”

Carolyn was stunned to see how peaceful these creatures really were. In just five minutes, they became friends with Alex and her own son.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Sparkle,” said Carolyn “my children have school tomorrow, and they need their rest.”

“But of course,” gasped Twilight, “what was I thinking? Yes, let’s get to bed. There’s nothing more important than being prepared for your studies.”

“Wait,” said Rarity. “Where are we supposed to sleep?”

“You could sleep with us,” suggested Alex. “There’s enough room on everyone’s beds to accommodate a couple of you per bed.”

“That sounds great!” said Pinkie Pie. “It will be like a slumber party!”

“Awesome!” called Rainbow Dash. “I call bunking with Tom.”

She quickly sped to Tom’s side.

“I reckon I’ll go with Tom too,” said Applejack.

Sarah seemed to enjoy Pinkie’s abundant happiness and Fluttershy’s cuteness, so she asked them both if they would like to sleep in her bed, to which they happily agreed. Twilight and Rarity slept with Alex. Despite being the size of an large dog, they fit nicely on the beds, a human getting half of the bed while two ponies shared quarters of the bed.

“Um…” stammered Carolyn, trying to make it sound as normal as she could to a group of extra-terrestrial ponies, “good night.”

All at once, the ponies said, “Good night,” to her. The lights turned off, and the ponies snuggled in their new beds. Alex turned on his stomach and laid his head on the pillow. The only thing he watched was Twilight as she snoozed before Alex dozed off as well.

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